DataWorks is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage DataWorks resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of DataWorks that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
AbolishDataServiceApi | Unpublishes a DataService Studio API. |
AddApiAuthority | Grants the access permissions on a DataService Studio API. |
AddChecker | Adds a checker. |
AddProjectMemberToRole | Assigns a role to a member of a DataWorks workspace. |
AddTenantUser | Adds a tenant member. |
AddToMetaCategory | Adds a table to a specified category. |
ApprovePermissionApplyOrder | Processes a permission request order. |
BatchCreateIndicator | Creates multiple metrics at a time. |
BatchDeleteAdjunct | Deletes multiple modifiers at a time. |
BatchDeleteAtomicIndicator | Deletes multiple atomic metrics at a time. |
BatchDeleteNamingDictionary | Deletes multiple naming dictionaries at a time. |
BatchDeleteTimePeriod | Deletes multiple time ranges at a time. |
BindDevNode | Binds a development node. |
CheckCallback | Checks a callback request. |
CheckDataWorksPurchase | Checks whether DataWorks is purchased. |
CheckEngineMetaPartition | Checks a metadata table partition of a compute engine. |
CheckEngineMetaTable | Checks a metadata table of a compute engine. |
CheckFileDeployment | Checks the file that is to be published. |
CheckMetaPartition | Checks whether a partition exists. |
CheckMetaTable | Checks whether a metatable exists. |
CheckMetaTableTask | Checks a metatable. |
CloneFile | Clones a file. |
ConfigureTopicSubscription | Configures a topic subscription file. |
ConfirmReverseTaskDetail | Saves the configuration of a reverse modeling task. |
CopyApi | Clones data. |
Create | Purchases DataWorks on the buy page. |
CreateAccount | Creates an account. |
CreateAdjunct | Creates a modifier. |
CreateAlisaTask | Creates a scheduling task. |
CreateAtomicIndicator | Creates an atomic metric. |
CreateBusiness | Creates a workflow. |
CreateBusinessProcess | Creates a workflow. |
CreateCalcEngine | Creates a compute engine. |
CreateCategory | Creates a directory. |
CreateCodeTable | Creates a code table. |
CreateCodeTableDirectory | Creates a code table directory. |
CreateColumnStandard | Creates a field standard. |
CreateColumnStandardDirectory | Creates a field standard directory. |
CreateConnection | Creates a data source. |
CreateDag | Creates a directed acyclic graph (DAG). |
CreateDagComplement | Creates a workflow to generate retroactive data. |
CreateDagTest | Creates a smoke testing workflow. |
CreateDataDomain | Creates a data domain. |
CreateDataServiceApi | Creates a DataService Studio API. |
CreateDataServiceApiAuthority | Grants the access permissions on a DataService Studio API. |
CreateDataServiceFolder | Creates a folder in DataService Studio. |
CreateDataServiceGroup | Creates a workflow in DataService Studio. |
CreateDataSource | Creates a data source. |
CreateDataWarehouseLayer | Creates a data layer. |
CreateDerivativeIndicator | Creates a derived metric. |
CreateDISyncAlarmRule | Creates an alert rule for a real-time synchronization task. |
CreateDISyncTask | Creates a data synchronization task of Data Integration. |
CreateDQCRuleWithIds | Creates a monitoring rule. |
CreateExportMigration | Creates an export task. |
CreateFile | Creates a file in DataStudio. |
CreateFolder | Creates a folder. |
CreateImportMigration | Creates an import task that contains the import packages of the data sources, tasks, and tables. |
CreateManualDag | Runs tasks in a manually triggered workflow. |
CreateMaxCompute | Creates a MaxCompute compute engine. |
CreateMeasureUnit | Creates a measurement unit. |
CreateMetaCategory | Creates a category. |
CreateNamingDictionary | Creates a naming dictionary. |
CreateNetworkLink | Creates a network connection. |
CreatePermissionApplyOrder | Creates a permission request order. |
CreateProject | Creates a DataWorks workspace. |
CreateProjectMember | Adds a user to a DataWorks workspace. |
CreateQualityEntity | Creates a partition filter expression. |
CreateQualityFollower | Creates a subscriber for a partition filter expression. |
CreateQualityRelativeNode | Associates a node with a partition filter expression. |
CreateQualityRule | Creates a monitoring rule. |
CreateRealTimeProcess | Creates an implementation workflow. |
CreateRemind | Creates a custom alert rule. |
CreateResourceGroup | Creates a resource group. |
