Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage VPC resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of VPC that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
ActivateRouterInterface | Enables a router interface. |
ActiveFlowLog | Enables the flow log feature. |
AddBandwidthPackageIps | Adds public IP addresses to a NAT service plan. |
AddBgpNetwork | Advertises a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) network. |
AddCommonBandwidthPackageIp | Associates an elastic IP address (EIP) with an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
AddCommonBandwidthPackageIps | Associates multiple EIPs with an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
AddGlobalAccelerationInstanceIp | Associates an EIP with a specified Global Accelerator (GA) instance. |
AddIPv6TranslatorAclListEntry | Adds IP entries to an access control list (ACL). |
AddSourcesToTrafficMirrorSession | Adds a traffic mirror source to a traffic mirror session. |
AllocateEipAddress | Applies for an EIP. |
AllocateEipAddressPro | Applies for a specified EIP. |
AllocateEipSegmentAddress | Applies for continuous EIPs. |
AllocateIpv6InternetBandwidth | Purchases Internet bandwidth for an IPv6 gateway. |
AllocateVpcIpv6Cidr | Reserves a specified IPv6 CIDR block. |
ApplyPhysicalConnectionLOA | Applies for a Letter of Authorization (LOA). |
AssociateEipAddress | Associates an EIP with a cloud service in the same region. |
AssociateGlobalAccelerationInstance | Associates a dedicated-bandwidth GA instance with a backend server. |
AssociateHaVip | Associates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP) with an ECS instance that is located in a VPC. |
AssociateNetworkAcl | Associates a network ACL with a vSwitch. |
AssociatePhysicalConnectionToVirtualBorderRouter | Associates a virtual border router (VBR) with an Express Connect circuit. |
AssociateRouteTable | Associates a custom route table with a vSwitch in the same VPC. |
AssociateRouteTablesWithVpcGatewayEndpoint | Associates a route table with a VPC gateway endpoint. |
AssociateVpcCidrBlock | Adds a secondary IPv4 CIDR block to a VPC. |
AssociateVpnGatewayWithCertificate | Associates a certificate with a VPN gateway. |
AttachDhcpOptionsSetToVpc | Associates a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) options set with a VPC. |
AttachVbrToVpconn | Associates a VBR with a hosted connection. |
CancelCommonBandwidthPackageIpBandwidth | Cancels the maximum bandwidth configured for an EIP that is associated with an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
CancelExpressCloudConnection | Cancels the activation of the Express Cloud Connect (ECC) service. |
CancelPhysicalConnection | Cancels the application for an Express Connect circuit before the Express Connect circuit is enabled. |
CheckCanAllocateVpcPrivateIpAddress | Checks whether a private IP address is available. |
CompletePhysicalConnectionLOA | Generates a report for an installed Express Connect circuit. |
ConfirmPhysicalConnection | Confirms an Express Connect circuit. |
ConnectRouterInterface | Initiates a connection from the router interface of an initiator to the router interface of an acceptor. |
ConvertBandwidthPackage | Converts a NAT service plan to an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
CopyNetworkAclEntries | Copies rules of a network ACL. |
Create | Purchases a VPC on the buy page. |
CreateBandwidthPackage | Creates a NAT service plan. |
CreateBgpGroup | Creates a BGP group for a specified VBR. |
CreateBgpPeer | Adds a BGP peer to a specified BGP group. |
CreateCommonBandwidthPackage | Creates an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
CreateCustomerGateway | Creates a customer gateway. |
CreateDefaultVpc | Creates a default VPC. |
CreateDhcpOptionsSet | Creates a DHCP options set. |
CreateExpressCloudConnection | Creates an ECC instance. |
CreateFlowLog | Creates a flow log. |
CreateForwardEntry | Adds a DNAT entry to a DNAT table. |
CreateFullNatEntry | Adds a FULLNAT entry to a FULLNAT table. |
CreateGlobalAccelerationInstance | Creates a GA instance. |
