CloudMonitor is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage CloudMonitor resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of CloudMonitor that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
AccessKeyGenerate | Generates an AccessKey pair. |
AccessKeyGet | Queries an AccessKey pair. |
AccessKeyQuery | Queries an AccessKey pair. |
ActiveContactChannel | Activates a notification method. |
AddMyGroupInstances | Adds instances to a private application group. |
AddTags | Adds one or more tags to resources. |
ApplyMetricRuleTemplate | Applies an alert template to an application group. |
ApplyMonitoringTemplate | Applies a monitoring template. |
ApplyTemplate | Applies an alert template. |
BatchCreateInstantSiteMonitor | Creates multiple site monitoring tasks at a time. |
BatchCreateIntantSiteMonitor | Creates multiple site monitoring tasks at a time. |
BatchCreateMetrics | Creates multiple metrics at a time. |
BatchCreateOnceSiteMonitor | Creates multiple one-time monitoring tasks at a time. |
BatchCreateOnceTask | Creates multiple one-time monitoring tasks at a time. |
BatchCreateSqlMetrics | Creates multiple SQL statements for metrics at a time. |
BatchDeleteTask | Deletes multiple tasks at a time. |
BatchPutDimTableData | Configures multiple dimension tables at a time. |
BatchQueryMetric | Queries multiple relevant metrics at a time. |
CheckServiceLinkedRoleForDeleting | Queries service-linked roles that can be deleted. |
Create | Purchases CloudMonitor on the buy page. |
CreateAlarm | Creates an alert rule. |
CreateAnomalyDetection | Creates an exception detector. |
CreateCmsCallNumOrder | Purchases a subscription resource plan of CloudMonitor for alert notifications by phone call. |
CreateCmsOrder | Purchases a subscription resource plan of CloudMonitor. |
CreateCmsSmspackageOrder | Purchases a resource plan of CloudMonitor for alert notifications by text message. |
CreateDataSourceExporter | Creates an export task of monitoring data. |
CreateDimTable | Creates a dimension table. |
CreateDynamicTagGroup | Creates an application group based on the tags of cloud resources. |
CreateGroupMetricRules | Creates multiple alert rules for an application group at a time. |
CreateGroupMonitoringAgentProcess | Creates a process monitoring task for an application group. |
CreateHostAvailability | Creates an availability monitoring task. |
CreateHybridMonitorNamespace | Creates a namespace of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
CreateHybridMonitorSLSGroup | Creates a Logstore group of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
CreateHybridMonitorTask | Creates a monitoring task of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
CreateInstances | Creates an instance. |
CreateInstantSiteMonitor | Creates a site monitoring monitoring task. |
CreateMetricRuleResources | Associates resources with an alert rule. |
CreateMetricRuleTemplate | Creates an alert template. |
CreateMetricStream | Creates a source of monitoring data. |
CreateMonitorAgentProcess | Creates a process monitoring task. |
CreateMonitorGroup | Creates an application group. |
CreateMonitorGroupByResourceGroupId | Creates an application group by using a resource group. |
CreateMonitorGroupInstances | Adds instances to an application group. |
CreateMonitorGroupNotifyPolicy | Creates a policy that is used to pause alert notifications for an application group. |
CreateMonitoringAgentProcess | Creates a process monitoring task. |
CreateMonitoringTemplate | Creates a monitoring template. |
CreateMyGroupAlertBatch | Creates multiple alert rules for a private application group at a time. |
CreateMyGroups | Creates private application groups. |
CreateNotifyPolicy | Creates a notification policy. |
CreateProject | Creates a project. |
CreateSiteMonitor | Creates a site monitoring task. |
CreateSqlMetrics | Creates SQL statements for metrics. |
CreateTask | Creates a site monitoring task. |
DeleteAlarm | Deletes an alert. |
DeleteAnomalyDetection | Deletes an exception detector. |
DeleteChartMetric | Deletes a chart metric. |
DeleteContact | Deletes an alert contact. |
DeleteContactGroup | Deletes an alert contact group. |
DeleteCustomMetric | Deletes the reported monitoring data of a custom metric. |