CreateReverseTask | Creates a reverse modeling task. |
CreateTable | Creates a MaxCompute table or view. |
CreateTableLevel | Creates a table level. |
CreateTableTheme | Creates a table folder. |
CreateTenantResourceGroup | Creates a tenant resource group. |
CreateTenantRole | Creates a tenant role. |
CreateTimePeriod | Creates a time range. |
CreateTopic | Creates a topic. |
CreateTopicGroup | Creates a topic group. |
CreateUdfFile | Creates a file for a function in DataStudio. |
CreateView | Creates a view. |
CreateWorkspace | Creates a workspace. |
DeleteAccount | Deletes an account. |
DeleteAdjunct | Deletes a modifier. |
DeleteApi | Deletes an API from DataService Studio. |
DeleteApiAuthority | Revokes the access permissions on a DataService Studio API. |
DeleteAtomicIndicator | Delete an atomic metric. |
DeleteBusiness | Deletes a workflow. |
DeleteBusinessProcess | Deletes a workflow. |
DeleteCategory | Deletes a directory. |
DeleteChecker | Deletes a checker. |
DeleteCodeTable | Deletes a code table. |
DeleteCodeTableDirectory | Deletes a folder. |
DeleteColumnStandard | Deletes a field standard. |
DeleteColumnStandardDirectory | Deletes a field standard directory. |
DeleteConnection | Deletes a data source. |
DeleteDataDomain | Deletes a data domain. |
DeleteDataServiceApi | Deletes an API from DataService Studio. |
DeleteDataServiceApiAuthority | Revokes the access permissions on a DataService Studio API. |
DeleteDataSource | Deletes a data source. |
DeleteDataWarehouseLayer | Deletes a data layer. |
DeleteDeployment | Deletes a deployment task. |
DeleteDISyncAlarmRule | Deletes an alert rule for a real-time synchronization task. |
DeleteDISyncTask | Deletes a data synchronization task of Data Integration. |
DeleteDQCRule | Deletes a monitoring rule. |
DeleteEngine | Deletes an engine. |
DeleteFile | Deletes a file from DataStudio. |
DeleteFolder | Deletes a folder from DataStudio. |
DeleteFromMetaCategory | Removes a table from a specified category. |
DeleteMeasureUnit | Deletes a measurement unit. |
DeleteMetaCategory | Deletes a category. |
DeleteNetworkLink | Delete a network connection. |
DeleteProject | Deletes a DataWorks workspace. |
DeleteProjectMember | Removes a user from a DataWorks workspace. |
DeleteQualityEntity | Deletes a partition filter expression. |
DeleteQualityFollower | Deletes a subscriber of a partition filter expression. |
DeleteQualityRelativeNode | Disassociates a node from a partition filter expression. |
DeleteQualityRule | Deletes a monitoring rule. |
DeleteRemind | Deletes a custom monitoring alert rule |
DeleteReverseTaskDetail | Deletes a reverse modeling task. |
DeleteTable | Deletes a MaxCompute table. |
DeleteTableLevel | Deletes a table level. |
DeleteTables | Deletes a table. |
DeleteTableTheme | Deletes a table folder. |
DeleteTenantRole | Deletes a tenant role. |
DeleteTimePeriod | Deletes a time range. |
DeleteTopic | Deletes a topic. |
DeleteTopicUser | Deletes a topic user. |
DeleteView | Deletes a view. |
DeleteWorkspace | Deletes a workspace. |
DeployDISyncTask | Deploys a data synchronization task of Data Integration. |
DeployFile | Deploys a file. |
DescExtensions | Queries the description of an extension program. |
DescribeAccounts | Queries the details of an account. |
DescribeApiMeasure | Queries the description of a DataService Studio API. |
DescribeConfig | Queries the description of a configuration file. |
DescribeEvents | Queries the description of an event. |
DescribeSubscription | Queries the description of a subscription. |
DescribeTenantRole | Queries the description of a tenant role. |
DescribeTopics | Queries the description of a topic. |
DescribeTopicSubscription | Queries the subscription details of a topic. |
DesensitizeData | Masks data. |
DestroyRelationTableFromBusiness | Deletes a table from a workflow. |
DIBatchCreateAlarmRule | Creates multiple alert rules for Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DIBatchCreateDatasource | Adds multiple data sources for Data Integration at a time. |
DIBatchDeleteAlarmRule | Deletes multiple alert rules from Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DIBatchDeleteDatasource | Removes multiple data sources of Data Integration at a time. |
