Security Center is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage Security Center resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of Security Center that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
AddCheckInstanceResultWhiteList | Adds instances to a whitelist based on check items. |
AddCheckResultWhiteList | Adds a check item to a whitelist. |
AddClientUserDefineRule | Creates a custom rule. |
AddCloudVendorAccountAK | Adds multi-cloud assets to Security Center. |
AddIdcProbe | Creates an Internet data center (IDC) probe. |
AddInstallCode | Creates a command that is used to install the Security Center agent. |
AddPrivateRegistry | Creates a private image repository. |
AddProtectVpcList | Adds or updates virtual private clouds (VPCs) that you want to protect. |
AddTagWithUuid | Adds a tag to assets based on asset UUIDs. |
AddUninstallClientsByUuids | Adds the servers from which you want to uninstall the Security Center agent. |
AddVpcHoneyPot | Creates a honeypot. |
AdvanceSecurityEventOperations | Queries the configurations of an advanced whitelist rule. |
AttackCountQuery | Queries the number of alert events in each attack phase. |
BatchOperateCommonOverallConfig | Enables or disables multiple features at a time. |
BindAuthToMachine | Binds servers to Security Center. |
CanConfigAggregation | Checks whether alerts can be aggregated. |
ChangeCheckConfig | Configures the check standards. |
CheckFunctionTrialEnabled | Checks whether the trial version of the cloud honeypot feature is enabled. |
CheckQuaraFileId | Checks whether the IDs of quarantined files are valid. |
CheckSecurityEventId | Checks whether one or more alert events are generated on a specified server based on the IDs of the alert events. |
CheckTrialFixCount | Checks the number of vulnerability fixes supported during a trial. |
CheckUserHasEcs | Checks whether Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances exist. |
ConfirmVirusEvents | Confirms the alert events that you want to handle. |
CopyCustomizeReportConfig | Copies a custom report. |
Create | Purchases Security Center on the buy page. |
CreateAntiBruteForceRule | Creates a defense rule against brute-force attacks. |
CreateAsset | Adds a third-party asset to create an anti-ransomware policy. |
CreateAttestor | Creates a witness. |
CreateBackupPolicy | Creates an anti-ransomware policy. |
CreateBatchUploadUrl | Creates multiple upload URLs at a time. |
CreateBinarySecurityPolicy | Creates a binary security policy. |
CreateCustomBlockRecord | Creates a custom IP address blocking policy. |
CreateCustomizedDict | Creates a custom dictionary of weak passwords. |
CreateCycleTask | Creates a scheduled scan task. |
CreateDynamicDict | Creates a dynamic dictionary of weak passwords. |
CreateFileDetect | Submits a file to the cloud for detection. |
CreateFileDetectUploadUrl | Queries the parameters that are required to upload a file for detection. |
CreateGroup | Creates a server group. |
CreateHoneypot | Creates a honeypot. |
CreateHoneypotNode | Creates a management node to which you want to deploy a honeypot. |
CreateHoneypotPreset | Creates a honeypot template. |
CreateHoneypotProbe | Creates a honeypot probe. |
CreateHoneypotProbeBind | Creates a probe service. |
CreateImageScanTaskForAcr | Creates an image scan task. |
CreateInterceptionRule | Creates a defense rule. |
CreateInterceptionTarget | Adds a defense object. |
CreateInvestigationTask | Creates an investigation task. |
CreateJenkinsImageRegistry | Creates a Jenkins image repository. |
CreateJenkinsImageScanTask | Creates a Jenkins image scan task. |
CreateMonitorAccount | Adds an account to the multi-account control feature. |
CreateOrder | Creates an order. |
CreateOrUpdateAssetGroup | Modifies the mapping between an asset and an asset group. |
CreateOrUpdateAutoTagRule | Creates or modifies a rule. |
CreateOrUpdateDingTalk | Creates or modifies a DingTalk alert configuration. |
CreatePrivateK8s | Adds a private Kubernetes cluster to Security Center. |
CreatePrivateK8sConfigUploadInfo | Creates a configuration to upload a private Kubernetes cluster. |
CreateRestoreJob | Creates a restoration task for anti-ransomware. |
CreateRulePkgsByIdentifier | Generates a rule package based on rule IDs. |
CreateSasOrder | Creates an order. |
CreateSasTrial | Trials Security Center. |
CreateServiceLinkedRole | Creates a service-linked role and authorizes Security Center to access cloud resources. |
CreateSimilarSecurityEventsQueryTask | Creates a task to query the alert events that are triggered by the same rule or alert events of the same alert type. |
CreateSuspEventNote | Adds remarks to an alert event. |
CreateUniBackupPolicy | Creates an anti-ransomware policy for a database. |
CreateUniRestorePlan | Creates a restoration task for a database. |
CreateUploadURL | Uploads a file. |
CreateUserSetting | Saves baseline check configurations. |
CreateVirusScan | Submits a file to the cloud for detection. |
CreateVulAutoRepairConfig | Creates a list of vulnerabilities that can be automatically fixed. |
DeleteAsset | Releases an asset. |
DeleteAttestor | Deletes a witness. |
DeleteAutoTagRules | Deletes an asset auto-tagging rule. |
DeleteBackupPolicy | Deletes an anti-ransomware policy. |
DeleteBackupPolicyMachine | Deletes a server from a specified anti-ransomware policy. |
DeleteBinarySecurityPolicy | Deletes a binary security policy. |
DeleteClientUserDefineRule | Deletes a custom rule. |
DeleteCloudVendorAccountAK | Removes multi-cloud assets from Security Center. |
DeleteClusterByClusterId | Removes a cluster based on the cluster ID. |
DeleteCustomizedDict | Deletes a custom dictionary of weak passwords. |
DeleteCustomizeReport | Deletes a custom report. |
DeleteCycleTask | Deletes a scheduled scan task. |
DeleteDingTalk | Deletes a DingTalk alert configuration. |
DeleteDynamicDict | Deletes a dynamic dictionary of weak passwords. |
DeleteGroup | Deletes a server group. |
DeleteHoneypot | Deletes a honeypot. |
DeleteHoneypotNode | Deletes a management node. |
DeleteHoneypotPreset | Deletes a honeypot template. |
DeleteHoneypotProbe | Deletes a honeypot probe. |
DeleteHoneypotProbeBind | Deletes a probe service. |
DeleteIdcProbe | Deletes an IDC probe. |
DeleteInstallCode | Deletes a command that is used to install the Security Center agent. |
DeleteInterceptionRule | Deletes a defense rule. |
DeleteInterceptionTarget | Removes a defense object. |
DeleteLoginBaseConfig | Deletes the basic configuration information from the logon security configurations for a specific asset. |
DeleteMonitorAccount | Removes an account from the multi-account control feature. |
DeleteOpaStrategy | Deletes a policy. |
DeletePrivateK8s | Removes a private Kubernetes cluster from Security Center. |
DeletePrivateRegistry | Deletes a private image repository. |
DeleteSearchCondition | Deletes a search condition. |
DeleteSecurityEventMarkMissList | Deletes the parameters that are used to add an alert event to a whitelist. |
DeleteSoarStrategyTask | Deletes a task in the task center. |
DeleteStrategy | Deletes a policy. |
DeleteTagWithUuid | Removes tags from assets. |
