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Container Service for Kubernetes:Colocate ECS instances and elastic container instances in Knative

Last Updated:Jul 02, 2024

When you use Knative to deploy an application, you can configure Knative to deploy pods on existing Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances during off-peak hours and automatically create elastic container instances to handle traffic spikes. To do this, you can create a ResourcePolicy to specify the priorities of ECS instances and elastic container instances for scale-out activities. When scale-in activities are performed, ECS instances or elastic container instances are released based on the priorities specified by the ResourcePolicy in reverse order. In this case, elastic container instances are preferably released.


  • Priority-based resource scheduling is mutually exclusive with the pod deletion cost feature. For more information about the pod deletion cost feature, see Pod deletion cost.

  • You cannot use priority-based resource scheduling and Elastic Container Instance-based scheduling at the same time. For more information about Elastic Container Instance-based scheduling, see Use Elastic Container Instance-based scheduling.

  • This feature uses the BestEffort policy and does not ensure that pods are removed from nodes based on the priorities of the nodes in ascending order when the system scales in pods for an application.

  • The max parameter is available only when your cluster runs Kubernetes 1.22 or later and the version of the scheduler installed in your cluster is 5.0 or later.

  • If you use this feature together with elastic node pools, invalid nodes may be added to the elastic node pools. Make sure that the elastic node pools are included in units. Do not specify the max parameter for the units.

  • If you use a scheduler version earlier than 5.0 or the Kubernetes version of your cluster is 1.20 or earlier, pods that already exist before the ResourcePolicy is created are prioritized during a scale-in activity.

  • If you use a scheduler version earlier than 6.1 or the Kubernetes version of your cluster is 1.20 or earlier, do not modify the ResourcePolicy before all pods selected by the ResourcePolicy are deleted.


Create a ResourcePolicy to specify the priorities of different elastic resources. In this example, ECS instances have a higher priority than elastic container instances. When ECS instances are insufficient or the number of pods deployed on ECS instances reaches the upper limit, elastic container instances are created to host pods. When the application is scaled in, elastic container instances are preferably released.

  1. Create a Knative Service.

    The following sample code is used as an example:

    kind: Service
      name: helloworld-go
          - image:
            - name: TARGET
              value: "Knative"
  2. Create a ResourcePolicy and specify the max and nodeSelector parameters for each node resource. The max parameter specifies the maximum number of pods that can be deployed on the current elastic resource.

    The following sample code is used as an example. The following sample describes how ECS instances are prioritized for pod scheduling. When the number of pods deployed on ECS instances reaches the upper limit specified by max or ECS instances are insufficient, elastic container instances are automatically created to host pods.

    kind: ResourcePolicy
      name: xxx
      namespace: xxx
      selector: helloworld-go # Specify the name of the Knative Service.
      strategy: prefer
      - resource: ecs
        max: 10
          key2: value2
      - resource: ecs
          key3: value3
      - resource: eci


For more information about how to specify the priorities of elastic resources, see Configure priority-based resource scheduling.