Container Registry is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the user-initiated events that are generated when you manage Container Registry resources. ActionTrail can deliver user-initiated events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and troubleshoot issues.
ActionTrail records the user-initiated events that are generated when you manage cloud resources by calling API operations or in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the user-initiated events of Container Registry that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event | Description |
CancelArtifactBuildTask | An artifact build task is canceled. |
CancelInstanceMigrateTask | An instance migration task is canceled. |
CancelRepoBuild | An image build task is canceled for a repository. |
CancelRepoBuildRecord | An image build record is canceled. |
Create | A Container Registry instance is purchased on the buy page. |
CreateBuildRecordByRule | An image build record is created based on a rule. |
CreateChain | A delivery chain is created. |
CreateChartNamespace | A chart namespace is created in an instance. |
CreateChartRepository | A chart repository is created. |
CreateEventCenterRule | An event rule is created. |
CreateExemptVul | A vulnerability is added to the whitelist. |
CreateInstanceEndpointAclPolicy | A whitelist of IP addresses that are allowed to access an instance from the Internet is created. |
CreateInstanceMigrateRule | An instance migration rule is created. |
CreateInstanceMigrateTask | An instance migration task is created. |
CreateInstanceVpcEndpointLinkedVpc | A virtual private cloud (VPC) is associated with an instance. |
CreateNamespace | A namespace is created. |
CreateRepo | A repository is created. |
CreateRepoBuildRule | An image build rule is created for an image repository. |
CreateRepository | An image repository is created. |
CreateRepoSourceCodeRepo | A source code repository is bound to an image repository. |
CreateRepoSyncRule | An image synchronization rule is created for an image repository. |
CreateRepoSyncTask | An image synchronization task is created. |
CreateRepoSyncTaskByRule | An image synchronization task is created based on a manual synchronization rule. |
CreateRepoSyncTaskByTask | An image synchronization task is manually retried. |
CreateRepoTag | An image tag is created based on an existing image tag in an image repository. |
CreateRepoTagScanTask | An image scan task is created. |
CreateRepoTrigger | A trigger is created for an image repository. |
CreateRepoWebhook | A trigger is created for a repository. |
CreateScanBatchTaskByRule | An immediate scan task is created and performed. |
CreateScanRule | A scan rule is created. |
CreateSyncCustomCenLink | A custom Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) link is created. |
CreateUserInfo | User information is created. |
DeleteChain | A delivery chain is deleted. |
DeleteChartNamespace | A chart namespace is deleted from an instance. |
DeleteChartRelease | A chart version is deleted from a chart repository. |
DeleteChartRepository | A chart repository is deleted from an instance. |
DeleteEventCenterRule | An event notification rule is deleted. |
DeleteExemptVul | A vulnerability is removed from the whitelist. |
DeleteImage | An image is deleted. |
DeleteInstanceEndpointAclPolicy | A whitelist of IP addresses that are allowed to access an instance from the Internet is deleted. |
DeleteInstanceMigrateRule | An instance migration rule is deleted. |
DeleteInstanceVpcEndpointLinkedVpc | A VPC is disassociated from an instance. |
DeleteNamespace | A namespace is deleted. |
DeleteRepo | A repository is deleted. |
DeleteRepoBuildRule | An image build rule of an image repository is deleted. |
DeleteRepository | An image repository is deleted. |
DeleteRepoSyncRule | An image synchronization rule of an image repository is deleted. |
DeleteRepoTag | An image is deleted. |
DeleteRepoTrigger | A trigger of an image repository is deleted. |
DeleteRepoWebhook | A trigger of a repository is deleted. |
DeleteScanBatchTask | A scan task is deleted. |
DeleteScanRule | A scan rule is deleted. |
DisablePersonalInstanceDomainAccess | The feature of using the domain name of a Personal Edition instance to access an Enterprise Edition instance is disabled. |
EnablePersonalInstanceDomainAccess | The feature of using the domain name of a Personal Edition instance to access an Enterprise Edition instance is enabled. |
GetArtifactBuildTask | The information about an artifact build task is queried. |
GetAuthorizationToken | The temporary username and password that you use to log on to an instance are queried. |
GetChain | The information about a delivery chain is queried. |
GetChartNamespace | The information about a chart namespace in an instance is queried. |
GetChartRepository | The information about a chart repository is queried. |
GetEventNotifySas | The notification status of an event is queried. |
