E-MapReduce (EMR) is integrated with ActionTrail services. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage EMR resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of EMR that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
AddClusterService | Configures a service that is supported by the current EMR version to a specified EMR cluster. |
AddScalingConfigItemV2 | Creates a configuration item of auto scaling. |
AuthorizeSecurityGroup | Adds an inbound rule to a security group. |
CancelOrder | Cancels an order. |
CloneFlow | Clones a workflow. |
CloneFlowJob | Clones a job. |
Create | Purchases E-MapReduce on the buy page. |
CreateBackup | Creates a backup. |
CreateBackupPlan | Creates a backup plan. |
CreateCluster | Creates an EMR cluster. |
CreateClusterBootstrapAction | Creates a bootstrap action. |
CreateClusterTemplate | Creates an EMR cluster template. |
CreateClusterV2 | Creates an EMR cluster. |
CreateClusterWithTemplate | Creates an EMR cluster by using a cluster template. |
CreateDataSource | Creates a data source. |
CreateExecutionPlan | Creates an execution plan. |
CreateFlow | Creates a workflow. |
CreateFlowCategory | Creates a subfolder. |
CreateFlowForWeb | Creates a workflow. |
CreateFlowJob | Creates a job. |
CreateFlowProject | Creates a data development project. |
CreateFlowProjectClusterSetting | Creates a cluster setting for a project. |
CreateFlowProjectUser | Creates a user for a project. |
CreateJob | Creates a task job. |
CreateResourcePool | Creates a resource pool. |
CreateResourceQueue | Creates a resource queue. |
CreateScalingGroupV2 | Creates an auto scaling group. |
CreateScalingRule | Creates an auto scaling rule. |
CreateUser | Creates a user. |
CreateUsers | Creates multiple users at a time. |
DecommissionHostComponent | Brings offline service components in a host. |
DecreaseNodes | Decreases the number of nodes. |
DeleteCluster | Deletes an EMR cluster. |
DeleteClusterTemplate | Deletes an EMR cluster template. |
DeleteExecutionPlan | Deletes an execution plan. |
DeleteFlow | Deletes a workflow. |
DeleteFlowCategory | Deletes a workflow directory. |
DeleteFlowJob | Deletes a job. |
DeleteFlowProject | Deletes a data development project. |
DeleteFlowProjectClusterSetting | Deletes a cluster setting from a project. |
DeleteFlowProjectUser | Deletes a user from a project. |
DeleteJob | Deletes a job. |
DeleteResourceQueue | Deletes a resource queue. |
DeleteScalingRule | Deletes an auto scaling rule. |
DeleteUser | Deletes a user. |
DescribeCluster | Queries the basic information about an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterBasicInfo | Queries the basic information about a created EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterHealth | Queries the health check status of an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterMetaCollect | Queries the metadata collection status of an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterOperationHostTaskLog | Queries the operation logs of a specified task on a specified host of an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterResourcePoolSchedulerType | Queries the scheduling policies of resource pools. |
DescribeClusterService | Queries the details of a service in an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterServiceConfig | Queries the configuration details of a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterServiceConfigHistory | Queries the historical configuration details of a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterServiceConfigTag | Queries the configuration tags and tag values of a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
DescribeClusterTemplate | Queries the details of an EMR cluster template. |
DescribeClusterV2 | Queries the basic information about an EMR cluster. |
DescribeDataSource | Queries a data source. |
DescribeEmrMainVersion | Queries the details of the EMR version of a cluster. |
DescribeExecutionPlan | Queries the details of an execution plan. |
DescribeFlow | Queries the information about a workflow. |
DescribeFlowCategory | Queries the information about a directory. |
DescribeFlowCategoryTree | Queries the information about a directory tree. |
DescribeFlowInstance | Queries information about a workflow instance. |
DescribeFlowJob | Queries the information about a job. |
DescribeFlowNodeInstance | Queries the details of a node instance. |
DescribeFlowNodeInstanceContainerLog | Queries the log of a container that runs on a node instance. |
DescribeFlowNodeInstanceLauncherLog | Queries the log of a launcher that runs on a node instance. |
DescribeFlowProject | Queries the details of a project. |
DescribeFlowProjectClusterSetting | Queries the details of a cluster setting for a project. |
DescribeJob | Queries the information about a job. |
DescribeLibraryDetail | Queries the details of a dependent library. |
DescribeLibraryInstallTaskDetail | Queries the details of a dependent library installation task. |
DescribeMetaTablePreviewTask | Queries the details of a metadata table preview task. |
DescribeScalingActivity | Queries auto scaling activities. |
DescribeScalingCommonConfig | Queries the details of common configurations of auto scaling. |
DescribeScalingConfigItemV2 | Queries the details of configuration items of auto scaling. |
