Elastic Compute Service (ECS) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage ECS resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Simple Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of ECS that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
AcceptInquiredSystemEvent | Accepts the default operation for a system event in the Inquiring state and authorizes the system to perform the default operation. |
ActivateRouterInterface | Activates a router interface. |
AddBandwidthPackageIps | Adds one or more public IP addresses to a NAT service plan. |
AddIpRange | Creates a CIDR block. |
AddMigratableInstances | Adds one or more ECS instances that can be migrated. |
AddTags | Adds one or more tags to ECS resources, or overwrites one or more tags of ECS resources. |
AllocateDedicatedHosts | Creates pay-as-you-go or subscription dedicated hosts. |
AllocateEipAddress | Applies for an elastic IP address (EIP). |
AllocatePublicIpAddress | Assigns a public IP address to an ECS instance. |
ApplyAutoSnapshotPolicy | Applies an automatic snapshot policy to one or more cloud disks. |
AssignIpv6Addresses | Assigns one or more IPv6 addresses to an elastic network interface (ENI). |
AssignPrivateIpAddresses | Assigns one or more secondary private IP addresses to an ENI. |
AssociateEipAddress | Associates an EIP with an ECS instance. |
AssociateHaVip | Associates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP) with an ECS instance that is located in a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
AttachClassicLinkVpc | Links an ECS instance located in the classic network to a VPC by establishing a ClassicLink connection between them. |
AttachDisk | Attaches a pay-as-you-go data disk to an ECS instance. |
AttachInstanceRamRole | Attaches a Resource Access Management (RAM) role to one or more ECS instances. |
AttachKeyPair | Binds an SSH key pair to one or more Linux instances. |
AttachNetworkInterface | Attaches an ENI to an ECS instance that resides in a VPC. |
AttachVolume | Attaches a shared disk. |
AuthorizeSecurityGroup | Creates an inbound rule in a security group. |
AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress | Creates an outbound rule in a security group. |
BindIpRange | Associates a CIDR block. |
CancelAgreement | Revokes permissions for ECS to access other Alibaba Cloud services. |
CancelAutoSnapshotPolicy | Disables an automatic snapshot policy for one or more cloud disks. |
CancelCopyImage | Cancels an ongoing image copy (CopyImage) task. |
CancelImagePipelineExecution | Cancels an image creation task. |
CancelMigrationInstances | Cancels an instance migration task. |
CancelMigrationPlan | Cancels a migration plan. |
CancelPhysicalConnection | Cancels a connection over an Express Connect circuit. |
CancelSimulatedSystemEvents | Cancels one or more simulated system events that are in the Scheduled or Executing state. |
CancelTask | Cancels a running task. |
CancelUserEvent | Cancels an event. |
CheckAutoSnapshotPolicy | Checks whether a snapshot policy can be executed. |
CheckDiskEnableAutoSnapshotValidation | Checks whether automatic snapshots can be configured for disks. |
CheckImageSupportCloudinit | Checks whether an image supports cloudinit. |
ConfigureSecurityGroupPermissions | Configures a security group rule. |
ConfirmReservationDemand | Confirms a migration task. |
ConnectRouterInterface | Enables an initiator router interface to send a connection request to an acceptor router interface. |
ConvertClassicPublicIpToEip | Converts the public IP address of an ECS instance in the classic network into an EIP. |
ConvertNatPublicIpToEip | Converts the public IP address of an ECS instance in a VPC to an EIP. |
CopyImage | Copies a custom image from one region to another region. |
CopySnapshot | Copies a standard snapshot from one region to another region. |
Create | Purchases an ECS instance on the buy page. |
CreateActivation | Creates an activation code. |
CreateAutoProvisioningGroup | Creates an auto provisioning group. |
CreateAutoSnapshotPolicy | Creates an automatic snapshot policy. |
CreateCapacityReservation | Creates a capacity reservation. |
CreateClassicToVpcRollbackTask | Creates a task to switch the network type of an instance from VPC to classic network. |
CreateCommand | Creates a Cloud Assistant command. |
CreateConfigLogSubscriptions | Creates a configuration log subscription. |
CreateDedicatedBlockStorageCluster | Creates a dedicated block storage cluster. |
CreateDedicatedHostCluster | Creates a dedicated host cluster. |
CreateDefaultAutoSnapshotPolicy | Creates a default automatic snapshot policy. |
CreateDemand | Creates a filing for the demanded ECS resources. |
CreateDeploymentSet | Creates a deployment set in a region. |
CreateDiagnose | Creates a diagnosis. |
CreateDiagnosisOperateRecords | Creates a diagnostic operation record. |
CreateDiagnosticMetricSet | Creates a diagnostic metric set. |
CreateDiagnosticReport | Creates a diagnostic report for a resource. |
CreateDisk | Creates a pay-as-you-go or subscription data disk. |
CreateDiskReplicaPair | Creates a replication pair. |
CreateDisks | Creates one or more pay-as-you-go or subscription data disks. |
CreateElasticityAssurance | Creates an elasticity assurance. |
CreateEniQosGroup | Creates an ENI Quality of Service (QoS) group. |
CreateFleet | Creates auto provisioning groups. |