DeleteDashboardConfig | Deletes the configuration of a dashboard. |
DeleteDimTable | Deletes a dimension table. |
DeleteDimTableData | Deletes data from a dimension table. |
DeleteDynamicTagGroup | Deletes a tag rule. |
DeleteEventRule | Deletes an event-triggered alert rule. |
DeleteEventRules | Deletes one or more event-triggered alert rules. |
DeleteEventRuleTargets | Deletes the destinations to which alert notifications are sent. |
DeleteEventTargets | Deletes the destinations to which alert notifications are sent. |
DeleteExporterOutput | Deletes a configuration that is used to export monitoring data. |
DeleteExporterRule | Deletes a data export rule. |
DeleteGroupDynamicRule | Deletes a dynamic alert rule for an application group. |
DeleteGroupMonitoringAgentProcess | Deletes a process monitoring task for an application group. |
DeleteHostAvailability | Deletes one or more availability monitoring tasks. |
DeleteHybridMonitorNamespace | Deletes a namespace of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
DeleteHybridMonitorSLSGroup | Deletes a Logstore group of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
DeleteHybridMonitorTask | Deletes a monitoring task of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
DeleteInstances | Deletes an instance. |
DeleteLogMonitor | Deletes a log monitoring configuration. |
DeleteMetricRuleResources | Disassociates resources from an alert rule. |
DeleteMetricRules | Deletes one or more alert rules. |
DeleteMetricRuleTargets | Deletes the resources that are associated with an alert rule. |
DeleteMetricRuleTemplate | Deletes an alert template. |
DeleteMetrics | Deletes a metric. |
DeleteMetricStream | Deletes a source of monitoring data. |
DeleteMonitorGroup | Deletes an application group. |
DeleteMonitorGroupDynamicRule | Deletes a dynamic alert rule for an application group. |
DeleteMonitorGroupInstances | Deletes instances from an application group. |
DeleteMonitorGroupNotifyPolicy | Deletes a policy that is used to pause alert notifications for a specified application group. |
DeleteMonitoringAgentProcess | Deletes a process monitoring task. |
DeleteMonitoringTemplate | Deletes a monitoring template. |
DeleteMyGroupInstances | Deletes instances from a private application group. |
DeleteMyGroups | Deletes private application groups. |
DeleteNotifyChannel | Deletes a specified notification method. |
DeleteNotifyPolicy | Deletes a notification policy. |
DeletePersonalConfig | Deletes a custom configuration. |
DeleteProject | Deletes a project. |
DeleteS2SEventRule | Deletes a server-to-serve event-triggered alert rule. |
DeleteS2SEventTargets | Deletes the destinations to which server-to-server event notifications are sent. |
DeleteSiteMonitors | Deletes one or more site monitoring tasks. |
DeleteTasks | Deletes multiple site monitoring tasks at a time. |
DescribeActiveMetricRuleList | Queries the details of initiative alert rules. |
DescribeAlarmHistory | Queries the historical details of an alert. |
DescribeAlarms | Queries alerts. |
DescribeAlarmsForDimensions | Queries alerts based on multiple dimensions. |
DescribeAlarmsForResources | Queries the alert records for resources. |
DescribeAlertHistoryList | Queries historical alerts. |
DescribeAlertingCountList | Queries the statistics of alerts. |
DescribeAlertingMetricRuleResources | Queries the resources for which alerts are triggered based on an alert rule. |
DescribeAlertLogCount | Queries the statistics of alert logs. |
DescribeAlertLogHistogram | Queries a histogram of alert logs. |
DescribeAlertLogList | Queries alert logs. |
DescribeAlertStateByDimensions | Queries the status of alerts by dimension. |
DescribeConsoleViews | Queries console views. |
DescribeContact | Queries the information about an alert contact. |
DescribeContactGroupList | Queries alert contact groups. |
DescribeContactGroupTokenAttribute | Queries the token attributes of an alert contact group. |
DescribeContactList | Queries alert contacts. |
DescribeContactListByContactGroup | Queries the alert contacts in an alert contact group. |
DescribeCustomEventAttribute | Queries the details of a custom event. |
DescribeCustomEventCount | Queries the number of times that a custom event occurred within a specified period of time. |
