Advanced Database & Application Migration (ADAM) is integrated with ActionTrail. In the ActionTrail console, you can query the management events that are generated when you manage ADAM resources. ActionTrail can deliver management events to Logstores in Log Service or Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. This way, you can audit the events in real time and locate the causes of issues.
ActionTrail generates management events when you manage cloud resources by using APIs or the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. The following table describes the management events of ADAM that you can query in the ActionTrail console. The missing descriptions will be provided in the future.
Event name | Description |
AddCodeProject | Creates a project. |
AddCutoverProject | Creates an iteration. |
AddProject | Creates a project. |
AddSQLProject | Creates an SQL project. |
AppendAppPortrait | Appends an application profile. |
CancelShareTask | Cancels a sharing task. |
CodeProjectInfo | Queries project information. |
CreateAppPortrait | Creates an application profile. |
CreateCustomReport | Creates a custom report. |
CreateDatabaseArchive | Creates a database tag. |
CreateRunTimeStatusQuery | Queries the status of a project that is running. |
CreateStudioDTSProject | Creates a Data Transmission Service (DTS) instance during the cutover process. |
CreateSummaryReport | Creates a summary report. |
CreateTask | Creates a task. |
DeleteAppPortrait | Deletes an application profile. |
DeleteAssProject | Deletes a project. |
DeleteCodeProject | Deletes a data development project. |
DeleteProject | Deletes a project. |
DeleteTask | Deletes a task. |
DownloadReport | Downloads a report. |
GetAbstact | Queries summary information. |
GetAdviceDBType | Queries a recommended database type. |
GetAppBlueprint | Queries the binding relationship between an application and an employee ID. |
GetAppBlueprintTree | Queries the binding relationships between applications and employee IDs. |
GetAppCapacity | Queries the size of an application. |
GetAppDependency | Queries dependency rules of an application. |
GetAppDetail | Queries the details of an application. |
GetAppJarDependency | Queries an application proxy. |
GetAppPerformance | Queries application performance data. |
GetAppPortrait | Queries information about an application profile. |
GetAppStaticInfo | Queries application creation information. |
GetAssAppCompatible | Queries application accessibility. |
GetAssAppCompatibleDetail | Queries the details of application accessibility. |
GetAssAppDetail | Queries the details of an application. |
GetAssAppRevisionDetail | Queries the access control details of an application. |
GetAssAppRevisionInfo | Queries the access control details of an application. |
GetAssBlueprint | Queries the details of a stack component. |
GetAssGroupAbstract | Queries group data. |
GetAssProjectDetail | Queries workspace information. |
GetCompatibleAdvice | Queries optional service configurations. |
GetConvertedFile | Queries a converted file. |
GetConvertedSql | Queries an SQL script. |
GetConvertObjects | Queries a list of objects to be converted. |
GetCutoverProjectInfo | Queries the details of a cutover project. |
GetDBTransformPoint | Queries a mapping point for database conversion. |
GetFeatureObjects | Queries information about a specific project. |
GetInstanceDBInfo | Queries the database information about the DTS instance to be configured. |
GetIsetObjectList | Queries a list of objects. |
GetIsletCrossObjectList | Queries a list of associated Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets. |
GetIsletObjectDetail | Queries the details of an object. |
GetObjectPortrait | Queries an object profile. |
GetObjectRuleDetail | Queries the details of an object rule. |
GetObjectRuleIdList | Queries a list of object rule IDs. |
GetObjectRuleIdMessage | Queries the ID of an object rule. |
GetOracleFeatures | Queries features of Oracle databases. |
GetProjectCompatibleDetail | Queries the compatibility details of a project. |
GetProjectDependency | Queries project dependencies. |
GetProjectDetail | Queries workspace information. |
GetProjectListByFinish | Queries a list of projects. |
GetProjects | Queries workspace information. |
GetRadarTag | Queries a tag. |
GetReports | Queries reports. |
GetRiskSqls | Queries risky SQL statements. |
GetRiskSQLType | Queries a type of risky SQL statements. |
GetRoleType | Queries a role type. |
GetRunTimeStateResult | Queries the status result of a project that is running. |
GetSchemaDatabaseInvalidObjectDetails | Queries the details of an invalid object of a database. |
GetSchemaDatabaseObject | Queries an object of a schema or a database. |
GetSchemaDatabaseObjectSpace | Queries an object space of a schema or a database. |
GetSchemaDatabaseObjectSql | Queries an object SQL of a schema or a database. |
GetSchemaDatabaseObjectSqlDetail | Queries the details of an object SQL of a schema or a database. |
GetSchemaDatabaseObjectTable | Queries an object table of a schema or a database. |