CreateForwardEntry | Adds Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) entries to a DNAT table. |
CreateFunctionFeedback | Creates feature feedback. |
CreateHaVip | Creates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP). |
CreateHpcCluster | Creates a high performance computing (HPC) cluster. |
CreateImage | Creates a custom image. |
CreateImageCache | Creates an image cache. |
CreateImageComponent | Creates an image component. |
CreateImagePipeline | Creates an image template. |
CreateInstance | Creates a subscription or pay-as-you-go ECS instance. |
CreateIssueCategoryReportRelation | Associates issue reports with their respective categories. |
CreateKeyPair | Creates an SSH key pair. |
CreateLaunchTemplate | Creates a launch template. |
CreateLaunchTemplateVersion | Creates a version for a launch template. |
CreateMaintenanceProperty | Creates an O&M event attribute. |
CreateMigrationPlan | Creates a migration plan. |
CreateNatGateway | Creates a NAT gateway. |
CreateNetworkInsightsPath | Creates a workflow instance. |
CreateNetworkInterface | Creates an ENI. |
CreateNetworkInterfacePermission | Grants ENI permissions to Alibaba Cloud partners who are certified independent software vendors (ISVs) or individual users. |
CreatePhysicalConnection | Applies for a connection over an Express Connect circuit. |
CreatePrefixList | Creates a prefix list. |
CreateReservationDemand | Creates a Cloud Assistant command. |
CreateRouteEntry | Creates a custom route entry. |
CreateRouterInterface | Creates a router interface. |
CreateSavingsPlan | Creates a savings plan. |
CreateSecurityGroup | Creates a security group. |
CreateSimulatedSystemEvents | Schedules simulated system events for one or more ECS instances. |
CreateSnapshot | Creates a snapshot for a cloud disk. |
CreateSnapshotGroup | Creates a snapshot-consistent group for the disks on an ECS instance. |
CreateStorageSet | Creates a storage set in a zone of a region. |
CreateUserEvent | Creates an event. |
CreateUserQuotaApplication | Creates a user quota application. |
CreateVirtualBorderRouter | Creates a virtual border router (VBR). |
CreateVolume | Creates a shared disk. |
CreateVolumes | Creates a directory. |
CreateVpc | Creates a VPC. |
CreateVSwitch | Creates a vSwitch. |
CreateWaitingOrder | Creates an order. |
DeactivateRouterInterface | Disables a router interface. |
DeleteActivation | Deletes an unused activation code. |
DeleteAutoProvisioningGroup | Deletes an auto provisioning group. |
DeleteAutoSnapshotPolicy | Deletes an automatic snapshot policy. |
DeleteBandwidthPackage | Deletes a NAT service plan. |
DeleteCommand | Deletes a Cloud Assistant command. |
DeleteConfigLogSubscriptions | Deletes configuration log subscriptions. |
DeleteDedicatedHostCluster | Deletes a dedicated host cluster. |
DeleteDemand | Deletes a filing for the demanded ECS resources. |
DeleteDeploymentSet | Deletes a deployment set. |
DeleteDiagnosticMetricSets | Deletes diagnostic metric sets. |
DeleteDiagnosticReports | Deletes diagnostic reports. |
DeleteDisk | Deletes a pay-as-you-go data disk. |
DeleteDiskReplicaPair | Deletes a replication pair. |
DeleteEniQosGroup | Deletes an ENI QoS group. |
DeleteFleet | Deletes auto provisioning groups. |
DeleteForwardEntry | Deletes a DNAT entry. |
DeleteHaVip | Deletes an HAVIP. |
DeleteHpcCluster | Deletes an HPC cluster. |
DeleteImage | Delete a custom image. |
DeleteImageCache | Deletes an image cache. |
DeleteImageComponent | Deletes an image component. |
DeleteImagePipeline | Deletes an image template. |
DeleteInstance | Releases a pay-as-you-go ECS instance or an expired subscription ECS instance. |
DeleteInstances | Releases one or more pay-as-you-go ECS instances or expired subscription ECS instances. |
DeleteKeyPairs | Deletes one or more SSH key pairs. |
DeleteLaunchTemplate | Deletes a launch template. |
DeleteLaunchTemplateVersion | Deletes a version of a launch template. |
DeleteMaintenanceProperty | Deletes an O&M event attribute. |
DeleteMigratableInstances | Deletes an ECS instance that can be migrated. |
DeleteNatGateway | Deletes a NAT gateway. |
DeleteNetworkInsightsAnalysis | Deletes a Cloud Call Center (CCC) instance. |
DeleteNetworkInsightsPath | Deletes a network connectivity diagnostic line. |
DeleteNetworkInterface | Deletes an ENI. |
DeleteNetworkInterfacePermission | Grants permissions to delete an ENI. |
DeletePhysicalConnection | Deletes an Express Connect circuit. |
DeletePrefixList | Deletes a prefix list. |
DeleteRecycleBin | Deletes a recycle bin. |
DeleteReservationDemand | Deletes a resource assurance requirement. |
DeleteRouteEntry | Deletes a custom route entry. |
DeleteRouterInterface | Deletes a router interface. |
DeleteSecurityGroup | Deletes a security group. |
DeleteSnapshot | Deletes a snapshot. |
DeleteSnapshotGroup | Deletes a snapshot-consistent group. |
DeleteStorageSet | Deletes an empty storage set. |
DeleteUserQuotaApplication | Deletes a user quota application. |
DeleteVirtualBorderRouter | Deletes a VBR. |
DeleteVolume | Deletes a shared disk. |
DeleteVpc | Deletes a VPC. |
DeleteVSwitch | Deletes a vSwitch. |
DeleteWaitingOrders | Deletes an order. |
DeregisterManagedInstance | Deregisters a managed instance. |
DescribeAccessPoints | Queries the access points of an Express Connect circuit in a region. |
