Object Storage Service (OSS) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage OSS resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or OSS buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of OSS that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage OSS buckets. ActionTrail does not generate events for operations that are performed on file objects. For example, ActionTrail does not generate events for operations that upload and download files.
Event name | Description |
AbortBucketWorm | Deletes an unlocked retention policy. |
CheckMfdServiceOpen | Checks whether the malicious file detection feature is enabled. |
CloseMetaQuery | Disables metadata management for a bucket. |
CompleteBucketWorm | Locks a retention policy. |
Create | Purchases OSS on the buy page. |
CreateAccessPoint | Creates an access point. |
CreateAccessPointForObjectProcess | Creates a Function Compute access point. |
CreateCnameToken | Creates a CNAME token. |
delete_style | Deletes an image style from a bucket. |
DeleteAccessPoint | Deletes an access point. |
DeleteAccessPointForObjectProcess | Deletes a Function Compute access point. |
DeleteAccessPointPolicy | Deletes an access point policy. |
DeleteAccessPointPolicyForObjectProcess | Deletes the policy configured for a Function Compute access point. |
DeleteBucket | Deletes a bucket. |
DeleteBucketCacheConfiguration | Deletes the data lake cache configuration of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketCallbackPolicy | Deletes a callback rule policy for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketCors | Disables the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) feature for a bucket and clears all rules. |
DeleteBucketDataAccelerator | Deletes a GA instance. |
DeleteBucketEncryption | Deletes the encryption rules for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketEventNotification | Deletes the Function Compute event notification configuration for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketInventory | Deletes specific inventories of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketLifecycle | Deletes the lifecycle rules that are configured for objects in a bucket. |
DeleteBucketLog | Disables the logging feature for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketMimeType | Deletes a resource type of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketNotification | Deletes a notification rule of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketPolicy | Deletes the policies of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketQoSInfo | Deletes the throttling configuration of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketReplication | Stops the cross-region replication (CRR) tasks of a bucket and deletes the CRR rule configured for the bucket. |
DeleteBucketResponseHeader | Deletes the configuration of response header processing rules for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketSystemEvent | Deletes a system event notification of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketTagging | Removes the tags of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketTransferAcceleration | Disables transfer acceleration for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketWebSite | Disables static website hosting for a bucket. |
DeleteCname | Deletes a CNAME record. |
DescribeServiceLinkedRoleStatus | Queries the status of the service-linked role for malicious file detection. |
DoMetaQuery | Queries the files that meet conditions. |
ExtendBucketWorm | Extends the retention period (days) of objects in a bucket for which a retention policy is locked. |
get_style | Queries an image style in a bucket. |
GetAccessPoint | Queries the information about an access point. |
GetAccessPointConfigForObjectProcess | Queries policies configured for a Function Compute access point. |
GetAccessPointForObjectProcess | Queries basic information about a Function Compute access point. |
GetAccessPointPolicy | Queries the configurations of an access point policy. |
GetAccessPointPolicyForObjectProcess | Queries policies configured for a Function Compute access point. |
GetBucketAccessMonitor | Queries the access tracking status of a bucket. |
GetBucketAcl | Queries the access control list (ACL) of a bucket. |
GetBucketArchiveDirectRead | Queries whether real-time access of Archive objects is enabled for a bucket. |
GetBucketCacheConfiguration | Queries the data lake cache configuration of a bucket. |
GetBucketCacheControl | Queries a cache rule of a bucket. |
GetBucketCallbackPolicy | Queries a callback rule policy for a bucket. |
GetBucketChargeType | Queries the billing methods of a bucket. |
GetBucketCors | Queries the CORS rules of a bucket. |
GetBucketDataAccelerator | Queries the information about a GA instance. |
GetBucketEncryption | Queries the encryption rules configured for a bucket. |
GetBucketEventNotification | Queries the Function Compute event notification configuration for a bucket. |
GetBucketHash | Queries the file hash function configuration of a bucket. |
GetBucketHttpsConfig | Queries the HTTPS configuration of a bucket. |
GetBucketInfo | Queries information about a bucket. |
GetBucketInventory | Queries the specified inventories of a bucket. |
GetBucketLifecycle | Queries the lifecycle rules that are configured for a bucket. |
GetBucketLocation | Queries the location information about a bucket. |
GetBucketLog | Queries the logging feature of a bucket. |
GetBucketMimeType | Queries the resource types of a bucket. |
GetBucketNotification | Queries the notification configuration of a bucket. |
GetBucketPolicy | Queries the policies of a bucket. |