DeleteUniBackupPolicy | Deletes an anti-ransomware policy that is created for a database. |
DeleteVpcHoneyPot | Deletes a honeypot. |
DeleteVulAutoRepairConfig | Deletes the vulnerabilities that can be automatically fixed. |
DescribeAccessKeyLeakDetail | Queries the details of an AccessKey pair leak. |
DescribeAccesskeyLeakList | Queries the details of AccessKey pair leaks in your assets. |
DescribeAffectedAssets | Queries affected assets. |
DescribeAffectedMaliciousFileImages | Queries the details of malicious image samples. |
DescribeAgentInstallStatus | Queries the installation result of the Security Center agent. |
DescribeAlarmEventDetail | Queries the details of an alert event. |
DescribeAlarmEventList | Queries alert events. |
DescribeAlarmEventStackInfo | Queries the stack information about an alert event. |
DescribeAllEntity | Queries the information about all assets. |
DescribeAllGroups | Queries the information about all server groups. |
DescribeAllImageBaseline | Queries the baselines that are used in image baseline checks. |
DescribeAllRegionsStatistics | Queries the statistics on all regions. |
DescribeAntiBruteForceRules | Queries the defense rules that are created for brute-force attacks. |
DescribeAppVulScanCycle | Queries the scan cycle for application vulnerabilities. |
DescribeAssetDetailByUuid | Queries the details of a server and the extended information about the server by using the UUID of the server. |
DescribeAssetDetailByUuids | Queries the details of ECS instances. |
DescribeAssetsSecurityEventSummary | Queries the statistics on the alert events of assets. |
DescribeAssetSummary | Queries the statistical information about the cores of assets that are protected by Security Center. |
DescribeAttackAnalysisData | Queries the statistics on attack analysis. |
DescribeAttestors | Queries witnesses. |
DescribeAutoDelConfig | Queries the configurations of automatic vulnerability deletion. |
DescribeBackupClients | Queries the servers on which the anti-ransomware agent is installed in a specified region. |
DescribeBackupDirs | Queries the directories whose data can be restored on a server to which an anti-ransomware policy is applied. |
DescribeBackUpExportInfo | Queries the progress of a backup export task. |
DescribeBackupFiles | Queries backup files. |
DescribeBackupMachineStatus | Queries the backup status of a sever to which an anti-ransomware policy is applied. |
DescribeBackupPolicies | Queries anti-ransomware policies. |
DescribeBackupRestoreCount | Queries the statistics on restoration tasks. |
DescribeBinarySecurityPolicies | Queries binary security policies. |
DescribeBruteForceRecords | Queries IP address blocking policies that are used to prevent brute-force attacks. |
DescribeBruteForceSummary | Queries the statistics on IP address blocking policies that are used to defend against brute-force attacks and trigger alerts. |
DescribeCanAccessVpcSale | Queries whether assets can be sold based on VPCs. |
DescribeCanTrySas | Queries whether Security Center is available for trial. |
DescribeCheckEcsWarnings | Queries the number of weak passwords that can cause high risks to your assets. |
DescribeCheckFixDetails | Queries the fix details of a check item. |
DescribeCheckWarningCount | Queries the number of alerts that are triggered by a check item. |
DescribeCheckWarningDetail | Queries the details of a specific check item. |
DescribeCheckWarningMachines | Queries the servers on which the same risk item is detected. |
DescribeCheckWarnings | Queries specific risk items and check items on a specified server. |
DescribeCheckWarningSummary | Queries the statistical information about baseline check results. |
DescribeClientConfSetup | Queries the procedure to install the Security Center agent. |
DescribeClientConfStrategy | Queries the configuration policy of the Security Center agent. |
DescribeClientProblemType | Queries the issues that are related to the Security Center agent. |
DescribeCloudCenterInstances | Queries the information about assets that meet the specified search conditions. |
DescribeCloudProductFieldStatistics | Queries the statistics on cloud services. |
DescribeCloudVendorAccountAKList | Queries the multi-cloud assets that are added to Security Center. |
DescribeClusterBasicInfo | Queries the basic information about a cluster based on the cluster ID. |
DescribeClusterContainerSecuritySummary | Queries the statistical information about the security of a container runtime. |
DescribeClusterHostSecuritySummary | Queries the statistical information about the security of a host. |
DescribeClusterImageSecuritySummary | Queries the statistical information about the security of an image. |
DescribeClusterInfoList | Queries container clusters based on Alibaba Cloud account IDs. |
DescribeClusterNetwork | Queries the network information about a cluster. |
DescribeCommonOverallConfig | Queries the status of a feature. |
DescribeCommonOverallConfigList | Queries the status of multiple features at a time. |
DescribeCommonTargetResultList | Queries the servers for which multiple features are enabled or disabled based on the feature type. |
DescribeConcernNecessity | Queries the priority to fix a vulnerability. |
DescribeContainerCriteria | Queries the expressions that can be used to query containers. |
DescribeContainerFieldStatistics | Queries the statistics on containers. |
DescribeContainerGroupedFieldDetail | Queries the parameters of a container. |
DescribeContainerInstances | Queries containers. |
DescribeContainerServiceK8sClusterKritisStatus | Queries the Kritis status of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) cluster. |
DescribeContainerServiceK8sClusterNamespaces | Queries the namespaces of an ACK cluster. |
DescribeContainerServiceK8sClusters | Queries ACK clusters. |
describeContainerStatistics | Queries the alert statistics on container assets. |
DescribeContainerTags | Queries the values of container tags based on the Field parameter. |
DescribeCountNotScannedImage | Queries the number of images that are not scanned. |
DescribeCriteria | Queries the search conditions that are used to query assets in fuzzy match mode. |
DescribeCustomBlockRecords | Queries custom IP address blocking policies. |
DescribeCustomizedDict | Queries the information about a custom dictionary of weak passwords. |
DescribeCustomizedDictUploadInfo | Queries the information that is required to upload a custom dictionary of weak passwords to Object Storage Service (OSS). |
DescribeCustomizedStrategyTargets | Queries the assets to which a custom policy is applied. |
DescribeCustomizeReportConfigDetail | Queries the details of a custom report sending configuration. |
DescribeCustomizeReportList | Queries custom reports. |
DescribeCycleTaskList | Queries scheduled scan tasks. |
DescribeDataSource | Queries a data source. |
DescribeDefaultKeyInfo | Queries the default key information. |
DescribeDefenceThread | Queries the statistics on security defense. |
DescribeDialogMessages | Queries the pop-up messages of newly released features and the sales promotions provided by Security Center. |
DescribeDingTalk | Queries DingTalk alert configurations. |
