Application High Availability Service is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage Application High Availability Service resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of Application High Availability Service that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
AgentVersionUpgradeTips | Displays a tip when the agent is upgraded. |
BindSentinelBlockFallbackDefinition | Binds the API of an application to Application High Availability Service. |
Create | Purchases resources on the buy page. |
CreateLicenseKey | Creates a license. |
CreateSentinelFlowRulesForMseGateway | Creates a throttling rule for a cloud-native gateway. |
GetChaosToolsOverviewList | Queries drill tools. |
GetLicenseKeyByUserId | Queries user licenses. |
GetNamespaceListByUserId | Queries namespaces based on UIDs. |
GetScopeByAppConfigurationId | Queries application devices. |
GetSelfVerifyProcess | Queries the self-certification process. |
GetStableScore | Queries the steady-state monitoring data of a drill task. |
InitExperimentByAppCode | Initializes a drill based on the scenario code. |
InitMiniFlowByQuickScene | Generates a workflow based on the quick drill scenario and specifies specific default parameters. |
InstallChaosTools | Installs a drill tool. |
ListExperimentTasksByApplicationInVision | Queries application drills. |
ListExperimentTasksByApplicationScopeInVision | Queries node drills. |
OpenService | Activates Application High Availability Service. |
QueryAllAlarmRules | Queries all alert rules. |
QueryMiniAppTask | Queries the details of a node drill task. |
QueryMiniAppTaskLog | Queries the log details of a node drill task. |
QueryOptionalArguments | Queries the parameters that can be quickly specified in a scenario. |
QueryQuickSceneByCategory | Returns quick drill scenarios by page based on a quick drill type. |
QueryQuickSceneCategories | Queries the types of quick drill scenarios. |
QuerySceneFunctionParametersGrade | Queries applet parameters by level. |
QuerySceneFunctionSelect | Selects a drill tool. |
Renew | Renews a resource such as an instance or a resource plan. |
SearchApplicationInVision | Queries a visual application. |
SearchScopesByApplicationInVision | Queries the nodes that are associated with applications in a visual drill. |
SentinelAppListByUserId | Queries the applications of a specified user. |
SentinelAppMachineListByUserId | Queries application nodes. |
SentinelCheckSubUserAuth | Verifies the permissions of a RAM user. |
SentinelGetResourceFallback | Queries the binding behavior of an API. |
SentinelWebFlowRuleDelete | Deletes a web throttling rule. |
SentinelWebFlowRuleEdit | Modifies a web throttling rule. |
SentinelWebFlowRuleListByPage | Queries web throttling rules. |
SentinelWebFlowRuleNew | Creates a web throttling rule. |
SentinelWebFlowRuleOffBatch | Disables multiple web throttling rules at a time. |
SentinelWebFlowRuleOnBatch | Enables multiple web throttling rules at a time. |
StartQuickExperiment | Creates and executes a drill task. |
StopExperimentsByApplication | Stops drill tasks by application. |
TestBlockFallbackDefinitionBehavior | Tests custom behavior. |
UninstallChaosTools | Uninstalls drill tools. |
UpdateExperimentHost | Updates the node on the details page. |
UserExperimentByDayOverviewInfo | Queries the distribution of user drill tasks. |
UserExperimentOverviewInfo | Queries user drill statistics. |
UserExpertiseOverview | Queries user drill experience. |
CheckExperimentRunnable | None. |
CreateDegradeRule | None. |
CreateFlowRule | None. |
CreateHotParamRule | None. |
DeleteDegradeRule | None. |
DeleteFlowRule | None. |
DescribeRegions | None. |
DisableDegradeRule | None. |
DisableFlowRule | None. |
EnableFlowRule | None. |
GetLicenseKey | None. |
GetMetricsOfApp | None. |
GetMetricsOfResource | None. |
GetSentinelAppSumMetric | None. |
GetUserApplications | None. |
GetUserWorkspace | None. |
ListActiveApps | None. |
ListDegradeRulesOfApp | None. |
ListDegradeRulesOfResource | None. |
ListExperimentMetas | None. |
ListFlowRulesOfApp | None. |
ListFlowRulesOfResource | None. |
ListHotParamRulesOfApp | None. |
ListIsolationRulesOfApp | None. |
ListIsolationRulesOfResource | None. |
ListSystemRules | None. |
ModifyDegradeRule | None. |
ModifyFlowRule | None. |
ModifyHotParamRule | None. |
PageableQueryExperimentTaskByClusterId | None. |
PageableQueryExperimentTaskByExperimentId | None. |
PageableQueryUserExperiment | None. |
UpdateExperimentBasicInfo | None. |