DescribeCustomEventHistogram | Queries the number of times that one or more custom events occurred during each interval within a specified period of time. |
DescribeCustomMetricList | Queries the reported custom monitoring data. |
DescribeDynamicTagRuleList | Queries tag rules. |
DescribeEventRule | Queries the information about an event-triggered alert rule. |
DescribeEventRuleAttribute | Queries the information about an event-triggered alert rule. |
DescribeEventRuleList | Queries event-triggered alert rules. |
DescribeEventRuleTargetList | Queries the resources that are associated with a specified event-triggered alert rule. |
DescribeExporterOutputList | Queries the configurations that are used to export monitoring data. |
DescribeExporterRuleList | Queries data export rules. |
DescribeFolderList | Queries directories. |
DescribeGroupMonitoringAgentProcess | Queries the process monitoring tasks for an application group. |
DescribeHostAvailabilityList | Queries availability monitoring tasks. |
DescribeHybridMonitorDataList | Queries the monitoring data of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
DescribeHybridMonitorNamespaceList | Queries the namespaces of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
DescribeHybridMonitorSLSGroup | Queries the Logstore groups of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
DescribeHybridMonitorTaskList | Queries the monitoring tasks of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
DescribeInnerAlertHistoryList | Queries internal historical alerts. |
DescribeISPAreaCity | Queries the detection points for a site monitoring task. |
DescribeKubernetesCronJobsList | Queries the CronJobs of Kubernetes. |
DescribeKubernetesDaemonList | Queries the DaemonSets of Kubernetes. |
DescribeKubernetesDeploymentList | Queries the Deployments of Kubernetes. |
DescribeKubernetesJobList | Queries the Jobs of Kubernetes. |
DescribeKubernetesNamespaceList | Queries the namespaces of Kubernetes. |
DescribeKubernetesPodList | Queries the pods of Kubernetes. |
DescribeKubernetesStatefulList | Queries the StatefulSets of Kubernetes. |
DescribeLogMonitorAttribute | Queries the details of a log monitoring configuration. |
DescribeLogMonitorList | Queries log monitoring configurations. |
DescribeLogMonitorMetricMetaList | Queries the meta information about a log monitoring configuration. |
DescribeMetric | Queries metrics. |
DescribeMetricBySql | Queries metrics by SQL statement. |
DescribeMetricData | Queries the monitoring data of a cloud service within a specified period of time. |
DescribeMetricDatum | Queries metric data. |
DescribeMetricLast | Queries the most recent monitoring data of a specified metric. |
DescribeMetricList | Queries the monitoring data of the time series metrics for a cloud service. |
DescribeMetricMetaList | Queries the descriptions of time series metrics that are supported by CloudMonitor. |
DescribeMetricRuleCount | Queries the number of alert rules in each state. |
DescribeMetricRuleList | Queries alert rules. |
DescribeMetricRuleTargets | Queries the resources that are associated with an alert rule. |
DescribeMetricRuleTargetsInner | Queries the resources that are associated with an alert rule. |
DescribeMetricRuleTemplateAttribute | Queries the details of an alert template. |
DescribeMetricRuleTemplateList | Queries alert templates. |
DescribeMetricTop | Queries the sorted monitoring data of the time series metrics for a cloud service. |
DescribeMonitorGroupByInstance | Queries application groups by instance. |
DescribeMonitorGroupCategories | Queries the cloud services to which the resources in an application group belong and the number of resources that belong to each cloud service in the application group. |
DescribeMonitorGroupDynamicRules | Queries the dynamic alert rules of an application group. |
DescribeMonitorGroupInstanceAttribute | Queries the details of the resources in an application group. |
DescribeMonitorGroupInstances | Queries the resources in an application group. |
DescribeMonitorGroupNotifyPolicyList | Queries policies that are used to pause alert notifications for an application group. |
DescribeMonitorGroups | Queries application groups. |