DIBatchOfflineStreamxJob | Undeploys multiple real-time synchronization tasks of Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DIBatchRunStreamxJob | Enables multiple real-time synchronization tasks of Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DIBatchStartAlarmRule | Enables multiple alert rules of Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DIBatchStopAlarmRule | Disables multiple alert rules of Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DIBatchStopStreamxJob | Disables multiple real-time synchronization tasks of Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DICloneDatasource | Clones a data source of Data Integration. |
DICloneSolution | Clones a solution of Data Integration. |
DICloneSolutionV1 | Clones a solution on the old-version UI for data synchronization solution. |
DICreateAlarmRule | Creates an alert rule for Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DICreateDatasource | Adds a data source for Data Integration. |
DICreateSolutionAlarmRule | Creates an alert rule for a data synchronization solution. |
DICreateTableByDDL | Generates a table schema in Data Integration. |
DIDeleteAlarmRule | Deletes an alert rule of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DIDeleteDatasource | Removes a data source in Data Integration. |
DIDeleteSolution | Deletes a solution of Data Integration. |
DIDeleteSolutionAlarmRule | Deletes an alert rule that is configured for a data synchronization solution. |
DIDeleteSolutionV1 | Deletes a solution from the old-version user interface (UI) for data synchronization solutions. |
DIFullSupplementData | Backfills full data for a data synchronization solution on the old-version UI for data synchronization solutions. |
DIManageDatasourcePermisson | Manages permissions on a data source in Data Integration. |
DIOfflineStreamxJob | Undeploys a real-time synchronization task of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DIPreviewData | Previews a batch synchronization task of Data Integration in DataStudio. |
DIRunStreamxJob | Starts a real-time synchronization task of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DisableWorkspace | Disables a workspace. |
DISaveSolution | Creates or modifies and saves data synchronization solution in Data Integration. |
DISaveSolutionV1 | Creates or modifies and saves data synchronization solution in Data Integration on the old-version UI for data synchronization solutions. |
DISimulateAlarm | Tests an alert rule that is configured for a data synchronization task of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DISimulateSolutionAlarmRule | Tests an alert rule that is configured for a data synchronization solution. |
DissociateResourceGroup | Unbinds a resource group. |
DIStartAlarmRule | Enables an alert rule that is configured for a data synchronization task of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DIStartSolution | Runs a data synchronization solution for data synchronization solutions. |
DIStartSolutionV1 | Runs a data synchronization solution on the old-version UI for data synchronization solutions. |
DIStopAlarmRule | Disables an alert rule that is configured for a data synchronization task of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DIStopSolution | Stops a data synchronization solution in Data Integration. |
DIStopStreamxJob | Stops a real-time synchronization task of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DITestDatasourceConnection | Performs the network connectivity test on a data source in Data Integration. |
DIUpdateAlarmRule | Disables multiple alert rules that are configured for data synchronization tasks of Data Integration in Operation Center at a time. |
DIUpdateDatasource | Updates a data source in Data Integration. |
DIUpdateDataxJob | Updates a batch synchronization task of Data Integration in DataStudio. |
DIUpdateSolutionAlarmRule | Updates an alert rule for a data synchronization solution. |
DIUpdateStreamxJob | Updates a real-time synchronization task of Data Integration in DataStudio. |
DIUpdateStreamxJobOwner | Changes the owner of a data synchronization task of Data Integration in Operation Center. |
DownloadExecutionResult | Downloads SQL execution results. |
DownloadSheet | Downloads a data sheet. |
DownloadSqlResult | Downloads SQL query results. |
EnableWorkspace | Enables a workspace. |
EstablishRelationTableToBusiness | Imports a table to a workflow. |
ExecuteBusiness | Runs a workflow. |
ExecuteFile | Runs a task. |
ExecuteModifyTableFmlAfterCheck | Modifies the table structure after the check is passed. |
ExecuteModifyTableFmlCheck | Modifies a table structure check. |
