Cloud Firewall is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage Cloud Firewall resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of Cloud Firewall that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
AddAclBackupData | Backs up an access control list (ACL). |
AddAddressBook | Creates an address book for access control. |
AddControlPolicy | Creates an access control policy. |
AddControlPolicyBatch | Creates multiple access control policies at a time. |
AddDnsFirewallPolicy | Creates an access control policy for a Domain Name System (DNS) firewall. |
AddInstanceMembers | Adds members to Cloud Firewall. |
AddSlrGrant | Creates the service-linked role of Cloud Firewall. |
AddStrategyGroupCheckTask | Creates a task for checking a policy group. |
AddStrategyGroupSyncTask | Creates a task for synchronizing a policy group. |
AddSurveyInfo | Adds the content of a satisfaction questionnaire. |
AddVulnCheckTask | Creates a vulnerability detection task. |
AdjustStrategyGroupRules | Modifies the rules in a policy group. |
BatchCopyVpcFirewallControlPolicy | Copies all access control policies from a policy group of a source virtual private cloud (VPC) firewall to a policy group of a destination VPC firewall. |
BatchUpdateAppGroupId |
CancelIgnoreInvadeEvent | Removes an intrusion event from the whitelist. |
CheckClassicSlbUpgrade | Checks whether the mode of a firewall that protects Server Load Balancer (SLB) instances can be upgraded from bypass to parallel. |
CheckStsGrant | Checks whether the service-linked role of Cloud Firewall is created. |
ClearLogStoreStorage | Deletes the logs of Cloud Firewall. |
CommitStrategyGroup | Commits a policy group. |
CommitStrategyGroupRules | Commits the rules in a policy group. |
Create | Purchases Cloud Firewall on the buy page. |
CreateApp | Creates an application. |
CreateAppGroup |
CreateBiz |
CreateCaptureTask | Creates a packet capture task. |
CreateDnsFirewall | Creates a DNS firewall. |
CreateInstanceSyncTask | Creates an asset synchronization task. |
CreateSecurityProxy | Creates a secure forward proxy. |
CreateSrNatFirewall | Creates a NAT firewall. |
CreateStrategyGroupRule | Creates a rule in a policy group. |
CreateTrFirewallV2 | Creates a VPC firewall for a transit router. |
CreateTrFirewallV2RoutePolicy | Creates a routing policy for a VPC firewall of a transit router. |
CreateVpcFirewallCenManualConfigure | Creates the configuration of a VPC firewall in manual traffic redirection mode. |
CreateVpcFirewallControlPolicy | Creates an access control policy in a specified policy group for a VPC firewall. |
CreateVpcFirewallPrecheck | Creates a precheck task before a VPC firewall is created. |
CreateVpcFirewallTask | Creates a task for synchronizing assets protected by a VPC firewall. |
DeleteAclBackupData | Deletes a backup ACL. |
DeleteAddressBook | Deletes an address book for access control. |
DeleteApp | Deletes an application. |
DeleteAppGroup |
DeleteBiz |
DeleteBuyProbation | Releases a trial firewall instance. |
DeleteCaptureTask | Deletes or stops a packet capture task. |
DeleteControlPolicy | Deletes an access control policy. |
DeleteControlPolicyBatch | Deletes multiple access control policies at a time. |
DeleteControlPolicyTemplate | Deletes an access control policy template. |
DeleteDnsFirewall | Deletes a DNS firewall. |
DeleteDnsFirewallPolicy | Deletes a rule of a DNS firewall. |
DeleteFirewallV2RoutePolicies | Deletes routing policies for a VPC firewall of a transit router. |
DeleteInstanceMembers | Removes members from Cloud Firewall. |
DeleteSecurityProxy | Deletes a secure forward proxy. |
DeleteStrategyGroup | Deletes a policy group. |
DeleteStrategyGroupRule | Deletes a rule in a policy group. |
DeleteTrFirewallV2 | Deletes a VPC firewall created for a transit router. |
DeleteVpcFirewallCenManualConfigure | Deletes the configuration of a VPC firewall in manual traffic redirection mode. |
DeleteVpcFirewallControlPolicy | Deletes an access control policy from a specified policy group for a VPC firewall. |
DescribeAbnormalInfo | Queries the information about exceptions. |
DescribeAclBackupList | Queries the backup ACLs. |
DescribeAclConfigStatus | Queries the configuration of access control policies. |
DescribeACLProtectTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on the protection results of access control policies. |
DescribeAclRuleCount | Queries the total number of access control policies. |
DescribeAclStats | Queries the statistics on the configuration of access control policies. |
DescribeAclWhitelist | Queries the access control policy whitelist. |