GetBucketPolicyStatus | Queries whether public access is allowed in bucket policies. |
GetBucketPublicAccessBlock | Queries the configuration to block public access to a bucket. |
GetBucketQoSInfo | Queries the throttling configuration of a bucket. |
GetBucketReferer | Queries the hotlink protection information about a bucket. |
GetBucketReplication | Queries the CRR rules that are configured for a bucket. |
GetBucketReplicationLocation | Queries the regions where available destination buckets reside. |
GetBucketReplicationProgress | Queries the progress of a CRR task performed on a bucket. |
GetBucketRequestPayment | Queries the pay-by-requester configurations of a bucket. |
GetBucketResourceGroup | Queries the resource group ID of a bucket. |
GetBucketResponseHeader | Queries the configuration of the response header processing rule for a bucket. |
GetBucketStat | Queries the storage capacity and number of files of a bucket. |
GetBucketSystemEvent | Queries a system event notification of a bucket. |
GetBucketTagging | Queries the tags of a bucket. |
GetBucketTransferAcceleration | Queries the transfer acceleration configuration of a bucket. |
GetBucketUserQos | Queries the throttling configuration of a bucket. |
GetBucketVersioning | Queries the versioning status of a bucket. |
GetBucketVersions | Queries the versioning status of all buckets. |
GetBucketWebSite | Queries the state of static website hosting for a bucket. |
GetBucketWorm | Queries the retention policy configured for a bucket. |
GetCnameToken | Queries a CNAME token. |
GetMetaQueryStatus | Queries the information about the metadata index library. |
GetOssBucketScanStatistic | Queries the malicious file detection statistics. |
GetOssCheckStatus | Queries the status of OSS content check. |
GetService | Queries all buckets that are owned by a requester. |
GetUserAntiDDosInfo | Queries the information about an Anti-DDoS instance of an Alibaba Cloud account. |
InitBucketAntiDDosInfo | Initializes Anti-DDoS instances for a bucket. |
InitiateBucketWorm | Creates a retention policy. |
InitUserAntiDDosInfo | Initializes Anti-DDoS instances for a bucket. |
list_style | Queries all image styles that are created in a bucket. |
ListAccessPoints | Queries the information about an access point. |
ListAccessPointsForObjectProcess | Obtains user-level Function Compute access points. |
ListBucketAntiDDosInfo | Queries the protection list of an Anti-DDoS instance of a bucket. |
ListBucketInventory | Queries all inventories configured for a bucket |
ListCname | Queries a list of custom domain names. |
ListObjectScanEvent | Queries a list of alert events for malicious file detection. |
ListOssBucketScanInfo | Queries bucket details for malicious file detection. |
Modify | Changes the specifications on the buy page. |
OpenMetaQuery | Enables metadata management for a bucket. |
OpenService | Activates OSS. |
put_style | Creates an image style in a bucket. |
PutAccessPointConfigForObjectProcess | Modifies a Function Compute access point. |
PutAccessPointPolicy | Configures an access point policy. |
PutAccessPointPolicyForObjectProcess | Configures a policy for a Function Compute access point. |
PutBucket | Creates a bucket. |
PutBucketAccessMonitor | Modifies the access tracking status of a bucket. |
PutBucketAcl | Configures or modifies the ACL of a bucket |
PutBucketArchiveDirectRead | Enables or disables real-time access of Archive objects for a bucket. |
PutBucketCacheConfiguration | Modifies the data lake cache configuration of a bucket. |
PutBucketCallbackPolicy | Modifies a callback rule policy for a bucket. |
PutBucketCors | Configures CORS rules for a bucket. |
PutBucketDataAccelerator | Creates a GA instance. |
PutBucketEncryption | Configures encryption rules for a bucket. |
PutBucketEventNotification | Modifies the Function Compute event notification configuration for a bucket. |
PutBucketHash | Modifies the file hash function configuration of a bucket. |
PutBucketHttpsConfig | Modifies the HTTPS configuration of a bucket. |
PutBucketInventory | Configures inventories for a bucket. |
PutBucketLifecycle | Configures a lifecycle rule for objects in a bucket. |
PutBucketLog | Enables the logging feature for a bucket. |
PutBucketMimeType | Modifies the resource types of a bucket. |
PutBucketNotification | Modifies a notification rule of a bucket. |
PutBucketPolicy | Configures policies of a bucket. |
PutBucketPublicAccessBlock | Queries the configuration to block public access to a bucket. |
PutBucketQoSInfo | Modifies the throttling configuration of a bucket. |
PutBucketReferer | Configures hotlink protection for a bucket. |
PutBucketReplication | Configures CRR rules for a bucket. |
PutBucketRequestPayment | Enables pay-by-requester for a bucket. |
PutBucketResourceGroup | Modifies the resource group of a bucket. |
PutBucketResponseHeader | Modifies the configuration of response header processing rules for a bucket. |
PutBucketRtc | Enables or disables Replication Time Control (RTC) for existing cross-region replication (CRR) rules. |
PutBucketSystemEvent | Modifies a system event notification configuration of a bucket. |
PutBucketTagging | Adds or modifies the tags of a bucket. |
PutBucketTransferAcceleration | Configures transfer acceleration for a bucket. |
PutBucketUserQos | Modifies the throttling configuration of a bucket. |
PutBucketVersioning | Configures versioning for a bucket. |
PutBucketWebSite | Enables static website hosting for a bucket. |
PutCname | Maps a custom domain name to the bucket that stores the object. |
Renew | Renews an instance or a resource plan. |
UpdateBucketAntiDDosInfo | Changes the status of an Anti-DDoS instance of a bucket. |
UpdateUserAntiDDosInfo | Modifies the status of an Anti-DDoS instance. |