ExportConnections | Exports data source connections. |
ExportDataSources | Export data sources. |
ExportDISyncTasks | Exports data synchronization tasks of Data Integration. |
ExportExcel | Exports an Excel file. |
GenerateDISyncTaskConfigForCreating | Generates an ID for an asynchronous thread that is used to create a real-time synchronization task or a synchronization solution in Data Integration. |
GenerateDISyncTaskConfigForUpdating | Generates an ID for an asynchronous thread that is used to update a real-time synchronization task or a synchronization solution in Data Integration. |
GetAccount | Queries an account. |
GetAlarm | Queries an alert. |
GetAlisaTask | Queries a scheduling task. |
GetAlisaTaskLog | Queries scheduling task logs. |
GetBaselineConfig | Queries configuration details. |
GetBaselineKeyPath | Queries the key path of a baseline instance. |
GetBaselineStatus | Queries the details of a baseline instance. |
GetBusiness | Queries the details of a workflow. |
GetCalcEngine | Queries a compute engine. |
GetCalcEngineAliyunAccount | Queries the access identity of a compute engine. |
GetCodingProject | Queries an encoding project. |
GetConnectionMeta | Queries connection metadata. |
GetDag | Queries the details of a DAG based on the ID of the DAG |
GetDagDetail | Queries the details of a DAG. |
GetDataServiceApi | Queries the information about a DataService Studio API in the development state. |
GetDataServiceApiDetail | Queries the details of a DataService Studio API. |
GetDataServiceApiTest | Queries test results of a DataService Studio API. |
GetDataServiceApplication | Queries the information about an application in DataService Studio. |
GetDataServiceFolder | Queries a folder in DataService Studio. |
GetDataServiceGroup | Queries a workflow in DataService Studio. |
GetDataServicePublishedApi | Queries the information about a DataService Studio API in the published state. |
GetDataSourceMeta | Queries the metadata of a data source. |
GetDDLJobStatus | Queries the task status of creating, updating, or deleting a table. |
GetDeployment | Queries the details of a deployment task. |
GetDISyncAlarmRule | Queries alert rules for a real-time synchronization task. |
GetDISyncInstanceInfo | Queries the status of a real-time synchronization task or a data synchronization solution. |
GetDISyncTask | Queries the details of a real-time synchronization task or a data synchronization solution. |
GetDISyncTaskMetricInfo | Queries the incremental metric information about a real-time synchronization task. |
GetDQCEntity | Queries the information about a partition filter expression. |
GetDQCFollower | Queries subscription information. |
GetDQCRule | Queries the information about a monitoring rule. |
GetDutyRoster | Queries the details of a shift schedule. |
GetEngine | Queries an engine. |
GetExtension | Queries the details of an extension. |
GetFile | Queries the details of a file. |
GetFileTypeStatistic | Queries the distribution of node types. |
GetFileVersion | Queries the version details of a file. |
GetFolder | Queries the details of a folder. |
GetIDEEventDetail | Queries an open message. |
GetInstance | Queries the details of an instance. |
GetInstanceConsumeTimeRank | Queries the ranking of the running durations of instances. |
GetInstanceCountTrend | Queries the quantity trend of auto triggered node instances. |
GetInstanceErrorRank | Queries the ranking of nodes on which errors occur within the last month. |
GetInstanceLog | Queries the logs of an instance. |
GetInstanceStatusCount | Queries the number of instances that are in each state. |
GetInstanceStatusStatistic | Queries the statistics of instances in different states. |
GetManualDagInstances | Queries the information about instances in a manually triggered workflow. |
GetMetaCategory | Queries a category tree. |
GetMetaColumnLineage | Queries the lineage of a field. |
GetMetaDB | Queries the information about a compute engine instance. |
GetMetaDBInfo | Queries the basic metadata information about a compute engine instance. |
GetMetaDBTableList | Queries metatables in a compute engine instance. |
GetMetaTable | Queries the information about a metatable. |
GetMetaTableBasicInfo | Queries the basic information about a metatable. |
GetMetaTableChangeLog | Queries the change logs of a metatable. |
GetMetaTableColumn | Queries the field information about a metatable. |