DescribeAddressBook | Queries the details of an address book for access control. |
DescribeAllVpcFirewallTrafficTrend | Queries the traffic statistics on all VPC firewalls. |
DescribeAnomalousAssets | Queries anomalous assets. |
DescribeAppConsumList |
DescribeAppDetail | Queries the information about an application. |
DescribeAppDetailList | Queries the details of applications. |
DescribeAppFlowDetail |
DescribeAppGroupConsumList |
DescribeAppGroupDetail |
DescribeAppGroupDetailList |
DescribeAppGroupList |
DescribeAppGroupListWithRelation |
DescribeAppGroupProduceList |
DescribeAppGroupRelaList |
DescribeAppInfo | Queries the information about an application. |
DescribeApplicationPortDetail | Queries the details of an application port. |
DescribeApplicationPortRatio | Queries the port ratio of an application. |
DescribeAssetInfo | Queries the information about assets. |
DescribeAssetList | Queries the assets that are protected by Cloud Firewall. |
DescribeAssetProtectInfo | Queries the information about asset protection. |
DescribeAssetRegionList | Queries the regions in which assets reside. |
DescribeAssetRiskList | Queries the risk levels of assets. |
DescribeAssetStatistic | Queries the statistics on assets. |
DescribeAssetStatusList | Queries the states of assets. |
DescribeAssetTypeList | Queries the types of assets. |
DescribeAttackApp | Queries attacked applications. |
DescribeAttackType | Queries attack types. |
DescribeAutogroupStatus | Queries the status of the default policy group. |
DescribeAutoGroupTemplateConfig | Queries the template of the default policy group. |
DescribeBasicRules | Queries basic rules. |
DescribeBatchSlsDispatchStatus | Queries the status of log delivery. |
DescribeBizConsumAppGroupList |
DescribeBizDetail |
DescribeBizDetailList |
DescribeBizFlowDetail |
DescribeCaptureFileAddr | Queries the URL of a packet capture file. |
DescribeCaptureStatus | Queries the status of a packet capture task. |
DescribeCaptureTask | Queries packet capture tasks. |
DescribeClearAuthInfo | Queries the information about the operation that clears authorization records. |
DescribeConfiguredAssetsIP | Queries the asset IP addresses that are configured. |
DescribeConfiguredDestinationIP | Queries the destination IP addresses that are configured. |
DescribeConfiguredDestinationPort | Queries the destination ports that are configured. |
DescribeConfiguredDomainNames | Queries the domain names that are configured. |
DescribeControlPolicy | Queries the information about all access control policies. |
DescribeControlPolicyTemplate | Queries an access control policy template. |
DescribeCreatedNatFirewall | Queries the NAT firewalls that are created. |
DescribeCtrlInstanceMemberAccounts | Queries members. |
DescribeDefaultIPSConfig | Queries the default configuration of the intrusion prevention system (IPS). |
DescribeDnatTableEntries | Queries the DNAT tables of a NAT gateway. |
DescribeDnsFirewall | Queries DNS firewalls. |
DescribeDnsFirewallPolicy | Queries the access control policies of a DNS firewall. |
DescribeDnsFirewallResources | Queries the resources of a DNS firewall. |
DescribeDomainResolve | Queries DNS records. |
DescribeEcsInfo | Queries the information about an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. |
DescribeEcsInstanceList | Queries ECS instances. |
DescribeEcsInstancesByTag | Queries ECS instances by tag. |
DescribeEcsInstanceTags | Queries the tags of ECS instances. |
DescribeEcsKeyword | Queries the keyword of an ECS instance. |
DescribeEipControlPolicyCnt | Queries the number of access control policies that are configured for an elastic IP address (EIP). |
DescribeExternalFlowDetails |
DescribeFeatures | Queries the features of Cloud Firewall. |
DescribeFirewallDropStatistics | Queries the statistics on traffic that is blocked by a firewall. |
DescribeFirewallRegion | Queries the regions in which Cloud Firewall is available. |
DescribeFirewallTask | Queries a firewall task. |
DescribeFirewallVSwitch | Queries a vSwitch that is created for a firewall. |
DescribeFirewallVswitchResources | Queries the vSwitch resources of a firewall. |
DescribeGroupFlowDetail |
DescribeHighRiskPortList | Queries high-risk ports. |
DescribeHighRiskVulnList | Queries high-risk vulnerabilities. |
DescribeInAndOutRecommendAclsCount | Queries the number of recommended access control policies for inbound and outbound traffic. |
DescribeInstanceMembers | Queries the information about members in Cloud Firewall. |
DescribeInstanceRdAccounts | Queries the accounts in a resource directory. |