CreateHaVip | Creates an HAVIP. |
CreateIpsecServer | Creates an IPsec server. |
CreateIpv4Gateway | Creates an IPv4 gateway. |
CreateIpv6EgressOnlyRule | Creates an egress-only rule for an IPv6 address. |
CreateIpv6Gateway | Creates an IPv6 gateway. |
CreateIPv6Translator | Creates an IPv6 Translation Service instance. |
CreateIPv6TranslatorAclList | Creates an ACL. |
CreateIPv6TranslatorEntry | Adds an IPv6 mapping entry to a specified IPv6 Translation Service instance. |
CreateNatGateway | Creates a NAT gateway. |
CreateNatGatewayConvertReservation | Creates a schedule to upgrade a NAT gateway. |
CreateNatIp | Creates a NAT IP address. |
CreateNatIpCidr | Creates a NAT CIDR block. |
CreateNetworkAcl | Creates a network ACL. |
CreatePhysicalConnection | Applies for an Express Connect circuit. |
CreatePhysicalConnectionOccupancyOrder | Creates an order for resource occupation. |
CreatePhysicalConnectionSetupOrder | Creates an order for initial installation of an Express Connect circuit. |
CreateRouteEntry | Adds a custom route entry to the route table of a vRouter or a VBR. |
CreateRouterInterface | Creates a router interface. |
CreateRouteTable | Creates a custom route table. |
CreateSnatEntry | Adds a SNAT entry to a SNAT table. |
CreateSslVpnClientCert | Creates an SSL client certificate. |
CreateSslVpnServer | Creates an SSL server. |
CreateTrafficMirrorFilter | Creates a filter for traffic mirroring. |
CreateTrafficMirrorFilterRules | Creates an inbound or outbound rule for traffic mirroring. |
CreateTrafficMirrorSession | Creates a traffic mirror session. |
CreateVbrHa | Creates a VBR failover group. |
CreateVirtualBorderRouter | Creates a VBR. |
CreateVirtualPhysicalConnection | Creates a hosted connection. |
CreateVpc | Creates a VPC. |
CreateVpcGatewayEndpoint | Creates a VPC gateway endpoint. |
CreateVpconnFromVbr | Converts the push method of a hosted connection. |
CreateVpnConnection | Creates an IPsec-VPN connection. |
CreateVpnGateway | Creates a VPN gateway. |
CreateVpnPbrRouteEntry | Creates a policy-based route for a VPN gateway. |
CreateVpnRouteEntry | Creates a destination-based route for a VPN gateway. |
CreateVSwitch | Creates a vSwitch. |
DeactivateRouterInterface | Disables a router interface. |
DeactiveFlowLog | Disables the flow log feature. |
DeleteBandwidthPackage | Deletes a specified NAT service plan. |
DeleteBgpGroup | Deletes a specified BGP group. |
DeleteBgpNetwork | Deletes an advertised BGP network. |
DeleteBgpPeer | Deletes a specified BGP peer. |
DeleteCommonBandwidthPackage | Deletes an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
DeleteCustomerGateway | Deletes a specified customer gateway. |
DeleteDhcpOptionsSet | Deletes a DHCP options set. |
DeleteExpressCloudConnection | Deletes an ECC instance. |
DeleteExpressConnect | Deletes an Express Connect circuit. |
DeleteFlowLog | Deletes a flow log. |
DeleteForwardEntry | Removes a specified DNAT entry. |
DeleteFullNatEntry | Removes a FULLNAT entry. |
DeleteGlobalAccelerationInstance | Deletes a GA instance. |
DeleteHaVip | Deletes an HAVIP. |
DeleteIpsecServer | Deletes an IPsec server. |
DeleteIpv6EgressOnlyRule | Deletes an egress-only rule. |
DeleteIpv6Gateway | Deletes an IPv6 gateway. |
DeleteIpv6InternetBandwidth | Sets the Internet bandwidth value of an IPv6 address to zero. |
DeleteIPv6Translator | Deletes an IPv6 Translation Service instance. |
DeleteIPv6TranslatorAclList | Deletes an ACL. |
DeleteIPv6TranslatorEntry | Removes an IPv6 mapping entry from an IPv6 Translation Service instance. |
DeleteNatGateway | Deletes a specified NAT gateway. |
DeleteNatGatewayConvertReservation | Deletes a schedule to upgrade a NAT gateway. |
DeleteNatIp | Deletes a NAT IP address. |
DeleteNatIpCidr | Deletes a NAT CIDR block. |
DeleteNetworkAcl | Deletes a network ACL. |
DeletePhysicalConnection | Deletes an Express Connect circuit. |
DeleteRouteEntry | Removes a route entry from the route table of a vRouter or a VBR. |
DeleteRouterInterface | Deletes a router interface. |