GetMetaTableFullInfo | Queries the complete information about a metatable, including information about fields in the metatable. |
GetMetaTableIntroWiki | Queries the instructions on how to use a metatable. |
GetMetaTableLineage | Queries the lineage of a metatable. |
GetMetaTableListByCategory | Queries metatables in a specified category. |
GetMetaTableOutput | Queries the output information in a metatable. |
GetMetaTablePartition | Queries the partitions of a metatable. |
GetMetaTableThemeLevel | Queries information about table folders and table levels. |
GetMigrationProcess | Queries the progress of a migration task. |
GetMigrationSummary | Queries the information about a migration task. |
GetNode | Queries the information about a node. |
GetNodeChildren | Queries the descendant nodes of a node. |
GetNodeCode | Queries the code of a node. |
GetNodeDetail | Queries the details of a node. |
GetNodeOnBaseline | Queries the nodes associated with a baseline. |
GetNodeParents | Queries the ancestor nodes of a node. |
GetNodeTypeListInfo | Queries the information about node types. |
GetNodeUpdateStatus | Queries the update status of a node. |
GetOpRiskData | Queries the access records of the risky sensitive data in all DataWorks workspaces of a tenant on a specified date. |
GetOpSensitiveData | Queries the records that are generated on a specified date for access to the sensitive data in all the DataWorks workspaces of a tenant. |
GetOptionValueForProject | Queries the option settings of an extension in a workspace. |
GetPermissionApplyOrderDetail | Queries the details of a permission request order. |
GetProject | Queries the information about a DataWorks workspace. |
GetProjectDetail | Queries the information about a DataWorks workspace. |
GetQualityByEntity | Queries the partition filter expression of a monitoring rule. |
GetQualityByRule | Queries a monitoring rule. |
GetQualityEntity | Queries a partition filter expression. |
GetQualityFollower | Queries the subscribers of a partition filter expression. |
GetQualityRule | Queries the information about a monitoring rule. |
GetRemind | Queries the details of a custom alert rule. |
GetResourceGroup | Queries the information about a resource group. |
GetSensitiveData | Queries the latest sensitive data in all the DataWorks workspaces of a tenant. |
GetSuccessInstanceTrend | Queries the statistics of instances in different periods of a day. |
GetSwitchValue | Queries the details of a vSwitch by vSwitch name. |
GetTableOutputs | Queries the output information in a table. |
GetTaskLog | Queries the execution logs of an instance. |
GetTopic | Queries the details of an event. |
GetTopicInfluence | Queries baseline instances affected by an event. |
GrantTenantRoleToUser | Assigns a tenant role to a user. |
ImportDataSources | Imports data sources. |
ImportDISyncTasks | Imports data synchronization tasks in Data Integration. |
ImportExcel | Imports an Excel file. |
KillTask | Terminates an instance. |
ListAccounts | Queries a list of accounts. |
ListAlarmResource | Queries a list of alert resources. |
ListAlertMessages | Queries alert information. |
ListApiAuthority | Queries a list of permissions. |
ListBaselineConfigs | Queries a list of baselines. |
ListBaselineStatuses | Queries a list of baseline instances. |
ListBusiness | Queries a list of workflows. |
ListCalcEngines | Queries the list of compute engines. |
ListCodingProjects | Queries a list of coding projects. |
ListConnections | Queries a list of data sources. |
ListContacts | Queries a list of contacts. |
ListCurrentTasksForResourceGroup | Queries a list of running or waiting tasks in the current resource group. |
ListCurrentUsageForResourceGroup | Queries the usage of the current resource group. |
ListDags | Queries a list of DAGs. |
ListDataApiAuthInfo | Queries the permission information about APIs in DataService Studio. |
ListDataServiceApiAuthorities | Queries the DataService Studio APIs on which other users are granted the access permissions. |
ListDataServiceApis | Queries a list of DataService Studio APIs in the development state. |
ListDataServiceApiTest | Queries the test information about APIs in DataService Studio. |
ListDataServiceApplications | Queries a list of applications in DataService Studio. |
ListDataServiceAuthedApi | Queries a list of authorized APIs in DataService Studio. |
ListDataServiceAuthorizedApis | Queries a list of authorized APIs in DataService Studio. |