DescribeDomainCount | Queries the number of domain assets. |
DescribeDomainDetail | Queries the details of a domain asset. |
DescribeDomainList | Queries information about domain assets. |
DescribeDomainSecureAlarmList | Queries the security alerts in a network security report. |
DescribeDomainSecureRiskList | Queries the risky websites in a network security report. |
DescribeDomainSecureScore | Queries the security score in a network security report. |
DescribeDomainSecureStatistics | Queries the statistics in a network security report. |
DescribeDomainSecureSuggests | Queries the security suggestions in a network security report. |
DescribeDomainSecureVulList | Queries the vulnerabilities in a network security report. |
DescribeDynamicDict | Queries the information about a dynamic dictionary of weak passwords. |
DescribeDynamicDictUploadInfo | Queries the information that is required to upload a dynamic dictionary of weak passwords to OSS. |
DescribeEmgUserAgreement | Queries the user agreement for urgent vulnerabilities. |
DescribeEmgVulGroup | Queries urgent vulnerabilities by group. |
DescribeEmgVulItem | Queries the details of an urgent vulnerability. |
DescribeEventOnStage | Queries the information about threat detection. |
DescribeExcludeSystemPath | Queries the directories that are excluded from anti-ransomware. |
DescribeExportInfo | Queries the progress of a task that exports your assets to an Excel file. |
DescribeExposedCheckWarning | Queries the alerts that are triggered by a check item. |
DescribeExposedInstanceCriteria | Queries the search conditions that are used to search for exposed assets. |
DescribeExposedInstanceDetail | Queries the details of an exposed asset. |
DescribeExposedInstanceList | Queries exposed assets. |
DescribeExposedRiskNum | Queries high-risk exposed assets. |
DescribeExposedStatistics | Queries the statistics on exposed assets. |
DescribeExposedStatisticsDetail | Queries the details of the statistics on exposed assets. |
DescribeFieldStatistics | Queries the statistics on servers. |
DescribeFrontVulPatchList | Queries the pre-patches that are required to fix the specified Windows system vulnerabilities. |
DescribeGraph4InvestigationOnline | Queries a curve chart that is related to threats. |
DescribeGroupedContainerInstances | Queries containers by group type. |
DescribeGroupedInstances | Queries the statistics on assets. |
DescribeGroupedMaliciousFiles | Queries malicious image samples. |
DescribeGroupedTags | Queries the statistics on tags. |
DescribeGroupedVul | Queries information about vulnerabilities by group. |
DescribeGroupStruct | Queries the structure of a server group. |
DescribeHcExportInfo | Queries asset exposure information. |
DescribeHoneyPotAuth | Queries the statistics on the quota for honeypots. |
DescribeHoneyPotSuspStatistics | Queries the statistics on the security events that are detected by honeypots. |
DescribeIdcAssetCriteria | Queries the search conditions that are used when an IDC probe scans assets. |
DescribeIdcProbeList | Queries IDC probes. |
DescribeIdcProbeScanResultList | Queries the scan results of an IDC probe. |
DescribeImage | Queries the information about an image. |
DescribeImageBaselineCheckResult | Queries the baseline check results of an image. |
DescribeImageBaselineCheckSummary | Queries the check results of image baselines that are included in an image scan task. |
DescribeImageBaselineDetail | Queries the details of the baseline check results for an image. |
DescribeImageBaselineItemList | Queries baseline check items based on images. |
DescribeImageBaselineStrategy | Queries the information about a baseline check policy for images. |
DescribeImageBasicInfo | Queries the basic information about an image. |
DescribeImageCriteria | Queries the expressions that can be used to query images. |
DescribeImageFixTask | Queries the tasks that are created to fix image risks. |
DescribeImageGroupedVulList | Queries image vulnerabilities. |
DescribeImageInfoList | Queries images. |
DescribeImageInstances | Queries all images within your account. |
DescribeImageLatestScanTask | Queries the status of the latest image scan task. |
DescribeImageList | Queries images. |
DescribeImageListWithBaselineName | Queries the details of images in the results of image baseline checks. |
DescribeImageNetInfo | Queries the network connection information about an image. |
DescribeImageNetwork | Queries the network topology of an image. |
DescribeImageRepoCount | Queries the total number of image repositories and the total number of risky image repositories. |
DescribeImageRepoCriteria | Queries image repositories. |
DescribeImageRepoDetailList | Queries image repositories. |
DescribeImageRepoList | Queries image repositories. |
DescribeImageRiskLevelStatistic | Queries the risk level distribution of images. |
DescribeImageScanAuthCount | Queries the details of the quota for container image scan. |
DescribeImageScanAuthorization | Queries the authorization status of container image scan. |
DescribeImageSecurityScanCount | Queries the number of security events detected on images. |
DescribeImageStatistics | Queries the risk statistics on container images. |
DescribeImageVulList | Queries the vulnerabilities that are detected in container images. |
DescribeInstallCaptcha | Queries the verification code for manual installation of the Security Center agent. |
DescribeInstallCodes | Queries the commands that are used to manually install the Security Center Agent. |
DescribeInstanceAntiBruteForceRules | Queries the information about servers to which a defense rule against brute-force attacks is applied. |
DescribeInstanceRebootStatus | Queries the status of the servers that you restarted. |
DescribeInstanceStatistics | Queries the statistics on assets that are protected by Security Center. |
DescribeInvestigationTasks | Queries investigation tasks. |
DescribeIpInfo | Queries whether an IP address belongs to an Alibaba Cloud Content Delivery Network (CDN) node. |
DescribeIpTags | Queries whether an IP address is related to a security event. |
DescribeItemRepairSteps | Queries the procedure to fix a risk item. |
DescribeLatestScanTask | Queries the progress of the last virus scan task. |
DescribeLoginBaseConfigs | Queries the configuration that is used to detect unusual logons. |
DescribeLoginConfigTarget | Queries the server on which a specified logon security configuration takes effect. |
DescribeLoginSwitchConfigs | Queries the status of Server Guard. |
DescribeLogsByBusinessName | Queries logs by business name. |
DescribeLogShipperStatus | Queries the delivery status of logs. |
DescribeLogstoreStorage | Queries the log storage capacity. |
DescribeMachineCanReboot | Queries whether a server can be restarted. |
DescribeMatchedMaliciousNames | Queries the types of malicious files that you want a proactive defense policy to block. |
DescribeModuleConfig | Queries the configurations of the asset fingerprint module. |
DescribeMonitorAccounts | Queries the accounts that are added to the multi-account control feature. |
DescribeNeedAsyncQuery | Queries whether slow queries need to be optimized. |
DescribeNoticeConfig | Queries the notification configurations. |