DescribeScalingGroupInstanceV2 | Queries the details of a running instance in an auto scaling group |
DescribeScalingGroupV2 | Queries the details of an auto scaling group. |
DescribeScalingRule | Queries an auto scaling rule. |
DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute | Queries the rules of a security group. |
DetachAndReleaseClusterEni | Releases an elastic network interface (ENI) that is bound to an EMR cluster. |
GetCluster | Queries the information about an EMR cluster. |
GetOperation | Queries operations. |
IncreaseNodes | Increases the number of nodes. |
JoinResourceGroup | Adds an EMR resource to a resource group. |
KillExecutionJobInstance | Terminates a job instance. |
KillExecutionPlanInstance | Terminates an execution plan instance. |
KillFlowJob | Terminates a job instance. |
ListApmApplication | Queries jobs. |
ListAvailableConfig | Queries available configurations. |
ListBackups | Queries backup records. |
ListClusterHost | Queries hosts in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterHostComponent | Queries the components that are installed on each host of an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterHostGroup | Queries host groups in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterInstalledService | Queries the services that are installed in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterOperation | Queries the actions that are taken on an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterOperationHost | Queries the hosts on which a specific action is taken. |
ListClusterOperationHostTask | Queries the tasks of the host on which a specific action is taken. |
ListClusterOperationTask | Queries the tasks of the EMR cluster on which a specific action is taken. |
ListClusters | Queries EMR clusters by page. |
ListClusterService | Queries services in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterServiceComponent | Queries the components of a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterServiceComponentHealthInfo | Queries the health information about the components of a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterServiceConfigHistory | Queries the configuration change history of a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterServiceQuickLink | Queries the links of services that are used in an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterSupportService | Queries the services supported by an EMR cluster. |
ListClusterTemplates | Queries the details of a specified or all EMR cluster templates. |
ListEmrAvailableConfig | Queries the available configurations that can be used to create an EMR cluster. |
ListEmrAvailableMetaType | Queries metadata types that are available for EMR. |
ListEmrAvailableResource | Queries available resources. |
ListEmrMainVersion | Queries EMR versions. |
ListExecutionPlanInstances | Queries execution plan instances. |
ListExecutionPlans | Queries execution plans. |
ListFlow | Queries workflows. |
ListFlowCategory | Queries workflow directories. |
ListFlowCluster | Queries the clusters that are available for a project. |
ListFlowClusterAll | Queries all the clusters that are available in a specified region for data development. |
ListFlowClusterAllHosts | Queries the hosts that you can add to the whitelist of a project. |
ListFlowClusterHost | Queries the hosts that can submit jobs in an EMR cluster. |
ListFlowInstance | Queries workflow instances. |
ListFlowJob | Queries jobs. |
ListFlowJobHistory | Queries job instances. |
ListFlowNodeInstance | Queries the instances on which workflow nodes run. |
ListFlowNodeInstanceContainerStatus | Queries the status of containers that run on a node instance. |
ListFlowNodeSqlResult | Queries the SQL results of a node instance. |
ListFlowProject | Queries projects. |
ListFlowProjectClusterSetting | Queries cluster settings for a project. |
ListFlowProjectUser | Queries the users of a project. |
ListJobExecutionInstances | Queries job execution instances. |
ListJobInstanceWorkers | Queries the running nodes of a job instance. |
ListJobs | Queries jobs. |
ListLibraries | Queries dependent libraries. |
ListLibraryInstallTasks | Queries dependency library installation tasks. |
ListNodes | Queries nodes. |
ListRegions | Queries available regions. |
ListResourcePool | Queries resource pools. |
listRoles | Queries RAM roles. |
ListScalingActivityV2 | Queries auto scaling activities. |
ListScalingConfigItemV2 | Queries configuration items of auto scaling. |
ListScalingGroupV2 | Queries auto scaling groups. |
ListSecurityGroup | Queries the information about a security group. |
ListSecurityGroups | Queries security groups. |
ListStack | Queries stacks. |
ListTagKeys | Queries tag keys. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are bound to one or more EMR clusters. |
ListTagValues | Queries the values of created tags. |
ListUsers | Queries users. |
ListVswitch | Queries the information about a switch. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications on the buy page. |
ModifyClusterBootstrapAction | Modifies a bootstrap action. |
ModifyClusterHostGroup | Modifies a host group in an EMR cluster. |
ModifyClusterMetaCollect | Enables or disables metadata collection of an EMR cluster. |
ModifyClusterName | Modifies the name of an EMR cluster. |
