MaxCompute is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage MaxCompute resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of MaxCompute that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
AddUser | Adds a user. |
ChangeTable | Modifies the schema of a table. |
ChangeTableData | Modifies the data in a table. |
CheckRamRole | Checks a Resource Access Management (RAM) role. |
Create | Purchases MaxCompute on the buy page. |
CreateFunction | Registers a function. |
CreatePackage | Creates a package. |
CreateProject | Creates a MaxCompute project. |
CreateQuota | Creates a quota. |
CreateQuotaPlan | Creates a quota plan. |
CreateResource | Creates a resource. |
CreateRole | Creates a role. |
CreateTable | Creates a table. |
DeleteFunction | Deregisters a function. |
DeleteProject | Deletes a MaxCompute project. |
DeleteQuotaPlan | Deletes a quota plan. |
DeleteResource | Deletes a resource. |
DeleteRole | Deletes a role. |
DescribeRegions | Queries available regions and zones. |
DescribeTable | Queries the schema of a table. |
DownloadTable | Downloads data from a table by using Tunnel commands. |
DropRole | Deletes a role. |
DropTable | Deletes a table. |
GetPackage | Queries the information about a package. |
GetProject | Queries the information about a project. |
GetQuota | Queries the information about a quota. |
GetQuotaSchedule | Queries the information about a quota plan. |
GetQuotaUsage | Queries the information about quota usage. |
GetRoleAclOnObject | Queries ACL-based permissions on an object that are granted to a role. |
GetRolePolicy | Queries a policy that is attached to a role. |
GetTimeZone | Queries a time zone. |
GetTrustedProjects | Queries a list of projects. |
GrantACL | Enables ACL-based access control. |
GrantLabel | Enables label-based access control. |
GrantRole | Assigns a role to a user. |
InsertJob | Submits a MaxCompute job. |
InstanceTunnel | Downloads the execution result of an instance. |
JobChange | Changes the status of a MaxCompute job. |
ListFunctions | Queries a list of functions. |
ListPackages | Queries a list of packages. |
ListProjects | Queries a list of projects. |
ListQuotas | Queries a list of quotas. |
ListQuotasPlans | Queries the information about quota usage. |
ListResources | Queries a list of resources. |
ListRoles | Queries a list of roles. |
ListTables | Queries a list of metadata tables. |
ListTenantRoles | Queries a list of tenant roles. |
ListTenantUsers | Queries a list of tenant users. |
ListUsers | Queries a list of users. |
ListUsersByRole | Queries a list of users by role. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications on the buy page. |
OpenMaxComputeService | Activates MaxCompute. |
PutRolePolicy | Uploads a policy that is attached to a MaxCompute role. |
ReadTableData | Reads table data. |
RemoveUser | Removes a user. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
RevokeACL | Disables ACL-based access control. |
RevokeLabel | Disables label-based access control. |
RevokeRole | Revokes a role from a user. |
SetProjectPolicy | Configures a policy for a project. |
SetRoleLabel | Configures a label for a role. |
SetTableLabel | Configures a label for a column in a table. |
SetUserLabel | Configures a label for a user. |
UpdateFunction | Modifies a function. |
UpdatePackage | Modifies a package. |
UpdateProject | Modifies a MaxCompute project. |
UpdateProjectBasicMeta | Modifies the basic information about a project. |
UpdateProjectDefaultQuota | Modifies the default quota of a project. |
UpdateProjectIpWhiteList | Modifies the IP address whitelist of a project. |
UpdateProjectSecurity | Modifies the security attributes of a project. |
UpdateProjectTrustedProjects | Modifies the trusted projects for a project. |
UpdateQuota | Modifies a quota. |
UpdateQuotaPlan | Modifies the information about a quota plan. |
UpdateQuotaSchedule | Modifies a quota plan rule. |
UpdateResource | Modifies a resource. |
UpdateRole | Modifies a role. |
UpdateSubQuotas | Modifies a level-2 quota. |
UpdateTenantRole | Modifies a tenant role. |
UpdateUsersToRole | Modifies the information about the users that are associated with a role. |
UploadTable | Uploads data to a table by using Tunnel commands. |