DescribeNsasSuspEventType | Queries the information about an event type. |
DescribeOfflineMachines | Queries the information about the servers whose Security Center agent status is Offline. |
DescribeOnceTask | Queries troubleshooting tasks for Security Center agent issues. |
DescribeOnceTaskLeafRecordPage | Queries a subtask. |
DescribeOperateInfo | Queries operations information. |
DescribePackagesByIdentifier | Queries the rule package that can be upgraded based on rule IDs. |
DescribePropertyCount | Queries the statistics on asset fingerprints. |
DescribePropertyCronDetail | Queries the details of scheduled tasks. |
DescribePropertyCronItem | Queries the scheduled tasks of assets. |
DescribePropertyPortDetail | Queries the details of a port. |
DescribePropertyPortItem | Queries all ports. |
DescribePropertyProcDetail | Queries the details of a process. |
DescribePropertyProcItem | Queries all processes. |
DescribePropertyScaDetail | Queries middleware fingerprints. |
DescribePropertyScaItem | Queries the aggregation information about asset fingerprints. |
DescribePropertyScheduleConfig | Queries the configurations of scheduled tasks for asset fingerprint collection. |
DescribePropertySoftwareDetail | Queries the details of a software asset. |
DescribePropertySoftwareItem | Queries the information about all software assets. |
DescribePropertyTypeScaItem | Queries middleware types. |
DescribePropertyUsageNewest | Queries the information about the most recently created five accounts. |
DescribePropertyUsageTop | Queries the number of asset fingerprints by type. |
DescribePropertyUserDetail | Queries the details of an account. |
DescribePropertyUserItem | Queries the information about an account. |
DescribeQuaraFileDownloadInfo | Queries the download URL of a quarantined file. |
DescribeReportExport | Queries a report export task. |
DescribeReportRecipientStatus | Queries the status of a report recipient. |
DescribeResourceDirectorySyncStatus | Queries the synchronization status of a resource directory. |
DescribeRestoreJobs | Queries the details of restoration tasks. |
DescribeRestorePlans | Queries restoration tasks. |
DescribeRiskCheckItemResult | Queries the assets that are affected by the risk item detected in configuration assessment based on a specified check item. |
DescribeRiskCheckResult | Queries the check results of a check item. |
DescribeRiskCheckSummary | Queries the summary information about the check results of cloud service configurations. |
DescribeRiskItemType | Queries the types of check items in configuration assessment. |
DescribeRiskListCheckResult | Queries the number of risk items detected in the configuration assessment of one or more cloud services by using the instance IDs of the cloud services. |
DescribeRisks | Queries all risk items. |
DescribeRiskType | Queries baseline types. |
DescribeRuleCategory | Queries a rule type. |
DescribeRuleDescById | Queries the description of a rule. |
DescribeRulePackageLogsByCategory | Queries logs that record the paths to rule packages by rule type. |
DescribeSasAssetStatisticsColumn | Queries the asset information based on the columns displayed on the Server tab. |
DescribeSasPmAgentList | Queries the assets on which the Cloud Assistant client or the CloudMonitor agent is installed. |
DescribeScanTaskProgress | Queries the progress of a virus scan task. |
DescribeScanTaskStatistics | Queries the statistics on scan tasks. |
DescribeSearchCondition | Queries the search conditions that are used to search for assets. |
DescribeSecureSuggestion | Queries suggestions on how to handle the security risks that affect the security score. |
DescribeSecurityCheckScheduleConfig | Queries the day of a week when custom check tasks are performed and the time range during which the custom check tasks are performed. |
DescribeSecurityEventMarkMissList | Queries the parameters that are used to add an alert event to a whitelist. |
DescribeSecurityEventOperations | Queries the operations that can be performed to handle an alert event. |
DescribeSecurityEventOperationStatus | Queries the processing status of alerts triggered by the same rule or rules of the same type. |
DescribeSecurityStatInfo | Queries the statistics on each security check item and the daily statistics in the trend chart based on each security check item. |
DescribeServiceLinkedRoleStatus | Checks whether a service-linked role is created for Security Center. |
DescribeSimilarEventScenarios | Queries the scenarios in which alerts triggered by the same rule or rules of the same type are handled. |
DescribeSimilarSecurityEvents | Queries alert events that are triggered by the same rule or rules of the same type. |
DescribeSnapshots | Queries snapshots. |
DescribeSoarPlaybookTaskDetail | Queries the results of playbook execution. |
DescribeSoarStrategies | Queries policies in the task center. |
DescribeSoarStrategyParam | Queries the parameters of a policy in the task center. |
DescribeSoarStrategyTaskDetail | Queries the details of a policy task in the task center. |
DescribeSoarStrategyTaskParams | Queries the input parameters of a policy task. |
DescribeSoarStrategyTaskResult | Queries the results of a policy task. |
DescribeSoarStrategyTasks | Queries the policy tasks in the task center. |
DescribeSoarSubscribedStrategy | Queries the policies that are added to favorites. |
DescribeStrategy | Queries the details about baseline check policies. |
DescribeStrategyDetail | Queries the details of a baseline check policy. |
DescribeStrategyExecDetail | Queries the results of the last baseline check by using a specified baseline check policy. |
DescribeStrategyProcess | Queries the progress of a baseline check by using a baseline check policy. |
DescribeStrategyTarget | Queries the assets to which a baseline check policy is applied. |
DescribeStratety | Queries the details of a baseline check policy. |
DescribeSummaryInfo | Queries the security information about your assets. The information includes the security score and the numbers of protected and unprotected assets. |
DescribeSupervisonInfo | Queries the security supervision information. |
DescribeSupportRegion | Queries the regions in which the anti-ransomware feature is supported. |
DescribeSuspEventDetail | Queries the details of an exception. |
DescribeSuspEventQuaraFiles | Queries quarantined files by page. |
DescribeSuspEvents | Queries exceptions. |
DescribeSuspEventUserSetting | Queries the user configurations of exceptions. |
DescribeSuspiciousOverallConfig | Queries the configurations of a specified feature. |
DescribeSuspiciousUUIDConfig | Queries the UUIDs of servers on which proactive defense of a specified type takes effect. |
DescribeSyncAssetTaskList | Queries asset synchronization tasks. |
DescribeSyncAssetTaskLogDetail | Queries the details of an asset synchronization task. |
DescribeTarget | Queries the servers on which vulnerabilities exist. |
DescribeTaskErrorLog | Queries the error logs. |
DescribeTrailReportInfo | Queries the trial information. |
DescribeUniBackupDatabase | Queries the information about databases for which anti-ransomware policies are created. |
