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Container Service for Kubernetes:Use eRDMA in ACK clusters

Last Updated:Aug 08, 2024

Elastic Remote Direct Memory Access (eRDMA) is an RDMA network service provided by Alibaba Cloud. eRDMA features low latency, high throughput, and high elasticity. eRDMA is developed based on the fourth-generation SHENLONG architecture and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). eRDMA is fully compatible with the RDMA ecosystem and provides an ultra-large, inclusive network for Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. This topic describes how to configure and use eRDMA in Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters.


Step 1: Create a node pool

To enable eRDMA for nodes, you must use a separate node pool.

  1. Log on to the ACK console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.

  2. On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you want to manage and click its name. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Nodes > Node Pools.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the Node Pools page, click Create Node Pool.

    The following table describes the key parameters. For more information about other parameters, see Create a node pool.



    Operating System

    Select Alibaba Cloud Linux 3.x.

    Expected Nodes

    Set the value to 0. You can add nodes after the node pool is created.

    CPU Policy (recommended)

    Click Show Advanced Options and select Static.

Step 2: Add eRDMA-enhanced ECS instances

Configure eRDMA-enhanced ECS instances

The quota of network cards supported by an ECS instance varies based on the ECS instance type. Therefore, the ECS instance type affects the eRDMA quota, bandwidth, and configuration procedure.

You can refer to Overview of instance families to view the network card quotas of different instance types. Most instance types support only one network card. Perform the following steps to configure an eRDMA-enhanced ECS instance.

Instance types that support only one network card

  1. Create an ECS instance.

    1. Log on to the ECS console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Overview.

    2. On the Overview tab, click Create Instance.

      The following table describes the key parameters. For more information about other parameters, see Quick start.



      Network and Zone

      Select the VPC of the ACK cluster.


      Select an instance type that supports eRDMA. For more information, see Instance families.


      Select eRDMA Interface.

Instance types that support multiple network cards

  1. Create an ECS instance.

    1. Log on to the ECS console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Overview.

    2. On the Overview tab, click Create Instance.

      The following table describes the key parameters. For more information about other parameters, see Quick start.



      Network and Zone

      Select the VPC of the ACK cluster.


      Select an instance type that supports eRDMA and multiple network cards. For more information, see Instance families.

  2. Create and bind multiple eRDMA ENIs to the ECS instance.

    1. Create a number of elastic network interfaces (ENIs) that equals the number of network cards supported by the ECS instance. Select Elastic RDMA Interface when you create the ENIs. For more information, see Create a secondary ENI.

    2. Bind the eRDMA ENIs to each eRDMA-enhanced ECS instance. For more information, see Bind a secondary ENI.

  3. If your ACK cluster uses Terway, configure a Terway ENI filter in case Terway modifies the eRDMA ENIs. For more information, see Configure an ENI filter.

Add the eRDMA-enhanced ECS instance to the node pool

  1. Add the ECS instance to the node pool.

    1. Log on to the ACK console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.

    2. On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you want to manage and click its name. In the left-side pane, choose Nodes > Node Pools.

    3. On the Node Pools page, click More in the Actions column of the node pool and click Add Existing Node.

    4. On the Select Existing ECS Instance wizard page, manually add an ECS instance. For more information, see Add existing ECS instances to an ACK cluster.

  2. Install the latest eRDMA driver on each ECS instance.

Step 3: Run an application

  1. Modify the Dockerfile to install the eRDMA repository and rebuild the container image so that the application created from the container image can use eRDMA. To do this, run the following commands:

    # Debian or Ubuntu: Make sure that the OS name and version in sources.list are the same as those you use. 
    wget -qO - | apt-key add - && echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ]{OS|ubuntu} {Version|focal}/erdma main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/erdma.list && apt update && apt install -y libibverbs1 ibverbs-providers ibverbs-utils librdmacm1
    # Alibaba Cloud Linux or rhel: Find the yum.repos.d directory and create a file named erdma.repo. 
    cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/erdma.repo <<EOF
    name = ERDMA Repository
    baseurl =
    gpgcheck = 0
    enabled = 1
    yum install -y ethtool groff-base hwdata libnl3 pciutils
    sudo yum install libibverbs rdma-core librdmacm libibverbs-utils -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo="erdma"
  2. Set the mode in which the application pods run.

    Configure pod parameters for the application.

  3. Use the following YAML template to deploy a TensorFlow application:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: netperf
      name: netperf
      replicas: 2
          app: netperf
            app: netperf
          hostNetwork: true
          - command:
            - bash
            - -c
            - sleep 360000
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            name: netperf
                cpu: "10"
                cpu: "10"
              privileged: true
  4. Run the application to test eRDMA.

    1. Run the following command and record the IP addresses of the pods:

      kubectl get pod -o wide

      Expected output:记录IP

    2. Create two processes named PS and Worker. Specify the pod IP addresses in the following commands.

      PS:PSWorker:WorkerThe following output is returned. You can verify the computing performance of the TensorFlow application.

      # Worker
      CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= python benchmarks/scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks/ \
        --worker_hosts=172.18.XX.XX:9200 \
        --job_name=worker \
        --task_index=0 \
        --server_protocol=grpc+verbs \
        --variable_update=parameter_server \
        --local_parameter_device=cpu \
        --model=resnet50 \
        --device=cpu \
        --batch_size=16 \
      # PS
      CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= python benchmarks/scripts/tf_cnn_benchmarks/ \
        --worker_hosts=172.18.XX.XX:9200 \
        --job_name=ps \
        --local_parameter_device=cpu \
        --task_index=0 \
        --device=cpu \
        --data_format=NHWC \