DescribeAccountAttributes | Queries the quota of ECS instances that can be created in a region. |
DescribeAccountLimits | Queries the quotas within an account. |
DescribeAccountQuotaAttributes | Queries the attributes of the quotas within an account. |
DescribeActivations | Queries existing activation codes and their usage information. |
DescribeAutoProvisioningGroupCapacities | Queries the capacity of an auto provisioning group. |
DescribeAutoProvisioningGroupHistory | Queries the scheduling tasks of an auto provisioning group. |
DescribeAutoProvisioningGroupInstances | Queries the ECS instances in an auto provisioning group. |
DescribeAutoProvisioningGroups | Queries the information about one or more auto provisioning groups. |
DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicy | Queries an automatic snapshot policy. |
DescribeAutoSnapshotPolicyEX | Queries the automatic snapshot policies that you created. |
DescribeAvailableResource | Queries the resources in a zone. |
DescribeBandwidthLimitation | Queries the maximum public bandwidth that is available for purchase, upgrade, or downgrade when different instance types are involved. |
DescribeBandwidthPackages | Queries bandwidth plans. |
DescribeBandwidthPrice | Queries bandwidth prices. |
DescribeCapacityReservationInstances | Queries the ECS instances that match a capacity reservation. |
DescribeCapacityReservations | Queries the details of one or more capacity reservations. |
DescribeClassicLinkInstances | Queries one or more ECS instances that are located in the classic network and have established ClassicLink connections to VPCs. |
DescribeCloudAssistantSettings | Queries the configurations of Cloud Assistant features. |
DescribeCloudAssistantStatus | Checks whether the Cloud Assistant client is installed on one or more ECS instances. |
DescribeClusters | Queries clusters. |
DescribeCommands | Queries the Cloud Assistant commands that you create. |
DescribeCustomerIssueCategory | Queries diagnostic issue categories. |
DescribeDedicatedBlockStorageClusterDisks | Queries disk information about one or more dedicated block storage clusters. |
DescribeDedicatedBlockStorageClusters | Queries the dedicated block storage clusters that are created. |
DescribeDedicatedHostAutoRenew | Queries the auto-renewal status of one or more subscription dedicated hosts. |
DescribeDedicatedHostClusters | Queries the details of one or more dedicated host clusters. |
DescribeDedicatedHosts | Queries the details of one or more dedicated hosts. |
DescribeDedicatedHostTypes | Queries the details of dedicated host types supported in a region. |
DescribeDemands | Queries the delivery and usage status of filed resources. |
DescribeDeploymentSets | Queries the attributes of one or more deployment sets. |
DescribeDeploymentSetSupportedInstanceTypeFamily | Queries the instance families that support deployment sets. |
DescribeDeploymentSetTopology | Queries the physical topology of a deployment set. |
DescribeDiagnose | Queries a diagnosis. |
DescribeDiagnosisOperateRecords | Queries diagnostic operation records. |
DescribeDiagnosticMetrics | Queries diagnostic metrics. |
DescribeDiagnosticMetricSets | Queries diagnostic metric sets. |
DescribeDiagnosticReportAttributes | Queries the details of a diagnostic report. |
DescribeDiagnosticReports | Queries diagnostic reports. |
DescribeDiskDefaultKMSKeyId | Queries the encryption key for default encryption of a cloud disk. |
DescribeDiskEncryptionByDefaultStatus | Checks whether default encryption of a cloud disk is enabled. |
DescribeDiskMonitorData | Queries the monitoring data of a cloud disk over a specified period of time. |
DescribeDiskReplicaPairs | Queries replication pairs in a region. |
DescribeDisks | Queries one or more Elastic Block Storage (EBS) devices that you created, including cloud disks and on-premises disks. |
DescribeDisksFullStatus | Queries the full status information about one or more EBS devices. |
DescribeEcsScenarioFacade | Queries filing information about the demanded ECS resources. |
DescribeEipAddresses | Queries the EIPs that are created in a region. |
DescribeEipMonitorData | Queries the monitoring data of an EIP. |
DescribeElasticityAssuranceInstances | Queries the running ECS instances that are created by using an elasticity assurance. |
DescribeElasticityAssurances | Queries the details of elasticity assurances. |
DescribeEniMonitorData | Queries the monitoring data of a secondary ENI over a specified period of time. |
DescribeEniQosGroupInfo | Queries the information about an ENI QoS group. |
DescribeEventDetail | Queries the details of an event. |
DescribeEvents | Queries events. |
DescribeFleetHistory | Queries the scheduling tasks of an auto provisioning group. |
DescribeFleetInstances | Queries instances in an auto provisioning group. |
DescribeFleets | Queries auto provisioning groups. |
DescribeForwardTableEntries | Queries the DNAT entries that are created. |
DescribeFunctionFeedback | Queries feature feedback. |
DescribeHaVips | Queries HAVIPs. |
DescribeHavsInstanceTypes | Queries the types of HAVS instances. |
DescribeHpcClusters | Queries available HPC clusters. |
DescribeImageAgreement | Checks whether a user has signed the agreement. |
DescribeImageCaches | Queries the information about image caches. |
DescribeImageComponents | Queries the details of one or more image components. |