ModifyClusterServiceConfig | Modifies the configuration details of a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
ModifyClusterTemplate | Modifies an EMR cluster template. |
ModifyFlow | Modifies a workflow. |
ModifyFlowCategory | Renames a directory. |
ModifyFlowForWeb | Modifies a custom graphical workflow. |
ModifyFlowJob | Modifies a data development job. |
ModifyFlowProject | Modifies a data development project. |
ModifyFlowProjectClusterSetting | Modifies a cluster setting for a project. |
ModifyJob | Modifies the job configurations. |
ModifyResourcePool | Modifies a resource pool. |
ModifyResourcePoolSchedulerType | Modifies the scheduler type of a resource pool. |
ModifyResourceQueue | Modifies a resource queue. |
ModifyScalingConfigItemV2 | Modifies a configuration item of auto scaling. |
ModifyScalingRule | Modifies an auto scaling rule. |
ModifyScalingTaskGroup | Modifies an auto scaling task group. |
QueryPrice | Queries the price. |
RefreshClusterResourcePool | Synchronizes the configuration of a resource pool to an EMR cluster. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
ReleaseCluster | Releases all nodes in an EMR cluster. |
ReleaseClusterHostGroup | Decreases the number of nodes in an EMR cluster. |
RemoveScalingConfigItemV2 | Deletes a configuration item of auto scaling. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
RenewCluster | Modifies an EMR cluster. |
RerunFlow | Reruns a workflow instance. |
ResizeCluster | Scales an EMR cluster. |
ResizeClusterV2 | Scales an EMR cluster. |
ResumeExecutionPlanScheduler | Resumes the start of scheduling for an execution plan. |
ResumeFlow | Resumes a workflow. |
RetryOperation | Retries a failed workflow. |
RunClusterServiceAction | Performs a specified action on a specified service in an EMR cluster. |
RunExecutionPlan | Runs an execution plan. |
RunScalingActionV2 | Performs a sample control action on an auto scaling group. |
SearchLog | Searches for logs. |
StartFlow | Starts a workflow. |
SubmitFlow | Submits a workflow. |
SubmitFlowJob | Submits a job. |
SuspendExecutionPlanScheduler | Stops the periodic scheduling of an execution plan. |
SuspendFlow | Stops a workflow. |
TagResources | Creates and adds tags to specified EMR clusters. |
UntagResources | Removes tags from specified EMR clusters. |
UpdateNodeGroupAttributes | Modifies a node group. |
AddApplications | None. |
CancelOperationOrders | None. |
CheckAssumeRole | None. |
CreateClusterPreCheck | None. |
CreateGateway | None. |
CreateNodeGroup | None. |
CreateOnKubeCluster | None. |
CreateScalingGroup | None. |
CreateScript | None. |
DeleteNodeGroup | None. |
DeleteScalingGroup | None. |
DeleteScript | None. |
GetApmData | None. |
GetApplication | None. |
GetApplicationConfigFile | None. |
GetAutoScalingActivity | None. |
GetAutoScalingPolicy | None. |
GetClusterClientMeta | None. |
GetClusterCloneMeta | None. |
GetClusterSupportApplication | None. |
GetConsoleOperation | None. |
GetInstanceTypeConstraint | None. |
GetMainVersion | None. |
GetOnKubeCluster | None. |
GetOnKubeClusterResourceQuota | None. |
GetOnKubeClusterResourceUsage | None. |
GetOperationTask | None. |
GetOverview | None. |
GetPriceForConvert | None. |
GetPriceForCreate | None. |
GetPriceForDiskIncrease | None. |
GetPriceForRenew | None. |
GetPriceForResize | None. |
GetPriceForUpdateSpec | None. |
GetReleaseVersion | None. |
GetReport | None. |
GetReportData | None. |
GetScalingGroup | None. |
GetScriptExecutionResult | None. |
HasRamOauthPolicy | None. |
IncreaseClusterDisk | None. |
ListAckClusterNodePools | None. |
ListAckClusterNodes | None. |
ListApplicationConfigFiles | None. |
ListApplicationConfigHistory | None. |
ListApplicationConfigLabels | None. |
ListApplicationConfigs | None. |
ListApplicationDependConfigs | None. |
ListApplicationLinks | None. |
ListApplications | None. |
ListAssociatedClusters | None. |
ListAutoScalingActivities | None. |
ListAvailableInstanceTypes | None. |
ListClusterTypes | None. |
ListComponentInstances | None. |
ListComponents | None. |
ListComponentUrls | None. |
ListFeatures | None. |
ListInstanceTypes | None. |
ListKMSKeys | None. |
ListMainVersions | None. |
ListMetricsToDisplay | None. |
ListNodeDisks | None. |
ListNodeGroupSpecs | None. |
ListOnKubeClusterInspectionResults | None. |
ListOnKubeClusters | None. |
ListOnKubeComponents | None. |
ListOnKubeJobs | None. |
ListOperationActivities | None. |
ListOperations | None. |
ListOperationTasks | None. |
ListOrders | None. |
ListReleaseVersions | None. |
ListReports | None. |
ListRequiredApplications | None. |
ListResourceHealth | None. |
ListResourceHealthInspections | None. |
ListScalingActivities | None. |
ListScalingGroups | None. |
ListScalingMetrics | None. |
ListScripts | None. |
ListSupportGatewayClusters | None. |
PutAutoScalingPolicy | None. |
QueryApmComponents | None. |
QueryApmGrafanaData | None. |
QueryApmSnapshot | None. |
QueryGrafanaData | None. |
ReleaseOnKubeCluster | None. |
RemoveAutoScalingPolicy | None. |
RunApplicationAction | None. |
RunScalingAction | None. |
SyncNodes | None. |
UpdateAckClusterNodePools | None. |
UpdateAckClusterNodes | None. |
UpdateApplicationConfigs | None. |
UpdateClusterAttribute | None. |
UpdateClusterAutoRenew | None. |
UpdateClusterPaymentType | None. |
UpdateClusterSpec | None. |
UpdateScalingGroup | None. |
UpdateScript | None. |
UpdateUserAttribute | None. |