DescribeUniBackupPolicies | Queries the anti-ransomware policies that are created for databases. |
DescribeUniBackupPolicyDetail | Queries the details of an anti-ransomware policy for a database. |
DescribeUniBackupStatistics | Queries the statistics on backups based on anti-ransomware policies. |
DescribeUniRecoverableList | Queries the backup snapshots from which the data of a database can be restored. |
DescribeUniSupportRegion | Queries the regions that are supported by the feature of anti-ransomware for databases. |
DescribeUserBackupMachines | Queries the information about the servers to which an anti-ransomware policy is applied. |
DescribeUserBaselineAuthorization | Queries whether Security Center is authorized to perform configuration checks on cloud services. |
DescribeUserInstanceSecurityStatusList | Queries the security defense status of assets. |
DescribeUserInstanceSummary | Queries the statistics on applications of a user. |
DescribeUserLayoutAuthorization | Queries whether permissions required to use the feature of protection against brute-force attacks are obtained. |
DescribeUserSetting | Queries the custom configurations of a user. |
DescribeUuidsByVulNames | Queries servers by vulnerability name. |
DescribeVendorList | Queries the service providers whose assets can be added to Security Center. |
DescribeVersionByType | Queries the edition information about Security Center by edition type. |
DescribeVersionConfig | Queries the details of the purchased Security Center edition. |
DescribeVersionType | Queries edition types. |
DescribeVirusHashResult | Queries the results of MD5 validation. |
DescribeVolDingdingMessage | Queries the QR code address of a DingTalk group. |
DescribeVpcHoneyPotCriteria | Queries the search conditions that are used to query honeypots. |
DescribeVpcHoneyPotList | Queries honeypots. |
DescribeVpcList | Queries VPCs. |
DescribeVulConfig | Queries the configurations of vulnerability management. |
DescribeVulDetails | Queries the details of a vulnerability. |
DescribeVulExportInfo | Queries the progress of a vulnerability export task. |
DescribeVulFixStatistics | Queries the statistics on vulnerability fixes. |
DescribeVulList | Queries vulnerabilities. |
DescribeVulListPage | Queries vulnerabilities by page. |
DescribeVulTargetConfig | Queries the vulnerability detection configurations for a server. |
DescribeVulTargetStatistics | Queries the statistics on vulnerability detection configurations. |
DescribeVulWhitelist | Queries the whitelist of vulnerabilities by page. |
DescribeWarningExportInfo | Queries the progress of an export task for baseline check results. |
DescribeWarningMachines | Queries information about the servers on which a baseline check is performed. |
DescribeWebLockBindList | Queries the information about servers for which web tamper proofing is enabled. |
DescribeWebLockConfigList | Queries the configurations of web tamper proofing for a specified server. |
DescribeWebLockExclusiveFileType | Queries the file types that are excluded for web tamper proofing. |
DescribeWebLockFileChangeStatistics | Queries the statistics on changes to the files that are protected by web tamper proofing. |
DescribeWebLockFileEvents | Queries events on web tamper proofing. |
DescribeWebLockFileTypeSummary | Queries the summary information about the types of files for which web tamper proofing is enabled. |
DescribeWebLockInclusiveFileType | Queries the types of files that can be protected by web tamper proofing. |
DescribeWebLockProcessBlockStatistics | Queries the statistics on processes for web tamper proofing. |
DescribeWebLockProcessList | Queries the processes for web tamper proofing. |
DescribeWebLockStatus | Queries the status of web tamper proofing. |
DescribeWebLockTotalFileChangeCount | Queries the number of times that the files protected by web tamper proofing are changed. |
DescribeWebPath | Queries the custom web directories that are scanned based on the alerting feature. |
DescribeWhiteListAsset | Queries the assets in a whitelist. |
DescribeWhiteListAuthorize | Queries the quota for whitelist. |
DescribeWhiteListEffectiveAssets | Queries the valid assets in a whitelist. |
DescribeWhiteListProcess | Queries the processes in a whitelist. |
DescribeWhiteListStrategyList | Queries whitelist policies. |
DescribeWhiteListStrategyStatistics | Queries the statistics on whitelist policies. |
DescribeWhiteListStrategyUuidCount | Queries the number of assets to which a whitelist policy is applied. |
DingTalkOnlineTest | Tests a DingTalk alert notification. |
DisableBruteForceRecord | Disables an IP address blocking policy that is used to prevent brute-force attacks. |
DisableCustomBlockRecord | Disables a custom IP address blocking policy. |
EnableBruteForceRecord | Enables an IP address blocking policy that is used to prevent brute-force attacks. |
EnableCustomBlockRecord | Enables a custom IP address blocking policy. |
EnableServiceAccessResourceDirectory | Enables resource synchronization. |
ExecStrategy | Executes a policy. |
ExportCustomizeReport | Exports a custom report. |
ExportRecord | Exports the results of baseline checks, asset security checks, and AccessKey pair leak detection to Excel files. |
ExportVul | Exports the list of vulnerabilities. |
ExportWarning | Exports baseline check results. |
FindContainerNetworkConnect | Queries the network connection information about a container. |
FinishGuidTask | Completes tasks to automatically earn rewards. |
FinishTask | Completes tasks to automatically earn rewards. |
FixCheckWarnings | Fixes a baseline risk. |
GenerateDynamicDict | Generates a dynamic dictionary of weak passwords. |
GenerateOnceTask | Creates a task. |
GetAppNetwork | Queries the network topology of an application. |
GetAssetsPropertyDetail | Queries the details about the asset fingerprints of a specified type. |
GetAssetsPropertyItem | Queries asset fingerprints. |
GetAttackTypeList | Queries attack types. |
GetAuthSummary | Queries the statistics on quotas. |
GetBackupStorageCount | Queries the anti-ransomware capacity that is used. |
GetCanTrySas | Queries whether the permissions that are required to trial Security Center are obtained. |
GetCheckConfig | Queries the check items of configuration assessment. |
GetCheckDetail | Queries the details of a check item that is used for configuration assessment. |
GetCheckProcess | Queries the progress of configuration assessment. |
GetCheckRiskStatistics | Queries the statistics on risk scenarios and check items that are used in the risk scenarios. |
GetCheckSummary | Queries the overview information about configuration assessment. |
GetClientUserDefineRule | Queries the information about a custom rule. |
GetClusterRuleSummary | Queries the overview information about microsegmentation defense rules for clusters. |
GetCommodity | Queries a service for sale. |
GetDataTrend | Queries the statistics on the trend of security data. |
GetDefenceCount | Queries the statistics on security defense. |
GetDipperConfigure | Queries the configurations of Dipper. |
GetDockerhubImageRiskRankInfo | Queries the ranking of images in each dimension. |
