Domains is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the user-initiated events that are generated when you manage Domains resources. ActionTrail can deliver user-initiated events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and troubleshoot issues.
ActionTrail records the user-initiated events that are generated when you manage cloud resources by calling API operations or in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the user-initiated events of Domains that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event | Description |
AcceptDemand | A request for purchasing a registered domain name is accepted, and the customer is contacted. |
AcknowledgeTaskResult | The detailed task results are confirmed. |
BatchFuzzyMatchDomainSensitiveWord | Sensitive words are checked in multiple domain names based on the specified parameters. |
BidDomain | A single domain name is bid. |
BrokerdDemandList | The requests for purchasing registered domain names are queried. |
BrokerDemandAllInfo | The details of a request for purchasing a registered domain name are queried. |
BrokerDemandOrder | An order for purchasing a registered domain name is placed. |
BrokerSendAuthCode | A verification code is sent for purchasing a registered domain name. |
BrokerSubmitInfo | A request for purchasing a registered domain name is posted. |
CancelDomainVerification | The real-name verification for a domain name is canceled. |
CancelOperationAudit | The request for offline review is canceled. |
CancelQualificationVerification | The qualification review for a domain name is canceled. |
CancelTask | An ongoing task is canceled. |
CheckDomain | A domain name is checked whether it can be registered. |
CheckDomainStatus | The sale status of a domain name is queried. |
CheckDomainSunriseClaim | Trademark words are queried for a domain name. |
CheckMaxYearOfServerLock | The maximum validity period for which a domain name can be purchased or renewed is queried. The maximum validity period is specified in a registry lock. |
CheckProcessingServerLockApply | The in-process requests for applying registry locks are queried. |
CheckTransferInFeasibility | A domain name is checked whether it can be transferred to Alibaba Cloud. |
ConfirmTransferInEmail | The email address of the account to which a domain name is to be transferred is confirmed. |
CreateFixedPriceDemandOrder | An order for purchasing a domain name at a fixed price is created. |
CreateOrder | An order for purchasing a domain name is created. |
DeleteContactTemplate | A registrant profile is deleted. |
DeleteContactTemplates | Registrant profiles are deleted. |
DeleteDomainGroup | A domain name group is deleted. |
DeleteEmailVerification | A verified email address is deleted. |
DeleteRegistrantProfile | A registrant profile is deleted. |
EmailVerified | An email address is added to the whitelist. |
FailDemand | Failed to process a request. |
FinishDemand | A request for purchasing a domain name is processed. |
FixedPriceDomainInfo | The details of an on-sale domain name are queried. |
FixedPrice | A fixed price is published. |
FuzzyMatchDomainSensitiveWord | Sensitive words are checked for a domain name. |
GetOperationOssUploadPolicy | The OSS upload policy for offline review is queried. |
GetQualificationUploadPolicy | The authorization policy is queried based on the SaleID. |
GetReserveDomainUrl | The download URL of domain name registration data is queried. |
GetWhoisInfo | The WHOIS information of a domain name is queried. |
ListEmailVerification | The email addresses that are verified and to be verified are queried. |
ListServerLock | The information about registry locks is queried. |
LookupTmchNotice | The information about Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) is queried. |
PublishAuctionDomain | A domain name is published for auction. |
PublishFixedPriceDomain | A domain name is published with a fixed price. |
PurchaseIntlDomain | A pre-release domain name is purchased on the international site ( |
QueryAdvancedDomainList | Domain names are searched by using the advanced search feature. |
QueryArtExtension | The extension information about a .art domain name is queried. |
QueryAuctionDetail | The status of a single domain name is queried. |
QueryAuctions | Domain names for auction are queried by page. |
QueryBatchTaskList | Domain name tasks within your Alibaba Cloud account are queried by page. |
QueryBidRecords | The bidding records of domain names are queried by page. Only the domain names that are bid can be queried. Bidding records are sorted in reverse order of the bidding sequence. |
QueryBookingDomainInfo | The information about a reserved domain name is queried. Only the information about pre-release domain names can be queried. Other types of domain names are not supported. |
QueryBrokerDemand | The details of a purchase request are queried. |
QueryBrokerDemandRecord | Communication records are queried. |
QueryChangeLogList | Operation logs within your Alibaba Cloud account are queried by page. |
QueryContact | The contact information of a domain name is queried. |
