Cloud Storage Gateway is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage Cloud Storage Gateway resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of Cloud Storage Gateway that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
ActivateGateway | Activates Cloud Storage Gateway. |
AddSharesToExpressSync | Adds a share to an express synchronization group. |
CheckBlockVolumeName | Checks whether a data volume name already exists. |
CheckUpgradeVersion | Checks the version to be upgraded. |
Create | Purchases Cloud Storage Gateway on the buy page. |
CreateElasticGateway | Creates an elastic gateway. |
CreateExpressSync | Creates an express synchronization group. |
CreateGateway | Creates a subscription or pay-as-you-go gateway in a gateway cluster. |
CreateGatewayCacheDisk | Creates a cache disk for a gateway. |
CreateGatewayFileShare | Creates a share for a file gateway. |
CreateGatewaySMBUser | Adds a Server Message Block (SMB) user and password to a gateway. |
CreateGatewayStorageTarget | Creates a gateway storage target. |
CreateStorageBundle | Creates a gateway cluster. |
DeleteExpressSync | Deletes an express synchronization group. |
DeleteGateway | Deletes a pay-as-you-go gateway from a gateway cluster. |
DeleteGatewayBlockVolumes | Deletes a data volume from a block gateway. |
DeleteGatewayFileShares | Deletes a share from a gateway. |
DeleteGatewaySMBUser | Removes an SMB user from a gateway. |
DeleteStorageBundle | Deletes a gateway cluster. |
DeployCacheDisk | Deploys a cache disk. |
DeployGateway | Deploys a pay-as-you-go gateway. |
DescribeExpressSyncs | Queries the information about an express synchronization group. |
DescribeExpressSyncShares | Queries the information about the shares that are added or can be added to express synchronization groups. |
DescribeGateway | Queries the basic information about a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayADInfo | Queries the information about the Active Directory (AD) domain configured for a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayBlockVolumes | Queries the information about a data volume. |
DescribeGatewayCaches | Queries the information about cache disks. |
DescribeGatewayCapacityLimit | Queries the capacity limit of a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayClasses | Queries available gateway specifications. |
DescribeGatewayDNS | Queries the information about the Domain Name System (DNS) server configured for a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayFileShares | Queries the configuration information about the shares for a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayImages | Queries the image information about an on-premises gateway. |
DescribeGatewayInfo | Queries the information about a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayLDAPInfo | Queries the information about the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server configured for a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayLogging | Queries the log monitoring details of a gateway. |
DescribeGatewayModificationClasses | Queries the gateway specifications to which a gateway deployed on Alibaba Cloud can be upgraded. |
DescribeGatewayMonitorData | Queries the gateway monitoring information. |
DescribeGateways | Queries gateways in a gateway cluster by using the specified cluster ID. |
DescribeGatewaysForCms | Queries the information about gateways. |
DescribeGatewaySMBUsers | Queries the SMB users of a gateway. |
DescribeGatewaysTags | Queries the tags of gateways. |
DescribeGatewayStock | Queries available gateways. |
DescribeGatewayStorageTargets | Queries gateway storage targets. |
DescribeGatewayTypes | Queries available gateway types |
DescribeMqttConfig | Queries Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) configurations. |
DescribeOssBucketInfo | Queries the information about an OSS bucket. |
DescribeOssBuckets | Queries OSS buckets. |
DescribePayAsYouGoPrice | Queries pay-as-you-go prices. |
DescribeRegions | Queries available regions. |
DescribeSharesBucketInfoForExpressSync | Queries the information about the OSS buckets that can be used by an express synchronization group. |
DescribeStorageBundles | Queries the information about the gateway clusters in a specified region. |
DescribeSubscriptionPrice | Queries subscription prices. |
DescribeTasks | Queries the information about tasks. |