DeleteRouteTable | Deletes a custom route table. |
DeleteSnatEntry | Removes a specified SNAT entry. |
DeleteSslVpnClientCert | Deletes an SSL client certificate. |
DeleteSslVpnServer | Deletes an SSL server. |
DeleteTrafficMirrorFilter | Deletes a filter for traffic mirroring. |
DeleteTrafficMirrorFilterRules | Deletes an inbound or outbound rule of a filter for traffic mirroring. |
DeleteTrafficMirrorSession | Deletes a traffic mirror session. |
DeleteVbrHa | Deletes a VBR failover group. |
DeleteVirtualBorderRouter | Deletes a VBR. |
DeleteVpc | Deletes a VPC. |
DeleteVpcGatewayEndpoint | Deletes a VPC gateway endpoint. |
DeleteVpnConnection | Deletes a specified IPsec-VPN connection. |
DeleteVpnGateway | Deletes a specified VPN gateway. |
DeleteVpnPbrRouteEntry | Deletes a policy-based route from a VPN gateway. |
DeleteVpnRouteEntry | Deletes a destination-based route from a VPN gateway. |
DeleteVSwitch | Deletes a vSwitch. |
DeletionProtection | Enables deletion protection. |
DescribeAccessPoints | Queries the access points of an Express Connect circuit in a specified region. |
DescribeBandwidthPackages | Queries NAT service plans in a specified region. |
DescribeBgpGroups | Queries BGP groups in a specified region. |
DescribeBgpNetworks | Queries advertised BGP networks. |
DescribeBgpPeers | Queries BGP peers in a specified region. |
DescribeCommonBandwidthPackages | Queries Internet Shared Bandwidth instances in a specified region. |
DescribeCustomerGateway | Queries details of a customer gateway. |
DescribeCustomerGateways | Queries created customer gateways. |
DescribeEipAddresses | Queries created EIPs in a specified region. |
DescribeEipGatewayInfo | Queries the gateway address and subnet mask of an EIP. |
DescribeEipMonitorData | Queries the monitoring data of an EIP. |
DescribeEipSegment | Queries a group of contiguous EIPs. |
DescribeExpressCloudConnections | Queries ECC instances in a specified region. |
DescribeFlowLogs | Queries flow logs. |
DescribeForwardTableEntries | Queries created DNAT entries. |
DescribeGlobalAccelerationInstances | Queries created GA instances. |
DescribeGrantRulesToCen | Queries the permissions granted to attach a network instance to a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account. |
DescribeHaVips | Queries HAVIPs in a specified region. |
DescribeHighDefinitionMonitorLogAttribute | Queries the fine-grained monitoring configuration of an EIP. |
DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | Queries the auto-renewal status of an instance. |
DescribeIpv6Addresses | Queries IPv6 addresses. |
DescribeIpv6EgressOnlyRules | Queries created egress-only rules. |
DescribeIpv6GatewayAttribute | Queries the details of a specified IPV6 gateway. |
DescribeIpv6Gateways | Queries created IPv6 gateways. |
DescribeIPv6TranslatorAclListAttributes | Queries the details of an ACL. |
DescribeIPv6TranslatorAclLists | Queries created ACLs. |
DescribeIPv6TranslatorEntries | Queries added IPv6 mapping entries. |
DescribeIPv6Translators | Queries created IPv6 Translation Service instances. |
DescribeNatGateways | Queries created NAT gateways. |
DescribeNetworkAclAttributes | Queries the details of a network ACL. |
DescribeNetworkAcls | Queries network ACLs. |
DescribeNewProjectEipMonitorData | Queries the EIP monitoring data in a new project. |
DescribePhysicalConnectionLOA | Queries the LOA information about an Express Connect circuit. |
DescribePhysicalConnectionOrder | Queries the order of an Express Connect circuit. |
DescribePhysicalConnections | Queries Express Connect circuits in a specified region. |
DescribeRegions | Queries available regions. |
DescribeRouteEntryList | Queries route entries. |
DescribeRouterInterfaceAttribute | Queries the configuration of a router interface. |
DescribeRouterInterfaces | Queries router interfaces in a specified region. |
DescribeRouteTableList | Queries route tables. |
DescribeRouteTables | Queries route tables. |
DescribeServerRelatedGlobalAccelerationInstances | Queries the GA instances that are associated with a specified backend server. |