QueryContactInfo | The information about a contact of a domain name is queried. |
QueryContactTemplate | The domain name registrant profiles within your Alibaba Cloud account are queried. |
QueryDnsHost | The domain name system (DNS) host of a domain name is queried. |
QueryDomainAdminDivision | The administrative regions in China are queried. |
QueryDomainByDomainName | The information about domain names is queried by domain name. |
QueryDomainByInstanceId | The basic information of a domain name is queried by its instance ID. |
QueryDomainBySaleId | The basic information of a domain name is queried by its service ID. |
QueryDomainGroupList | Domain name groups are queried. |
QueryDomainList | Domain names within your Alibaba Cloud account are queried. |
QueryDomainRealNameVerificationInfo | The materials for real-name verification are queried. |
QueryDomainSuffix | Domain name suffixes are queried by using the advanced search feature. |
QueryDomainTransferStatus | The transfer status of a domain name is queried. |
QueryDSRecord | The delegation signer (DS) records of a domain name are queried. |
QueryEmailVerification | The verification result of an email address is queried. |
QueryEnsAssociation | The wallet address that is associated with an Ethereum name service (ENS) domain name is queried. |
QueryFailingReasonListForQualification | The reason why the qualification review failed is queried. |
QueryFailReasonForDomainRealNameVerification | The reason why the real-name verification failed is queried. |
QueryFailReasonForRegistrantProfileRealNameVerification | The reason why the real-name verification for a registrant profile failed is queried. |
QueryFailReasonList | The reason why the real-name verification for a domain name or a registrant profile failed is queried. |
QueryLocalEnsAssociation | The local wallet address that is associated with an ENS domain name is queried. |
QueryOperationAuditInfoDetail | The details of an offline review task are queried. |
QueryOperationAuditInfoList | Offline review tasks are queried. |
QueryOrder | The information about an order is queried. |
QueryQualificationDetail | The details of qualification review are queried. |
QueryRegistrantProfileRealNameVerificationInfo | The information about real-name verification for a registrant profile is queried. |
QueryRegistrantProfiles | Registrant profiles within your Alibaba Cloud account are queried. |
QueryServerLock | The details of a registry lock are queried. |
QueryTaskDetailHistory | The historical details of a domain name task are queried by page. |
QueryTaskDetailList | The details of a domain task are queried by page. |
QueryTaskInfoHistory | Historical domain name tasks within your Alibaba Cloud account are queried by page. |
QueryTaskList | Domain name tasks within your Alibaba Cloud account are queried by page. |
QueryTransferInByInstanceId | The transfer-in information about domain names is queried by instance ID. |
QueryTransferInList | The domain names that are transferred to Alibaba Cloud are queried. |
QueryTransferOutInfo | The transfer-out information about domain names is queried |
RecordDemand | Communication records are queried. |
RefuseDemand | An unreasonable request is rejected. |
RegistrantProfileRealNameVerification | A real-name verification request for a registrant profile is submitted. |
RequestPayDemand | A domain name and the transaction amount are confirmed, and an order is initiated. |
ResendEmailVerification | A verification email is resent to one or more email addresses. |
ReserveDomain | A domain name is reserved. Only pre-release domain names on the China site ( can be reserved. |
ResetQualificationVerification | The status of qualification review is reset. |
SaveBatchDomainRemark | The remarks of multiple domain names are saved. |
SaveBatchTaskForCreatingOrderActivate | A task is submitted to register multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveBatchTaskForCreatingOrderRedeem | A task is submitted to redeem multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveBatchTaskForCreatingOrderRenew | A task is submitted to renew multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveBatchTaskForDomainNameProxyService | A task is submitted to enable privacy protection for multiple domain names. |
SaveBatchTaskForModifyingDomainDns | A task is submitted to change the DNS servers of multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveBatchTaskForReserveDropListDomain | A task is submitted to reserve multiple domain names that are provided by HiChina. |
SaveBatchTaskForTransferProhibitionLock | A task is submitted to enable the transfer prohibition lock for multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveBatchTaskForUpdateProhibitionLock | A task is submitted to enable the update prohibition lock for multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveBatchTaskForUpdatingContactInfoByNewContact | A task is submitted to update the contact information for multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveBatchTaskForUpdatingContactInfoByRegistrantProfileId | Submits a task to modify the information about multiple domain names at a time. |
