Alibaba Cloud DNS is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the user-initiated events that are generated when you manage Alibaba Cloud DNS resources. ActionTrail can deliver user-initiated events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and troubleshoot issues.
ActionTrail records the user-initiated events that are generated when you manage cloud resources by calling API operations or in the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the user-initiated events of Alibaba Cloud DNS that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event | Description |
AddCustomLine | A custom line is added. |
AddDnsCacheDomain | A cached domain name is added to Alibaba Cloud DNS. |
AddDnsGtmAccessStrategy | An access policy is created. |
AddDnsGtmAddressPool | An address pool is created. |
AddDnsGtmMonitor | A health check task is created. |
AddDomain | A domain name is added based on the specified parameters. |
AddDomainBackup | A domain name backup task is created. |
AddDomainGroup | A domain name group is created based on the specified parameters. |
AddDomainRecord | A DNS record is added based on the specified parameters. |
AddFusionResource | A managed domain name of multicloud integration is added. |
AddGtmAccessStrategy | An access policy is created based on the specified parameters. |
AddGtmAddressPool | An address pool is created. |
AddGtmMonitor | A health check task is created. |
AddGtmRecoveryPlan | A disaster recovery plan is created. |
BindInstanceDomains | One or more domain names are bound to a paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instance. |
ChangeDomainGroup | A domain name is moved from the original group to the new group based on the specified parameters. |
ChangeDomainOfDnsProduct | The domain name that is bound to Alibaba Cloud DNS is changed. |
CheckDomainRecord | Whether a DNS record exists on an authoritative DNS server is checked. |
CopyGtmConfig | The configurations of Global Traffic Manager (GTM) are copied. |
Create | A resource is purchased on the buy page. |
CreatePdnsAppKey | An AppKey is created in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS. |
CreatePdnsUdpIpSegment | A UDP-based CIDR block is created in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS. |
DeleteCustomLines | Multiple custom lines are removed at a time. |
DeleteDnsCacheDomain | A cached domain name is removed from Alibaba Cloud DNS. |
DeleteDnsGtmAccessStrategy | An access policy is deleted. |
DeleteDnsGtmAddressPool | An address pool is deleted. |
DeleteDomain | A domain name is removed based on the specified parameters. |
DeleteDomainGroup | A domain name group is deleted based on the specified parameters. |
DeleteDomainRecord | A DNS record is removed based on the specified parameters. |
DeleteFusionResource | A managed domain name of multicloud integration is removed. |
DeleteGtmAccessStrategy | An access policy is deleted based on the specified parameters. |
DeleteGtmAddressPool | An address pool is deleted. |
DeleteGtmRecoveryPlan | A disaster recovery plan is deleted. |
DeleteSubDomainRecords | The DNS records that are corresponding to a hostname are removed based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeBatchResultCount | The results of a batch operation task are queried. |
DescribeBatchResultDetail | The detailed results of a batch operation task are queried. |
DescribeCustomLine | The details of a custom line are queried. |
DescribeCustomLines | Custom lines are queried. |
DescribeDnsCacheDomains | Cached domain names in Alibaba Cloud DNS are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategies | The access policies of a GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategy | The detailed information about an access policy is queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmAccessStrategyAvailableConfig | The configuration items that can be set for an access policy are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmAddrAttributeInfo | The source regions of addresses are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmAddressPoolAvailableConfig | The configuration items that can be set for an address pool are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmAvailableAlertGroup | The alert groups that can be configured are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmInstance | The details of a GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceAddressPool | The details of an address pool are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceAddressPools | Address pools are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmInstances | GTM instances are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceStatus | The status of a GTM instance is queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmInstanceSystemCname | The CNAME that is assigned by the system is queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmLogs | The operation logs of a GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmMonitorAvailableConfig | The configuration items that can be set for a health check task are queried. |
