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Container Service for Kubernetes:Use an ApplicationSet to create multiple applications

Last Updated:Apr 29, 2024

An ApplicationSet allows you to create and deploy one or more applications to multiple clusters by using one orchestration template. This topic describes how to use an ApplicationSet to create multiple applications.


  • You are logged on to the GitOps system. For more information, see Log on to the GitOps system.

  • kubectl is installed and the kubeconfig file used to log on to the ACK One Fleet instance that you want to use is obtained. The default path of the kubeconfig file is ~/.kube/config.


In this example, an echo-server application is deployed to Cluster Production and Cluster Staging. The following content shows the structure of the manifests directory in the Git repository used to deploy the echo-server application:

├── Dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
└── manifests
    └── directory
        ├── production
        │ ├── deployment.yaml
        │ └── service.yaml
        └── staging
            ├── deployment.yaml
            └── service.yaml

The echo-server application in Cluster Production is different from the echo-server application in Cluster Staging in terms of the application version and how the application is exposed. Therefore, the subdirectories production and staging are created to separate the orchestration templates for the echo-server application in Cluster Production and the orchestration templates for the echo-server application in Cluster Production.


  1. Create a file named applicationset.yaml based on the following content:

    The ApplicationSet is used to create two applications named production-echo-server and staging-echo-server. The production-echo-server application is deployed based on the manifest file in the subdirectory manifests/directory/production. The staging-echo-server application is deployed based on the manifest file in the subdirectory manifests/directory/staging.

    kind: ApplicationSet
      name: echo-server
      - list:
          - cluster: production
            url: https://47.91.XX.XX:6443
          - cluster: staging
            url: https://47.111.XX.XX:6443
          name: '{{cluster}}-echo-server'
          project: default
            targetRevision: main
            path: manifests/directory/{{cluster}}
            server: '{{url}}'
            namespace: multi-echo-server
  2. Run the following command to deploy the ApplicationSet:

    kubectl -n argocd apply -f applicationset.yaml
  3. Run the following command to query the applications that are created:

    kubectl -n argocd get application

    Expected output:

    NAME                     SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
    production-echo-server   OutOfSync     Missing
    staging-echo-server      OutOfSync     Missing
  4. Run the following command to synchronize the applications to the clusters:

    argocd app sync production-echo-server staging-echo-server
  5. Test access to the echo-server application.

    • Run the following command to access the echo-server application in Cluster Production:

      curl XX.XX.XX.XX:8080/version     #Replace XX.XX.XX.XX with the IP address of the echo-server application.

      Expected output:

      "Hello Echo Server v1.0"
    • Run the following command to access the echo-server application in Cluster Staging:

      curl XX.XX.XX.XX:8080/version     #Replace XX.XX.XX.XX with the IP address of the echo-server application.

      Expected output:

      "Hello Echo Server v2.0"


For more information about how to use ApplicationSets, see ApplicationSet.