DescribeMonitoringAgentAccessKey | Queries the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret that are required to install the CloudMonitor agent on a host not deployed on Alibaba Cloud. |
DescribeMonitoringAgentConfig | Queries the configuration of the CloudMonitor agent. |
DescribeMonitoringAgentHosts | Queries hosts on which the CloudMonitor agent is installed and the hosts on which the agent is not installed. |
DescribeMonitoringAgentProcesses | Queries the processes of the CloudMonitor agent. |
DescribeMonitoringAgentStatuses | Queries the status of the CloudMonitor agent. |
DescribeMonitoringConfig | Queries the global configuration of the CloudMonitor agent. |
DescribeMonitorResourceQuotaAttribute | Queries the resource quotas of CloudMonitor. |
DescribeNamespace4Admin | Queries the information about a namespace. |
DescribeNotifyChannel | Queries notification methods. |
DescribePackageQuotaList | Queries the quotas of resource plans. |
DescribePersonalConfig | Queries custom configurations. |
DescribeProductResourceTagKeyList | Queries the keys of all tags that are attached to cloud resources in a specified region. |
DescribeProductsOfActiveMetricRule | Queries the cloud services for which the initiative alert feature is enabled. |
DescribeProjectMeta | Queries the information about monitored cloud services in CloudMonitor. |
DescribeQuotaLogUsageList | Queries the quota usage of logs. |
DescribeRuleInstances | Queries the instances that are associated with an alert rule. |
DescribeSecurityTokenServicePolicy | Queries the service policies of security tokens. |
DescribeSiteMonitorAttribute | Queries the details of a site monitoring task. |
DescribeSiteMonitorData | Queries the fine-grained monitoring data of a site monitoring task. |
DescribeSiteMonitorISPAreaCity | Queries the detection points that are available for creating site monitoring tasks. |
DescribeSiteMonitorISPCityList | Queries the detection points that are used to create site monitoring tasks. |
DescribeSiteMonitorList | Queries site monitoring tasks. |
DescribeSiteMonitorLog | Queries the logs of a site monitoring task. |
DescribeSiteMonitorQuota | Queries the quotas and versions of site monitoring. |
DescribeSiteMonitorStatistics | Queries the statistics of a site monitoring task in the specified period of time. |
DescribeSystemEventAttribute | Queries the details of a system event. |
DescribeSystemEventCount | Queries the number of times that a system event occurred within a specified period of time. |
DescribeSystemEventHistogram | Queries the number of times that one or more system events occurred during each interval of a period of time. |
DescribeSystemEventMetaList | Queries the meta information about system events. |
DescribeTagKeyList | Queries tag keys. |
DescribeTagValueList | Queries tag values. |
DescribeTaskDetail | Queries the configuration details of a specified task. |
DescribeTasks | Queries site monitoring tasks. |
DescribeUnhealthyHostAvailability | Queries unhealthy instances. |
DisableActiveAlert | Disables the initiative alert feature. |
DisableActiveMetricRule | Disables the initiative alert feature. |
DisableAlarm | Disables an alert rule. |
DisableEventRule | Disables one or more event-triggered alert rules. |
DisableEventRules | Disables one or more event-triggered alert rules. |
DisableHostAvailability | Disables an availability monitoring task. |
DisableMetricRules | Disables alert rules. |
DisableSiteMonitors | Disables one or more site monitoring tasks. |
DisableSYSOM | Disables the System Operation & Maintenance (SysOM) feature. |
DoCheckResource | Performs a resource check. |
DoLogicalDeleteResource | Logically deletes a resource. |
DoPhysicalDeleteResource | Physically deletes a resource. |
EnableActiveAlert | Enables the initiative alert feature. |
EnableActiveMetricRule | Enables the initiative alert feature. |
EnableAlarm | Enables an alert rule. |
EnableEventRule | Enables one or more event-triggered alert rules. |
EnableEventRules | Enables one or more event-triggered alert rules. |
EnableHostAvailability | Enables a specified availability monitoring task. |
EnableMetricRules | Enables one or more alert rules. |
EnableSiteMonitors | Enables one or more site monitoring tasks. |
EnableSYSOM | Enables the SysOM feature. |