ListDataServiceFolders | Queries a list of folders. |
ListDataServiceGroups | Queries a list of workflows in DataService Studio. |
ListDataServicePublishedApis | Queries a list of DataService Studio APIs in the published state. |
ListDataSources | Queries a list of data sources. |
ListDeployments | Queries a list of deployment tasks. |
ListDIProjectConfig | Queries the configuration of synchronization solutions in a specified DataWorks workspace. |
ListDISyncAlarmRules | Queries a list of alert rules for a real-time synchronization task. |
ListDISyncTasks | Queries a list of synchronization tasks. |
ListDutyRosters | Queries shift schedules by page. |
ListEmrHiveDatabases | Queries a list of Hive databases in an E-MapReduce (EMR) cluster on one page. |
ListExtensions | Queries a list of the extensions of DataWorks Open Platform. |
ListFile | Queries the information about a file. |
ListFiles | Queries a list of files. |
ListFileType | Queries the information about one or more node types. |
ListFileVersions | Queries a list of the versions of a file. |
ListFolders | Queries a list of folders. |
ListHistoryTasksForResourceGroup | Queries a list of running tasks of a resource group in a specified period of time. |
ListHiveColumnLineages | Queries the lineage information about a specified field. |
ListHiveTableLineages | Queries the lineage information about a Hive table. |
ListInnerNodes | Queries the information about inner nodes. |
ListInstanceAmount | Queries the trend of the number of auto triggered node instances within a specified period of time. |
ListInstances | Queries a list of instances. |
ListManualDagInstances | Queries a list of instances in a manually triggered workflow. |
ListMetaDB | Queries a list of databases. |
ListMetaTableColumn | Queries a list of fields in a metatable. |
ListMetaTablePartition | Queries a list of partitions in a metatable. |
ListMigrations | Queries a list of migration tasks. |
ListNetworkLink | Queries a list of network connections. |
ListNodeInputOrOutput | Queries the input and output information about a node. |
ListNodeIO | Queries the information about ancestor or descendant nodes of a node. |
ListNodes | Queries a list of nodes. |
ListNodesByBaseline | Queries a list of nodes in a baseline. |
ListNodesByOutput | Queries a list of nodes based on the output of the nodes. |
ListOpenApiCalls | Queries a list of operation call records. |
ListOpenMessageEvent | Queries the information about an open message event. |
ListPermissionApplyOrders | Queries a list of permission request orders. |
ListProgramTypeCount | Queries the distribution of node task types. |
ListProjectIds | Queries the IDs of the workspaces on which a specific Alibaba Cloud account or RAM user has permissions. |
ListProjectMembers | Queries a list of members in a DataWorks workspace. |
listProjectResourceGroups | Queries a list of resource groups in a DataWorks workspace. |
ListProjectRoles | Queries a list of roles in a DataWorks workspace. |
ListProjects | Queries a list of the DataWorks workspaces of the tenant to which a user belongs by page. |
ListQualityResultsByEntity | Queries the historical monitoring results based on a partition filter expression. |
ListQualityResultsByRule | Queries monitoring results after the data quality of a data source or a compute engine instance is monitored based on monitoring rules. |
ListQualityRules | Queries monitoring rules based on a partition filter expression. |
ListRefDISyncTasks | Queries a list of data synchronization tasks. |
ListReminds | Queries a list of custom alert rules. |
ListResourceGroup | Queries the information about a resource group. |
ListResourceGroups | Queries a list of resource groups. |
ListShiftPersonnels | Queries a list of on-duty engineers in a shift schedule. |
ListShiftSchedules | Queries a list of shift schedules. |
ListSuccessInstanceAmount | Queries the trend of the number of auto triggered node instances that are successfully run each hour within the current day. |
ListTableLevel | Queries a list of table levels. |
ListTableTheme | Queries a list of table folders. |
ListTenantResourceGroups | Queries a list of tenant resource groups. |
ListTenantRole | Queries the information about a tenant role. |
ListTenantUser | Queries the information about a tenant user. |
ListTopic | Queries the information about a topic. |
ListTopicGroup | Queries the information about a topic group. |
