Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage ARMS resources ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of ARMS that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions of some events will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
AddAliClusterIdsToPrometheusGlobalView | Adds the IDs of Prometheus clusters to a global aggregation instance based on IDs of Prometheus instances. |
AddArmsUser | Adds an ARMS user. |
AddASMIntegration | Integrates Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) into Prometheus Service in ARMS. |
AddGrafana | Adds a Grafana dashboard of Prometheus Service to ARMS. |
AddIntegration | Adds a Grafana dashboard and data collection rules of Prometheus Service to ARMS. |
AddPrometheusGlobalView | Creates a global aggregation instance based on the complete configurations. The data sources are not limited to Alibaba Cloud Prometheus clusters. |
AddPrometheusGlobalViewByAliClusterIds | Creates a global aggregation instance based on the IDs of Prometheus clusters. |
AddPrometheusInstance | Creates a Prometheus instance for Remote Write. |
AddRecordingRule | Creates a recording rule. |
AlarmInsightsFeedback | Provides feedback on an alert. |
AppendInstancesToPrometheusGlobalView | Adds Prometheus instances to a global aggregation instance. |
ApplyAlertRuleTemplate | Applies an alert rule template. |
ApplyScenario | Creates or modifies a business monitoring job. |
ARMSQueryDataSet | Queries data in a drill-down data set. |
BatchVerifyLink | Sends verification codes in batches. |
CheckServiceLinkedRoleForDeleting | Checks the service-linked role that you want to delete. |
CheckServiceStatus | Checks the service status. |
CMonitorAlertEvent | Monitors alerts. |
CMonitorCloudInstances | Monitors the instances in a cluster on the cloud. |
CMonitorRegister | Registers a monitoring account. |
ConfigApp | Turns on or turns off the main switch of the ARMS agent. |
Create | Purchases ARMS on the buy page. |
CreateAlertContact | Creates an alert contact. |
CreateAlertContactGroup | Creates an alert contact group. |
CreateAlertRuleTemplate | Creates or modifies an alert rule template. |
CreateAlertRuleTemplateBatch | Creates multiple alert rule templates at a time. |
CreateAlertTemplate | Creates an alert rule template. |
CreateApp | Creates an application. |
CreateContactSchedule | Creates a scheduling policy. |
CreateDispatchRule | Creates a dispatch policy. |
CreateEscalation | Creates an escalation policy. |
CreateIntegration | Creates an alert integration. |
CreateOrUpdateAlertRule | Creates or modifies an alert rule. |
CreateOrUpdateContact | Creates or modifies an alert contact. |
CreateOrUpdateContactGroup | Creates or modifies an alert contact group. |
CreateOrUpdateEventBridgeIntegration | Creates or modifies an EventBridge integration. |
CreateOrUpdateIMRobot | Creates or modifies an instant messaging (IM) robot. |
CreateOrUpdateNotificationPolicy | Creates or modifies a notification policy. |
CreateOrUpdateSilencePolicy | Creates or modifies a silence policy. |
CreateOrUpdateWebhookContact | Creates or modifies a webhook alert contact. |
CreatePrometheusAlertRule | Creates an alert rule. |
CreateRetcodeApp | Creates a browser monitoring job. |
CreateSyntheticTask | Creates a synthetic monitoring job. |
CreateWebhook | Creates a webhook alert contact. |
DeleteAlertContact | Deletes an alert contact. |
DeleteAlertContactGroup | Deletes an alert contact group. |
DeleteAlertRule | Deletes an alert rule. |
DeleteAlertRules | Deletes one or more alert rules. |
DeleteAlertRuleTemplate | Deletes an alert rule template. |
DeleteAlertTemplate | Deletes an alert rule template. |
DeleteCmsExporter | Uninstalls the CloudMonitor agent. |
DeleteContact | Deletes an alert contact. |
DeleteContactGroup | Deletes an alert contact group. |
DeleteContactGroupInContact | Deletes an alert contact group. |
DeleteContactSchedule | Deletes a scheduling policy. |
