Classic Load Balancer (CLB) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage CLB resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of CLB that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name | Description |
AddAccessControlListEntry | Adds IP entries to an access control list (ACL). |
AddBackendServers | Adds backend servers. |
AddListenerWhiteListItem | Adds IP addresses to the whitelist of a listener. |
AddTags | Adds tags to a specified CLB instance. |
AddVServerGroupBackendServers | Adds backend servers to a vServer group. |
AssociateLoadBalancerWithCen | Associates a CLB instance with a Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) instance. |
Create | Purchases CLB on the buy page. |
CreateAccessControlList | Creates an ACL. |
CreateDomainExtension | Adds an additional domain name. |
CreateLoadBalancer | Creates a CLB instance. |
CreateLoadBalancerForCloudService | Creates a CLB instance. |
CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener | Creates an HTTP listener. |
CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener | Creates an HTTPS listener. |
CreateLoadBalancerPro | Creates a CLB instance. |
CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener | Creates a TCP listener. |
CreateLoadBalancerTCPSListener | Creates a TCP listener. |
CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener | Creates a UDP listener. |
CreateMasterSlaveServerGroup | Creates a primary/secondary server group. |
CreateMasterSlaveVServerGroup | Creates a primary/secondary server group. |
CreateProtectedDomain | Adds a domain name. |
CreateRules | Creates forwarding rules for a specified HTTP or HTTPS listener. |
CreateRulesEx | Creates forwarding rules. |
CreateTLSCipherPolicy | Creates a Transport Layer Security (TLS) policy. |
CreateVServerGroup | Creates a vServer group and adds backend servers to the vServer group. |
DeleteAccessControlList | Deletes an ACL. |
DeleteCACertificate | Deletes a certificate authority (CA) certificate. |
DeleteDomainExtension | Deletes an additional domain name. |
DeleteLoadBalancer | Deletes a pay-as-you-go CLB instance. |
DeleteLoadBalancerListener | Deletes a listener. |
DeleteMasterSlaveServerGroup | Deletes a primary/secondary server group. |
DeleteMasterSlaveVServerGroup | Deletes a primary/secondary vServer group. |
DeleteProtectedDomain | Deletes a protected domain name. |
DeleteRules | Deletes forwarding rules. |
DeleteRulesEx | Deletes forwarding rules. |
DeleteServerCertificate | Deletes a server certificate. |
DeleteTLSCipherPolicy | Deletes a TLS policy. |
DeleteVServerGroup | Deletes a server group. |
DescribeAccessControlListAttribute | Queries the configuration of an ACL. |
DescribeAccessControlLists | Queries created ACLs. |
DescribeBackendServers | Queries the health status of backend servers. |
DescribeCACertificates | Queries CA certificates. |
DescribeDomainExtensionAttribute | Queries the attributes of an additional domain name. |
DescribeDomainExtensions | Queries additional domain names. |
DescribeHealthCheckDiagnoseResult | Queries the diagnosis result of a backend server. |
DescribeHealthStatus | Queries the health status of a backend server. |
DescribeHealthStatusEx | Queries the health status of a backend server. |
DescribeHighDefinationMonitor | Queries the fine-grained monitoring data of a CLB instance. |
DescribeIdleInstancesForGlobal | Queries the information about the backend servers that are associated with a CLB instance. |
DescribeListenerAccessControlAttribute | Queries the whitelist configurations of a listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute | Queries the detail of a CLB instance. |
DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute | Queries the configurations of an HTTP listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute | Queries the configurations of an HTTPS listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerListeners | Queries CLB listeners. |
DescribeLoadBalancerListenersEx | Queries CLB listeners. |
DescribeLoadBalancers | Queries created CLB instances. |
DescribeLoadBalancerSummaryForGlobal | Queries created CLB instances. |
DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute | Queries the configurations of a TCP listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerTCPSListenerAttribute | Queries the configurations of a TCP listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute | Queries the configurations of a UDP listener. |
DescribeMasterSlaveServerGroupAttribute | Queries the details of a primary/secondary server group. |
DescribeMasterSlaveServerGroups | Queries primary/secondary server groups. |
DescribeMasterSlaveVServerGroupAttribute | Queries the details of a primary/secondary vServer group. |
DescribeMasterSlaveVServerGroups | Queries primary/secondary vServer groups. |
DescribeRegions | Queries available regions. |
DescribeRuleAttribute | Queries the details of a forwarding rule. |
DescribeRuleAttributeEx | Queries the forwarding rules that are configured for a listener. |