DescribeSnatTableEntries | Queries added SNAT entries. |
DescribeSslVpnClientCert | Queries the information about an SSL client certificate. |
DescribeSslVpnClientCerts | Queries created SSL client certificates. |
DescribeSslVpnServers | Queries SSL servers. |
DescribeVbrHa | Queries a VBR failover group. |
DescribeVBRs | Queries all VBRs in a region. |
DescribeVirtualBorderRouters | Queries created VBRs. |
DescribeVirtualBorderRoutersForPhysicalConnection | Queries the VBRs that are associated with a specified Express Connect circuit. |
DescribeVpcAttribute | Queries the configuration of a specified VPC. |
DescribeVPcs | Queries created VPCs. |
DescribeVpcsByRegionNo | Queries VPCs in a specified region. |
DescribeVpnConnection | Queries the details of an IPsec-VPN connection. |
DescribeVpnConnectionLogs | Queries VPC connection logs. |
DescribeVpnConnections | Queries created IPsec-VPN connections. |
DescribeVpnGateway | Queries the details of a specified VPN gateway. |
DescribeVpnGateways | Queries created VPN gateways. |
DescribeVpnPbrRouteEntries | Queries the information about policy-based routes of a VPN gateway. |
DescribeVpnRouteEntries | Queries the information about destination-based routes of a VPN gateway. |
DescribeVpnSslServerLogs | Queries the logs of an SSL server. |
DescribeVRouters | Queries the vRouters in a specified region. |
DescribeVSwitchAttributes | Queries the configuration of a vSwitch. |
DescribeVSwitches | Queries created vSwitches. |
DescribeZones | Queries zones in a specified region. |
DetachDhcpOptionsSetFromVpc | Disassociates a DHCP options set from a VPC. |
DiagnoseVpnGateway | Diagnoses a VPN gateway. |
DisableNatGatewayEcsMetric | Disables ECS traffic monitoring for a NAT gateway. |
DisableVpcClassicLink | Disables ClassicLink for a VPC. |
DissociateRouteTablesFromVpcGatewayEndpoint | Disassociates one or more route tables from a VPC gateway endpoint. |
DissociateVpnGatewayWithCertificate | Disassociates a certificate from a VPN gateway. |
DownloadVpnConnectionConfig | Queries the configuration information about an IPsec-VPN connection. |
EnableNatGatewayEcsMetric | Enables ECS traffic monitoring for a NAT gateway. |
EnablePhysicalConnection | Enables an Express Connect circuit that is in the Confirmed state. |
EnableVpcClassicLink | Enables ClassicLink for a VPC. |
GetBusinessAccessPointDetail | Queries the details of an access point. |
GetDhcpOptionsSet | Queries a crerated DHCP options set. |
GetNatGatewayAttribute | Queries the details of a NAT gateway. |
GetNatGatewayConvertReservation | Queries the information about a schedule to upgrade a NAT gateway. |
GetNatGatewayConvertStatus | Queries the upgrade status of a NAT gateway. |
GetPhysicalConnectionServiceStatus | Queries the status of an Express Connect circuit. |
GetTrafficMirrorServiceStatus | Queries the status of traffic mirroring. |
GetVpcCloudInstanceSummary | Queries instances in a VPC. |
GetVpcGatewayEndpointAttribute | Queries the attributes of a VPC gateway endpoint. |
GetVpcPrefixListAssociations | Queries the network instances that are associated with a prefix list. |
GetVpcPrefixListEntries | Queries the information about a prefix list. |
GetVpnGatewayDiagnoseResult | Queries the quick diagnostics results of a VPN gateway. |
GrantInstanceToCen | Grants permissions to a CEN instance. |
IPv6TranslatorValidateOrder | Queries whether the order of an IPv6 Translation Service instance is valid. |
ListBusinessAccessPoints | Queries access points. |
ListDhcpOptionsSets | Queries created DHCP options sets. |
ListEnhanhcedNatGatewayAvailableZones | Queries the zones that support enhanced NAT gateways. |
ListFullNatEntries | Queries the FULLNAT entries of gateways. |
ListGatewayRouteTableEntries | Queries the route entries of a gateway route table. |
ListGeographicRegions | Queries geographic areas. |
ListIpsecServerLogs | Queries the connection logs of an IPsec server. |
ListIpsecServers | Queries IPsec servers. |
ListIpv4Gateways | Queries IPv4 gateways. |
ListMultiClouds | Queries the information about multi-cloud connections. |