DescribeImageFamilies | Queries a list of image families. |
DescribeImageFromFamily | Queries the available custom images that are created in an image family. |
DescribeImagePipelineExecutions | Queries the details of an image creation task. |
DescribeImagePipelines | Queries the details of one or more image templates. |
DescribeImages | Queries available images. |
DescribeImageSharePermission | Queries the accounts with which a custom image is shared. |
DescribeImageSupportInstanceTypes | Queries the ECS instance types supported by an image. |
DescribeInstanceAttachmentAttributes | Queries the information about the private pools that ECS instances match. |
DescribeInstanceAttribute | Queries the details of an ECS instance. |
DescribeInstanceAutoRebootTime | Queries the time when an ECS instance automatically restarts. |
DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | Queries the auto-renewal status of one or more subscription ECS instances. |
DescribeInstanceCrossZoneModifyConstraint | Queries the constraints on instance migration across zones. |
DescribeInstanceHealthStatus | Queries the health status of an instance. |
DescribeInstanceHistoryEvents | Queries the system events of an ECS instance. |
DescribeInstanceMaintenanceAttributes | Queries the maintenance attributes of an ECS instance. |
DescribeInstanceMigrationLog | Queries the migration logs of an instance. |
DescribeInstanceModificationPrice | Queries the pricing information about the configuration modification of an ECS instance. |
DescribeInstanceMonitorData | Queries the monitoring data of an ECS instance. |
DescribeInstanceNeedReboot | Queries the ECS instances that require a restart. |
DescribeInstancePerformanceRestrictHistory | Queries the history of the performance limits on an ECS instance. |
DescribeInstancePhysicalAttribute | Queries the physical information about an instance. |
DescribeInstanceRAMRole | Queries the instance RAM roles that are attached to one or more ECS instances. |
DescribeInstances | Queries the details of one or more ECS instances. |
DescribeInstancesFullStatus | Queries the full status information about one or more ECS instances. |
DescribeInstanceStatus | Queries the status information about multiple ECS instances. |
DescribeInstanceTopology | Queries the topology of the host on which an ECS instance resides. |
DescribeInstanceTypeFamilies | Queries the instance families provided by ECS. |
DescribeInstanceTypeModificationDiagnosis | Diagnoses the reason why the destination specification cannot be found during the instance specification change. |
DescribeInstanceTypeResource | Queries a list of instance families. |
DescribeInstanceTypes | Queries the instance types provided by ECS. |
DescribeInstanceVncPasswd | Queries the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) password of an ECS instance. |
DescribeInstanceVncUrl | Queries the VNC URL of an ECS instance. |
DescribeIntranetAttributeKb | Queries the public bandwidth attributes (Kb). |
DescribeInvocationResults | Queries the execution results of Cloud Assistant commands on ECS instances. |
DescribeInvocations | Queries the execution list and status of Cloud Assistant commands. |
DescribeIpRanges | Queries a list of CIDR blocks. |
DescribeKeyPairs | Queries one or more SSH key pairs. |
DescribeKMSKeyAttribute | Queries the attributes of a Key Management Service (KMS) key. |
DescribeKMSKeys | Queries KMS keys. |
DescribeLaunchTemplates | Queries one or more available launch templates. |
DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions | Queries the versions of launch templates. |
DescribeLimitation | Queries resource quotas. |
DescribeLinkedKMSKeys | Queries associated KMS keys. |
DescribeLocalDiskRepairActivities | Queries the repair activities of a local disk. |
DescribeMaintenanceProperty | Queries an O&M event attribute. |
DescribeManagedInstances | Queries managed instances. |
DescribeMigrationInstances | Queries the ECS instances in an instance migration task. |
DescribeMigrationInstancesTask | Queries information about an instance migration task. |
DescribeMigrationPlans | Queries migration plans. |
DescribeMigrationPreferences | Queries migration preferences. |
DescribeNatGateways | Queries the NAT gateways that are created. |
DescribeNetworkInsightsAnalysises | Queries a network connectivity diagnostic task. |
DescribeNetworkInsightsAnalysisResult | Queries the results of a network connectivity diagnostic task. |
DescribeNetworkInsightsPaths | Queries network connectivity diagnostic lines. |
DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute | Queries the attributes of an ENI. |
DescribeNetworkInterfacePermissions | Queries the ENI permissions that are granted to Alibaba Cloud partners who are certified ISVs or individual users. |
DescribeNetworkInterfaces | Queries ENIs. |
DescribeNewProjectEipMonitorData | Queries the EIP monitoring data of a new project. |
DescribeOrderAutoRebootTime | Queries the automatic restart time of an instance within an order. |
DescribePhysicalConnections | Queries the connections that are established over Express Connect circuits in a region. |
DescribePrefixListAssociations | Queries the information about resources that are associated with a prefix list. |
DescribePrefixListAttributes | Queries the details of a prefix list. |