DescribeDnsGtmMonitorConfig | The health check configurations of an address pool are queried. |
DescribeDnsProductInstance | The details of a paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instance are queried based on the instance ID. |
DescribeDnsProductInstances | Paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instances are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeDNSSLBSubDomains | The subdomain names for which weighted round-robin is enabled are queried. |
DescribeDohAccountStatistics | The statistics on DNS over HTTPS (DoH)-based requests from an account are queried. |
DescribeDohDomainStatistics | The statistics on DoH-based requests for a domain name are queried. |
DescribeDohDomainStatisticsSummary | The statistics on DoH-based requests for domain names are queried. |
DescribeDohSdkList | The SDKs that are used for DoH-based requests are queried. |
DescribeDohSubDomainStatistics | The statistics on DoH-based requests for a subdomain name are queried. |
DescribeDohSubDomainStatisticsSummary | The statistics on DoH-based requests for subdomain names are queried. |
DescribeDohUserInfo | The basic information about a user who uses DoH is queried. |
DescribeDomainDnssecInfo | The DNSSEC configurations of a domain name are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeDomainGroups | All groups are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeDomainInfo | The information about a domain name is queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeDomainLogs | The operation logs of domain names are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeDomainNs | The DNS servers of a domain name are queried. |
DescribeDomainRecordInfo | The details of a DNS record are queried. |
DescribeDomainRecords | All DNS records of a primary domain name are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeDomains | The domain names within your account are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeDomainStatistics | The real-time statistics on requests for a primary domain name are queried. |
DescribeDomainStatisticsSummary | The statistics on requests for all paid domain names within your account are queried. |
DescribeFusionResource | A managed domain name of multicloud integration is queried. |
DescribeGtmAccessStrategies | The access policies of the current GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeGtmAccessStrategy | The details of an access policy are queried based on the policy ID. |
DescribeGtmAccessStrategyAvailableConfig | The configuration items that can be set for an access policy are queried. |
DescribeGtmAvailableAlertGroup | The available alert groups for a GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeGtmInstance | The details of a GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeGtmInstanceAddressPool | The detailed information about an address pool is queried. |
DescribeGtmInstanceAddressPools | The address pools of a GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeGtmInstances | GTM instances are queried. |
DescribeGtmInstanceStatus | The status of a GTM instance is queried. |
DescribeGtmInstanceSystemCname | The CNAME that is assigned by the system is queried. |
DescribeGtmLogs | The logs of a GTM instance are queried. |
DescribeGtmMonitorAvailableConfig | The configuration items that can be set for a health check task are queried. |
DescribeGtmMonitorConfig | The health check configurations of an address pool are queried. |
DescribeGtmRecoveryPlan | The details of a disaster recovery plan are queried. |
DescribeGtmRecoveryPlanAvailableConfig | The configuration items that can be set for a disaster recovery plan are queried. |
DescribeGtmRecoveryPlans | Disaster recovery plans are queried. |
DescribeInstanceDomains | The domain names that are bound to an Alibaba Cloud DNS instance are queried. |
DescribeIspFlushCacheInstances | Cache refresh resource plans are queried. |
DescribeIspFlushCacheRemainQuota | The remaining quota of a cache refresh resource plan is queried. |
DescribeIspFlushCacheTask | The details of a cache refresh task are queried. |
DescribeIspFlushCacheTasks | Cache refresh tasks are queried. |
DescribePdnsAccountSummary | The data overview of Alibaba Cloud Public DNS users is queried. |