ListNatGatewayConvertReservations | Queries schedules to upgrade NAT gateways. |
ListNatGatewayEcsMetric | Queries the traffic monitoring data of a NAT gateway. |
ListNatIpCidrs | Queries NAT CIDR blocks. |
ListNatIps | Queries NAT IP addresses. |
ListPhysicalConnectionFeatures | Queries the characteristics of an Express Connect circuits. |
ListPrefixLists | Queries prefix lists. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
ListTrafficMirrorFilters | Queries filters for traffic mirroring. |
ListTrafficMirrorSessions | Queries traffic mirror sessions. |
ListVirtualPhysicalConnections | Queries hosted connections. |
ListVpcCloudInstance | Queries the information about access from a VPC to other cloud services. |
ListVpcEndpointServicesByEndUser | Queries the endpoint services of a VPC gateway. |
ListVpcGatewayEndpoints | Queries VPC gateway endpoints. |
ListVpnCertificateAssociations | Queries the associations between VPN gateways and certificates. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications on the buy page. |
ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a specified NAT service plan. |
ModifyBandwidthPackageSpec | Modifies the bandwidth of the specified NAT service plan. |
ModifyBgpGroupAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a BGP group. |
ModifyBgpPeerAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a BGP peer. |
ModifyCommonBandwidthPackageAttribute | Modifies the name and description of an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
ModifyCommonBandwidthPackageIpBandwidth | Sets the maximum bandwidth of an EIP that is associated with an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
ModifyCommonBandwidthPackagePayType | Changes the billing method of an Internet Shared Bandwidth from pay-as-you-go to subscription. |
ModifyCommonBandwidthPackageSpec | Modifies the maximum bandwidth of an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a customer gateway. |
ModifyEipAddressAttribute | Modifies the name, description, and maximum bandwidth of a specified EIP. |
ModifyExpressCloudConnectionAttribute | Modifies the configuration of an ECC instance. |
ModifyExpressCloudConnectionBandwidth | Modifies the bandwidth of an ECC instance. |
ModifyFlowLogAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a flow log. |
ModifyForwardEntry | Modifies a specified DNAT entry. |
ModifyFullNatEntryAttribute | Modifies a FULLNAT entry. |
ModifyGlobalAccelerationInstanceAttributes | Modifies the name and description of a GA instance. |
ModifyGlobalAccelerationInstanceSpec | Modifies the bandwidth of a GA instance. |
ModifyHaVipAttribute | Modifies the name and description of an HAVIP. |
ModifyInstanceAutoRenewalAttribute | Enables or disables auto-renewal for an instance. |
ModifyIpv6AddressAttribute | Modifies the name and description of an IPv6 address. |
ModifyIpv6GatewayAttribute | Modifies the information about an IPv6 gateway. |
ModifyIpv6GatewaySpec | Modifies the specifications of an IPv6 gateway. |
ModifyIpv6InternetBandwidth | Modifies the Internet bandwidth of an IPv6 address. |
ModifyIPv6TranslatorAclAttribute | Modifies the name of an ACL. |
ModifyIPv6TranslatorAclListEntry | Modifies an IP entry in an ACL. |
ModifyIPv6TranslatorAttribute | Modifies the name and description of an IPv6 Translation Service instance. |
ModifyIPv6TranslatorBandwidth | Modifies the maximum bandwidth of an IPv6 Translation Service instance. |
ModifyIPv6TranslatorEntry | Modifies an IPv6 mapping entry. |
ModifyNatGatewayAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a NAT gateway. |
ModifyNatGatewaySpec | Resizes a NAT gateway. |
ModifyNatIpAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a NAT IP address. |
ModifyNatIpCidrAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a NAT CIDR block. |
ModifyNetworkAclAttributes | Modifies the attributes of a network ACL. |
ModifyPhysicalConnectionAttribute | Modifies the configuration of an Express Connect circuit. |
ModifyRouteEntry | Modifies the name and description of a custom route entry. |
ModifyRouterInterfaceAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a router interface. |
ModifyRouterInterfaceSpec | Modifies the specifications of a router interface. |
ModifyRouteTableAttributes | Modifies the name and description of a route table. |
ModifySnatEntry | Modifies a specified SNAT entry. |
ModifySslVpnClientCert | Modifies the name of an SSL client certificate. |
ModifySslVpnServer | Modifies the configuration of an SSL server. |
ModifyVirtualBorderRouterAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a VBR. |
ModifyVpcAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a specified VPC. |
ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute | Modifies the configuration of an IPsec-VPN connection. |
ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a VPN gateway. |
ModifyVpnPbrRouteEntryWeight | Modifies the weight of a policy-based route of a VPN gateway. |
ModifyVpnRouteEntryWeight | Modifies the weight of a destination-based route of a VPN gateway. |
ModifyVRouterAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a vRouter. |
ModifyVSwitchAttribute | Modifies the name and description of a specified vSwitch. |
MoveResourceGroup | Modifies the resource group to which a cloud resource belongs. |
OpenPhysicalConnectionService | Enables an Express Connect circuit. |
OpenTrafficMirrorService | Enables traffic mirroring. |
PublishVpnRouteEntry | Advertises a VPN route to a VPC. |
RecoverPhysicalConnection | Resumes an Express Connect circuit. |
RecoverVirtualBorderRouter | Enables a disabled VBR. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
ReleaseEipAddress | Releases a specified EIP. |
ReleaseEipSegmentAddress | Releases continuous EIPs. |
RemainRefund | Requests to unsubscribe from resources. |
RemoveBandwidthPackageIps | Removes public IP addresses from a NAT service plan. |
RemoveCommonBandwidthPackageIp | Disassociates an EIP from an Internet Shared Bandwidth. |
RemoveGlobalAccelerationInstanceIp | Disassociates an EIP from a shared-bandwidth GA instance. |
RemoveIPv6TranslatorAclListEntry | Removes IP entries from an ACL. |
RemoveSourcesFromTrafficMirrorSession | Removes a traffic mirror source from a traffic mirror session. |
Renew | Renews an instance or a resource plan. |
RenewInstance | Renews a subscription ECS instance. |
ReplaceVpcDhcpOptionsSet | Replaces the DHCP options set that is associated with a VPC. |
RevokeInstanceFromCen | Revokes the permissions on a network instance that is attached to a CEN instance. |
SetHighDefinitionMonitorLogStatus | Queries the fine-grained monitoring configuration of an EIP. |
TagResources | Creates and adds tags to resources. |
TerminatePhysicalConnection | Disables an Express Connect circuit. |
TerminateVirtualBorderRouter | Terminates a VBR. |
UnassociateEipAddress | Disassociates an EIP from a cloud resource. |
UnassociateGlobalAccelerationInstance | Disassociates a GA instance from a backend server. |
UnassociateHaVip | Disassociates an HAVIP from an ECS instance. |
UnassociateNetworkAcl | Disassociates a network ACL from a vSwitch. |
UnassociatePhysicalConnectionFromVirtualBorderRouter | Disassociates a VBR from an Express Connect circuit. |
UnassociateRouteTable | Disassociates a route table from a vSwitch. |
UnassociateVpcCidrBlock | Removes a secondary IPv4 CIDR block from a VPC. |
UnTagResources | Removes tags from specified resources. |
UpdateCrossBoarderStatus | Grants or revokes the permissions to enable cross-border Express Connect. |
UpdateDhcpOptionsSetAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a DHCP options set. |
UpdateIpsecServer | Modifies the configuration of an IPsec server. |
UpdateNatGatewayConvertReservation | Modifies a schedule to upgrade a NAT gateway. |
UpdateNatGatewayNatType | Upgrades a standard NAT gateway to an enhanced NAT gateway. |
UpdateNetworkAclEntries | Updates the rules of a network ACL. |
UpdateTrafficMirrorFilterAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a filter for traffic mirroring. |
