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Alibaba Mail:Email Archive

Last Updated:Sep 19, 2023

This topic describes email archive.


As a means for enterprises to communicate internally and externally, with the continuous improvement of usage rate, enterprises regard email data as a key protection object. Compared with the previous email, which mainly focuses on backup, enterprises waste a lot of storage resources and subsequent data access time, which greatly increases the operating costs and risks of enterprises. Through mail archive function, operating costs and risks can be greatly reduced, so that emails can be effectively saved and used. Users can independently choose whether to open the email archive function, and can be based on email accounts, senders, recipients, keywords and time range for query, provide the export of query results and even as an effective legal basis. And mail archive is to centrally archive the body of enterprise user mailboxes during the business development process, and keep them for a certain period of time according to relevant laws and regulations. When necessary, you can search the archived mail and export the required mail. Meanwhile, obtain historical email information or use it as litigation evidence.


In this context, Alibaba Mail has launched the Email Archive service, which can operate online archiving, classified management, archived mail query and email data save. At present, the Email archiving function only supports additional payment. If you need this function, please contact BD or pre-sales personnel to purchase.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is a regulation established by the U.S. legislature based on corporate and securities regulatory issues exposed by financial fraud such as Enron Limited and World Communications Corporation, referred to as the SOX Act.

The "Sarbanes-Oxley Act" promulgated by the United States is essentially to protect investors in the securities market, and the initial email archive officially refers to the measures related to the archiving of corporate emails under the Sebans Act. With the continuous improvement of the market and regulatory system, real-time recording and preservation of email exchanges and non-tampered archiving services have brought reliable data dependence for enterprises, and even email can become legal evidence.

Chinese SOX Act

In order to ensure the integrity and availability of data and information, the National Archives Administration of China issued relevant documents in 2005, stipulating standardized procedures and management rules for the writing, transmission, identification, archiving, sorting, transfer and storage of official emails. And on June 28th, 2008, the Ministry of Finance, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the National Audit Office, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly issued the "Basic Standards for Enterprise Internal Control", which strongly regulates that enterprises must provide measures to preserve operating data and reduce operating risks.

1. Open Archive

Only the Archive administrator can enable /disable the Email Archive function, query archived mail, and enable the third-party archiving connection. By default, the postmaster account does not have permissions related to the archive function. The postmaster can assign the Archive administrator role to employee accounts. The postmaster or Archive administrator can use "Reports->Behavior Query-> Archive Log" to query audit logs.

Email Archive service is disabled by default. To enable this feature after purchase, please log on to the domain management page by Archive administrator account, go to Advanced> Email Archive> Archive Management> Enable Mail archiving service> Save.


2. Archive Summary

  • Number of archives: the total number of email addresses that can be activated by an enterprise.

  • Number of open archives: the number of email addresses that have been activated by the enterprise.

  • Archive retention: The default retention period of email archive service is 5 years.

  • Last turned on time: the last open time of the email archive service.

  • Last closed time: The last time the email archive service was shut down.

  • Archive administrator: the name of the email archive service administrator.

  • Archive status: The current status of the email archive service.

3. Query Archived Email

Use Archive administrator account to login Alibaba Mail and enter the domain management page, click Advanced-> Email Archive-> Archive search, fill the Archive Account, Sender/Recipient Address, keywords, Time Range, Keyword Range, query Department and Subdepartment, and click Search.

Note: The query conditions except the Time Range is required, other are not required.


Query Conditions:

Archive Account: refers to the email account for querying the archive;

Sender Address: sender of archived emails;

Recipient Address: the recipient of the archived emails;

Keywords: the keyword criteria for searching emails, and the scope is limited by "Keyword Range";

Time Range: The time range of the archived email searched;

Keyword Range: you can choose the Subject, Body and attachment;

Department: you can select the department to search for and select whether the added department contains subdepartments.

4. View and Export Archived Emails

After searching for the queried archived emails, archive administrator can export them in batches or in a single email. Click the View button to view the content.

Note: The exported emails is in the original eml. format.


5. Query Archived Log

View archived emails: use Archive administrator account to login Alibaba Mail and enter the domain management page, click Behavior Query-> Archive Log-> select the Administrator and Time Range, and perform accurate query based on Keywords and Types. To query or download specific emails, please query in Advanced-> Email Archive-> Archive search.


6. Third-party Archive Interconnection

Set the password of POP3 account: use Archive administrator account to login Alibaba Mail and enter the domain management page, click Advanced-> Email Archive-> Other archive-> open POP Service->fill the Password and Confirm Password-> Click Save. Configure this archive account on the third-party client and use the archive server address. After the configuration is completed, the archived emails will be received locally.

Note: If the third-party client software does not retain emails on server, then related archived emails will be deleted. Please choose carefully.



  • The validity period of email archive:

The Alibaba Mail email archive service is valid for 5 years. For users in the email service, email archiving can be stored for up to 5 years. Archived emails that exceed the specified period will be automatically deleted. The email archive service terminates with the mailbox service. All archived emails will be deleted and no longer continue to be saved. You can extend the retention period for payment. For more information, please contact pre-sales consultation.

  • Archiving Rules:

1. Separate emails only archive one email.

2. Only one email sent to multiple people at the same time is archived.

3. Archive multiple emails sent to multiple people separately.

4. Monitored emails are not archived.

5. Automatic forwarding, automatic reply, and spam emails will be archived.

6. Emails that are automatically deleted due to set rules will be archived.

7. System notification emails will be archived.

8. Users with outbound restrictions send emails to external or internal accounts, the successfully sent emails will be archived.

9. If the external domain sends emails to the outbound restricted accounts, those that have not been successfully received will not be archived.

10. Emails in deleted or disabled email accounts will still be archived.

11. The emails deleted by users will still be archived.

12. Only administrators can view archived emails. After the email archive service is disabled, new emails for users are no longer archived and saved, and historically archived emails will be saved during the archiving period.

13. Email archive service supports downloading /batch downloading and viewing emails.

14. Email archive service supports downloading and viewing attachments in archived emails. Archived emails cannot be deleted.

15. Supports the operating log for archive service.

16. Support for third-party archiving services.