ApsaraVideo VOD is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage ApsaraVideo VOD resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of ApsaraVideo VOD that you can query in the ActionTrail console.
Event name |
Description |
AddAITemplate |
Creates an AI template. |
AddAppLicense |
Adds an application license. |
AddCategory |
Creates a video category. |
AddCustomTemplateAndGroup |
Creates a custom template and a template group. |
AddCustomTemplateAndGroupConsole |
Creates a custom template and a template group. |
AddEditingProject |
Creates an online editing project. |
AddEditingProjectMaterials |
Adds materials to an online editing project. |
AddLiveStreamVideo |
Adds a live video file. |
AddStorage |
Adds a storage path. |
AddTranscodeTemplateGroup |
Creates a transcoding template group. |
AddVodDomain |
Adds an accelerated domain name to ApsaraVideo VOD. |
AddVodTemplate |
Creates a snapshot template. |
AddWatermark |
Adds a watermark. |
AddWorkflow |
Creates a workflow. |
AssignProductAccountId |
Assigns the ID of an ApsaraVideo VOD account to a user. |
AttachAppPolicyToIdentity |
Authorizes a specified RAM user or RAM role to access the applications of ApsaraVideo VOD. |
AuthorizeAppLicense |
Grants a license to an application. |
BatchSetVodDomainConfigs |
Configures multiple accelerated domain names at a time. |
BatchStartVodDomain |
Enables multiple accelerated domain names at a time. |
BatchStopVodDomain |
Disables multiple accelerated domain names at a time. |
CancelMediaExportJobs |
Cancels the tasks that export media assets. |
CancelUrlUploadJobs |
Cancels URL-based upload tasks. |
CompleteOrderParam |
Completes the parameter settings that are required for an order. |
ControlVodAppService |
Enables or disables multiple applications. |
Create |
Purchases ApsaraVideo VOD on the buy page. |
CreateAppInfo |
Creates an application. |
CreateAudit |
Performs manual review |
CreateDetectionTemplate |
Creates a copyright prosecution template. |
CreateDNADB |
Creates a media fingerprinting database. |
CreateKMSServiceKey |
Creates a Key Management Service (KMS) key. |
CreateUploadAttachedMedia |
Queries a URL and a credential that are used to upload an auxiliary media asset. |
CreateUploadImage |
Queries a URL and a credential that are used to upload an image. |
CreateUploadVideo |
Queries a URL and a credential that are used to upload a video file. |
CreateVodRealTimeLogDelivery |
Creates a real-time log delivery task. |
CreateVodUserUsageDetailDataExportTask |
Creates a task that exports detailed resource usage. |
DecryptKMSDataKey |
Decrypts the ciphertext that is encrypted by using a KMS key. |
DeleteAIImageInfos |
Deletes an image that is submitted for AI-based image processing. |
DeleteAITemplate |
Deletes an AI template. |
DeleteAppInfo |
Deletes an application. |
DeleteAttachedMedia |
Deletes an auxiliary media asset. |
DeleteCategory |
Deletes a video category. |
DeleteDetectionTemplate |
Deletes a copyright prosecution template. |
DeleteDRMCertInfo |
Deletes a Digital Rights Management (DRM) certificate. |
DeleteDynamicImage |
Deletes an animated image. |
DeleteEditingProject |
Deletes an online editing project. |
DeleteEditingProjectMaterials |
Removes materials from an online editing project. |
DeleteImage |
Deletes uploaded images and automatic snapshots of videos. |
DeleteMediaExportJobs |
Deletes the tasks that export media assets. |
DeleteMessageCallback |
Deletes the callback method, callback URL, and event type of an event notification. |
DeleteMezzanines |
Deletes multiple mezzanine files at a time. |
DeleteMultipartUpload |
Deletes the fragments that are generated during an upload. |
DeleteStorage |
Removes a storage path. |
DeleteStream |
Deletes one or more media streams. |
DeleteTranscodeTemplateGroup |
Deletes a transcoding template group. |
DeleteVideo |
Deletes one or more videos at a time, including their mezzanine files, transcoded stream files, and thumbnail snapshots. |
DeleteVodDomain |
Removes an accelerated domain name that is added to ApsaraVideo VOD. |
DeleteVodRealtimeLogDelivery |
Deletes a real-time log delivery task. |
DeleteVodRealTimeLogLogstore |
Deletes the Logstore to which real-time logs are delivered. |
DeleteVodSpecificConfig |
Deletes the configuration of an accelerated domain name. |
DeleteVodTemplate |
Deletes a snapshot template. |
DeleteWatermark |