DescribeRules | Queries the forwarding rules that are configured for a listener. |
DescribeRulesEx | Queries the forwarding rules that are configured for a listener. |
DescribeServerCertificates | Queries the server certificates in a region. |
DescribeSlbQuotas | Queries the resource quotas of a CLB instance. |
DescribeTags | Queries tags. |
DescribeTLSCipherPolicies | Queries TLS policies. |
DescribeVServerGroupAttribute | Queries the details of a vServer group. |
DescribeVServerGroups | Queries vServer groups. |
DescribeZones | Queries the zones in a region. |
DetectHealthCheckStatus | Queries the health check status of a CLB instance. |
DiagnoseCertificates | Diagnoses a certificate. |
DiagnoseCommonStatus | Enables the intelligent diagnosis feature. |
DiagnoseHealthCheckStatus | Enables the intelligent O&M feature. |
DisableHighDefinationMonitor | Disables fine-grained monitorin for a CLB instance. |
DisableMonitorLog | Disables the log monitoring feature. |
EnableHighDefinationMonitor | Enables fine-grained monitoring for a CLB instance. |
EnableMonitorLog | Enables the log monitoring feature. |
InnerSlbReleaseInstance | Releases a CLB instance. |
ListMonitorLogs | Queries monitoring logs. |
ListTagResources | Queries the tags that are added to CLB instances. |
ListTLSCipherPolicies | Queries TLS policies. |
Modify | Modifies the specifications on the buy page. |
ModifyHighDefinationMonitor | Modifies the fine-grained monitoring granularity of a CLB instance. |
ModifyLoadBalancerInstanceChargeType | Changes the billing method of a CLB instance. |
ModifyLoadBalancerInstanceSpec | Modifies the specifications of a CLB instance. |
ModifyLoadBalancerInternetSpec | Changes the billing method of an Internet-facing CLB instance. |
ModifyLoadBalancerPayType | Changes the billing method of a pay-as-you-go CLB instance to subscription. |
ModifyLoadBalancerVPCAddress | Modifies the virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoint of a CLB instance. |
ModifyProtectedDomainSpec | Modifies the specifications of a protected domain name. |
ModifyVServerGroupBackendServers | Replaces the backend servers in a vServer group. |
MoveResourceGroup | Modifies a resource group. |
Release | Releases a resource such as an instance. |
RemainRefund | Requests to unsubscribe from resources. |
RemoveAccessControlListEntry | Removes IP entries from an ACL. |
RemoveBackendServers | Removes backend servers. |
RemoveBackendServersAsyn | Removes backend servers from a server group. |
RemoveListenerWhiteListItem | Removes IP addresses or CIDR blocks from the whitelist of a listener. |
RemoveTags | Removes tags from a specified CLB instance. |
RemoveVServerGroupBackendServers | One or more backend servers are removed from a vServer group. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
ServiceManagedControl | Deletes the service-linked role. |
SetAccessControlListAttribute | Changes the name of an ACL. |
SetBackendServers | Sets the weights of backend servers. |
SetBackendServersAsyn | Sets the weights of backend servers. |
SetCACertificateName | Configures the name of a CA certificate. |
SetDomainExtensionAttribute | Modifies the certificate of an additional domain name. |
SetListenerAccessControlStatus | Enables or disables the whitelist of a listener. |
SetLoadBalancerAutoReleaseTime | Sets the release time of a CLB instance. |
SetLoadBalancerDeleteProtection | Enables or disables deletion protection for a CLB instance. |
SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of an HTTP listener. |
SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of an HTTPS listener. |
SetLoadBalancerListenerAttributeEx | Modifies the configurations of a listener. |
SetLoadBalancerModificationProtection | Enables or disables modification protection for a CLB instance. |
SetLoadBalancerName | Changes the name of a CLB instance. |
SetLoadBalancerStatus | Sets the status of a CLB instance. |
SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a TCP listener. |
SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttributePro | Modifies the configurations of a TCP listener. |
SetLoadBalancerTCPSListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a TCP listener. |
SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a UDP listener. |
SetRule | Modifies a forwarding rule of a vServer group. |
SetRuleAttributeEx | Modifies a forwarding rule of a vServer group. |
SetServerCertificateName | Configures a name for a server certificate. |
SetTLSCipherPolicyAttribute | Configures a TLS policy. |
SetVServerGroupAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a vServer group. |
StartLoadBalancerListener | Enables a listener. |
StopLoadBalancerListener | Disables a listener. |
SwitchMasterSlaveServerGroup | Changes a primary/secondary server group. |
TagResources | Creates and adds tags to resources. |
UnAssociateLoadBalancerWithCen | Disassociates a CLB instance from an CEN instance. |
UntagResources | Removes tags from resources. |
UploadCACertificate | Uploads a CA certificate. |
UploadServerCertificate | Uploads a server certificate. |