File Storage NAS (NAS) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage NAS resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of NAS that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
AddClientToBlackList | Adds a client to the blacklist of a file system. |
AddTags | Adds one or more tags to a file system or overwrites one or more tags of a file system |
ApplyAutoSnapshotPolicy | Applies an automatic snapshot policy to one or more file systems. |
ApplyDataFlowAutoRefresh | Adds an auto update policy to a data flow. |
BindStoragePackage | Binds a volume storage plan to a file system. |
BindVolumeStoragePackage | Binds a volume storage plan to a file system. |
CancelAutoSnapshotPolicy | Removes automatic snapshot policies from one or more file systems. |
CancelDataFlowAutoRefresh | Removes an auto update policy from a data flow. |
CancelDataFlowTask | Cancels a data flow task. |
CancelDirQuota | Cancels the directory quota of a file system. |
CancelLifecycleRetrieveJob | Cancels a running data retrieval job. |
CancelRecycleBinJob | Cancels a running job of the recycle bin. |
CPFSDescribeRegions | Queries the regions in which CPFS is available. |
Create | Purchases NAS resource plans on the buy page. |
CreateAccessGroup | Creates a permission group. |
CreateAccessRule | Creates a rule for a permission group. |
CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy | Creates an automatic snapshot policy. |
CreateDataFlow | Creates a data flow. |
CreateDataFlowTask | Creates a data flow task. |
CreateFile | Creates a directory or file. |
CreateFileset | Creates a fileset. |
CreateFileSystem | Creates a file system. |
CreateLDAPConfig | Adds Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) settings to a file system. |
CreateLifecyclePolicy | Creates a lifecycle policy. |
CreateLifecycleRetrieveJob | Creates a data retrieval job. |
CreateLogAnalysis | Creates a log template for log management. |
CreateMountTarget | Creates a mount target. |
CreateMountTargetInternal | Create a mount target. |
CreateProtocolMountTarget | Creates a mount target for the protocol service of a CPFS file system. |
CreateProtocolService | Creates a protocol service for a CPFS file system. |
CreateRecycleBinDeleteJob | Creates a job to permanently delete files or directories from the recycle bin. |
CreateRecycleBinRestoreJob | Create a job to restore files from the recycle bin. |
CreateSnapshot | Creates a snapshot. |
DeleteAccessGroup | Deletes a permission group. |
DeleteAccessRule | Deletes a rule from a permission group. |
DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicy | Deletes an automatic snapshot policy. |
DeleteDataFlow | Deletes a data flow. |
DeleteFileset | Deletes a fileset. |
DeleteFileSystem | Deletes a file system. |
DeleteLDAPConfig | Deletes LDAP settings. |
DeleteLifecyclePolicy | Deletes a lifecycle policy. |
DeleteLogAnalysis | Deletes logs that are recorded by log management. |
DeleteMountTarget | Deletes a mount target. |
DeleteProtocolMountTarget | Deletes a mount target from a protocol service. |
DeleteProtocolService | Deletes the protocol service of a CPFS file system. |
DeleteSnapshot | Deletes a specified snapshot. |
DescribeAccessGroups | Queries the information about permission groups. |
DescribeAccessRules | Queries the information about rules in a permission group. |
DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicies | Queries the automatic snapshot policies that you created. |
DescribeAutoSnapshotTasks | Queries the details of automatic snapshot tasks. |
DescribeBlackListClients | Queries the status of clients in the blacklist of a CPFS file system. |
DescribeDataFlows | Queries data flows. |
DescribeDataFlowTasks | Queries data flow tasks. |
DescribeDirQuotas | Queries the directory quotas of a file system. |
DescribeExtremeAccessGroups | Queries access permission groups. |
DescribeExtremeAccessRules | Queries access rules. |
DescribeExtremeFileSystems | Queries file systems. |
DescribeExtremeMountTargets | Queries mount targets. |
DescribeExtremeRegions | Queries available regions and zones. |
DescribeFilesets | Queries filesets. |
DescribeFileSystems | Queries file systems. |
DescribeFileSystemStatistics | Queries the statistics of all NAS resources within an Alibaba Cloud account. |
DescribeLDAPConfig | Queries the LDAP settings of a file system. |
DescribeLifecyclePolicies | Queries lifecycle policies. |
DescribeLogAnalysis | Queries logs that are recorded by log management. |
