Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ resources. ActionTrail does not generate events when you use Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ SDK to perform specific operations. For example, ActionTrail does not generate events for operations that receive or send messages.
Event name | Description |
ConsoleConsumerResetOffset | Resets the timestamp of a consumer offset for a consumer group. |
ConsoleGroupConsumerUpdate | Configures the read permissions on messages for a consumer group. |
ConsoleGroupCreate | Creates a consumer group. |
ConsoleGroupDelete | Deletes a consumer group. |
ConsoleGroupList | Queries consumer group IDs. |
ConsoleInstanceCreate | Creates a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance. |
ConsoleInstanceDelete | Deletes a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance. |
ConsoleInstanceList | Queries all Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instances in the specified region within the current account. |
ConsoleInstanceUpdate | Changes the name and description of a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance. |
ConsoleMessageGetById | Queries the information about a message that is specified by a message ID and whether the message has been consumed. |
ConsoleMessageGetByPagedTopic | Queries all messages in a topic within a time range by page. |
ConsoleMessageSend | Sends a message to a broker. |
ConsoleTagBind | Adds tags to resources. |
ConsoleTagUnbind | Removes tags from resources and deletes tags. |
ConsoleTopicCreate | Creates a topic. |
ConsoleTopicDelete | Deletes a topic within the current account. |
ConsoleTopicGet | Queries the information about a topic. |
ConsoleTopicUpdate | Configures the read/write mode for a topic. |
ConsoleTopicUpdateInfo | Configures the information about a topic. |
ConsoleTraceQueryByMsgId | Creates a trace query task by specifying the message ID and the topic name. The task ID is returned. |
ConsoleTraceQueryByMsgKey | Creates a trace query task by specifying the message key and the topic name. The task ID is returned. |
ConsoleTrendTopicInputTps | Queries the messages of a topic within a time range and writes the query results to a report. |
Create | Purchases a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance on the buy page. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications of a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance on the buy page. |
OnsClusterList | Queries clusters. |
OnsConsumerAccumulate | Queries the information about message accumulation. |
OnsConsumerGetConnection | Queries the connection information about consumers in a consumer group. |
OnsConsumerResetOffset | Resets the timestamp of a consumer offset for a consumer group. |
OnsConsumerStatus | Queries the details of the status of a consumer group. |
OnsConsumerTimeSpan | Queries the time range within which you can specify a point in time to reset the consumer offset for a topic. |
OnsDLQMessageGetById | Queries the information about a dead-letter message by using the message ID. |
OnsDLQMessagePageQueryByGroupId | Queries all dead-letter messages that are sent to a consumer group within a time range by page. |
OnsDLQMessageResendById | Resends a dead-letter message that is specified by a message ID. |
OnsEmpowerCreate | Performs an authorization operation. |
OnsEmpowerList | Queries whether an account is authorized to access a topic. |
OnsGroupConsumerUpdate | Configures the read permissions on messages for a consumer group. |
OnsGroupCreate | Creates a consumer group. |
OnsGroupDelete | Deletes a consumer group. |
OnsGroupList | Queries consumer group IDs. |
OnsGroupSubDetail | Queries the topics to which a consumer group subscribes. |
OnsInstanceBaseInfo | Queries the basic information about a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance and its endpoints for publishing and subscribing to messages. |
OnsInstanceCreate | Creates a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance. |
OnsInstanceDelete | Deletes a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance. |
OnsInstanceInServiceList | Queries all Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instances in the specified region within the current account. |
OnsInstanceUpdate | Changes the name and description of a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance. |
OnsMessageGetByKey | Queries messages. A fuzzy query is used. |
OnsMessageGetByMsgId | Queries the information about a message that is specified by a message ID and whether the message has been consumed. |
OnsMessagePageQueryByTopic | Queries all messages in a topic within a time range by page. |
OnsMessagePush | Pushes a message to a consumer. |
OnsMessageSend | Sends a message to a broker. |
OnsMessageTrace | Queries the consumption status of a message by using the message ID. |
OnsMqttGroupIdCreate | Creates a Message Queue for MQTT client group. |
OnsMqttGroupIdDelete | Deletes a Message Queue for MQTT client group. |
OnsMqttGroupIdList | Queries the IDs of Message Queue for MQTT client groups in a region. |
OnsMqttQueryClientByClientId | Queries the connection information about a Message Queue for MQTT client. |
OnsMqttQueryClientByGroupId | Queries the number of connected Message Queue for MQTT clients in a group. |
OnsMqttQueryClientByTopic | Queries the number of connected Message Queue for MQTT clients that subscribe to the specified topic. |
OnsMqttQueryHistoryOnline | Queries the curve that shows the number of connected Message Queue for MQTT clients in the specified group in the specified time range. |
OnsMqttQueryMsgTransTrend | Queries the number of sent and received messages based on topic information. |
OnsOverviewData | Queries statistics. |
OnsOverviewMetrics | Queries statistics. |
OnsPublishCreate | Creates a publishing relationship. |
OnsPublishList | Queries publishing relationships. |
OnsRegionList | Queries the regions in which Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ is available. |
OnsSubscriptionCreate | Creates a subscription relationship. |
OnsSubscriptionDelete | Deletes a subscription relationship. |
OnsSubscriptionGet | Queries the information about a subscription relationship. |
OnsSubscriptionList | Queries subscription relationships. |
OnsSubscriptionSearch | Searches for a subscription relationship. |
OnsTopicCreate | Creates a topic. |
OnsTopicDelete | Deletes a topic within the current account. |
OnsTopicGet | Queries the information about a topic. |
OnsTopicList | Queries the information about topics that belong to the current account. |
OnsTopicStatus | Queries the total number of messages in a topic and the time when the topic was last updated. |
OnsTopicSubDetail | Queries the online consumer groups that have subscribed to a topic. |
OnsTopicUpdate | Configures the read/write mode for a topic. |
OnsTraceGetResult | Queries the tracing results by specifying the ID of a trace query task. |
OnsTraceQueryByMsgId | Creates a trace query task by specifying the message ID and the topic name. The task ID is returned. |
OnsTraceQueryByMsgKey | Creates a trace query task by specifying the message key and the topic name. The task ID is returned. |
OnsTrendGroupOutputTps | Queries the statistics on messages consumed by a consumer group ID. |
OnsTrendTopicInputTps | Queries the messages of a topic within a time range and writes the query results to a report. |
OnsWarnCreate | Creates a metric for a topic. |
OpenOnsService | Activates Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
RemainRefund | Requests to unsubscribe from resources. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
TagResources | Adds tags to resources. |
UntagResources | Removes tags from resources and deletes tags. |
Create | Purchases a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance on the buy page. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications of a Message Queue for Apache RocketMQ instance on the buy page. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
ConsoleMessageDownloadAllInDLQ | None. |
ConsoleMessageGetByIdInDLQ | None. |
ConsoleMessageGetByPagedDLQ | None. |
ConsoleMessageResendByIdInDLQ | None. |
ConsoleTraceQueryByMsgTopic | None. |