GetDockerhubImageRiskStatistic | Queries the number of images in each dimension. |
GetEventsCount | Queries event statistics. |
GetEventsList | Queries events. |
GetFileDetectApiInvokeInfo | Queries the number of API calls for file detection. |
GetFileDetectResult | Queries the results of MD5 validation. |
GetFunctionTrialStatus | Queries the trial status of a feature. |
GetHoneypotNode | Queries the details of a management node to which a honeypot is deployed. |
GetHoneypotNodeMetricList | Queries the monitoring data of a management node to which a honeypot is deployed. |
GetHoneypotPreset | Queries the configurations of a honeypot template. |
GetHoneypotProbe | Queries the information about a honeypot probe. |
GetHoneypotStatistics | Queries the statistics on honeypots. |
GetHoneyPotUploadPolicyInfo | Queries the policy that is used to upload honeypot-related files. |
GetImageScanNumInPeriod | Queries the number of times that image scan is performed. |
GetInstallCodeForUuid | Queries a command that is used to install the Security Center agent based on an asset UUID. |
GetInstance | Queries the information about an instance for sale. |
GetInterceptionRuleDetail | Queries the details of a microsegmentation defense rule. |
GetInterceptionSummary | Queries the overview information about microsegmentation defense. |
GetInterceptionTargetDetail | Queries the details of a defense object for microsegmentation defense. |
GetLastOnceTaskInfo | Queries the information about a task. |
GetModuleConfig | Queries the module configurations. |
GetOnceTaskResultInfo | Queries the results of a task. |
GetOpaClusterBaseLineList | Queries the cluster-related baselines for proactive defense for containers. |
GetOpaClusterImageList | Queries the cluster-related images for proactive defense for containers. |
GetOpaClusterLabelList | Queries the cluster-related tags for proactive defense for containers. |
GetOpaClusterNamespaceList | Queries the namespaces of clusters for proactive defense for containers. |
GetOpaDefenceDetail | Queries the defense details of proactive defense for containers. |
GetOpaDefenceSummary | Queries the defense statistics on proactive defense for containers. |
GetOpaDefenceTopClusterSummary | Queries the top 10 risky clusters. |
GetOpaStrategyDetail | Queries the details of a proactive defense policy for containers. |
GetOpaStrategyTemplateSummary | Queries the statistics on the policy templates of proactive defense for containers. |
GetPrice | Queries the sale price. |
GetPrivateK8sConfigDownloadUrl | Queries the download URL of the configuration file of a private Kubernetes cluster. |
GetPromotionReward | Queries promotional offers. |
GetPropertyScheduleConfig | Queries the configurations for the collection frequency of asset fingerprints. |
GetRegistryScanDayNum | Queries the scan cycle of image repositories. |
GetRulesCount | Queries the numbers of system rules and custom rules. |
GetSasEventDetail | Queries the details of an event that is detected in Security Center. |
GetSasEventsList | Queries the events that are detected in Security Center. |
GetSasEventsTrend | Queries the trend of the events that are detected in Security Center. |
GetSasSecurityEventCount | Queries the number of the security events that are detected in Security Center. |
GetSasUserBuyVersion | Queries the purchased edition of Security Center. |
getSecurityEventCount | Queries the statistics on security events. |
GetStrategyTemplateDetail | Queries the details of a policy template of proactive defense for containers. |
GetStrategyTotalCount | Queries the total number of proactive defense policies for containers. |
GetSuspiciousStatistics | Queries the number of security alerts in an asset group. |
getUserBuyVersion | Queries the purchased edition of Security Center. |
GetVulStatistics | Queries the number of vulnerabilities in an asset group. |
HandleSecurityEvents | Handles alert events. |
HandleSimilarSecurityEvents | Handles multiple alerts triggered by the same rule or rules of the same type. |
IgnoreCheckItems | Adds risk items to the whitelist of Server Guard. |
IgnoreHcCheckWarnings | Ignores multiple baseline risk items at a time or cancels the ignore action that is performed on multiple baseline risk items at a time. |
IgnoreIdcProbeScanResult | Adds the scan results of IDC probes to a whitelist or ignores the scan results. |
InstallBackupClient | Installs the anti-ransomware agent. |
InstallCloudMonitor | Installs the CloudMonitor agent. |
InstallPmAgent | Installs the CloudMonitor client or the Cloud Assistant agent. |
InstallUniBackupAgent | Installs the anti-ransomware agent for databases. |
IsSasServiceOpening | Checks whether Security Center is activated. |
JoinWebLockProcessWhiteList | Adds processes to the process whitelist of web tamper proofing. |
ListAccountsInResourceDirectory | Queries the accounts that are added to the multi-account control feature. |
ListAutoTagRules | Queries asset auto-tagging rules. |
ListAvailableHoneypot | Queries available honeypots. |
ListCheckInstanceResult | Queries the instances that failed the specified check items of configuration assessment. |
ListCheckItemWarningMachine | Queries the servers on which alerts are generated based on health check items. |
ListCheckItemWarningSummary | Queries the statistics on the number of alerts generated based on health check items. |
ListCheckResult | Queries the details of the risk items that are detected in the configuration checks on cloud services. |
ListCheckStandard | Queries the standards of configuration checks. |
ListClientUserDefineRules | Queries custom rules. |
ListClientUserDefineRuleTypes | Queries all supported custom rule types. |
ListCloudAssetInstances | Queries cloud service assets. |
ListCloudVendorRegions | Queries the regions supported by cloud service providers. |
ListClusterCnnfStatusDetail | Queries the details of the defense status of clusters. |
ListClusterInterceptionConfig | Queries the defense configurations of clusters. For example, you can query whether the feature is enabled, defense object types, and defense records. |
ListCriteriaStrategy | Queries proactive defense policies for containers. |
ListDockerhubImage | Queries images in Docker Hub. |
ListGuideTask | Queries guidance tasks. |
ListHoneypot | Queries honeypots. |
ListHoneypotAlarmEvents | Queries the information about alert events that are generated by honeypots. |
ListHoneypotEventFlows | Queries the details of events detected by honeypots. |
ListHoneypotEvents | Queries the intrusion events detected by honeypots. |
ListHoneypotNode | Queries the management nodes to which honeypots are deployed. |
ListHoneypotPreset | Queries honeypot templates. |
ListHoneypotProbe | Queries a honeypot probe. |
ListHoneypotProbeUuid | Queries the UUIDs of honeypot probes based on the probe types and management node IDs. |
ListImageAnalysisRuleProject | Queries all image scan scripts. |
ListImageContainerTag | Queries the tags of an image container. |
ListImageRegistryRegion | Queries the regions in which images are registered. |
ListImageRisk | Queries image risks. |
ListInstanceCatalog | Queries assets or child assets. |