DescribeInternetAccessSource | Queries the resources that can be accessed over the Internet. |
DescribeInternetDropSesionStatistic | Queries the statistics on deleted sessions. |
DescribeInternetDropTrafficTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on deleted sessions. |
DescribeInternetOpenDataIntegrity | Queries the integrity of data that is open to the Internet. |
DescribeInternetOpenDetail | Queries the details of data that is open to the Internet. |
DescribeInternetOpenIp | Queries the IP addresses that are open to the Internet. |
DescribeInternetOpenPort | Queries the ports that are open to the Internet. |
DescribeInternetOpenService | Queries the services that are open to the Internet. |
DescribeInternetOpenStatistic | Queries the statistics on data that is open to the Internet. |
DescribeInternetServiceNameList | Queries the names of Internet services. |
DescribeInternetSlb | Queries an Internet-facing SLB instance. |
DescribeInternetTimeTop | Queries the peak traffic in a specified period of time. |
DescribeInternetTopTrafficTrend | Queries the statistics on peak traffic. |
DescribeInternetTrafficTop | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on peak traffic. |
DescribeInternetTrafficTopRatio | Queries the chart that displays the ratios of peak traffic. |
DescribeInternetTrafficTrend | Queries the statistics on Internet traffic. |
DescribeInvadeEcsTrend | Queries the statistics on intrusion events on an ECS instance. |
DescribeInvadeEventDetail | Queries the details of an intrusion event. |
DescribeInvadeEventNameList | Queries the names of intrusion events. |
DescribeInvadeEventPayload | Queries the payload of an intrusion event. |
DescribeInvadeEventStatistic | Queries the statistics on intrusion events. |
DescribeInvadeTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on intrusion events. |
DescribeIPList | Queries IP addresses. |
DescribeIPSAttackAppList | Queries the applications whose attacks are blocked by the IPS. |
DescribeIPSAttackTypeList | Queries the types of attacks that are blocked by the IPS. |
DescribeIpSegment | Queries the CIDR block to which an IP address belongs. |
DescribeIPSRules | Queries IPS rules. |
DescribeIPSTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on the attacks that are blocked by the IPS. |
DescribeIspInfo | Queries the information about an Internet service provider (ISP). |
DescribeLocationInfo | Queries the location information. |
DescribeLogStoreInfo | Queries the information about Log Service. |
DescribeMemberInfo | Queries the information about members for Cloud Firewall Free Edition. |
DescribeNatFirewallList | Queries NAT firewalls. |
DescribeNatFirewallQuota | Queries the quota to create NAT firewalls. |
DescribeNetworkConcurrentTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on the concurrent network requests. |
DescribeNetworkInstanceList | Queries network instances. |
DescribeNetworkInstanceRelationList | Queries the relationships among network instances. |
DescribeNetworkTrafficDataType | Queries the type of network traffic. |
DescribeNetworkTrafficList | Queries network traffic. |
DescribeNetworkTrafficTopRatio | Queries the period-on-period comparison of network traffic. |
DescribeNetworkTrafficTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on network traffic. |
DescribeOpenIpAccessSrcStat | Queries the status of the source public IP address that is allowed by a firewall. |
DescribeOutgoingAssetList | Queries the assets that initiate outbound connections. |
DescribeOutgoingAssetTrafficList | Queries the traffic of the assets that initiate outbound connections. |
DescribeOutgoingDestination | Queries the destination of an outbound connection. |
DescribeOutgoingDestinationCategory | Queries the category of an outbound connection destination. |
DescribeOutgoingDestinationIPDetail | Queries the details of a destination IP address for which an outbound connection is initiated. |
DescribeOutgoingDomainDetail | Queries the details of a domain name for which an outbound connection is initiated. |
DescribeOutgoingRiskDomainAndIpCount | Queries the numbers of risky domain names and IP addresses for which outbound connections are initiated. |
DescribeOutgoingRiskTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on risks of outbound connections. |
DescribeOutgoingStatistic | Queries the statistics on outbound connections. |
DescribeOutgoingTag | Queries the tag of an outbound connection. |
DescribeOutgoingUnauthorizedDomainName | Queries the unauthorized domain name in an outbound connection. |
DescribePageDocuments | Queries documents. |
DescribePatchSumInfo | Queries the summary information about virtual patches. |
