Message Queue is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage Message Queue resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of Message Queue that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage Message Queue resources. ActionTrail does not generate events when you use Message Queue SDK to perform specific operations. For example, ActionTrail does not generate events for operations that receive or send messages.
Event name | Description |
CreateBinding | Binds an exchange to a queue or an exchange. |
CreateExchange | Creates an exchange. |
CreateQueue | Creates a queue. |
CreateVirtualHost | Creates a vhost. |
DashboardCheckServiceStatus | Checks the activation status of Message Queue. |
DashboardList | Queries the HTTP URL of a Grafana dashboard. |
DeleteBinding | Unbinds a source exchange from a destination queue or exchange. |
DeleteExchange | Deletes an exchange. |
DeleteQueue | Deletes a queue. |
DeleteVirtualHost | Deletes a vhost. |
GetAckInfoByInterval | Queries the information about an acknowledgment (ACK). |
GetAckInfoOfMessage | Queries the ACK that is sent for a message. |
GetConsumeTraceByQueueAndRocketMqMsgId | Queries the consumption traces of a message by message ID. |
GetMetadataAmount | Queries the metadata of an instance. |
GetSendTraceByConnectionAndChannelAndDeliveryTag | Queries message traces by connection ID, channel ID, or ordinary number used for message delivery. |
GetSendTraceByMsgId | Queries message traces by message ID. |
GetSendTraceByQueue | Queries message traces by queue. |
GetTpsByTime | Queries the transactions per second (TPS) of an instance within a period of time. |
ListBindings | Queries information about bindings. |
ListDownStreamBindings | Queries the bindings of an exchange. |
ListExchanges | Queries exchanges. |
ListExchangeUpstreamBindings | Queries the messages to which an exchange is bound. |
ListInstances | Queries instances. |
ListQueueConsumers | Queries the consumers of a queue. |
ListQueues | Queries queues. |
ListQueueUpstreamBindings | Queries the messages of a queue. |
ListVirtualHosts | Queries vhosts. |
UpdateInstanceName | Changes the name of an instance. |