ListInterceptionHistory | Queries the records of microsegmentation defense. |
ListInterceptionImage | Queries the images that contain container tags in a cluster. |
ListInterceptionRulePage | Queries microsegmentation defense rules. |
ListInterceptionTargetPage | Queries defense objects for microsegmentation defense. |
ListK8sAccessInfo | Queries the access information about Kubernetes. |
ListLogShipperRegions | Queries the regions to which logs are delivered. |
ListOpaClusters | Queries the number of proactive defense policies for containers by cluster. |
ListOpaDefenceHistory | Queries the records of proactive defense for containers. |
ListPluginForUuid | Queries the information about plug-ins on a server. |
ListPodRisk | Queries pod risks. |
ListPrivateK8s | Queries private Kubernetes clusters. |
ListPrivateRegistryList | Queries registered images. |
ListPrivateRegistryType | Queries the number of registered images by type. |
ListRuleTargetAll | Queries the defense objects of microsegmentation defense. |
ListSystemAggregationRules | Queries the details of the aggregation types of system defense rules. |
ListSystemClientRules | Queries the system rules that take effect within your account. |
ListSystemClientRuleTypes | Queries the types of the system rules that take effect within your account. |
ListSystemRuleAggregationTypes | Queries the aggregation types of system defense rules. |
ListUserVpc | Queries VPCs by region. |
ListUuidsByWebPath | Queries protected assets by using the paths to specific web directories. |
ListVulAutoRepairConfig | Queries the existing configurations of vulnerabilities that can be automatically fixed. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications of Security Center on the buy page. |
ModifyAccessKeyLeakDeal | Handles an AccessKey pair leak. |
ModifyAntiBruteForceRule | Modifies a defense rule against brute-force attacks. |
ModifyAppVulScanCycle | Modifies the scan cycle for application vulnerabilities. |
ModifyAssetGroup | Changes the server group to which one or more servers belong. |
ModifyAssetImportant | Changes the importance of an asset. |
ModifyAutoDelConfig | Specifies the number of days after which a detected vulnerability can be automatically deleted. |
ModifyBackupPolicy | Modifies an anti-ransomware policy. |
ModifyBackupPolicyStatus | Enables or disables an anti-ransomware policy. |
ModifyBinarySecurityPolicy | Modifies a binary security policy. |
ModifyClearLogstoreStorage | Deletes all logs of Security Center. |
ModifyClientConfSetup | Modifies the procedure to install an agent. |
ModifyClientConfStrategy | Modifies an agent configuration policy. |
ModifyClientUserDefineRule | Modifies a custom rule. |
ModifyCloudVendorAccountAK | Changes the AccessKey pair of a cloud service provider. |
ModifyClusterCnnfStatusUserConfirm | Checks whether a cluster is available. |
ModifyConcernNecessity | Changes the priority to fix vulnerabilities. |
ModifyCreateVulWhitelist | Adds vulnerabilities to a whitelist. |
ModifyCustomBlockRecord | Modifies a custom IP address blocking policy. |
ModifyCycleTask | Modifies a scheduled scan task. |
ModifyDingTalkStatus | Changes the status of a DingTalk alert configuration. |
ModifyEmgVulSubmit | Scans for urgent vulnerabilities. |
ModifyGroupProperty | Changes the name of a server group. |
ModifyHistoryStatus | Changes the historical status of microsegmentation defense. |
ModifyIdcProbe | Modifies the configurations of an IDC probe. |
ModifyImageRegistry | Modifies the configurations of an image repository. |
ModifyInstanceAntiBruteForceRule | Modifies the defense rule against brute-force attacks that is applied to a specified server. |
ModifyInterceptionRule | Modifies a proactive defense policy for containers. |
ModifyInterceptionRuleSwitch | Enables or disables a proactive defense policy for containers. |
ModifyInterceptionTarget | Modifies a defense object. |
ModifyLoginBaseConfig | Modifies the logon configurations for a specified asset. |
ModifyLoginSwitchConfig | Enables or disables the logon security configurations for an asset. |
ModifyModuleConfig | Modifies the configurations of the agent. |
ModifyNoticeConfig | Modifies the alert notification configurations. |
ModifyOpaStrategy | Modifies a proactive defense policy for containers. |
ModifyOpenLogShipper | Activates Log Service. |
ModifyOperateVul | Handles detected vulnerabilities. |
ModifyProcessWhiteList | Modifies a process whitelist. |
ModifyPropertyScheduleConfig | Changes the frequency at which asset fingerprints are collected. |
ModifyPushAllTask | Performs security check tasks on servers with a few clicks. |
ModifyReportRecipientStatus | Changes the status of a custom report. |
ModifyResourceDirectorySyncStatus | Changes the synchronization status of multi-account control. |
ModifyRiskCheckDealStatus | Changes the handling status of a check item. |
ModifyRiskCheckStatus | Changes the status of a check item in the results of a check task. |
ModifyRiskSingleResultStatus | Changes the status of a risk item that affects an asset. |
ModifySearchCondition | Specifies a search condition to query assets. |
ModifySecurityCheckScheduleConfig | Specifies the time when an automatic configuration check is performed on cloud services. |
ModifySecurityEventMarkMissIndividually | Modifies an advanced whitelist rule based on assets. |
ModifySecurityEventMarkMissList | Modifies the parameters that are used to add an exception to a whitelist. |
ModifySoarStrategySubscribe | Adds a policy template to favorites in the task center. |
ModifyStartVulScan | Enables the quick scan feature on the Vulnerabilities page of the Security Center console. |
ModifyStrategy | Modifies a baseline check policy. |
ModifyStrategyTarget | Changes the asset groups to which a baseline check policy is applied. |
ModifyTagWithUuid | Changes the names of the tags that are added to servers, or modifies tags for servers. |
ModifyUniBackupPolicy | Modifies an anti-ransomware policy for databases. |
ModifyVpcHoneyPot | Changes the status of a honeypot. |
ModifyVulConfig | Modifies the configurations of vulnerabilities. |
ModifyVulTarget | Modifies the servers for which vulnerability detection is configured. |
ModifyVulTargetConfig | Modifies the vulnerability detection configurations for a server. |
ModifyVulWhitelistTarget | Modifies the servers that are added to a vulnerability whitelist. |
ModifyWebLockCreateConfig | Adds a directory to protect for a specified server. |
ModifyWebLockDeleteConfig | Deletes a protected directory for a specified server. |
ModifyWebLockProcessStatus | Changes the status of processes for web tamper proofing. |
ModifyWebLockRefresh | Modifies the configurations of web tamper proofing. |
ModifyWebLockStart | Configures and enables web tamper proofing for a specified server. |
ModifyWebLockStatus | Enables or disables web tamper proofing for a server. |
ModifyWebLockUnbind | Disables web tamper proofing for a server. |
ModifyWebLockUpdateConfig | Modifies a protection policy for a specified server. |
ModifyWebPath | Modifies a custom web directory. |
OpenSasTrial | Starts a trial of Security Center. |