GetAgentAllCityTrend | Queries the trend of the number of CloudMonitor agents in all cities. |
GetAgentCityTrend | Queries the trend of the number of CloudMonitor agents in a city. |
GetAgentRegionTrend | Queries the trend of the number of CloudMonitor agents in a region. |
GetContacts | Queries alert contacts. |
GetDashboardConfig | Queries the configuration of a dashboard. |
GetDimTable | Queries the information about a dimension table. |
GetInstance | Queries the information about an instance. |
GetISPAreaCity | Queries the cities of Internet service providers (ISPs). |
GetLineSplitResult | Queries the results of row splitting. |
GetLogColumnTranslateResult | Queries and converts the content of logs based on the specified configuration. |
GetLogMonitorByMetricName | Queries log monitoring configuration by metric name. |
GetLogMonitorResourceControlInfo | Queries the number of logs. |
GetMetrics | Queries metrics. |
GetMetricStatistics | Queries the statistics of metrics. |
GetMetricStream | Queries the information about a source of monitoring data. |
GetMonitoringTemplate | Queries the information about a monitoring template. |
GetMyGroupAlert | Queries the alert rules for a private application group. |
GetMyGroups | Queries private application groups. |
GetNotifyPolicy | Queries the information about a notification policy. |
GetProductGroupInstances | Queries the instances of cloud services in an application group. |
GetProductGroups | Queries the information about cloud services in an application group. |
GetProject | Queries the information about a project. |
GetSQLMetrics | Queries the SQL statements for metrics. |
GetVoneStatus | Queries the Vone status. |
H5WeeklyReportUrl | Queries the URL of an HTML5 weekly report. |
Heartbeat | Detects heartbeats. |
InstallMonitoringAgent | Installs a CloudMonitor agent on one or more ECS instances. |
ListActiveAlertRule | Queries alert rules. |
ListAlarm | Queries the settings of a specified alert rule or all alert rules. |
ListAlarmHistory | Queries the historical configuration details of a specified alert rule or all alert rules. |
ListAlertTemplate | Queries alert templates. |
ListCategoryMeta | Queries the classification information about monitored instances. |
ListContactGroup | Queries the alert contact groups within an Alibaba Cloud account. |
ListDimTable | Queries dimension tables. |
ListEventRules | Queries event-triggered alert rules. |
ListEventTargetsByRule | Queries destinations to which event notifications are sent by rule. |
ListGroupDynamicRule | Queries the dynamic alert rules of an application group. |
ListLogMonitor | Queries log monitoring configurations. |
ListLogMonitorByGroupId | Queries log monitoring configurations by application group ID. |
ListMetricMeta | Queries the metadata of a metric. |
ListMetricMetaProject | Queries the meta projects of metrics. |
ListMetrics | Queries the information about metrics. |
ListMetricsMeta | Queries the metadata of metrics. |
ListMetricStream | Queries the sources of monitoring data. |
ListMonitoringTemplates | Queries monitoring templates. |
ListMyGroupCategories | Queries the information about cloud services in a private application group. |
ListMyGroupInstances | Queries the instances in a private application group. |
ListMyGroupInstancesDetails | Queries the details of the instances in a private application group. |
ListMyGroups | Queries private application groups. |
ListNotifyPolicy | Queries notification policies. |
ListOutput | Queries the output. |
ListOverviewConfig | Queries overview configurations. |
ListProductOfActiveAlert | Queries the cloud services for which CloudMonitor is activated. |
ListProject | Queries projects. |
ListS2SEventRule | Queries server-to-server event-triggered alert rules. |
ListS2SEventTargets | Queries the destinations to which server-to-server event notifications are sent. |
ListSQLMetrics | Queries the SQL statements for metrics. |
MetricSqlCheck | Checks the SQL statements for metrics. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications of CloudMonitor on the buy page. |
ModifyAPIMonitor | Modifies an API monitoring task. |
ModifyGroupMonitoringAgentProcess | Modifies a process monitoring task for an application group. |
