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ActionTrail:Monitoring and logging

Last Updated:Dec 10, 2024

Monitoring and logging can ensure the availability of your ActionTrail resources and the normal operation and health status of your services. You can use monitoring services to collect metric data. Alibaba Cloud provides various monitoring and audit-related services, such as CloudMonitor, to help you monitor the system events of ActionTrail in real time and notify you when abnormal events occur.

CloudMonitor Basic

ActionTrail is integrated with CloudMonitor Basic. You can use ActionTrail free of charge. CloudMonitor Basic allows you to monitor the trail status and event delivery status in real time. You can create subscription policies for system events and configure custom alert notifications. To create a subscription policy for system events, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Event Center > Event Subscription.

  3. On the Subscription Policy tab, click Create Subscription Policy.

  4. On the Create Subscription Policy page, configure the parameters:

    • Basic information: Enter a name for the subscription policy.

    • Alert Subscription: Set Subscription Type to System events. In the Subscription Scope section, set Products to ActionTrail, Event Type to Trail, and Event name to Trail:Delivery:OSS:Fail, Trail:Delivery:SLS:Fail, Trail:Removed, and Trail:Stopped. Do not configure Event Level, Application grouping, Event Content, or Event Resources. This way, the system events of ActionTrail for all application groups within the account are subscribed to.


      For more information about system events supported by ActionTrail, see ActionTrail .

    • Combined noise reduction: Use the default settings.

    • Notification: Select a notification configuration policy. For more information, see Manage notification configurations.

      When you create a notification configuration, enter a notification configuration name, set Notification settings to Set the notification group directly, select an alert contact group from the Contact Group drop-down list, and then click OK.


      CloudMonitor automatically sends alert notifications based on the notification methods for the alert contacts in the specified alert contact group. For example, if you specify a mobile number and an email address for an alert contact and use the default notification method as the custom notification method, the alert contact receives only alert phone calls, text messages, and emails.

    • Push and Integration: Leave this section empty. For more information about how to create a push channel, see Manage push channels.

  5. Click Submit.

    When the system events of ActionTrail meet alert conditions, CloudMonitor automatically sends an alert notification to the alert contacts in the alert contact group.