DescribePrefixLists | Queries the information about one or more prefix lists. |
DescribePrePaidResourceRefundPrice | Queries the refund prices of subscription resources. |
DescribePrice | Queries the most recent prices of ECS resources. |
DescribePrivatePools | Queries private pools. |
DescribeRecommendInstanceType | Queries the information about an instance type. |
DescribeRecommendProduct | Queries recommended services. |
DescribeRecycleBin | Queries a recycle bin. |
DescribeRegions | Queries the regions in which ECS is available. |
DescribeRenewalPrice | Queries the renewal prices of subscription ECS resources. |
DescribeReservationDemandCommittedAmount | Queries the committed amount of a resource assurance requirement. |
DescribeReservationDemands | Queries resource assurance requirements. |
DescribeReservedInstanceAllocations | Queries reserved instances. |
DescribeReservedInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | Queries the auto-renewal status of a reserved instance. |
DescribeReservedInstanceCategories | Queries the categories of reserved instances. |
DescribeReservedInstancePrice | Queries the pricing information about reserved instances. |
DescribeReservedInstances | Queries purchased reserved instances. |
DescribeResourceAggregations | Queries resource aggregations. |
DescribeResourceAllocation | Queries the information about resource allocation. |
DescribeResourceByTags | Queries resources by tag. |
DescribeResourceDisplay | Queries the display information about a resource. |
DescribeResourceFilterAttributes | Queries the attributes of resource filters. |
DescribeResourceRecommendFilters | Queries the filters that are used to filter for recommended resources. |
DescribeResources | Queries resources. |
DescribeResourcesModification | Queries available resources within a zone when you upgrade or downgrade instance types or replace system disks. |
DescribeResourceSolutions | Queries resource solutions. |
DescribeRiUtilization | Queries the usage details of a reserved instance. |
DescribeRouterInterfaces | Queries router interfaces. |
DescribeRouteTables | Queries the route tables of a router. |
DescribeSavingsPlanEstimation | Calculates a savings plan. |
DescribeSavingsPlanPrice | Queries the price of a savings plan. |
DescribeScenePurchaseRecommend | Queries the recommended association information for scenarios. |
DescribeSceneResourceRecommend | Queries the recommended information for scenarios. |
DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute | Queries the rules of a security group. |
DescribeSecurityGroupReferences | Checks whether a security group is referenced by other security groups. |
DescribeSecurityGroups | Queries the basic information about security groups. |
DescribeSendFileResults | Queries the files that are sent by Cloud Assistant and the status of the files. |
DescribeSnapshotGroups | Queries the information about snapshot-consistent groups. |
DescribeSnapshotLinks | Queries the snapshot chains of one or more cloud disks. |
DescribeSnapshotMonitorData | Queries the monitoring data of snapshot sizes in a region within the last 30 days. |
DescribeSnapshotPackage | Queries the OSS storage plans that are purchased in a region. |
DescribeSnapshots | Queries all the snapshots of an ECS instance or a disk. |
DescribeSnapshotsUsage | Queries the number of snapshots that are stored in a region and the total size of the snapshots. |
DescribeSpecifyOsInstances | Queries instances of a specific operating system. |
DescribeSpotAdvice | Queries the average release rate of an instance in the last 30 days. |
DescribeSpotInstanceAdvice | Queries on-site suggestions. |
DescribeSpotPriceHistory | Queries the price history of a preemptible instance in the previous 30 days. |
DescribeStorageCapacityUnitAllocations | Queries the allocation of storage capacity units (SCUs). |
DescribeStorageCapacityUnitDeductFactor | Queries the offset factor of an SCU. |
DescribeStorageCapacityUnits | Queries the details of one or more SCUs. |
DescribeStorageSetDetails | Queries the details of the cloud disks or Shared Block Storage devices in a storage set. |
DescribeStorageSets | Queries the information about one or more storage sets. |
DescribeTags | Queries available tags. |
DescribeTaskAttribute | Queries the details of an asynchronous task. |
DescribeTasks | Queries the progress of one or more asynchronous requests. |
DescribeTerminalSessions | Queries the session records of ECS Session Manager. |
DescribeUserBusinessBehavior | Queries the business behavior of a user. |
DescribeUserData | Queries the user data of an ECS instance. |
DescribeUserQuotaApplications | Queries user quota applications. |
DescribeVirtualBorderRouters | Queries the VBRs that are created. |
DescribeVirtualBorderRoutersForPhysicalConnection | Queries the VBRs that are bound to an Express Connect circuit. |
DescribeVolumes | Queries shared disks. |
DescribeVpcHavsInstances | Queries HAVS instances in a VPC. |
DescribeVpcs | Queries existing VPCs. |
DescribeVRouters | Queries the vRouters in a region. |
DescribeVSwitches | Queries vSwitches. |
DescribeWaitingOrders | Queries orders. |
DescribeZones | Queries the zones in a region. |
DetachClassicLinkVpc | Unlinks an ECS instance located in the classic network from a VPC by closing the ClassicLink connection between them. |
DetachDisk | Detaches a pay-as-you-go data disk from an ECS instance. |