DescribePdnsAppKey | The details of an AppKey in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS are queried. |
DescribePdnsAppKeys | The details of AppKeys in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS are queried. |
DescribePdnsOperateLogs | The operation logs in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS are queried. |
DescribePdnsRequestStatistic | The statistics on requests for Alibaba Cloud Public DNS are queried. |
DescribePdnsRequestStatistics | The list of requests for Alibaba Cloud Public DNS is queried. |
DescribePdnsThreatLogs | The threat logs in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS are queried. |
DescribePdnsThreatStatistic | The statistics on threats in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS are queried. |
DescribePdnsThreatStatistics | The list of threats in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS is queried. |
DescribePdnsUdpIpSegments | UDP-based CIDR blocks are queried in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS. |
DescribePdnsUserInfo | The information about users in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS is queried. |
DescribeRecordLogs | The operation logs of a domain name are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeRecordStatistics | The real-time statistics on requests for a subdomain name are queried. |
DescribeRecordStatisticsSummary | The statistics on requests for all subdomain names of a domain name are queried. |
DescribeSubDomainRecords | All DNS records of a subdomain name are queried based on the specified parameters. |
DescribeSupportLines | All lines that are supported by Alibaba Cloud DNS are queried. |
DescribeTags | The existing tags are queried. |
DescribeTransferDomains | The domain names that are transferred between the current account and another account are queried based on the specified parameters. |
ExecuteGtmRecoveryPlan | A disaster recovery plan is run. |
GetMainDomainName | The primary domain name is queried based on the specified parameters. |
GetTxtRecordForVerify | A TXT record is generated. |
ListTagResources | Resources are queried by tag. |
Modify | The specifications of a resource are modified on the buy page. |
ModifyHichinaDomainDNS | The names of DNS servers are modified based on the specified parameters. |
MoveDomainResourceGroup | The resource group of a domain name is changed. |
MoveGtmResourceGroup | The resource group of a GTM instance is changed. |
OperateBatchDomain | A batch operation task is submitted to add or remove multiple domain names, or add or remove multiple DNS records. |
PausePdnsService | The Alibaba Cloud Public DNS service is suspended. |
PreviewGtmRecoveryPlan | A disaster recovery plan is previewed. |
RefreshDomainRecord | The DNS records of subdomain names are overwritten. |
Release | A resource such as an instance is released. |
RemovePdnsAppKey | An AppKey is deleted from Alibaba Cloud Public DNS. |
RemovePdnsUdpIpSegment | A UDP-based CIDR block is deleted from Alibaba Cloud Public DNS. |
Renew | A resource such as an instance or a resource plan is renewed. |
ResumePdnsService | The Alibaba Cloud Public DNS service is resumed. |
RetrieveDomain | A domain name is retrieved. |
RollbackGtmRecoveryPlan | A disaster recovery plan is rolled back. |
SetDnsGtmAccessMode | The switchover policy of primary/secondary address pools is modified. |
SetDnsGtmMonitorStatus | The health check status of an address pool is specified. |
SetDNSSLBStatus | The weight configuration is enabled or disabled based on the specified parameters. |
SetDomainDnssecStatus | The DNSSEC status of a domain name is specified. |
SetDomainRecordStatus | The status of a DNS record is specified based on the specified parameters. |
SetGtmAccessMode | The switchover policy of primary/secondary address pools is modified. |
SetGtmMonitorStatus | The health check status of an address pool is specified. |
SubmitIspFlushCacheTask | A cache refresh task is submitted. |
SwitchDnsGtmInstanceStrategyMode | The access policy type is switched. |
TagResources | Tags are added to resources or modified. |
TemporaryCancelFusionResource | Management is temporarily canceled for a managed domain name of multicloud integration. |
TransferDomain | Multiple domain names are transferred to another account at a time based on the specified parameters. |
UnbindInstanceDomains | One or more domain names are unbound from a paid Alibaba Cloud DNS instance based on the instance ID. |
UntagResources | Tags are removed from resources. |
UpdateAppKeyState | The status of an AppKey is modified. |
UpdateCustomLine | A custom line is modified. |
UpdateDnsCacheDomain | A cached domain name in Alibaba Cloud DNS is updated. |