ListTopics | Queries a list of events. |
ListTopicUser | Queries a list of topic users. |
ListUsageForResourceGroup | Queries the usage trend of a resource group. |
ListWorkspace | Queries the information about a workspace. |
LockFile | Locks a file. |
MigrateFolder | Migrates a file. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications on the buy page. |
ModifyAccountPwd | Changes a password. |
ModifyAdjunct | Modifies a modifier. |
ModifyAtomicIndicator | Modifies an atomic metric. |
ModifyBusinessProcess | Modifies a workflow. |
ModifyCategory | Modifies a directory. |
ModifyCategoryScope | Modifies the scope of a directory. |
ModifyChecker | Modifies a checker. |
ModifyColumnStandard | Modifies a field standard. |
ModifyContacts | Modifies the information about a contact. |
ModifyDataDomain | Modifies a data domain. |
ModifyDataWarehouseLayer | Modifies a data layer. |
ModifyDerivativeIndicator | Modifies a derived metric. |
ModifyExtensions | Modifies an extension. |
ModifyNamingDictionary | Modifies a naming dictionary. |
ModifyResourceGroup | Modifies a resource group. |
ModifyReverseTaskDetail | Modifies the configuration of a reverse modeling task. |
ModifySubscription | Modifies a subscription. |
ModifyTenantRole | Modifies a tenant role. |
ModifyTimePeriod | Modifies a time range. |
ModifyTopic | Modifies a topic. |
ModifyTopicUser | Modifies a topic user. |
ModifyWorkspace | Modifies a workspace. |
MoveApi | Moves an API to another folder. |
OfflineApi | Unpublishes an API. |
OpenDataWorksStandardService | Activates DataWorks Standard Edition. |
PublishApi | Publishes an API. |
PublishDataServiceApi | Publishes an API. |
PublishTable | Publishes a table. |
QueryDataImportProcess | Queries a data import process. |
QueryDataImportProcessStatus | Queries the status of a data import process. |
QueryDISyncTaskConfigProcessResult | Queries asynchronously generated parameters based on the ID of an asynchronous thread. The parameters are used to create or update a real-time synchronization node or a synchronization solution in Data Integration. |
QueryInstances | Queries instances. |
QueryNode | Queries a node. |
QueryPublicModelEngine | Queries the information about the data modeling engine by using fast modeling language (FML) statements. |
QueryRealTimeProcessStatus | Queries the status of the current process. |
QueryResourceSpecList | Queries a list of resource categories. |
QuerySmokeInstances | Queries smoke testing instances. |
RecoverFile | Restores a file. |
RegisterExtensions | Registers an extension. |
RejectDeployment | Rejects deployment. |
RemoveCalcEngines | Removes a compute engine. |
RemoveProjectMemberFromRole | Removes a role from a user in a DataWorks workspace. |
RemoveTenantUser | Removes a user. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
RerunTask | Reruns a task. |
RestartInstance | Restarts an instance. |
ResumeInstance | Resumes a suspended instance. |
ResumeTask | Resumes a suspended task. |
RevokeColumnPermission | Revokes permissions on table fields from a user. |
RevokeTablePermission | Revokes permissions on a table from a user. |
RevokeTenantRoleFromUser | Removes a role from a user. |
RunCycleDagNodes | Creates a workflow to backfill data. |
RunManualDagNodes | Runs nodes in a manually triggered workflow. |
RunSmokeTest | Creates a workflow for smoke testing. |
RunTask | Runs a task. |
RunTriggerNode | Runs a manually triggered node. |
SaveApi | Saves a DataService Studio API. |
SaveApiSucceedExample | Saves an case in which an API is successfully run. |
SaveTable | Saves a table. |
ScanSensitiveData | Checks whether input data contains sensitive data. |
SearchApi | Queries a DataService Studio API. |
SearchApiByVersion | Queries a DataService Studio API by version. |
SearchApiVersionInfo | Queries the version information about an authorized DataService Studio API. |
SearchGrantDataApi | Queries an authorized DataService Studio API. |
SearchGrantedDataApi | Queries an authorized DataService Studio API. |
SearchManualDagNodeInstance | Queries information, such as the status and name, about instances in a manually triggered workflow. The instances include running instances and instances that finished running. |
SearchMetaTables | Queries metatables based on specific conditions. |
SearchMetaTablesExt | Queries whether a metatable exists. |
SearchNodesByOutput | Queries a node based on the output. |