GetImageLayer | The layer information about an image is queried. |
GetImageManifest | The manifest information about an image is queried. |
GetInstance | The information about an instance is queried. |
GetInstanceCount | The number of instances is queried. |
GetInstanceEndpoint | An endpoint of an instance is queried. |
GetInstanceUsage | The quota usage of an instance is queried. |
GetInstanceVpcEndpoint | The endpoints of the VPCs in which an instance is deployed are queried. |
GetLevel | The security level of a user is queried. |
GetNamespace | The information about a namespace is queried. |
GetNamespaceList | Namespaces are queried. |
GetPersonalInstanceDomainAccessStatus | The status of the feature of using the domain name of a Personal Edition instance to access an Enterprise Edition instance is queried. |
GetRegion | The information about the region in which an instance resides is queried. |
GetRegionList | The regions that are supported by Container Registry are queried. |
GetRepo | The information about a repository is queried. |
GetRepoBuildList | The image build records of a repository are queried. |
GetRepoBuildRecord | The information about an image build record of a repository is queried. |
GetRepoBuildRecordStatus | The build status of a repository is queried. |
GetRepoBuildRuleList | The image build rules of a repository are queried. |
GetRepoBuildStatus | The status of an image build task in a repository is queried. |
GetRepoList | Repositories are queried. |
GetRepoListByNamespace | The repositories in a namespace are queried. |
GetRepository | The information about a repository is queried. |
GetRepoSourceCodeRepo | The information about the source code repository that is bound to an image repository is queried. |
GetRepoSyncTask | The information about an image synchronization task is queried. |
GetRepoTag | The tag information about an image is queried. |
GetRepoTagLayers | The layer information about the image to which the specified tag is added is queried. |
GetRepoTagManifest | The manifest information about an image tag is queried. |
GetRepoTags | The information about images in a repository is queried. |
GetRepoTagScanList | The results of a scan task that is created for an image tag are queried. |
GetRepoTagScanStatus | The scanning status of an image tag is queried. |
GetRepoTagScanSummary | The number of vulnerabilities that are detected for an image tag is queried. |
GetRepoWebhook | The triggers of a repository are queried. |
GetResourceQuota | Resource quotas are queried. |
ListArtifactBuildTaskLog | The logs of an artifact build task are queried. |
ListArtifactHubArtifactTag | The tags in a repository in the artifact center are queried. |
ListArtifactHubRepository | The repositories in the artifact center are queried. |
ListChain | Delivery chains are queried. |
ListChainInstance | The records of delivery chains are queried. |
ListChartNamespace | Chart namespaces are queried. |
ListChartRelease | The versions of a chart in a chart repository are queried. |
ListChartRepository | Chart repositories are queried. |
ListEventCenterRecord | The historical events of an event rule are queried. |
ListEventCenterRule | Event rules are queried. |
ListEventCenterRuleName | The names of event rules are queried. |
ListExemptVul | The vulnerabilities that are added to the whitelist are queried. |
ListInstance | Instances are queried. |
ListInstanceEndpoint | The endpoints of an instance are queried. |
ListInstanceMigrateRule | Instance migration rules are queried. |
ListInstanceRegion | The regions in which you can create instances are queried. |
ListNamespace | Namespaces are queried. |
ListRepoBuildRecord | The image build records of an image repository are queried. |
ListRepoBuildRecordLog | The log of an image build record is queried. |
ListRepoBuildRule | The image build rules of an image repository are queried. |
ListRepository | Image repositories are queried. |
ListRepositoryVulTagCount | The numbers of tags of images that contain vulnerabilities in multiple repositories are queried at a time. |
ListRepoSyncRule | The image synchronization rules of a repository are queried. |
ListRepoSyncTask | Image synchronization tasks are queried. |
ListRepoTag | Image tags are queried. |
ListRepoTagScanResult | The results of a scan task that is created for an image tag are queried. |
ListRepoTrigger | The triggers of a repository are queried. |
ListRepoTriggerRecord | The triggering records of the triggers of a repository are queried. |
ListScanBaselineByTask | The baseline checks supported by a scan engine are queried. |
ListScanBatchTaskByRule | Scan tasks are queried. |
ListScanCve | The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) information about the vulnerabilities that are detected by a scan task is queried. |
ListScanEngine | Scan engines are queried. |
ListScanMaliciousFileByTask | The malicious samples that are detected by a scan task are queried. |
