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Container Service for Kubernetes:Enable Simple Log Service for a registered cluster

Last Updated:Oct 18, 2024

You can enable Simple Log Service for registered clusters. This way, you can centrally manage registered clusters that are deployed across regions. This topic describes how to enable Simple Log Service for a registered cluster.


Step 1: Grant RAM permissions to logtail-ds

Use onectl

  1. Install onectl on your on-premises machine. For more information, see Use onectl to manage registered clusters.

  2. Run the following command to grant Resource Access Management (RAM) permissions to logtail-ds:

    onectl ram-user grant --addon logtail-ds

    Expected output:

    Ram policy ack-one-registered-cluster-policy-logtail-ds granted to ram user ack-one-user-ce313528c3 successfully.

Use the console

Before you install a component in the registered cluster, you must set the AccessKey pair to grant the registered cluster the permissions to access Alibaba Cloud resources. Before you set the AccessKey pair, you must create a RAM user and grant the RAM user the permissions to access Alibaba Cloud resources.

  1. Create a RAM user. For more information, see Create a RAM user.

  2. Create a custom policy and add the following content to the policy. For more information, see Create custom policies.

    Show sample code

        "Version": "1",
        "Statement": [
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow"
  3. Attach the policy to the RAM user. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM user.

  4. Create an AccessKey pair for the RAM user. For more information, see Obtain an AccessKey pair.

  5. Use the AccessKey pair to create a Secret named alibaba-addon-secret in the registered cluster.

    Run the following command to create the Secret. The Logtail component uses the Secret.

    kubectl -n kube-system create secret generic alibaba-addon-secret --from-literal='access-key-id=<your AccessKey ID>' --from-literal='access-key-secret=<your AccessKey Secret>'

    Replace <your AccessKey ID> and <your AccessKey Secret> with the AccessKey pair that you obtained in the preceding step.

Step 2: Install logtail-ds

Use onectl

Run the following command to install logtail-ds:

onectl addon install logtail-ds

Expected output:

Addon logtail-ds, version **** installed.

Use the console

  1. Log on to the ACK console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.

  2. On the Clusters page, click the name of the cluster that you want to manage and choose Operations > Add-ons in the left-side navigation pane.

  3. On the Add-ons page, click the Logs and Monitoring tab, find the logtail-ds component, and then click Install.

  4. In the Note dialog box, click OK.

(Optional) Step 3: Configure log output collection for all pods

Text logs

To collect the text logs of all pods, you need to use kubectl to connect to the registered cluster and deploy the following AliyunLogConfig.

kind: AliyunLogConfig
  name: test-file                  # The name of the resource. The name must be unique in the current Kubernetes cluster.
  project: k8s-log-c326bc86****    # Optional. The custom project name. We recommend that you name the project in the format of <k8s-log-custer ID>.
  logstore: test-file              # Required. The name of the Logstore. If no Logstore exists, Simple Log Service automatically creates a Logstore.
  logtailConfig:                   # The Logtail configuration.
    inputType: file                # The type of the data source. Valid values: file and plugin. The value file specifies text logs. The value plugin specifies stdout.
    configName: test-file          # The name of the Logtail configuration. The name must be the same as the resource name that is specified in
    inputDetail:                   # The details of the Logtail configuration.
      logType: common_reg_log      # Collect text logs in simple mode.
      logPath: /log/               # The path of the log file.
      filePattern: "*.log"         # The name of the log file. The name can contain asterisks (*) and question marks (?). Example: log_*.log.
      dockerFile: true             # Specify whether to collect logs from docker containers.
      advanced:                    # Specify conditions to filter containers.
          K8sNamespaceRegex: ^(default)$
          K8sPodRegex: '^(nginx-log-demo.*)$'
          K8sContainerRegex: ^(nginx-log-demo-0)$
            job-name: "^(nginx-log-demo.*)$"

For information about more parameters, see Logtail configurations.


To collect the standard output (stdout) of all pods, you need to use kubectl to connect to the registered cluster and deploy the following AliyunLogConfig. After the AliyunLogConfig is deployed, a Logstore named stdout-logstore is automatically created.

kind: AliyunLogConfig
  # your config name, must be unique in you k8s cluster.
  name: stdout-collector
  # logstore name to upload log.
  logstore: stdout-logstore
  # logtail config detail
    # docker stdout's input type is 'plugin'.
    inputType: plugin
    # logtail config name, should be same with [].
    configName: stdout-collector
            type: service_docker_stdout
              # collect stdout and stderr
              Stdout: true
              Stderr: true
              # collect all container's stdout except containers with "COLLECT_STDOUT_FLAG:false" in docker env config.

Step 4: Configure Simple Log Service