SearchPublishedApi | Queries a published API. |
SearchPublishedApiByVersion | Queries a published API by version. |
SearchTasks | Queries a list of tasks. |
SecureComputeCallback | Sends a request to obtain secure computing results. |
SendTaskMetaCallback | Sends a request to obtain task callback information. |
SetDataSourceShare | Configures data source sharing. |
SetDefaultChecker | Configures a default checker. |
SetOpenMessageSubscription | Configures open message subscription. |
SetSuccessInstance | Configures the state of a failed instance to successful. |
SetUpperLimits | Configures the upper limits for the usage of alert resources. |
ShowResourceGroupDetail | Displays the details of a resource group. |
ShowTopicDetail | Displays the details of a topic. |
StartCheckQuality | Starts executing a monitoring rule. |
StartCollectQuality | Starts collecting monitoring rules. |
StartDISyncInstance | Starts a real-time synchronization task or a data synchronization solution. |
StartDoCheckQuality | Starts a monitoring rule. |
StartMigration | Starts a migration task. |
StartQualityTask | Starts a task that is associated with a monitoring rule. |
StartTaskQuality | Starts a task that is associated with a monitoring rule. |
StopCollectQuality | Stops a task that is associated with a monitoring rule. |
StopDISyncInstance | Stops a real-time synchronization task. |
StopInstance | Stops an instance. |
SubmitDevProject | Submits a development project. |
SubmitFile | Commits a file to the development environment of the scheduling system. |
SuspendInstance | Terminates an instance. |
TerminateDISyncInstance | Terminates a real-time synchronization task. |
TestDataServiceApi | Tests a DataService Studio API. |
TestDemo | Runs a test case. |
TestNetworkConnection | Tests the network connectivity. |
TopTenElapsedTimeInstance | Queries the ranking of the running durations of instances in the Successful or Failed state. |
TopTenErrorTimesInstance | Queries the ranking of nodes on which errors occur within the last month. |
TriggerChecker | Triggers a checker. |
TriggerDataLoader | Triggers the merge operation of metadata. |
UnbindDevNode | Unbinds a development node. |
UpdateAccount | Modifies an account. |
UpdateApiAuthority | Modifies API permissions. |
UpdateBusiness | Modifies a workflow. |
UpdateConnection | Modifies a data source. |
UpdateDataServiceApi | Modifies the information about an API in the development state in DataService Studio. |
UpdateDataSource | Modifies a data source. |
UpdateDIProjectConfig | Modifies the default global configuration of synchronization solutions in a specified DataWorks workspace. |
UpdateDISyncAlarmRule | Modifies an alert rule for a real-time synchronization task. |
UpdateDISyncTask | Modifies a data synchronization task. |
UpdateFile | Modifies a file. |
UpdateFolder | Modifies a folder. |
UpdateIDEEventResult | Returns the check result of an extension point event to DataStudio after the extension point event is triggered and an extension checks the extension point event. |
UpdateMetaCategory | Modifies a category. |
UpdateMetaTable | Modifies the metadata information about a metatable. |
UpdateMetaTableIntroWiki | Modifies the instructions on how to use a metatable. |
UpdateNodeOwner | Changes the owner of a node. |
UpdateNodeRunMode | Freezes or unfreezes a specific node. |
UpdatePersonalSecurityLabel | Modifies a personal permission tag. |
UpdateProject | Modifies a DataWorks workspace. |
UpdateQualityFollower | Modifies a subscription relationship. |
UpdateQualityRule | Modifies a monitoring rule. |
UpdateRemind | Modifies a custom alert rule. |
UpdateResourceGroup | Modifies the information about a resource group. |
UpdateSecurityLabel | Adds multiple tags at a time. |
UpdateTable | Modifies a MaxCompute table. |
UpdateTableAddColumn | Modifies the fields in a MaxCompute table. |
UpdateTableLevel | Modifies a table level. |
UpdateTableModelInfo | Modifies the information about a table, such as the table folder, level, and category. |
UpdateTablesLifeCycle | Modifies the lifecycle of a MaxCompute table. |
UpdateTableTheme | Modifies a table folder. |
UpdateUdfFile | Modifies the file information about a function. |
UpdateWorkbenchEventResult | Returns the processing result sent by an extension after a process in Operation Center is blocked by the extension. |
ValidateContacts | Configures contacts to take effect. |