UpdateDnsCacheDomainRemark | The description of a cached domain name in Alibaba Cloud DNS is modified. |
UpdateDnsGtmAccessStrategy | An access policy is modified. |
UpdateDnsGtmAddressPool | An address pool is modified. |
UpdateDnsGtmInstanceGlobalConfig | The configurations of a GTM instance are modified. |
UpdateDnsGtmMonitor | A health check task is modified. |
UpdateDNSSLBWeight | The weight of a DNS record is modified based on the specified parameters. |
UpdateDomainGroup | The name of a domain name group is modified based on the specified parameters. |
UpdateDomainRecord | A DNS record is modified based on the specified parameters. |
UpdateDomainRecordRemark | The description of a DNS record is modified. |
UpdateDomainRemark | The description of a domain name is modified. |
UpdateGtmAccessStrategy | An access policy is modified. |
UpdateGtmAddressPool | An address pool is modified. |
UpdateGtmInstanceGlobalConfig | The global configurations of a GTM instance are modified. |
UpdateGtmMonitor | A health check task is modified. |
UpdateGtmRecoveryPlan | A disaster recovery plan is modified. |
UpdateIspFlushCacheInstanceConfig | The configurations of a cache refresh resource plan are modified. |
ValidateDnsGtmCnameRrCanUse | Whether a hostname can be added to a GTM instance is checked. |
ValidatePdnsUdpIpSegment | A UDP-based CIDR block is verified in Alibaba Cloud Public DNS. |
VerifyAccount | The attributes of an account are verified and the result is returned. |
AddBatchDomain | None |
AddBatchDomainFromFile | None |
AddBatchRr | None |
AddBatchTempDomains | None |
AddDnsMonitor | None |
AddDnsTemplate | None |
AddDnsTemplateRecord | None |
AddDohUser | None |
AddRecordGroup | None |
AddSiteMonitor | None |
AddSlaveDnsConfig | None |
BatchOperateSubDomainRecords | None |
CancelOrder | None |
ChangeBatchDomainGroup | None |
ChangeDomainStarmark | None |
ChangeRecordGroup | None |
CheckSubDomainRecord4Add | None |
CreateInstance | None |
CreateRenewOrder | None |
DeleteBatchDomain | None |
DeleteBatchRr | None |
DeleteDnsMonitor | None |
DeleteDnsTemplate | None |
DeleteDnsTemplateRecord | None |
DeleteDomainBackup | None |
DeleteRecordGroup | None |
DeleteSiteMonitors | None |
DeleteSlaveDnsConfig | None |
DescribeAuthorityDomainRecords | None |
DescribeBatchLogs | None |
DescribeBundleRecordTaskResult | None |
DescribeCanAddMonitorDomainRrs | None |
DescribeCanAddMonitorSubDomainInfo | None |
DescribeDnsGtmLatencyAccessOverviews | None |
DescribeDnsMonitor | None |
DescribeDnsMonitorAvailableNodes | None |
DescribeDnsMonitors | None |
DescribeDnsMonitorTaskConfig | None |
DescribeDnsTemplateInfo | None |
DescribeDnsTemplates | None |
DescribeDomainBackup | None |
DescribeDomainBackups | None |
DescribeDomainDnsAttackStatistics | None |
DescribeDomainDnsProtectLogs | None |
DescribeDomainDnsStatistics | None |
DescribeDomainSoa | None |
DescribeDomainWhoisInfo | None |
DescribeGslbInstance | None |
DescribeGslbInstances | None |
DescribeImportDomainsResult | None |
DescribeInstanceExtendStatus | None |
DescribeRecordGroups | None |
DescribeRestoreDomainResults | None |
DescribeRestoringDomainTasks | None |
DescribeSiteMonitor | None |
DescribeSiteMonitorAlertLogs | None |
DescribeSiteMonitorIspCityInfos | None |
DescribeSiteMonitorIspInfos | None |
DescribeSiteMonitorIspPointTrends | None |
DescribeSiteMonitorIspTrends | None |
DescribeSiteMonitorNodeTrends | None |
DescribeSiteMonitorProvinceTrends | None |
DescribeSiteMonitors | None |
DescribeSlaveDnsConfig | None |
DescribeSlaveDnsDomains | None |
DescribeSlaveDnsStatus | None |
MarkGslbStatusOk | None |
OpenGslb | None |
OrderPaidNotice | None |
QueryAllowRenewPeriodList | None |
QueryDnsMonitorErrorEvent | None |
QueryDnsMonitorFailureRate | None |
QueryDnsMonitorHistory | None |
QueryDnsMonitorLast | None |
QueryDnsMonitorNodeResponseTime | None |
QueryDnsMonitorStatistics | None |
QueryInstanceUnpaidOrder | None |
QueryRenewPrice | None |
RefundOrder | None |
ResetImportDomainsResult | None |
RestoreDomainByBackup | None |
RetrieveBatchDomain | None |
ScanSubdomainRecords | None |
SetSiteMonitorsStatus | None |
SetSlaveDnsConfigStatus | None |
SubmitBundleRecordTask | None |
SubmitImportDomainsFile | None |
SwitchLineType | None |
SyncWithMasterDns | None |
TransferBatchDomain | None |
UpdateBatchRr | None |
UpdateDnsMonitor | None |
UpdateDnsTemplateName | None |
UpdateDnsTemplateRecord | None |
UpdateDomainBackup | None |
UpdateRecordGroup | None |
UpdateSiteMonitor | None |
UpdateSlaveDnsConfig | None |
ValidateDnsGtmAttributeInfo | None |
ValidateDomainCanAdd | None |
ValidateDomainCanBind | None |
VerifyTxtRecord | None |