GetSchemaList | Queries a list of schemas. |
GetSchemaStatistic | Queries the statistics on a schema. |
GetSchemaVolume | Queries the size of a schema. |
GetSequenceMigrationList | Queries the new data in source databases, which is synchronized to destination databases. |
GetSessionResultList | Queries session query results at a time. |
GetSolution | Queries a solution. |
GetSQLRuleDetail | Queries the details of an SQL rule. |
GetSqlTaskId | Queries the ID of an SQL task. |
GetStackBySqlId | Queries stacks by using SQL-like statements. |
GetStructureChangeInfo | Queries the details of the task to bring the database schema offline or online in the cutover process. |
GetStructureOfflineStatistics | Queries the statistics on the execution results when the database schema is brought offline in the cutover process. |
GetStructureOnlineStatistics | Queries the statistics on the execution results when the database schema is brought online in the cutover process. |
ListStuctureOfflineDetail | Queries the details of the execution object when the database schema is brought offline in the cutover process. |
ListSummaryReports | Queries summary reports. |
ReportCutoverStatus | Reports the status of the cutover process. |
StartSequenceDataMigration | Initiates a request to synchronize new data in source databases during the cutover process. |
StartStructureOffline | Starts bringing the database schema offline during the cutover process. |
StartStructureOnline | Starts bringing the database schema online during the cutover process. |
StopStructureOffline | Stops bringing the database schema offline during the cutover process. |
StopStructureOnline | Stops bringing the database schema online during the cutover process. |
UpdateCutoverDatabase | Modifies the cutover database. |
AddSqlMappingProject | None. |
AddStudioProject | None. |
ConfigStudioSMSDiffUserRule | None. |
ConvertObject | None. |
CreateAppAssProject | None. |
CreateStudioSMSCustomize | None. |
DeleteCollectProject | None. |
DeleteDBProfile | None. |
DeleteStudioProject | None. |
EditStudioObjectStatus | None. |
EditStudioSMSObject | None. |
GetAppDBInfo | None. |
GetAppStatistics | None. |
GetBlockInfo | None. |
GetBlockSQLStatistic | None. |
GetDBLinks | None. |
GetDBPortrait | None. |
GetEncodes | None. |
GetObjectDetail | None. |
GetPerformanceGraph | None. |
GetPrecheckList | None. |
GetProjectParamConfig | None. |
GetProjectSummary | None. |
GetSchemaDatabaseInvalidObjects | None. |
GetSqlModules | None. |
GetStatistics | None. |
GetStudioCorrectDDLLogStatus | None. |
GetStudioDBTestConnectionStatus | None. |
GetStudioMigrationLogs | None. |
GetStudioNonTableStatistics | None. |
GetStudioObject | None. |
GetStudioPMSCombineList | None. |
GetStudioPMSStatistics | None. |
GetStudioProjectInfo | None. |
GetStudioSMSCombineList | None. |
GetStudioSMSCustomizeDetail | None. |
GetStudioSMSCustomizeProgress | None. |
GetStudioSMSDiffUserRuleConfig | None. |
GetStudioSMSIODRStatistics | None. |
GetStudioSMSIsDiffUserRuleConfig | None. |
GetStudioSMSObjectTypes | None. |
GetStudioSMSRuleConfig | None. |
GetStudioSMSRuleStatistics | None. |
GetStudioSMSSchemas | None. |
GetStudioSMSTriggerRuleConfig | None. |
GetStudioStatistics | None. |
GetStudioStatisticsCorrectTypeDount | None. |
GetStudioStructureMigrationStatus | None. |
GetStudioTableStatistics | None. |
GetSystemMetricGraph | None. |
GetTableVolumeList | None. |
GetTagList | None. |
GetTaskCompatible | None. |
GetTaskCount | None. |
GetTaskDashboard | None. |
GetTaskDependentObjects | None. |
GetTaskDependentSchemas | None. |
GetTaskDetail | None. |
GetTaskOuterObjectsCount | None. |
GetTasksByName | None. |
GetTaskSchemas | None. |
GetTaskSQLCompatible | None. |
GetTaskSQLCompatibleDetail | None. |
GetTopology | None. |
GetTransformSql | None. |
ListAllProjects | None. |
ListAppAssProjects | None. |
ListAppInfosByAssId | None. |
ListAppInterfaces | None. |
ListAppPortraits | None. |
ListAppsWithProjects | None. |
ListAssCompatible | None. |
ListAssTaskInfos | None. |
ListBlocks | None. |
ListCodeProjects | None. |
ListCollectProjects | None. |
ListCustomProjects | None. |
ListCutoverProject | None. |
ListDBProfiles | None. |
ListDBProjects | None. |
ListFinishedTOPOPortraits | None. |
ListOlapObjects | None. |
ListSqlMappingProjects | None. |
ListSQLProjects | None. |
ListStudioDTSProjects | None. |
ListStudioDTSTable | None. |
ListStudioProjects | None. |
ListStudioSMSCustomize | None. |
ListStudioSMSRule | None. |
ListTableRows | None. |
ListTaskAppIds | None. |
ListTasks | None. |
ListWarnMessages | None. |
ResetStudioSMSObject | None. |
SaveAndStartStudioSMSRuleService | None. |
SearchObjectPortrait | None. |
ShareProject | None. |
ShareTask | None. |
StartCollectProcess | None. |
StartStudioSMSCustomize | None. |
StartStudioSourceCompare | None. |
StartStudioStructureMigration | None. |
StopStudioSMSRuleService | None. |
StopStudioStructureMigration | None. |
SubmitVolumeList | None. |
TaskPrecheck | None. |
TestSTSAuthorized | None. |
TestStudioDBConnection | None. |