ListScanRule | Scan rules are queried. |
ListScanSubTaskByBatchTask | Scan subtasks are queried. |
ListSyncCustomCenLinkAvailableZone | The zones supported by a CEN link are queried. |
ListSyncCustomLink | Custom links are queried. |
Modify | The specifications of a Container Registry instance are modified on the buy page. |
Release | A resource such as a Container Registry instance is released. |
Renew | Instances or resource plans are renewed. |
ResetLoginPassword | The logon password is reset. |
StartImageScan | An image scan is started. |
StartRepoBuildByRule | A build task is created. |
UpdateChain | The information about a delivery chain is modified. |
UpdateChartNamespace | The information about a chart namespace is modified. |
UpdateChartRepository | The information about a chart repository is modified. |
UpdateEventCenterRule | The information about an event rule is modified. |
UpdateEventNotifySas | The notification status of an event is modified. |
UpdateExemptVul | The vulnerabilities that are added to the whitelist are updated. |
UpdateInstanceEndpointStatus | The status of an endpoint of an instance is modified. |
UpdateInstanceMigrateRule | The information about an instance migration rule is modified. |
UpdateLogDeliveryConfig | The log delivery status is modified. |
UpdateNamespace | The information about a namespace is modified. |
UpdateRepo | The basic information about a repository is modified. |
UpdateRepoBuildRule | The information about an image build rule of an image repository is modified. |
UpdateRepository | The information about a repository is modified. |
UpdateRepoSourceCodeRepo | The information about the source code repository that is bound to an image repository is modified. |
UpdateRepoTrigger | The information about a trigger of an image repository is modified. |
UpdateRepoWebhook | The information about a trigger of an image repository is modified. |
UpdateScanEngine | The scan engine is changed. |
UpdateScanRule | The information about a scan rule is modified. |
UpdateUserInfo | User information is modified. |
CancelArtifactDeleteUntaggedManifestTask | None |
CheckServiceAuthorization | None |
CreateAccessVpcLink | None |
CreateArtifactBuildRule | None |
CreateArtifactBuildTask | None |
CreateArtifactLifecycleRule | None |
CreateArtifactLifecycleTask | None |
CreateArtifactSubscriptionRule | None |
CreateArtifactSubscriptionTask | None |
CreateBuildRecordByRecord | None |
CreateCollection | None |
CreateInstance | None |
CreateInstanceCustomizedDomain | None |
CreateOrder | None |
CreateSignatureRule | None |
CreateSourceCodeAccount | None |
CreateUserSourceAccount | None |
DeleteAccessVpcLink | None |
DeleteArtifactBuildRule | None |
DeleteArtifactLifecycleRule | None |
DeleteArtifactSubscriptionRule | None |
DeleteCollection | None |
DeleteInstance | None |
DeleteInstanceCustomizedDomain | None |
DeleteNamespaceAuthorization | None |
DeleteRepoAuthorization | None |
DeleteSignatureRule | None |
DeleteSourceCodeAccount | None |
DeleteUserSourceAccount | None |
GetArtifactBuildRule | None |
GetArtifactDeleteTagTask | None |
GetArtifactDeleteTagTaskResult | None |
GetArtifactHubRepository | None |
GetArtifactSubscriptionTaskResult | None |
GetArtifactTag | None |
GetChainDefinition | None |
GetChainInstance | None |
GetChainTemplate | None |
GetChartReleaseValues | None |
GetCollection | None |
GetImageScan | None |
GetInstanceConfig | None |
GetInstanceImageMigrateTask | None |
GetInstanceModule | None |
GetInstanceStorage | None |
GetInstanceStorageInternetIn | None |
GetInstanceStorageInternetOut | None |
GetInstanceStorageIntranetIn | None |
GetInstanceStorageIntranetOut | None |
GetInstanceStorageUsage | None |
GetMirrorList | None |
GetNamespaceAuthorizationList | None |
GetRepoAuthorizationList | None |
GetRepoBuildLogs | None |
GetRepoPushRecord | None |
GetRepoSourceRepo | None |
GetRepoSyncTaskList | None |
GetRepoWebhookLogList | None |
GetUserInfo | None |
GetUserSourceAccount | None |
GetUserSourceRepoList | None |
GetUserSourceRepoRefList | None |
ListAccessVpcLink | None |
ListArtifactDeleteTagTask | None |
ListArtifactDeleteUntaggedManifestTask | None |
ListArtifactLifecycleRule | None |
ListArtifactSubscriptionRule | None |
ListArtifactSubscriptionTask | None |
ListArtifactTag | None |
ListChart | None |
ListImageMetadata | None |
ListInstanceCapability | None |
ListInstanceDomain | None |
ListInstanceImageMigrateTask | None |
ListInstanceMigrateTask | None |
ListInstancesCommerce | None |
ListRepoTriggerLog | None |
ListSignatureRules | None |
ListSourceCodeAccount | None |
ListSourceCodeRepo | None |
ListSourceCodeRepoRef | None |
ListUserBucket | None |
ListUserVpc | None |
StopChainInstance | None |
UpdateArtifactLifecycleRule | None |
UpdateArtifactSubscriptionRule | None |
UpdateInstanceConfig | None |
UpdateInstanceCustomizedDomain | None |
UpdateInstanceModule | None |
UpdateRepoSourceRepo | None |