SaveContactTemplate | A registrant profile is created or saved. |
SaveContactTemplateCredential | The real-name verification information for a registrant profile is saved. |
SaveDomainGroup | A domain name group is saved. |
SaveRegistrantProfile | A registrant profile is created or updated. |
SaveRegistrantProfileRealNameVerification | The real-name verification information for a domain name is saved. |
SaveSingleTaskForAddingDSRecord | A task is submitted to create a DS record for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForApprovingTransferOut | A task is submitted to confirm a transfer-out request for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForAssociatingEns | A task is submitted to associate an ENS wallet address with a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForCancelingTransferIn | A task is submitted to cancel a transfer-in request for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForCancelingTransferOut | A task is submitted to cancel a transfer-out request for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForCreatingDnsHost | A task is submitted to create a single DNS host. |
SaveSingleTaskForCreatingOrderActivate | A task is submitted to register a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForCreatingOrderRedeem | A task is submitted to redeem a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForCreatingOrderRenew | A task is submitted to renew a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForDeletingDnsHost | A task is submitted to delete a DNS host. |
SaveSingleTaskForDeletingDSRecord | A task is submitted to delete a DS record of a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForDomainNameProxyService | A task is submitted to enable privacy protection for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForModifyingDnsHost | A task is submitted to modify a DNS host. |
SaveSingleTaskForModifyingDSRecord | A task is submitted to modify a DS record of a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForQueryingTransferAuthorizationCode | A task is submitted to obtain the transfer key of a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForSaveArtExtension | A task is submitted to configure the extension information about a .art domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForSynchronizingDnsHost | A task is submitted to synchronize information about a DNS host. |
SaveSingleTaskForSynchronizingDSRecord | A task is submitted to synchronize the DS records of a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForTransferProhibitionLock | A task is submitted to enable the transfer prohibition lock for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForUpdateProhibitionLock | A task is submitted to enable the update prohibition lock for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForUpdatingContactInfo | A task is submitted to modify the information about a domain name. |
SaveTaskForModifyingDomainDns | A task is submitted to change the DNS server of a domain name. |
SaveTaskForSubmittingDomainDelete | A task is submitted to delete a domain name. |
SaveTaskForSubmittingDomainNameCredentialByTemplateId | A real-name verification task for a domain name is submitted. |
SaveTaskForSubmittingDomainRealNameVerificationByIdentityCredential | A real-name verification task for a domain name is submitted. |
SaveTaskForSubmittingDomainRealNameVerificationByRegistrantProfileID | A real-name verification task for a domain name is submitted by using the ID of a registrant profile. |
SaveTaskForUpdatingContactByTemplateId | A task is submitted to modify the information about a contact. |
SaveTaskForUpdatingRegistrantInfoByIdentityCredential | A task is submitted to modify the information about multiple registrant contacts. |
SaveTaskForUpdatingRegistrantInfoByRegistrantProfileID | A task is submitted to modify the information about a registrant contact. |
ScrollDomainList | Domain names are displayed by page. |
SendAuthCode | A verification code is sent. |
SetDefaultRegistrantProfile | A registrant profile is set as the default profile. |
SubmitEmailVerification | A verification email is sent to one or more email addresses. |
SubmitOperationAuditInfo | An offline review task is submitted. |
SubmitOperationCredentials | The materials for self-service business are submitted for review. |
TransferInCheckMailToken | The token that is sent to the email address of a domain name registrant is verified. |
TransferInRefetchWhoisEmail | The email address that is used to transfer a domain name to Alibaba Cloud is verified. |
TransferInResendMailToken | A verification email is resent for transferring a domain name to Alibaba Cloud. |
UpdateAuctionSeparate | The information about a domain name for auction is updated. |
UpdateDomainToDomainGroup | A domain name is added to a domain name group. |
UpdateSeparate | The publishing information is modified. |
VerifyEmail | An email verification request is submitted. |
WhoisProtection | Privacy protection is enabled for a domain name. |
SaveSingleTaskForDisassociatingEns | A task is submitted to disassociate an ENS address from a domain name. |