ModifyHostAvailability | Modifies an availability monitoring task. |
ModifyHostInfo | Modifies the display information about a host that is not deployed on Alibaba Cloud. |
ModifyHybridMonitorNamespace | Modifies a namespace of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
ModifyHybridMonitorSLSGroup | Modifies the information about a Logstore group of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
ModifyHybridMonitorTask | Modifies a monitoring task of Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
ModifyMetricRuleTemplate | Modifies an alert template. |
ModifyMonitorGroup | Modifies an application group. |
ModifyMonitorGroupInstances | Modifies instances in an application group. |
ModifySiteMonitor | Modifies a site monitoring task. |
ModifyTask | Modifies a site monitoring task. |
NodeAgentVersion | Queries the version of the CloudMonitor agent. |
NodeInstall | Installs the CloudMonitor agent on a specified ECS instance. |
NodeList | Queries nodes. |
NodeListUpdate | Updates nodes. |
NodeProcessCreate | Creates a node process. |
NodeProcessDelete | Deletes a node process. |
NodeProcesses | Queries node processes. |
NodeStatus | Queries the status of the CloudMonitor agent on a specified instance. |
NodeStatusList | Queries the status of CloudMonitor agents on multiple instances at a time. |
NodeUninstall | Uninstalls the CloudMonitor agent from a node. |
OpenCmsService | Activates CloudMonitor based on the pay-as-you-go billing method. |
OpenService | Activates CloudMonitor. |
PauseTasks | Suspends one or more tasks. |
ProfileSet | Configures a file set. |
ProjectList | Queries projects. |
PutAlertTemplate | Configures an alert template. |
PutChartMetric | Configures chart metrics. |
PutContact | Adds or modifies an alert contact. |
PutContactGroup | Creates or modifies an alert contact group. |
PutCustomEvent | Reports the monitoring data of a custom event. |
PutCustomEventRule | Creates a custom event-triggered alert rule. |
PutCustomMetric | Reports the custom monitoring data. |
PutCustomMetricRule | Creates a custom alert rule. |
PutDashboardConfig | Configures a dashboard. |
PutDimTableData | Configures a dimension table. |
PutEvent | Reports the data of a custom event. |
PutEventRule | Creates or modifies an event-triggered alert rule. |
PutEventRuleTargets | Adds or modifies the destinations to which alert notifications are sent. |
PutEventTargets | Configures the destinations to which event notifications are sent. |
PutExporterOutput | Creates or modifies a configuration that is used to export monitoring data. |
PutExporterRule | Creates or modifies a data export rule. |
PutGroupDynamicRule | Configures a dynamic alert rule for an application group. |
PutGroupMetricRule | Creates or modifies an alert rule for an application group. |
PutHybridMonitorMetricData | Reports data to Hybrid Cloud Monitoring. |
PutLogMonitor | Creates or modifies a log monitoring configuration. |
PutMetricAlarm | Configures a metric alert. |
PutMetricData | Specifies metric data. |
PutMetricRuleTargetInner | Adds or modifies the resources that are associated with an event-triggered alert rule. |
PutMetricRuleTargets | Adds or modifies the resources that are associated with an event-triggered alert rule. |
PutMonitorGroupDynamicRule | Creates or modifies a dynamic alert rule for an application group. |
PutMonitoringConfig | Configures the global configuration of the CloudMonitor agent. |
PutPersonalConfig | Creates custom configurations. |
PutResourceMetricRule | Creates an alert rule for a performance metric of a resource. |
PutResourceMetricRules | Creates multiple alert rules for the metrics of multiple resources. |
PutS2SEventRule | Creates a server-to-server event-triggered alert rule. |
PutS2SEventTargets | Configures the destinations to which server-to-server event notifications are sent. |
PutSystemEvent | Creates a system event. |
PutUserResourceCommand | Configures a user resource command. |
queryMetric | Queries relevant metrics. |
RemoveMetricRuleTargets | Disassociates resources from an alert rule. |
RemoveTags | Removes tags. |
Renew | Renews an instance or a resource plan. |
ResendVerifyActivate | Resends an activation code. |