DeleteDispatchRule | Deletes a dispatch policy that uses a specified ID. |
DeleteEscalation | Deletes an escalation policy. |
DeleteEventBridgeIntegration | Deletes an EventBridge integration. |
DeleteGrafanaResource | Deletes a Grafana dashboard of Prometheus Service. |
DeleteIMRobot | Deletes an IM robot. |
DeleteIntegration | Deletes a Grafana dashboard and data collection rules of Prometheus Service. |
DeleteNotificationPolicy | Deletes a notification policy. |
DeletePromAlertRules | Deletes multiple alert rules of Prometheus Service at a time. |
DeletePrometheusAlertRule | Deletes an alert rule of Prometheus Service. |
DeletePrometheusGlobalView | Deletes instances from a global aggregation instance. |
DeleteRetcodeApp | Deletes a browser monitoring job. |
DeleteScenario | Deletes a business monitoring job. |
DeleteSilencePolicy | Deletes a silence policy. |
DeleteTraceApp | Deletes an application based on a specified ID and a specified type. |
DeleteWebhookContact | Deletes a webhook alert contact. |
DescribeContactGroups | Queries alert contact groups. |
DescribeContacts | Queries alert contacts. |
DescribeDispatchRule | Queries the information about a dispatch policy. |
DescribeIMRobots | Queries IM robots. |
DescribePrometheusAlertRule | Queries the details of an alert rule of Prometheus Service. |
DescribeTraceLicenseKey | Queries the license key. |
DescribeTraceLocation | Queries the information about a trace. |
DescribeWebhookContacts | Queries webhook alert contacts. |
ExportPrometheusRules | Exports the alert rules of Prometheus Service. |
GetAgentDownloadUrl | Queries the download URL of the ARMS agent. |
GetAgentInfo | Queries the information about the ARMS agent. |
GetAgentInfoByPage | Queries the information about the ARMS agent by page. |
GetAlarmAnalyzeResult | Queries the alert analysis results. |
GetAlertRules | Queries the created alert rules. |
GetAlertsByTemplate | Queries alert rules by template. |
GetAppApiByPage | Queries the API operations for application monitoring by page. |
GetAppList | Queries the applications that belong to a specified user in a specified region. |
GetArmsConsoleUrl | Queries the URL of the ARMS console. |
GetArmsInfo | Queries the information about ARMS. |
GetAuthToken | Queries a remote read/write authentication token. |
GetClusterAllUrl | Queries the read/write URLs of instances in a Prometheus cluster. |
GetClusterInfo | Queries the information about a cluster. |
GetClusterInfoForArms | Queries the information about a cluster. |
GetClusterState | Queries the status of a cluster. |
GetCommercialStatus | Queries the commercial status of browser monitoring. |
GetContactScheduleDetail | Queries the details of a scheduling policy. |
GetDasEvents | Queries DAS events. |
GetDatas | Queries the data of a specified metric. |
GetEscalationDetail | Queries the details of an escalation policy. |
GetEscalationDispatch | Queries a dispatched escalation policy. |
GetEstimateFeeInfo | Queries the fee information. |
GetExploreUrl | Enables the Explore feature of Grafana. |
GetInnerCallChain | Queries the information about a trace. |
GetIntegrationState | Queries the integration status of a Grafana dashboard and data collection rules of Prometheus Service. |
GetIntegrationToken | Queries the token that is required to integrate Prometheus Service into ARMS. |
GetIpOrHosts | Queries IP addresses or hosts. |
GetManagedPrometheusStatus | Queries the installation status of an agent for a Prometheus instance for Serverless Kubernetes (ASK). |
GetMultipleTrace | Queries the details of multiple traces. |
GetPrometheusApiToken | Queries the token that is required to integrate Prometheus Service into ARMS. |
GetPrometheusGlobalView | Queries the details of a global aggregation instance. |
GetPrometheusRemoteActionToken | Queries a remote token for Prometheus Service in ARMS. |
GetPromUrl | Queries the endpoint of Prometheus Service in ARMS. |