Removes a watermark. |
DeleteWorkflow |
Deletes a workflow. |
DescribeCdnDomainLogs |
Queries the logs of a domain name. |
DescribeDomainBpsData |
Queries the bandwidth monitoring data of a domain name. |
DescribeDomainFlowData |
Queries traffic data. |
DescribePlayTopVideos |
Queries daily playback statistics on top videos, including the video views, unique visitors, and total playback duration. |
DescribePlayUserAvg |
Queries the statistics on average playback each day in a specified time range. |
DescribePlayUserTotal |
Queries the statistics on total playback each day in a specified time range. |
DescribePlayVideoStatis |
Queries daily playback statistics on a specified video in a specified time range. |
DescribeRefreshTasks |
Queries the details of refresh and prefetch tasks. |
DescribeUserVodStatus |
Queries the status of ApsaraVideo VOD. |
DescribeVodAIData |
Queries the statistics on different features of the video AI module, such as automated review and media fingerprinting. |
DescribeVodCertificateList |
Queries certificates. |
DescribeVodDomainBpsData |
Queries the bandwidth monitoring data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainCertificateInfo |
Queries the certificate information about an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainCname |
Queries the CNAME of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainConfigs |
Queries the configuration of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainDetail |
Queries the basic information about a specified accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainHitRateData |
Queries the hit ratio data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainHttpCodeData |
Queries the HTTP status code data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainISPData |
Queries the Internet service provider (ISP) data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainLog |
Queries the information about the raw access logs for a specified domain name, including the log path. |
DescribeVodDomainPvData |
Queries the page view (PV) data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainQpsData |
Queries the query per second (QPS) data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeBpsData |
Queries the real-time bandwidth data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeByteHitRateData |
Queries the real-time byte hit ratio data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeHttpCodeData |
Queries the real-time HTTP status code data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealtimeLogDelivery |
Queries the information about real-time log delivery for an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeQpsData |
Queries the real-time QPS data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeReqHitRateData |
Queries the real-time request hit ratio data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeSrcBpsData |
Queries the real-time source bandwidth data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeSrcTrafficData |
Queries the real-time source traffic data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeTrafficData |
Queries the real-time traffic data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainRegionData |
Queries the region data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainSrcBpsData |
Queries the source bandwidth data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainSrcTrafficData |
Queries the source traffic data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainsUsageByDay |
Queries the usage of an accelerated domain name by day. |
DescribeVodDomainTopReferVisit |
Queries the Referer information for an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainTopUrlVisit |
Queries the URL information for an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainTrafficData |
Queries the network traffic monitoring data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainUsageData |
Queries the traffic or bandwidth usage data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodDomainUvData |
Queries the unique visitor (UV) data of an accelerated domain name. |
DescribeVodMultiUsageData |
Queries the usage data that is calculated based on different calculation methods. |
DescribeVodRealtimeLogAuthorized |
Queries whether you are authorized to deliver real-time logs. |
DescribeVodRefreshQuota |
