Message Queue for Apache Kafka is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage Message Queue for Apache Kafka resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of Message Queue for Apache Kafka that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
ChangeResourceGroup | Changes the resource group to which an instance belongs. |
CheckInstanceQuota | Queries the instance quota. |
ConsoleKafkaAclAddSaslUser | Creates or modifies a Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) user. |
ConsoleKafkaAclCreateAcl | Creates an access control list (ACL). |
ConsoleKafkaAclDeleteAcl | Deletes an ACL. |
ConsoleKafkaAclDeleteSaslUser | Deletes an SASL user. |
ConsoleKafkaAclEnableAcl | Enables the ACL feature. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorCloseMessageSearch | Disables the message retrieval feature. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorCreateAdbSinkDeployment | Creates an AnalyticDB sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorCreateConnectorSlr | Grants the permissions that are required to use the connector feature. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorCreateDeployment | Creates a connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorCreateOtsSinkDeployment | Creates a Tablestore sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorDeleteAdbSinkDeployment | Deletes an AnalyticDB sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorDeleteDeployment | Deletes a connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorDeleteOtsSinkDeployment | Deletes a Tablestore sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorDeployAdbSinkDeployment | Deploys an AnalyticDB sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorDeployDeployment | Deploys a connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorDeployOtsSinkDeployment | Deploys a Tablestore sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorListMessageSearch | Displays topics for which the message retrieval feature is enabled. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorListOtsInstance | Queries Tablestore instances. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorOpenKafkaConnector | Enables the connector feature. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorOpenMessageSearch | Enables the message retrieval feature. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorOperateAdbSinkDeployment | Manages an AnalyticDB sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorOperateDeployment | Manages a connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorOperateMessageSearch | Manages the message retrieval feature to retrieve messages. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorOperateOtsSinkDeployment | Manages a Tablestore sink connector. |
ConsoleKafkaConnectorUpgradeDeploymentParams | Modifies the configurations of a connector. |
ConsoleKafkaContactDelete | Deletes a contact. |
ConsoleKafkaContactUpdate | Modifies the information about a contact. |
ConsoleKafkaETLCheckFC | Checks whether Function Compute is activated. |
ConsoleKafkaETLCreateSlr | Grants the permissions that are required to use the extract, transform, and load (ETL) feature. |
ConsoleKafkaETLCreateTask | Creates an ETL task. |
ConsoleKafkaETLDeleteTask | Deletes an ETL task. |
ConsoleKafkaETLTestFCCode | Tests the processing code of an ETL task. |
ConsoleKafkaETLTestFCCodeByTopic | Tests the processing code of an ETL task. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceCheckAssumeRole | Checks instance permissions. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceCreateDefaultSlrRole | Creates a service-linked role and grants permissions to the role. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceDelete | Deletes an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceOperateDomain | Enables the domain name mode for an endpoint of an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstancePauseServerless | Temporarily disables auto scaling for a Serverless Edition instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceRelease | Releases an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceUpdateAutoCreateGroupStatus | Enables the flexible group creation feature. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceUpdateBasicInfo | Deploys an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceUpdateConfig | Modifies the configurations of an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceUpdateInstanceName | Changes the name of an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceUpdateWhiteList | Modifies a whitelist for an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaInstanceUpgradeService | Updates the version of an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaMessageSearchMessage | Retrieves messages. |
ConsoleKafkaMessageSendMessage | Sends messages. |
ConsoleKafkaMigrationCreateResources | Creates a migration task. |
ConsoleKafkaMigrationDeleteMigrationRecord | Deletes a migration task. |
ConsoleKafkaMigrationUploadMigrationReport | Uploads a migration file. |
ConsoleKafkaRisktDelete | Deletes a risk alert for an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaRiskUpdate | Changes the risk status of an instance. |
ConsoleKafkaScheduledTaskModifyTaskExecuteTime | Changes the point in time that is specified to run a scheduling task. |
ConsoleKafkaTagsTagResources | Adds tags to resources. |
ConsoleKafkaTagsUnTagResources | Removes tags from resources. |
ConsoleSubscriptionCreate | Creates a group. |
ConsoleSubscriptionDelete | Deletes a group. |
ConsoleSubscriptionResetOffset | Resets a consumer offset. |
ConsoleTopicAddPartition | Creates a partition. |
ConsoleTopicCreate | Creates a topic. |
ConsoleTopicDelete | Deletes a topic. |
ConsoleTopicRebalanceRebalance | Triggers the system to rebalance topic traffic. |
ConsoleTopicUpdateTopicConfig | Modifies the configurations of a topic. |
ConsoleTopicUpdateTopicRemark | Modifies the description of a topic. |
ConvertPostPayOrder | Changes the billing method of an instance from pay-as-you-go to subscription. |
Create | Purchases Message Queue for Apache Kafka on the buy page. |
CreateAcl | Creates an ACL |
CreateConnectorTask | Creates a connector. |
CreateConsumerGroup | Creates a consumer group. |
CreatePostPayOrder | Creates a pay-as-you-go instance. |
CreatePrePayOrder | Creates a subscription instance. |
CreateSaslUser | Creates an SASL user. |
CreateTopic | Creates a topic. |
DeleteAcl | Deletes an ACL. |
DeleteConnectorTask | Deletes a connector. |
DeleteConsumerGroup | Deletes a consumer group. |
DeleteInstance | Deletes an instance. |
DeleteSaslUser | Deletes an SASL user. |
DeleteTopic | Deletes a topic. |
DeployConnectorTask | Deploys a connector. |
DescribeAcls | Queries ACLs. |
DescribeNodeStatus | Queries the status of a node. |
DescribeSaslUsers | Queries SASL users. |
GenerateConnectorTaskSystemResource | Creates resources for a connector. |
GetAllInstanceIdList | Queries all instances. |
GetAllowedIpList | Queries the IP address whitelist. |
GetConsumerList | Queries consumer groups. |
GetConsumerProgress | Queries the consumption status of a consumer group. |
GetInstanceList | Queries the information about instances in a specified region. |
GetMetaProductList | Queries the sales specifications of a service. |
GetTopicList | Queries topics. |
GetTopicOffset | Queries the consumer offsets of a topic. |
GetTopicStatus | Queries the message sending and receiving status of a topic. |
ListConnectorTask | Queries a connector-related task. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications of Message Queue for Apache Kafka on the buy page. |
ModifyInstanceName | Changes the name of an instance. |
ModifyPartitionNum | Changes the number of partitions in a topic. |
ModifyTopicRemark | Modifies the description of a topic. |
OpenService | Activates Message Queue for Apache Kafka. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
ReleaseInstance | Releases a pay-as-you-go instance. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
SendMigrationHeartbeat | Sends a heartbeat during migration. |
StartInstance | Deploys an instance. |
TagResources | Adds tags to resources. |
UntagResources | Remove tags from resources. |
UpdateAllowedIp | Modifies the IP address whitelist. |
UpdateConnectorTaskRemark | Modifies the description of a connector. |
UpdateInstanceConfig | Modifies the configurations of an instance. |
UpgradeInstanceVersion | Changes the version of an instance. |
UpgradePostPayOrder | Upgrades a pay-as-you-go instance. |
UpgradePrePayOrder | Upgrades a subscription instance. |