GetRecordingRule | Queries a recording rule. |
GetRetcodeCommercialStatus | Queries the commercial status of browser monitoring. |
GetRetcodeDatas | Queries the data of browser monitoring. |
GetRetcodeShareUrl | Queries the sharing URL of an application that is monitored by the browser monitoring feature. |
GetServices | Queries services. |
GetSourceMapInfo | Queries the information about a SourceMap file that is uploaded for browser monitoring. |
GetStack | Queries the information about a method stack. |
GetSyntheticTaskList | Queries synthetic monitoring jobs. |
GetSyntheticTaskMonitors | Queries the monitoring points of synthetic monitoring jobs. |
GetTagKey | Queries the tag keys in the reported trace data. |
GetTrace | Queries the details of a trace. |
GetTraceApp | Queries the details of an application monitoring job. |
GetUserAlertLabelKeys | Queries the tag keys of alerts. |
GetUserAlertLabelValues | Queries the value of a tag key of an alert. |
GetUserList | Queries users. |
ImportAppAlertRules | Creates application alert rules. |
ImportCustomAlertRules | Imports custom alert rules. |
InnerAddAlertContactReturId | Adds the information about an alert contact. |
InstallCmsExporter | Installs the CloudMonitor agent. |
InstallManagedPrometheus | Installs an agent for a Prometheus instance for ASK. |
ListActivatedAlerts | Queries the alerts that are triggered. |
ListAlertEvents | Queries historical alert events. |
ListAlerts | Queries alerts. |
ListClusterFromGrafana | Queries all Grafana dashboards in a specified region. |
ListCmsInstances | Queries the installation information about the CloudMonitor agent. |
ListContactSchedule | Queries scheduling policies. |
ListDashboards | Queries the Grafana dashboards of a cluster. |
ListDashboardsByName | Creates a dashboard by using multiple data sources. |
ListDispatchRule | Queries dispatch policies. |
ListEscalation | Queries escalation policies. |
ListEscalationPolicies | Queries escalation policies. |
ListEventBridgeIntegrations | Queries EventBridge integrations. |
ListInsightsEvents | Queries anomalous events. |
ListIntegration | Queries alert integrations. |
ListNotificationPolicies | Queries notification policies. |
ListOnCallSchedules | Queries scheduling policies. |
ListPrometheusAlertRules | Queries the alert rules of Prometheus Service. |
ListPrometheusAlertTemplates | Queries the alert rule templates of Prometheus Service. |
ListPrometheusGlobalView | Queries global aggregation instances within the current account. |
ListPrometheusInstances | Queries Prometheus instances. |
ListRetcodeApps | Queries all browser monitoring jobs in a specified region. |
ListScenario | Queries the details of a business monitoring job. |
ListSilencePolicies | Queries silence policies. |
ListTraceApps | Queries all application monitoring jobs in a specified region. |
ManageGetRecordingRule | Queries the recording rules of a cluster as an administrator. |
ManageRecordingRule | Modifies the recording rules as an administrator. |
MetricQuery | Queries the metrics of browser monitoring. |
OpenArmsDefaultSLR | Assigns the service-linked role AliyunServiceRoleForARMS to ARMS. |
OpenArmsService | Activates ARMS. |
OpenArmsServiceSecondVersion | Activates ARMS. |
OpenService | Activates ARMS. |
OpenVCluster | Activates a virtual cluster. |
QueryDataset | Queries the data in a drill-down data set. |
QueryMetric | Queries the metrics of application monitoring. |
QueryMetricByPage | Queries the metrics of browser monitoring by page. |
QueryPromInstallStatus | Queries the status of a Prometheus cluster in ARMS. |
QueryReleaseMetric | Queries the monitoring details. |
RegisterCloudProduct | Registers a cloud service. |
RemoveAliClusterIdsFromPrometheusGlobalView | Removes the IDs of Prometheus clusters from a global aggregation instance based on the IDs of Prometheus instances. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