DescribeMountedClients | Queries the clients on which file systems are mounted. |
DescribeMountTargets | Queries mount targets. |
DescribeProtocolMountTarget | Queries the mount targets of a protocol service. |
DescribeProtocolService | Queries the information about a protocol service. |
DescribeRegions | Queries the regions in which NAS is available. |
DescribeSmbAcl | Queries the information about the access control list (ACL) feature of a Server Message Block (SMB) file system that resides in an Active Directory (AD) domain. |
DescribeSnapshots | Queries all the snapshots of a file system. |
DescribeStoragePackages | Queries storage plans. |
DescribeTags | Queries existing tags. |
DescribeVolumeStoragePackages | Queries volume storage plans. |
DescribeZones | Queries all zones in a region and file system types that are supported in each zone. |
DisableAndCleanRecycleBin | Disables and empties the recycle bin. |
DisableSmbAcl | Disables the ACL feature for an SMB file system that resides in an AD domain. |
EnableRecycleBin | Enables the recycle bin feature. |
EnableSmbAcl | Enables the ACL feature for an SMB file system that resides in an AD domain. |
FillInstanceParam | Configures the parameters of a file system. |
GetDirectoryOrFileProperties | Queries the details of files that are dumped from a specified directory to an Infrequent Access (IA) storage medium. |
GetMountInvocation | Queries the mounting result. |
GetQueryInvocation | Queries the details of the mounting result. |
GetRecycleBinAttribute | Queries the configurations of the recycle bin. |
GetUnmountInvocation | Queries the unmounting result. |
InvokeMountNasToEcs | Runs a mount command. |
InvokeQueryMountStatus | Runs a command to query the mount status. |
InvokeUnmountNasFromEcs | Runs an unmounting command. |
ListDirectoriesAndFiles | Queries subdirectories or files in a specified directory of a General-purpose NAS file system. |
ListLifecycleRetrieveJobs | Queries existing data retrieval jobs. |
ListRecentlyRecycledDirectories | Queries the directories that are recently deleted or the directories whose files are recently deleted. |
ListRecycleBinJobs | Queries the jobs in the recycle bin. |
ListRecycledDirectoriesAndFiles | Queries deleted files or directories. |
ListRegion | Queries the regions in which NAS is available. |
ListTagResources | Queries tags. |
Modify | Modifies the configurations of NAS resource plans on the buy page. |
ModifyAccessGroup | Modifies a permission group. |
ModifyAccessRule | Modifies a rule in a permission group. |
ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicy | Modifies an automatic snapshot policy. |
ModifyDataFlow | Modifies a data flow. |
ModifyDataFlowAutoRefresh | Modifies an auto update policy of a data flow. |
ModifyFileset | Modifies a fileset. |
ModifyFileSystem | Modifies the description of a file system. |
ModifyLDAPConfig | Modifies the LDAP settings of a file system. |
ModifyLifecyclePolicy | Modifies a lifecycle policy. |
ModifyMountTarget | Modifies a mount target. |
ModifyMountTargetAccessGroup | Modifies the permission group of a mount target. |
ModifyMountTargetStatus | Disables or enables a mount target. |
ModifyProtocolMountTarget | Modifies a mount target for the protocol service of a CPFS file system. |
ModifyProtocolService | Modifies the protocol service of a CPFS file system. |
ModifySmbAcl | Updates the information about the ACL feature for an SMB file system that resides in an AD domain. |
OpenNASService | Activates NAS. |
OpenService | Activates NAS. |
ProduceInstance |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
RemoveClientFromBlackList | Removes a client from the blacklist. |
RemoveTags | Removes one or more tags from a file system. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
ResetFileSystem | Rolls back a file system from a snapshot. |
RetryLifecycleRetrieveJob | Retries a failed data retrieval job. |
SetDirQuota | Creates a directory quota for a file system. |
StartDataFlow | Starts a data flow. |
StopDataFlow | Stops a data flow. |
TagResources | Creates and adds tags to the specified resources. |
UntagResources | Removes tags from resources. |
UpdateFileSystemInfo | Updates the information about a file system. |
UpdateRecycleBinAttribute | Updates the attributes of the recycle bin. |
UpgradeFileSystem | Scales up a file system. |
CPFSDescribeFileSystems | None. |
DescribeNfsAcl | None. |
DisableNfsAcl | None. |
EnableNfsAcl | None. |
GetViperGrayConfig | None. |
ListTagKeys | None. |
ListTagValues | None. |