UpdateTrafficMirrorFilterRuleAttribute | Modifies the configuration of an inbound or outbound rule for traffic mirroring. |
UpdateTrafficMirrorSessionAttribute | Modifies the configuration of a traffic mirror session. |
UpdateVirtualBorderBandwidth | Modifies the maximum bandwidth of a VBR. |
UpdateVirtualPhysicalConnection | Changes the virtual local area network (VLAN) ID of a hosted connection. |
UpdateVpcGatewayEndpointAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a VPC gateway endpoint. |
UpgradeVcoFirmware | Updates the VCO firmware. |
UpgradeVpnGatewayFirmware | Updates the VPN gateway firmware. |
VpnGatewayValidateOrder | Checks whether the order of a VPN gateway is valid. |
AddPublicIpAddressPoolCidrBlock | None. |
AddVbrToBondRouterInterfaceConnection | None. |
AdminQueryVpcInfo | None. |
AssociateEipAddressBatch | None. |
AssociateRouteTableWithGateway | None. |
CheckBandwidthPackageOrderParam | None. |
CheckCommonBandwidthPackageOrderParam | None. |
CheckNatGatewayOrderParam | None. |
CheckVpnBgpEnabled | None. |
CreateBondRouterInterfaceConnection | None. |
CreateDefaultVSwitch | None. |
CreatePhysicalConnectionNew | None. |
CreatePublicIpAddressPool | None. |
CreateVcoRouteEntry | None. |
CreateVpcPrefixList | None. |
CreateVpnAttachment | None. |
CreateVpnGreTunnel | None. |
DeleteBondRouterInterfaceConnection | None. |
DeleteIpv4Gateway | None. |
DeletePublicIpAddressPool | None. |
DeletePublicIpAddressPoolCidrBlock | None. |
DeleteVcoRouteEntry | None. |
DeleteVpcPrefixList | None. |
DeleteVpnAttachment | None. |
Describe95Traffic | None. |
DescribeAdvancedResources | None. |
DescribeBandwidthPackageMonitorData | None. |
DescribeBandwidthPackagePublicIpMonitorData | None. |
DescribeEcGrantRelation | None. |
DescribeEipAddressesByBwp | None. |
DescribeForwardTables | None. |
DescribeGrantRulesToCbn | None. |
DescribeNetworkQuotas | None. |
DescribePublicIpAddress | None. |
DescribeRouterInterfacesForGlobal | None. |
DescribeTagKeys | None. |
DescribeTags | None. |
DescribeVcoRouteEntries | None. |
DescribeVpnAttachments | None. |
DescribeVpnCrossAccountAuthorizations | None. |
DescribeVpnGreTunnels | None. |
DissociateRouteTableFromGateway | None. |
EipFillParams | None. |
EipNotifyPaid | None. |
EipOrderCheck | None. |
EipPrepayNotifyPaid | None. |
EnableVpcIpv4Gateway | None. |
FillBandwidthPackageInstanceId | None. |
FillBandwidthPackageParam | None. |
FillCommonBandwidthPackageInstanceId | None. |
FillNatGatwayInstanceId | None. |
GetFlowLogServiceStatus | None. |
GetIpv4GatewayAttribute | None. |
GetNatIpAttribute | None. |
InnerVpcConfirmCrossBorderRouterInterface | None. |
InnerVpcDescribeCrossBorderRouterInterface | None. |
InnerVpcDescribeCrossBorderUsers | None. |
IPv6TranslatorFillParams | None. |
IPv6TranslatorFillRestrictions | None. |
IPv6TranslatorPrepayNotifyPaid | None. |
ListBondRouterInterfaceConnection | None. |
ListPublicIpAddressPoolCidrBlocks | None. |
ListPublicIpAddressPools | None. |
ListPublicIpAddressPoolsForCommonBuy | None. |
ModifyBypassToaAttribute | None. |
ModifyCommonBandwidthPackageInternetChargeType | None. |
ModifyEipForwardMode | None. |
ModifyVcoRouteEntryWeight | None. |
ModifyVcoSpec | None. |
ModifyVpcPrefixList | None. |
ModifyVpnAttachmentAttribute | None. |
NotifyProduceBandwidthPackage | None. |
NotifyProduceCommonBandwidthPackage | None. |
NotifyProduceNatGateway | None. |
NotifyProducePreCommonBandwidthPackage | None. |
OpenFlowLogService | None. |
QueryRouterInterfacePrice | None. |
RemoveVbrFromBondRouterInterfaceConnection | None. |
RetryVpcPrefixListAssociation | None. |
RiFillParams | None. |
RiFillProduct | None. |
RiNotifyPaid | None. |
RiOrderCheck | None. |
SetHaVipMasterInstance | None. |
UpdateBondRouterInterfaceConnectionAttribute | None. |
UpdateGatewayRouteTableEntryAttribute | None. |
UpdateIpv4GatewayAttribute | None. |
UpdatePublicIpAddressPoolAttribute | None. |
VpnGatewayFillParams | None. |
VpnGatewayFillRestrictions | None. |
VpnGatewayPrepayNotifyPaid | None. |
InnerVpcCreateDscp | None. |
InnerVpcDeleteDscp | None. |
InnerVpcDescribeDscp | None. |