DescribePolicyAdvancedConfig | Queries whether the strict mode is enabled for an access control policy. |
DescribePolicyPriorUsed | Queries the priority range of an access control policy. |
DescribePostpayCreatedAcl | Queries whether an access control policy is created for a pay-as-you-go firewall. |
DescribePostpayEnabledProtection | Queries whether a pay-as-you-go firewall is enabled for protection. |
DescribePostpayTotalTraffic | Queries the traffic that is protected by a pay-as-you-go firewall. |
DescribeProductFeatures | Queries service features. |
DescribeProductNews | Queries release notes. |
DescribeProtectLevel | Queries a protection level. |
DescribeRecommendAcls | Queries the recommended access control policies. |
DescribeRecommendAclStatistics | Queries the statistics on the recommended access control policies. |
DescribeRecommendedReason | Queries the reasons why the access control policies are recommended. |
DescribeRegionInfo | Queries the region information. |
DescribeRiskEventGroup | Queries the details of risk events. |
DescribeRiskEventPayload | Queries the payload of a risk event. |
DescribeRiskEventStatistic | Queries the statistics on risk events. |
DescribeRiskEventTopAttackApp | Queries the applications against which the top N risk events are launched. |
DescribeRiskEventTopAttackAsset | Queries the assets against which the top N risk events are launched. |
DescribeRiskEventTopAttackType | Queries the types of the top N risk events. |
DescribeRiskSecurityGroupDetail | Queries the details of a risky security group. |
DescribeSecurityEventLog | Queries the logs of security events. |
DescribeSecurityMode | Queries a security mode. |
DescribeSecurityProtection | Queries the information about forward proxy protection. |
DescribeSecurityProxy | Queries a forward proxy. |
DescribeSecurityProxyResources | Queries the resources of a forward proxy. |
DescribeSecurityWarning | Queries security alerts. |
DescribeSlbAcl | Queries the access control policies of an SLB instance. |
DescribeSlrGrant | Queries the service-linked role of Cloud Firewall. |
DescribeSlsAnalyzeOpenStatus | Queries whether Log Service is activated. |
DescribeSnatTableEntries | Queries the SNAT tables of a NAT gateway. |
DescribeSrNatFirewallRegion | Queries the regions in which NAT firewalls are deployed. |
DescribeStrategyDiff | Queries the differences among policies. |
DescribeStrategyGroupCheckResult | Queries the result of a policy group check. |
DescribeStrategyGroupCheckRuleDetail | Queries the details of a policy group check rule. |
DescribeStrategyGroupCheckRuleResult | Queries the check result of a policy group check rule. |
DescribeStrategyGroupPassRules | Queries the rules that allow traffic. |
DescribeStrategyGroupRule | Queries a rule in a policy group. |
DescribeStrategyGroups | Queries policy groups. |
DescribeStrategyGroupStatusDetail | Queries the status information about a policy group. |
DescribeStrategyGroupSyncStatus | Queries the synchronization status of a policy group. |
DescribeStrategyHitData | Queries the data of policy hits. |
DescribeStrategyTemplate | Queries a policy template. |
DescribeStrategyTemplateRule | Queries a policy template rule. |
DescribeStsGrant | Queries Security Token Service (STS) authentication. |
DescribeStsStatus | Queries the status of STS authentication. |
DescribeSystemLog | Queries system logs. |
DescribeSystemLogNew | Queries system logs. |
DescribeTaskLimitParam | Queries the parameters used for task limits. |
DescribeThreatEvent | Queries threat events. |
DescribeThreatTrend | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on threat events. |
DescribeTopologySummaryInfo | Queries the summary information about the network topology. |
DescribeTrafficLog | Queries traffic logs. |
DescribeTransitRouterResourcesList | Queries the vSwitch resources of a transit router. |
DescribeTrFirewallPolicyBackUpAssociationList | Queries the backup ACLs of a VPC firewall created for a transit router. |
DescribeTrFirewallsV2Detail | Queries the details of the VPC firewalls that are created for transit routers. |
DescribeTrFirewallsV2List | Queries the VPC firewalls that are created for transit routers. |
DescribeTrFirewallsV2RouteList | Queries the route tables of the VPC firewalls that are created for transit routers. |
DescribeTrFirewallV2RoutePolicyList | Queries the routing policies of a VPC firewall that is created for a transit router. |
DescribeUnprotectedPortTrend | Queries the statistics on unprotected ports. |
DescribeUnprotectedVulnTrend | Queries the statistics on unprotected vulnerabilities. |