Queries the maximum number and remaining number of requests to refresh or prefetch files on the current day. |
DescribeVodRefreshTasks |
Queries refresh or prefetch tasks. |
DescribeVodService |
Queries the information about ApsaraVideo VOD. |
DescribeVodStatis |
Queries the overview information about a domain name. |
DescribeVodStorageData |
Queries the usage of storage-related resources. The resources include the storage volume and outbound traffic. |
DescribeVodTagResources |
Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
DescribeVodTopDomainsByFlow |
Queries top-level domains (TLDs). |
DescribeVodTranscodeData |
Queries the statistics on transcoding. |
DescribeVodUserBillPrediction |
Queries the estimated resource usage of the current month. |
DescribeVodUserDomains |
Queries the accelerated domain names within your Alibaba Cloud account. |
DescribeVodUserResourcePackage |
Queries resource plans. |
DescribeVodUserTags |
Queries user tags. |
DescribeVodUserUsageDetailDataExportTask |
Queries the task that exports detailed resource usage. |
DescribeVodVerifyContent |
Queries the ownership verification content. |
DetachAppPolicyFromIdentity |
Revokes application permissions from a specified RAM user or RAM role. |
DisableVodRealtimeLogDelivery |
Disables real-time log delivery. |
DisplayAIAuditSwitch |
Displays the AI-based review switch. |
EnableVodRealtimeLogDelivery |
Enables real-time log delivery. |
FaceRegistration |
Performs face registration. |
FinishLiveStreamRecord |
Completes real-time stream recording. |
GenerateDownloadSecretKey |
Creates and downloads a key. |
GenerateKMSDataKey |
Creates a KMS data key. |
GetAICaptionExtractionJobs |
Queries AI-based title extraction jobs. |
GetAIImageJobs |
Queries AI-based image processing jobs. |
GetAIMediaAuditJob |
Queries the information about an automated review job. |
GetAIService |
Queries the AI service. |
GetAITemplate |
Queries the details of an AI template. |
GetAIVideoTagResult |
Queries the results of a smart tagging job. |
GetAppInfos |
Queries the information about one or more applications by application ID. |
GetAppLicense |
Queries the details of an application license. |
GetAppLicenseList |
Queries application licenses. |
GetAttachedMediaInfo |
Queries the basic information about an auxiliary media asset. |
GetAuditHistory |
Queries manual review records. |
GetAuditResult |
Queries the results of a review. |
GetBatchPlayInfo |
Queries playback information. |
GetCategories |
Queries the information about specified categories. |
GetCheckChannel |
Queries a check channel. |
GetCustomerConfig |
Queries customer configurations. |
GetDefaultAITemplate |
Queries the default AI template. |
GetDetectionJob |
Queries the information about a copyright prosecution task. |
GetDetectionResult |
Queries the results of a copyright prosecution task. |
GetDetectionTemplate |
Queries a copyright prosecution template. |
Queries the information about a media fingerprinting database. |
GetDomainList |
Queries domain names. |
GetDRMCertInfo |
Queries the information about a DRM certificate. |
GetDRMLicense |
Queries the information about a DRM license. |
GetEditingProject |
Queries the details of an online editing project. |
GetEditingProjectMaterials |
Queries the materials of an online editing project. |
GetImageInfo |
Queries the basic information about an image based on the image ID. |
GetImageInfos |
Queries the basic information about multiple images and the URLs of the images at a time. |
GetMediaAuditAudioResultDetail |
Queries the details of audio review results. |
GetMediaAuditResult |
Queries the summary information about automated review results. |
GetMediaAuditResultDetail |
Queries the details of automated review results. |
GetMediaAuditResultTimeline |
Queries the timelines of all snapshots that violate content regulations. |
GetMediaDNAResult |
Queries the results of a media fingerprinting job. |
GetMediaInfo |
Queries media information. |
GetMediaRefreshJobs |
Queries the information about media asset refresh or prefetch jobs. |
GetMediaStream |
Queries a media stream. |
GetMessageCallback |
Queries the callback method, callback URL, and event type of an event notification. |
GetMessageCallbackEventList |
Queries message callback events. |
GetMezzanineInfo |
Queries the information about the mezzanine file of an audio or video. |
GetOSSStatis |
Queries the statistics on OSS. |
GetPersonalStorageList |