SendDeleteChannelVerifyCode | Sends a verification code that can be used to remove a notification method. |
SendDryRunSystemEvent | Debugs system events for cloud resources. |
StartProject | Starts a project. |
StartTasks | Starts site monitoring tasks. |
StatusProject | Queries the status of a project. |
StopPostPayQuota | Stops the pay-as-you-go billing method. |
StopProject | Stops a project. |
StopTasks | Stops site monitoring tasks. |
SyncApp | Synchronizes application information. |
SyncHostInfo | Synchronizes host information. |
TaskConfigCreate | Creates a monitoring task configuration. |
TaskConfigDelete | Deletes a monitoring task configuration. |
TaskConfigEnable | Enables a monitoring task configuration. |
TaskConfigList | Queries monitoring task configurations. |
TaskConfigModify | Modifies a monitoring task configuration. |
TaskConfigUnhealthy | Creates a configuration to check unhealthy tasks. |
UninstallMonitoringAgent | Uninstalls the CloudMonitor agent from a host that is not deployed on Alibaba Cloud. |
UpdateAlarm | Updates an alert. |
UpdateDimTable | Updates a dimension table. |
UpdateInstances | Updates instances. |
UpdateMetricStream | Updates a source of monitoring data. |
UpdateMonitoringTemplate | Updates a monitoring template. |
UpdateMyGroupAlert | Updates an alert rule for a private application group. |
UpdateMyGroupInstances | Updates the instances that are added to a private application group. |
UpdateMyGroupMembers | Updates the members that are added to a private application group. |
UpdateMyGroups | Updates private application groups. |
UpdateOutput | Updates the output. |
UpdateProject | Updates a monitoring project. |
UpdateSqlMetrics | Updates the SQL statements for metrics. |
UpdateTask | Updates a task. |
ApplyHybridTemplate | None. |
ApplyHybridTemplateForAggregate | None. |
CheckActionForCloudMonitor | None. |
CheckRamRoleForCloudMonitor | None. |
CreateAPIMonitor | None. |
CreateContactGroupDuty | None. |
CreateMetricRuleBlackList | None. |
CreateResourceReportSchedule | None. |
CreateServiceLinkRoleForCloudMonitor | None. |
CreateSiteMonitorISPCityTemplate | None. |
DeleteContactGroupDuty | None. |
DeleteDashboard | None. |
DeleteDashboardGroup | None. |
DeleteHybridDashboard | None. |
DeleteMetricRuleBlackList | None. |
DeleteResourceReportSchedule | None. |
DeleteResourceReportTask | None. |
DeleteSiteMonitorISPCityTemplate | None. |
DescribeAPIMonitorAttribute | None. |
DescribeAPIMonitorList | None. |
DescribeApiMonitorLogAttribute | None. |
DescribeContactGroupDutyList | None. |
DescribeContactGroupSecureWord | None. |
DescribeDashboardGroupList | None. |
DescribeDimTableDataAttribute | None. |
DescribeHighResolutionMonitor | None. |
DescribeHybridDashboard | None. |
DescribeHybridMonitorMetricNameList | None. |
DescribeHybridMonitorTimeSeriesList | None. |
DescribeHybridMonitorYamlDemo | None. |
DescribeHybridTemplate | None. |
DescribeMetricDataFromProxy | None. |
DescribeMetricEventList | None. |
DescribeMetricLastFromProxy | None. |
DescribeMetricListFromProxy | None. |
DescribeMetricRuleBlackList | None. |
DescribeMetricTopFromProxy | None. |
DescribeMonitorInstance | None. |
DescribeResourceReportMetricConfig | None. |
DescribeResourceReportSchedule | None. |
DescribeResourceReportTask | None. |
DescribeResourceReportTaskDetail | None. |
DescribeSiteInstantMonitorLog | None. |
DescribeSiteMonitorISPCityTemplateList | None. |
DescribeSystemEventDemo | None. |
DescribeSystemEventStatistic | None. |
DescribeTSDFLoadTaskList | None. |
DisableHighResolutionMonitor | None. |
EnableHighResolutionMonitor | None. |
EnableMetricRuleBlackList | None. |
ExportCreateCursor | None. |
InnerGetNodeStatus | None. |
ListProductOfActiceAlert | None. |
ListTagResources | None. |
ModifyContactGroupDuty | None. |
ModifyMetricRuleBlackList | None. |
ModifyResourceReportSchedule | None. |
ModifySiteMonitorISPCityTemplate | None. |
PutContactGroupSecureWord | None. |
PutDashboard | None. |
PutDashboardGroup | None. |
RemoveAlertEssWebhookInner | None. |
RerunResourceReportTask | None. |
ResetContactGroupSecureWordToken | None. |
RunOneResourceReport | None. |
TagResources | None. |
TagResourcesSystemTags | None. |
TSDFLoadTaskList | None. |
UntagResources | None. |
UpdateContactGroupDuty | None. |