OperateAgentClientInstall | Installs the Server Guard agent. |
OperateCommonOverallConfig | Enables or disables a feature. |
OperateCommonTargetConfig | Enables or disables a feature for an asset. |
OperateImageBaselineWhitelist | Adds a check item of an image baseline to the whitelist, or removes a check item of an image baseline from the whitelist. |
OperateImageVul | Handles image vulnerabilities. |
OperateSuspiciousOverallConfig | Enables or disables a feature that detects exceptions. |
OperateSuspiciousTargetConfig | Configures the scope within which proactive defense takes effect. |
OperateVirusEvents | Handles alert events. |
OperateVuls | Fixes Linux software vulnerabilities. |
OperateWebLockFileEvents | Handles alert events that are generated for web tamper proofing. |
OperationCancelIgnoreSuspEvent | Cancels ignoring alert events. |
OperationCustomizeReportChart | Saves the icon information about a custom report. |
OperationSuspEvents | Handles multiple exceptions at a time. |
PageCheckItemWarningMachine | Queries the baseline check items based on which alerts are generated on servers. |
PageCheckItemWarningSummary | Queries the number of servers on which alerts are generated based on baseline check items. |
PageImageRegistry | Queries image repositories by page. |
PauseClient | Enables or disables the Security Center agent. |
ProcessSoarStrategyTask | Manages the status of a task. |
PublicCreateImageScanTask | Creates an image scan task. |
PublicPreCheckImageScanTask | Queries the number of images to scan in an image scan task and the quota for container image scan to be consumed by the task. |
PublicSyncAndCreateImageScanTask | Adds images to Security Center and creates an image scan task to scan the images. |
QueryAttackCount | Queries the number of attacks. |
QueryDipperConfigure | Queries the configurations of Dipper. |
QueryDiscoverDatabase | Queries the progress of a database scan task. |
QueryGroupedSecurityEventMarkMissList | Queries whitelist rules based on the event_type, event_name, field, operation, and field_value parameters by page. |
QueryGroupIdByGroupName | Queries the ID of an asset group by using the name of the asset group. |
QueryGuidTaskList | Queries tasks. |
QueryJenkinsImageRegistryPersistenceDay | Queries the retention period of images in a Jenkins image repository. |
QueryLatestUpdateInfo | Queries the updated information. |
QueryPreCheckDatabase | Queries the anti-ransomware precheck information about a database. |
RebootMachine | Restarts a server. |
ReceiveFunctionTrialRewardByAliUid | Starts a trial of the cloud honeypot feature. |
ReceiveReward | Receives promotional offers. |
RefreshAssets | Synchronizes assets. |
RefreshContainerAsserts | Refreshes container assets. |
RefreshContainerAssets | Refreshes container assets. |
RefreshRegistryToken | Refreshes an image token. |
RefundInstance | Unsubscribes from an instance. |
RemoveCheckInstanceResultWhiteList | Removes an instance from the whitelist. |
RemoveCheckResultWhiteList | Removes check items from a whitelist. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
ResetHoneypot | Resets a honeypot. |
RetryInstallProbe | Installs a honeypot probe. |
RollbackSuspEventQuaraFile | Restores a quarantined file. |
SasInstallCode | Queries the installation verification key that is used to run the installation command of the Security Center agent. |
SaveCustomizeReportConfig | Saves the configurations of a custom report. |
SaveImageBaselineStrategy | Saves a baseline check policy for images. |
SaveRulePackageDownloadLog | Saves a rule that is used to determine log download paths. |
SaveWhiteListStrategy | Saves a baseline whitelist policy. |
SaveWhiteListStrategyAssets | Saves the assets to which a baseline whitelist policy is applied. |
SendCustomizeReport | Sends a custom report. |
SetClusterInterceptionConfig | Configures the defense settings for a cluster. |
SetRegistryScanDayNum | Specifies a cycle to scan images for image repositories. Unit: days. |
StartBaselineSecurityCheck | Checks cloud service configurations. |
StartDiscoverDatabaseTask | Starts a task to discover databases. |
StartHoneypot | Starts a honeypot. |
StartIdcProbeScan | Starts the scan of a probe. |
StartImageVulScan | Checks whether container image vulnerabilities exist in your assets. |
StartPreCheckDatabase | Starts an anti-ransomware precheck for a database. |
StartVirusScanTask | Starts a virus scan task. |
StopHoneypot | Stops a honeypot. |
SubmitCheck | Submits a check task. |
SubmitImageAnalysisOutput | Submits image scan results. |
UnbindAegis | Unbinds the servers that are not deployed on Alibaba Cloud from Security Center. |
UninstallBackupClient | Uninstalls the anti-ransomware agent. |
UninstallUniBackupAgent | Uninstalls the database backup client. |
UpdateAlarmEvent | Handles a security event detected by a honeypot. |
UpdateCustomizeReportStatus | Changes the status of a custom report. |
UpdateGuideTaskStatus | Changes the status of a guidance task. |
UpdateHoneypot | Modifies the configurations of a honeypot. |
UpdateHoneypotNode | Queries the details of a management node to which a honeypot is deployed. |
UpdateHoneypotPreset | Modifies the configurations of a honeypot template. |
UpdateHoneypotProbe | Modifies the attributes of a honeypot probe. |
UpdateHoneypotProbeBind | Modifies a probe service. |
UpdateJenkinsImageRegistryName | Changes the name of an image in a Jenkins image repository. |
UpdateJenkinsImageRegistryPersistenceDay | Changes the retention period of images in a Jenkins image repository. |
UpdateJenkinsImageScanTaskStatus | Refreshes the progress of a Jenkins image scan task. |
UpdateWhiteList | Modifies the whitelist of an image repository. |
UpdateWhiteListStrategyStatus | Changes the status of a whitelist policy. |
UpgradeBackupPolicyVersion | Modifies an anti-ransomware policy for servers and modifies the servers to which the policy is applied. |
UploadAnalyzerRuntimeLog | Uploads the runtime logs of a scanner. |
UploadedHoneyPotFile | Uploads a honeypot file. |
ValidateHcWarnings | Verifies whether baseline risks are fixed. |
VerifyCheckInstanceResult | Verifies the risk items detected in an instance based on check items. |
VerifyCheckResult | Verifies the risk items detected based on check items. |
VerifyAK | Verifies the AccessKey pair.
CancelOnceTask | None. |
CreateSoarStrategyTask | None. |
CreateStrategyDetail | None. |
DeleteAntiBruteForceRule | None. |
DescribeIfAllowedVisit | None. |
DescribeInstanceWafGaofangInfo | None. |
DescribePatchVersionDetail | None. |
DescribePatchVersions | None. |
DescribeProductPackages | None. |
DescribeTotalStatistics | None. |
DescribeVulCheckTaskStatusDetail | None. |
ExportSuspEvents | None. |
GenerateK8sAccessInfo | None. |
GetAccountLabel | None. |
GetCloudAssetCriteria | None. |
GetCloudAssetDetail | None. |
GetCloudAssetSummary | None. |
GetCurrentVersionPublish | None. |
GetIncIOCs | None. |
GetIOCs | None. |
GetIOCsWithConditions | None. |
GetPublishCron | None. |
ListAssetCleanConfig | None. |
ListAssetInfoPublish | None. |
ListPublishBatch | None. |
ModifyAssetCleanConfig | None. |
UpdatePublishAutoUpgrade | None. |
UpdatePublishCron | None. |