DescribeUserAclLimit | Queries the ACL limits. |
DescribeUserAlarmConfig | Queries the alert configuration. |
DescribeUserAssetIPTrafficInfo | Queries the information about the traffic of a specified asset that belongs to your Alibaba Cloud account. |
DescribeUserBandwithDetail | Queries bandwidth details. |
DescribeUserBuyVersion | Queries the edition of Cloud Firewall that you purchased. |
DescribeUserDefenceVulnStatus | Queries the protection status. |
DescribeUserDnsFirewallRegionVpc | Queries the VPC in which a DNS firewall is deployed. |
DescribeUserGrayConfig | Queries the configuration of the canary release environment. |
DescribeUserInstanceInfo | Queries the information about the instances within your Alibaba Cloud account. |
DescribeUserIpsVersion | Queries the IP version. |
DescribeUserIPSWhitelist | Queries the whitelist of the IPS. |
DescribeUserVulInfo | Queries the information about a vulnerability. |
DescribeVirtualPatch | Queries a virtual patch. |
DescribeVirtualPatches | Queries virtual patches. |
DescribeVirtualPatchStatus | Queries the status of a virtual patch. |
DescribeVpcFirewallAccessDetail | Queries the details of the access traffic that is allowed by a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallAclGroupList | Queries the information about all access control policy groups of a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallAssetList | Queries the assets of a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallCenSummaryList | Queries the Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instances that are protected by a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallControlPolicy | Queries the details of all access control policies that are created for a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallDropTrafficTrend | Queries the statistics on the traffic that is blocked by a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallManualVpcList | Queries the manually configured VPCs of a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallManualVSwitchList | Queries the manually configured vSwitches of a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallPageShowStatus | Queries the status of a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallPolicyPriorUsed | Queries the priority range of the access control policies in a policy group that is created for a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallPortList | Queries the ports of a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallPrecheckDetail | Queries the details of a VPC firewall precheck. |
DescribeVpcFirewallSessionTop | Queries the top N sessions of a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallSummaryInfo | Queries the summary information about a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallTrafficTimeTop | Queries the chart that displays the statistics on the traffic that passes through a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallTrafficTop | Queries the statistics on the peak traffic that passes through a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallTrafficTrend | Queries the statistics on the traffic that passes through a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcFirewallVpcTrafficList | Queries VPCs ranked by traffic for a VPC firewall. |
DescribeVpcInfo | Queries the attacks that are launched against VPCs, peak traffic, and number of ECS instances. |
DescribeVpcInstanceList | Queries VPCs. |
DescribeVpcListLite | Queries VPCs. |
DescribeVpcRegionList | Queries the regions in which VPCs are supported. |
DescribeVpcSnapList | Queries VPCs. |
DescribeVpcTrafficRelation | Queries the traffic relationships among VPCs. |
DescribeVulnAttackTrend | Queries the statistics on vulnerabilities. |
DescribeVulnBlockTrend | Queries the statistics on blocked vulnerability exploits. |
DescribeVulnCheckResult | Queries the result of a vulnerability check. |
DescribeVulnCnt | Queries the number of vulnerabilities. |
DescribeVulnDefenseStatus | Queries the status of vulnerability protection. |
DescribeVulnDetail | Queries the details of a vulnerability. |
DescribeVulnerabilityList | Queries vulnerabilities. |
DescribeVulnerabilityProtectedList |
DescribeVulnerabilityResourceList | Queries the resources that have vulnerabilities. |
DescribeVulnerabilityStatistic | Queries the status of a vulnerability. |
DescribeVulnList | Queries vulnerabilities. |
DestroyProbationInstance | Releases a trial instance. |
DownloadRiskEventGroup | Downloads IPS events. |
DownloadsCaptureSample | Downloads the captured data. |