DetachInstanceRamRole | Detaches an instance RAM role from one or more ECS instances. |
DetachKeyPair | Unbinds an SSH key pair from one or more Linux-based ECS instances. |
DetachNetworkInterface | Unbinds an ENI from an ECS instance. |
DetachVolume | Detaches a shared disk. |
DisableActivation | Manually disables an activation code. |
DisableDiskEncryptionByDefault | Disables default encryption of a cloud disk. |
EipFillParams | Configures the parameters of an EIP. |
EipFillProduct | Configures the EIP information. |
EipNotifyPaid | Sends an EIP payment notification. |
EnableDiskEncryptionByDefault | Enables default encryption of a cloud disk. |
EnablePhysicalConnection | Enables the connection over an Express Connect circuit. |
ExportImage | Exports a custom image to an OSS bucket that resides in the same region as the custom image. |
ExportSnapshot | Exports a snapshot. |
FeedbackDiagnose | Reports a diagnosis. |
GetInstanceConsoleOutput | Queries the command output of an ECS instance. |
GetInstanceScreenshot | Queries the screenshots of an ECS instance. |
GetLaunchTemplateData | Queries the data of a launch template. |
ImportImage | Imports a local image file to an ECS instance. |
ImportKeyPair | Imports the public key of an RSA-encrypted key pair that is generated by a third-party tool. |
ImportSnapshot | Imports the snapshots in an OSS bucket to the snapshot list. |
InnerDescribeNetworkInterfaceInGroup | Queries a list of ENIs in a security group. |
InstallCloudAssistant | Installs the Cloud Assistant client on one or more ECS instances. |
InvokeCommand | Triggers a Cloud Assistant command for one or more ECS instances. |
JoinEniQosGroup | Adds an ENI to an ENI QoS group. |
JoinResourceGroup | Adds an ECS resource or service to a resource group. |
JoinSecurityGroup | Adds an ECS instance to a security group. |
LeaveEniQosGroup | Removes an ENI from an ENI QoS group. |
LeaveSecurityGroup | Removes an ECS instance from a security group. |
ListAccountEcsQuotas | Queries the ECS instance quota within an account. |
ListEcsInstanceOrderInfo | Queries the order information about an instance. |
ListImageBinding | Queries the images that are bound to an ECS instance. |
ListPluginStatus | Queries the status of the Cloud Assistant plug-in in an instance. |
ListServiceSettings | Queries the configurations of a cloud service. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to one or more ECS resources. |
LoginInstance | Logs on to an instance. |
MigrateInstance | Migrates an instance. |
Modify | Changes the specifications on the buy page. |
ModifyAutoProvisioningGroup | Modifies the configurations of an auto provisioning group. |
ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicy | Modifies an automatic snapshot policy. |
ModifyAutoSnapshotPolicyEx | Modifies an automatic snapshot policy. |
ModifyBandwidthPackageSpec | Changes the bandwidth of a NAT service plan. |
ModifyCapacityReservation | Modifies the information about a capacity reservation. |
ModifyCloudAssistantSettings | Modifies the configurations of a Cloud Assistant feature. |
ModifyCommand | Modifies the parameters and content of a Cloud Assistant command. |
ModifyDedicatedHostAttribute | Modifies the information about a dedicated host. |
ModifyDedicatedHostAutoReleaseTime | Specifies an automatic release time for a pay-as-you-go dedicated host. |
ModifyDedicatedHostAutoRenewAttribute | Enables or disables auto-renewal for one or more subscription dedicated hosts. |
ModifyDedicatedHostClusterAttribute | Modifies the information about a dedicated host cluster. |
ModifyDedicatedHostsChargeType | Changes the billing method of dedicated hosts. |
ModifyDemand | Modifies filing information about the demanded ECS resources. |
ModifyDeploymentSetAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of a deployment set. |
ModifyDiagnose | Modifies a diagnosis. |
ModifyDiagnosticMetricSet | Modifies a diagnostic metric set. |
ModifyDiskAttribute | Modifies the attributes of one or more block storage devices. The attributes include their names, descriptions, and whether the attributes are released along with their associated instances. |
ModifyDiskChargeType | Changes the billing methods of up to 16 cloud disks attached to an ECS instance. |
ModifyDiskDefaultKMSKeyId | Changes the encryption key for default encryption of a cloud disk. |
ModifyDiskDeployment | Changes the location of a cloud disk, moves the disk to or out of a dedicated block storage cluster, or migrates the disk between different dedicated block storage clusters. |
ModifyDiskSpec | Changes the type of a cloud disk. |
ModifyEipAddressAttribute | Changes the name or maximum bandwidth or modifies the description of an EIP. |
ModifyElasticityAssurance | Changes the name or modifies the description of an elasticity assurance. |
ModifyEniQosGroup | Modifies an ENI QoS group. |
ModifyFleet | Modifies the settings of an auto provisioning group. |
ModifyForwardEntry | Modifies a DNAT entry. |
ModifyHaVipAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of an HAVIP. |
ModifyHpcClusterAttribute | Modifies the description of an HPC cluster. |
ModifyImageAdvancedAttribute | Modifies the advanced attributes of an image. |
ModifyImageAttribute | Changes the name, status, or image family or modifies the description of a custom image. |