Queries individual storage paths. |
GetPlayInfo |
Queries the playback URL of a video or audio file based on the media asset ID. |
GetServiceStatus |
Queries the status of ApsaraVideo VOD. |
GetStorageInfo |
Queries a storage configuration. |
GetStorageList |
Queries storage configurations. |
GetStorageRegionList |
Queries storage regions. |
GetTemplateGroup |
Queries a template group. |
GetTemplateGroupConsole |
Queries a template group. |
GetTotalStatis |
Queries resource usage statistics. |
GetTranscodeSummary |
Queries the transcoding summaries of media assets by media asset ID. |
GetTranscodeTask |
Queries the details of a transcoding job based on the job ID. |
GetTranscodeTemplateGroup |
Queries the details of a transcoding template group based on the template group ID. |
GetUploadDetails |
Queries the upload details of one or more media assets by media asset ID. |
GetURLUploadInfos |
Queries the information about URL-based upload jobs. |
GetVideoConfig |
Queries video configurations. |
GetVideoInfo |
Queries basic information about a video based on the video ID. |
GetVideoInfos |
Queries the information about multiple videos at a time. |
GetVideoList |
Queries the information about videos. |
GetVideoPlayAuth |
Queries the credential that is required for video playback. |
GetVideoPlayInfo |
Queries the information about video playback. |
GetVodServiceRegion |
Queries the regions in which ApsaraVideo VOD is available. |
GetVodTemplate |
Queries a snapshot template. |
GetWatermark |
Queries a watermark. |
GetWorkflow |
Queries a workflow. |
ListAIImageInfo |
Queries the AI-based image processing results about the images of a specified video. |
ListAIJob |
Queries an AI job. |
ListAIStatisType |
Queries AI-based statistical types. |
ListAITemplate |
Queries AI templates. |
ListAppInfo |
Queries the applications that you are authorized to manage based on query conditions. |
ListAppPoliciesForIdentity |
Queries the application policies that are attached to a specified RAM user or RAM role. |
ListAppPolicy |
Queries application policies. |
ListAuditSecurityIp |
Queries the IP addresses in a review security group. |
ListDetectionJob |
Queries copyright prosecution tasks. |
ListDetectionTemplate |
Queries copyright prosecution templates. |
Queries media fingerprinting databases. |
ListDRMCertInfo |
Queries DRM certificates. |
ListDynamicImage |
Queries the information about animated images of a video based on the video ID. |
ListLiveRecordVideo |
Queries live-to-VOD videos. |
ListMediaDNADeleteJob |
Queries the task that deletes video fingerprints. |
ListMediaDNALibs |
Queries media fingerprinting libraries. |
ListMediaExportJobs |
Queries the tasks that export media assets. |
ListMediaInfos |
Queries media assets. |
ListSnapshots |
Queries the snapshots that are captured from a specified media. |
ListTemplateGroup |
Queries template groups. |
ListTranscodeTask |
Queries historical transcoding tasks by media asset ID. |
ListTranscodeTemplateGroup |
Queries transcoding template groups. |
ListVodRealtimeLogDelivery |
Queries real-time log delivery tasks. |
ListVodRealtimeLogDeliveryDomains |
Queries all domain names that have real-time log delivery enabled. |
ListVodRealtimeLogDeliveryInfos |
Queries the information about all real-time log delivery tasks. |
ListVodTagResources |
Queries the tags that are added to resources. |
ListVodTemplate |
Queries snapshot templates. |
ListWatermark |
Queries watermarks. |
ListWorkflow |
Queries workflows. |
ModifyVodDomainSchdmByProperty |
Changes the acceleration region. |
MoveAppResource |
Migrates one or more media assets from one application to another application. |
NotifyInitResource |
Notifies resource initialization. |
OpenService |
Activates ApsaraVideo VOD. |
OpenVodService |
Activates ApsaraVideo VOD. |
PayOrderCallback |
Calls back an order. |
PreloadVodObjectCaches |
Prefetches resources from an origin server to L2 nodes. |
ProduceEditingProjectVideo |
Produces a video from one or more mezzanine files. |
PushObjectCache |
Prefetches resources from an origin server to L2 nodes. |
QueryUploadInfo |
Queries upload information. |
RefreshMediaPlayUrls |
Refreshes video playback URLs. |
RefreshObjectCaches |
Refreshes files on L2 nodes. |
RefreshUploadVideo |
Queries a new upload credential after the video file upload times out. |
RefreshVodObjectCaches |
Refreshes files on L2 nodes. |