ReportAgentDaemonStatus | Reports the status of an agent on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. |
ReportJavaAttachStatus | Queries the status of Java application monitoring. |
SaveTraceAppConfig | Configures custom application monitoring. |
SearchAlertContact | Queries an alert contact. |
SearchAlertContactGroup | Queries an alert contact group. |
SearchAlertHistories | Queries the alert records for an alert rule. |
SearchAlertRules | Queries alert rules. |
SearchEvents | Queries alert event records. |
SearchRetcodeAppByPage | Queries the information about a browser monitoring job by page. |
SearchTagNames | Queries all tags of a user. |
SearchTagValues | Queries the values of all tags. |
SearchTraceAppByName | Queries application monitoring jobs by application name. |
SearchTraceAppByPage | Queries application monitoring jobs by page. |
SearchTraces | Queries traces. |
SearchTracesByPage | Queries traces by page. |
SendTTSVerifyLink | Sends a verification code to the mobile number of an alert contact. |
SetRetcodeShareStatus | Turns on or turns off the logon-free sharing switch for an application that is monitored by the browser monitoring feature. |
StartAlert | Enables an alert rule. |
StartPromAlertRules | Enables an alert rule. |
StopAlert | Disables an alert rule. |
StopPromAlertRules | Disables an alert rule. |
SubmitAlarmAnalyzeInfo | Submits the context of an alert. |
TurnOnSecondSwitch | Turns on the switch of a time interval for statistics collection within seconds. |
UninstallManagedPrometheus | Uninstalls an agent for a Prometheus instance for ASK. |
UninstallPromCluster | Removes a Prometheus cluster from ARMS. |
UpdateAlertContact | Modifies an alert contact. |
UpdateAlertContactGroup | Modifies an alert contact group. |
UpdateAlertRule | Modifies an alert rule. |
UpdateContactSchedule | Modifies a scheduling policy. |
UpdateDispatchRule | Modifies a dispatch policy. |
UpdateEscalation | Modifies an escalation policy. |
UpdateIntegration | Modifies an alert integration. |
UpdatePrometheusAlertRule | Modifies an alert rule. |
UpdateWebhook | Modifies a webhook alert contact. |
Upload | Uploads a SourceMap file. |
VerifyLink | Sends a verification code. |
WhereInDimQuery | Queries a data set. |
DeleteASMIntegration | None. |
DelResourcesByAccountId | None. |
GetASMIntegrationState | None. |
GetJaegerServiceOperations | None. |
GetJaegerServices | None. |
GetJaegerTrace | None. |
GetJaegerTraces | None. |
GetSlsProjectInfo | None. |
GetSpanNames | None. |
GetUserCommercialStatus | None. |
ImportPrometheusRules | None. |
InnerCheckAndCreateArmsUser | None. |
InnerCreateAlertContact | None. |
InnerCreateAlertWebhook | None. |
InnerCreateContactGroup | None. |
InnerCreateDispatch | None. |
InnerCreateEscalationReturnId | None. |
InnerCreateIMRobot | None. |
InnerCreateScheduleReturnId | None. |
InnerDeleteAlertContact | None. |
InnerDeleteContactGroup | None. |
InnerDeleteIMRobot | None. |
InnerDispatchContacts | None. |
InnerDispatchDetail | None. |
InnerDispatchList | None. |
InnerFetchContact | None. |
InnerFetchContactByArmsContactId | None. |
InnerFetchContactGroupByArmsContactGroupId | None. |
InnerFindContactId | None. |
InnerGetUserTTSReissue | None. |
InnerSendNocMessage | None. |
InnerSendNocTargetMessage | None. |
InnerUpdateAlertContact | None. |
InnerUpdateAlertWebhook | None. |
InnerUpdateContactGroup | None. |
InnerUpdateIMRobot | None. |
InnerVerifyContact | None. |
ListAlertContact | None. |
ListAlertContactGroup | None. |
ListAlertTemplates | None. |
ListAllAlertContact | None. |
ListAllIMRobot | None. |
ListContactGroupInContact | None. |
ListIMRobot | None. |
ListServerlessTopNApps | None. |
ListTagResources | None. |
Modify | None. |
PreviewContactSchedule | None. |
SendCustomIncidents | None. |
SendMseIncident | None. |
SyncArmsContact | None. |
SyncCMContact | None. |
TagResources | None. |
TestWebhook | None. |
UntagResources | None. |