ModifyImageShareGroupPermission | Modifies the permissions on a shared image group. |
ModifyImageSharePermission | Modifies the share permissions on an image. |
ModifyInstanceAttachmentAttributes | Modifies the attributes of the private pool for an ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceAttribute | Modifies the information about an ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceAutoRebootTime | Changes the time when an ECS instance automatically restarts. |
ModifyInstanceAutoReleaseTime | Specifies or cancels an automatic release time for a pay-as-you-go ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | Enables or disables auto-renewal for one or more subscription ECS instances. |
ModifyInstanceCapacityReservationAttributes | Modifies the capacity retention attribute of an instance. |
ModifyInstanceChargeType | Changes the billing method of one or more ECS instances. |
ModifyInstanceDeployment | Changes the deployment set of an ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceMaintenanceAttributes | Modifies the maintenance attributes of an ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceMetadataOptions | Modifies the metadata of an ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceNetworkSpec | Modifies the bandwidth configuration of an ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceSpec | Changes the instance type and public bandwidth of a pay-as-you-go ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceVncPasswd | Changes the VNC password of an ECS instance. |
ModifyInstanceVpcAttribute | Changes the VPC, private IP address, or vSwitch of an ECS instance located in a VPC. |
ModifyIntranetBandwidthKb | Changes the public bandwidth. |
ModifyInvocationAttribute | Modifies the execution information of a scheduled task. |
ModifyLaunchTemplateDefaultVersion | Changes the default version of a launch template. |
ModifyMaintenanceProperty | Modifies an O&M event attribute. |
ModifyManagedInstance | Modifies a managed instance. |
ModifyMigratableInstances | Modifies an ECS instance that can be migrated. |
ModifyMigrationInstances | Modifies the ECS instances in an instance migration task. |
ModifyMigrationPlan | Modifies a migration plan. |
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute | Modifies the attributes of an ENI, such as its name, description, and security group. |
ModifyOrderAutoRebootTime | Changes the automatic restart time of an instance within an order. |
ModifyPhysicalConnectionAttribute | Modifies the configuration of an Express Connect circuit. |
ModifyPrefixList | Changes the name or modifies the description or entries of a prefix list. |
ModifyPrepayInstanceSpec | Upgrades or downgrades the instance type of a subscription ECS instance. |
ModifyPrivatePool | Modifies a private pool. |
ModifyReservationDemand | Modifies a resource assurance requirement. |
ModifyReservedInstanceAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a reserved instance. |
ModifyReservedInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | Configures auto-renewal of a reserved instance. |
ModifyReservedInstances | Splits, merges, or modifies reserved instances. |
ModifyResourceDiagnosisStatus | Changes the diagnostic status of a resource. |
ModifyResourceMeta | Modifies the metadata of a resource. |
ModifyRouterInterfaceAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a router interface. |
ModifyRouterInterfaceSpec | Modifies the specifications of a router interface. |
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of a security group. |
ModifySecurityGroupEgressRule | Modifies the description of an outbound rule in a security group. |
ModifySecurityGroupPolicy | Changes the internal access control policy of a basic security group. |
ModifySecurityGroupRule | Modifies the description of an inbound rule in a security group. |
ModifySnapshotAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of a snapshot. |
ModifySnapshotGroup | Modifies a snapshot-consistent group. |
ModifyStorageCapacityUnitAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of an SCU. |
ModifyStorageSetAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of a storage set. |
ModifyUserBusinessBehavior | Changes the business behavior of a user. |
ModifyUserEventAttribute | Modifies the extended attributes of an event. |
ModifyVirtualBorderRouterAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a VBR. |
ModifyVolumeAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a shared disk. |
ModifyVpcAttribute | Modifies the attributes of a VPC. |
ModifyVRouterAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of a vRouter. |
ModifyVSwitchAttribute | Changes the name or modifies the description of a vSwitch. |
NoReasonRefund | Requests to unsubscribe from resources based on the 5-day money-back guarantee. |
PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering | Purchases a reserved instance. |
PurchaseSavingPlanOffering | Purchases a savings plan. |
PurchaseStorageCapacityUnit | Purchases one or more SCUs. |
QueryEcsInstanceOrderInfo | Queries the order information about an ECS instance. |
QueryEniQosGroupByEni | Queries ENI QoS groups by ENI. |
QueryEniQosGroupByInstance | Queries ENI QoS groups by instance. |
QueryImageByImageId | Queries images by image ID. |
ReActivateInstances | Reactivates a pay-as-you-go ECS instance that has expired or has been recycled due to overdue payments. |