RegistDRMCertInfo |
Registers a DRM certificate. |
RegisterMedia |
Registers a media asset. |
SearchEditingProject |
Queries an online editing project. |
SearchMedia |
Queries media information. |
SearchVideo |
Queries a video. |
SetAIService |
Configures the AI service. |
SetAuditSecurityIp |
Configures the IP addresses in a review security group. |
SetCheckChannel |
Configures a check channel. |
SetCrossdomainContent |
Modifies the cross-domain policy file crossdomain.xml. |
SetCustomerConfig |
Configures custom settings. |
SetDefaultAITemplate |
Specifies an AI template as the default template. |
SetDefaultPlayDomain |
Specifies a domain name as the default domain name for video playback. |
SetDefaultTranscodeTemplateGroup |
Specifies a transcoding template as the default template. |
SetDefaultUploadStorage |
Specifies an upload path as the default upload path. |
SetDefaultWatermark |
Specifies a watermark as the default watermark. |
SetEditingProjectMaterials |
Configures the materials to be edited for an online editing project. |
SetL2OssKeyConfig |
Configures a key for accessing OSS. |
SetMessageCallback |
Configures the callback method, callback URL, and event type of an event notification. |
SetStorageACL |
Configures an access control list (ACL) for storage. |
SetVodDomainCertificate |
Enables or disables the certificate for an accelerated domain name and modifies the certificate information. |
SPICheckResourceAction |
Checks resources. |
StartVodDomain |
Enables an accelerated domain name. |
StopVodDomain |
Disables an accelerated domain name. |
SubmitAIASRJob |
Submits a video category job. |
SubmitAICaptionExtractionJob |
Submits an AI-based title extraction job. |
SubmitAIImageAuditJob |
Submits an automated review job for an image. |
SubmitAIImageJob |
Submits an AI-based image processing job. |
SubmitAIJob |
Submits a smart tagging job. |
SubmitAIMediaAuditJob |
Submits an automated review job. |
SubmitAIVideoCoverJob |
Submits a smart thumbnail and pornography detection job. |
SubmitDetectionJob |
Submits a copyright prosecution task. |
SubmitDynamicImageJob |
Submits a frame animation task. |
SubmitLiveEditing |
Submits a live editing task. |
SubmitMediaDNADeleteJob |
Submits a task that deletes video fingerprints. |
SubmitMediaExportJob |
Submits a task that exports media assets. |
SubmitPreprocessJobs |
Submits pre-transcoding jobs by using the production studio. |
SubmitPreprocessJobsConsole |
Submits pre-transcoding jobs. |
SubmitSnapshotJob |
Submits a snapshot job for a video. |
SubmitTranscodeJobs |
Submits a transcoding job. |
SubmitWorkflowJob |
Creates a video-on-demand (VOD) workflow. |
SyncUserProdAccountAndBucket |
Synchronizes the mapping information about original ApsaraVideo VOD accounts and subscribes to OSS buckets. |
TagVodResources |
Adds tags to resources. |
UnTagVodResources |
Removes tags from resources. |
UpdateAITemplate |
Modifies an AI template. |
UpdateAppInfo |
Updates the information about an application. |
UpdateAppLicense |
Modifies an application license. |
UpdateAttachedMediaInfos |
Modifies the information about multiple auxiliary media assets at a time. |
UpdateCategory |
Modifies a video category. |
UpdateCustomTemplateAndGroup |
Modifies a custom template and a template group. |
UpdateDetectionJob |
Modifies a copyright prosecution task. |
UpdateDetectionTemplate |
Modifies a copyright prosecution template. |
UpdateEditingProject |
Modifies an online editing project. |
UpdateImageInfos |
Modifies the information about multiple images at a time. |
UpdateMediaLifecycleRule |
Modifies the lifecycle rules of media assets. |
UpdateStreamInfo |
Modifies the stream definition and High Dynamic Range (HDR) information about a video. |
UpdateTranscodeTemplateGroup |
Modifies a transcoding template group. |
UpdateVideoInfo |
Modifies the information about a video. |
UpdateVideoInfos |
Modifies the information about multiple videos at a time. |
UpdateVodDomain |
Modifies an accelerated domain name. |
UpdateVodTemplate |
Modifies a snapshot template. |
UpdateWatermark |
Modifies a watermark. |
UpdateWorkflow |
Modifies a workflow. |
UploadMediaByURL |
Uploads a media file to ApsaraVideo VOD based on the URL of the mezzanine file. |
UploadStreamByURL |
Uploads a transcoded stream by using a URL. |
VerifyVodDomainOwner |
Verifies the ownership of an accelerated domain name. |