DescribeUserBusinessStatus | Queries the business status of a user. |
DescribeVpcs | Queries created virtual private clouds (VPCs). |
DescribeVSwitches | Queries created vSwitches. |
ExpandCacheDisk | Scales up a cache disk for a gateway. |
ExpandGatewayFileShare | Scales out file shares. |
ExpandGatewayNetworkBandwidth | Upgrades the network bandwidth of a gateway. |
GenerateGatewayToken | Generates an access token for a gateway. |
GenerateMqttToken | Generates an MQTT access token. |
GenerateStsToken | Generates an access token. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications of Cloud Storage Gateway on the buy page. |
ModifyElasticGatewaySpec | Modifies the configurations of an elastic gateway. |
ModifyGateway | Modifies the basic information about a specified gateway. |
ModifyGatewayBlockVolume | Modifies the information about a data volume. |
ModifyGatewayClass | Upgrades the specification of a gateway that is deployed on Alibaba Cloud. |
ModifyGatewayFileShare | Modifies a file share. |
ModifyStorageBundle | Modifies the information about a specified gateway cluster. |
OpenService | Activates Cloud Storage Gateway. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
RemoveSharesFromExpressSync | Deletes one or more shares from an express synchronization group. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
RestartFileShares | Restarts the share of a gateway. |
SetElasticGatewayDataPolicy | Configures a data loading policy for an elastic gateway. |
SetGatewayADInfo | Enables or disables an AD domain for a gateway. |
SetGatewayDNS | Enables a DNS server for a gateway. |
StartElasticGateway | Enables an elastic gateway. |
StopElasticGateway | Disables an elastic gateway. |
SwitchGatewayExpirationPolicy | Changes the expiration policy of a subscription gateway. |
SwitchToSubscription | Changes the billing method of a gateway from pay-as-you-go to subscription. |
UpgradeGateway | Upgrades a specified gateway. |
UploadGatewayLog | Uploads the log data of a gateway. |
ValidateExpressSyncConfig | Checks whether the configurations of an express synchronization group are valid. |
ValidateGatewayName | Checks whether a gateway name already exists in a gateway cluster. |
ActivateCSGAgent | None. |
AddTagsToGateway | None. |
CheckActivationKey | None. |
CheckGatewayEssdSupport | None. |
CheckMnsService | None. |
CheckRole | None. |
CheckSlrRole | None. |
CreateCSGClientMountPoint | None. |
CreateElasticGatewayPrivateZone | None. |
CreateGatewayBlockVolume | None. |
CreateGatewayLogging | None. |
DeleteCSGClients | None. |
DeleteElasticGatewayPrivateZone | None. |
DeleteGatewayCacheDisk | None. |
DeleteGatewayLogging | None. |
DeleteGatewayStorageTarget | None. |
DeployCSGClients | None. |
DescribeAccountConfig | None. |
DescribeBlockVolumeSnapshots | None. |
DescribeCSGClients | None. |
DescribeCSGClientTasks | None. |
DescribeDashboard | None. |
DescribeEcsInstances | None. |
DescribeExpireCaches | None. |
DescribeGatewayActions | None. |
DescribeGatewayAuthInfo | None. |
DescribeGatewayAutoPlans | None. |
DescribeGatewayAutoUpgradeConfiguration | None. |
DescribeGatewayBucketCaches | None. |
DescribeGatewayCacheDiskStock | None. |
DescribeGatewayCategories | None. |
DescribeGatewayCredential | None. |
DescribeGatewayFileStatus | None. |
DescribeGatewayLocations | None. |
DescribeGatewayLogs | None. |
DescribeGatewayNFSClients | None. |
DescribeGatewaysRenewPolicy | None. |
DescribeGatewayStatistics | None. |
DescribeKmsKey | None. |
DescribeStorageBundle | None. |
DescribeZones | None. |
DisableGatewayLogging | None. |
DisableGatewayNFSVersion | None. |
EnableGatewayIpv6 | None. |
EnableGatewayLogging | None. |
HandleGatewayAutoPlan | None. |
HeartbeatCSGAgent | None. |
ListTagResources | None. |
ModifyGatewayFileShareWatermark | None. |
OpenSgwService | None. |
OperateGateway | None. |
ReleaseService | None. |
RemoveTagsFromGateway | None. |
ReportBlockVolumes | None. |
ReportFileShares | None. |
ReportGatewayInfo | None. |
ReportGatewayUsage | None. |
ReportMonitorData | None. |
ResetGatewayPassword | None. |
SetGatewayAutoUpgradeConfiguration | None. |
SetGatewayLDAPInfo | None. |
SwitchCSGClientsReverseSyncConfiguration | None. |
TagResources | None. |
TriggerGatewayRemoteSync | None. |
UninstallCSGAgent | None. |
UntagResources | None. |
UpdateGatewayBlockVolume | None. |
UpdateGatewayFileShare | None. |