IgnoreInvadeEvent | Adds an intrusion event to the whitelist. |
MarkDestination | Adds the description. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications on the buy page. |
ModifyAddressBook | Modifies an address book for access control. |
ModifyApp | Modifies an application. |
ModifyAppGroup |
ModifyAutoGroupTemplateConfig | Modifies the template of the default policy group. |
ModifyBiz |
ModifyControlPolicy | Modifies the configuration of an access control policy. |
ModifyControlPolicyPosition | Modifies the priority of an access control policy. |
ModifyDefaultIPSConfig | Modifies the default configuration of the IPS. |
ModifyDnsFirewallPolicy | Modifies a rule of a DNS firewall. |
ModifyFirewallV2RoutePolicySwitch | Turns on or turns off the routing policy switch. |
ModifyHighRiskPortList | Modifies high-risk ports. |
ModifyInstanceMemberAttributes | Modifies the information about members of Cloud Firewall. |
ModifyIpsRules | Modifies the IPS rules. |
ModifyIpsRulesToDefault | Changes the ISP rules to the default rules. |
ModifyObjectGroupOperation | Modifies the operation on an object group. |
ModifyPolicyAdvancedConfig | Enables or disables the strict mode for an access control policy. |
ModifySecurityMode | Modifies the security mode. |
ModifySlsDispatchStatus | Modifies the status of log delivery. |
ModifyStrategyGroup | Modifies a policy group. |
ModifyStrategyGroupCheckRuleStatus | Modifies the status of policy group check rules. |
ModifyStrategyGroupRule | Modifies a rule in a policy group. |
ModifyThreatEventState | Modifies the status of a threat event. |
ModifyTrFirewallV2Configuration | Modifies the configuration of a VPC firewall that is created for a transit router. |
ModifyTrFirewallV2RoutePolicyScope | Modifies the effective scope of the routing policy created for the VPC firewall for a transit router. |
ModifyUserAlarmConfig | Modifies the alert configuration. |
ModifyUserIPSWhitelist | Modifies the whitelist of the IPS. |
ModifyUserSlsLogStorageTime | Modifies the log retention period. |
ModifyVpcFirewallControlPolicy | Modifies the configuration of an access control policy that is created for a VPC firewall in a specified policy group. |
ModifyVpcFirewallControlPolicyPosition | Modifies the priority of an access control policy that is created for a VPC firewall in a specific policy group. |
OpenBuyProbation | Activates the free trial of Cloud Firewall. |
OpenBuyProbationByUid | Activates the free trial of Cloud Firewall. |
PutDisableAllFwSwitch | Turns off all firewall switches. |
PutDisableFwSwitch | Turns off a firewall switch. |
PutEnableAllFwSwitch | Turns on all firewall switches. |
PutEnableFwSwitch | Turns on a firewall switch. |
PutuserDisablePatch | Disables the virtual patching feature. |
PutuserEnablePatch | Enables the virtual patching feature. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
ReleaseExpiredInstance | Releases an expired instance. |
ReleasePostInstance | Releases a pay-as-you-go instance. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
ResetDnsRuleHitCount | Resets the number of times that the DNS firewall rules are hit. |
ResetRuleHitCount | Resets the number of times that rules are hit. |
ResetVpcFirewallRuleHitCount | Clears the count on hits of an access control policy that is created for a VPC firewall in a specified policy group. |
SetAutoProtectNewAssets | Enables the feature that automatically enables firewalls for new assets. |
StartCalculate | Starts calculation. |
StartCaptureSample | Starts a packet capture task. |
SwitchDnsFirewall | Enables or disables a DNS firewall. |
SwitchSecurityProxy | Enables or disables a NAT firewall. |
UpdateDnsFirewall | Modifies a DNS firewall. |
UpdateSecurityProxy | Modifies a secure forward proxy. |
UpgradeClassicSlbProtectMode | Upgrades the mode of a firewall that protects SLB instances from bypass to parallel. |
UseAclBackupData | Applies a backup ACL. |
CreateVpcFirewallCenConfigure | None. |
CreateVpcFirewallConfigure | None. |
DeleteVpcFirewallCenConfigure | None. |
DeleteVpcFirewallConfigure | None. |
DescribeInvadeEventList | None. |
DescribeOutgoingDestinationIP | None. |
DescribeOutgoingDomain | None. |
DescribeVpcFirewallCenDetail | None. |
DescribeVpcFirewallCenList | None. |
DescribeVpcFirewallDefaultIPSConfig | None. |
DescribeVpcFirewallDetail | None. |
DescribeVpcFirewallList | None. |
ModifyControlPolicyPriority | None. |
ModifyVpcFirewallCenConfigure | None. |
ModifyVpcFirewallCenSwitchStatus | None. |
ModifyVpcFirewallConfigure | None. |
ModifyVpcFirewallDefaultIPSConfig | None. |
ModifyVpcFirewallSwitchStatus | None. |