ReAddMigrationTaskInPlan | Adds a migration task again. |
RebootInstance | Restarts an ECS instance that is in the Running state. |
RebootInstances | Restarts one or more ECS instances that are in the Running state. |
RecoverVirtualBorderRouter | Enables a disabled VBR. |
RedeployDedicatedHost | Migrates ECS instances from a failed dedicated host. |
RedeployInstance | Redeploys an ECS instance. |
ReInitDisk | Re-initializes a cloud disk to the state that is used when the cloud disk is created. |
ReInitVolume | Resets a shared disk. |
Release | Releases an ECS instance. |
ReleaseCapacityReservation | Releases a capacity reservation. |
ReleaseDedicatedHost | Releases a pay-as-you-go dedicated host. |
ReleaseEipAddress | Releases an EIP. |
ReleasePublicIpAddress | Releases a public IP address. |
RemainRefund | Requests to unsubscribe from resources. |
RemoveBandwidthPackageIps | Removes one or more public IP addresses from a NAT service plan. |
RemoveTags | Removes one or more tags from a resource such as an instance, disk, snapshot, image, or security group. |
Renew | Renews an instance or a resource plan. |
RenewDedicatedHosts | Renews one or more subscription dedicated hosts. |
RenewInstance | Renews a subscription ECS instance. |
RenewReservedInstances | Renews existing reserved instances. |
RenewStorageCapacityUnits | Renews an SCU. |
ReplaceSystemDisk | Replaces the system disk or operating system of an ECS instance. |
ReportInstancesStatus | Reports exceptions on one or more ECS instances. |
ResetDisk | Rolls back a disk to a point in time based on a snapshot of the disk. |
ResetDiskDefaultKMSKeyId | Resets the encryption key for default encryption of a cloud disk to a service key. |
ResetDisks | Resets disks in batches. |
ResizeDisk | Resizes a cloud disk. |
ResizeVolume | Resizes a shared disk. |
RevokeSecurityGroup | Deletes an inbound rule from a security group. |
RevokeSecurityGroupEgress | Deletes an outbound rule from a security group. |
RollbackVolume | Rolls back a shared disk. |
RunCommand | Runs a shell, PowerShell, or batch script on one or more ECS instances. |
RunInstances | Creates pay-as-you-go or subscription ECS instances. |
SendFile | Sends a remote file to one or more ECS instances. |
SetInstanceAutoReleaseTime | Specifies an automatic release time for an ECS instance. |
SignAgreement | Grants ECS permissions to access other Alibaba Cloud services. |
StartDiskReplicaPair | Activates a replication pair. |
StartElasticityAssurance | Starts an elasticity assurance that can be used for a limited number of times. |
StartImagePipelineExecution | Executes an image creation task by using an image template. |
StartInstance | Starts an ECS instance. |
StartInstances | Starts one or more ECS instances that are in the Stopped state. |
StartNetworkInsightsAnalysis | Starts a network connectivity diagnostic task. |
StartTerminalSession | Creates a session. |
StopDiskReplicaPair | Stops a replication pair. |
StopInstance | Stops an ECS instance that is in the Running state. |
StopInstances | Stops one or more ECS instances that are in the Running state. |
StopInvocation | Stops the process of a Cloud Assistant command that is running on one or more ECS instances. |
TagResources | Creates and adds tags to ECS resources. |
TerminatePhysicalConnection | Closes a connection over an Express Connect circuit. |
TerminateVirtualBorderRouter | Terminates a VBR. |
UnassignIpv6Addresses | Unassigns one or more IPv6 addresses from an ENI. |
UnassignPrivateIpAddresses | Unassigns one or more secondary private IP addresses from an ENI. |
UnassociateEipAddress | Disassociates an EIP from an ECS instance. |
UnassociateHaVip | Disassociates an HAVIP from an ECS instance located in a VPC. |
UnbindIpRange | Disassociates a CIDR block. |
unmountPEDisk | Restarts a mount point. |
UntagResources | Removes tags from ECS resources. |
UpdateServiceSettings | Updates the configuration information of a cloud service. |
ValidateSecurityGroup | Checks the rules of a security group. |
BatchValidateSecurityGroup | None. |
CheckOrderNotPaid | None. |
CreateCarePlan | None. |
DescribeBandwidthHistory | None. |
DescribeCarePlans | None. |
DescribeDemandTranslationResult | None. |
DescribeEipPrice | None. |
DescribeFilteredValues | None. |
DescribeGroupHighRiskStat | None. |
DescribeInsightCheckItems | None. |
DescribeInsightChecks | None. |
DescribeInsightStatus | None. |
DescribeInsightSummaries | None. |
DescribeInstancesHibernationInfo | None. |
DescribeRecommendationFunctions | None. |
DescribeResourceStatusDiagnosis | None. |
DescribeSnapshotCampaign | None. |
DescribeTagKeys | None. |
DescribeTransitionVpcAndVSwitch | None. |
DescribeTransitionVpcs | None. |
DescribeTransitionVSwitches | None. |
DescribeUserAvailableIpServiceProviders | None. |
EnableInsight | None. |
HibernateInstance | None. |
InnerDescribeInstanceTypes | None. |
InnerEcsExpireRegionQuery | None. |
JoinSnapshotCampaign | None. |
ModifyCarePlanAttribute | None. |
ModifyWaitingOrder | None. |
OsStopArchive | None. |
PauseInstance | None. |
QueryNeedKeepUsing | None. |
QueryNoahRpcReference | None. |
QueryUsableSnapshots | None. |
QueryUserInfo | None. |
ReInitDisks | None. |
ReopenInstance | None. |
RevokeGroupRedundantPermissions | None. |
UnpauseInstance | None. |
WakeupInstance | None. |
WithdrawCarePlan | None. |