Dedicated Kubernetes clusters use etcd v3.3.8 by default, which functions as a backend store that supports up to 2 GB. A cluster can no longer write data to etcd if the data stored in etcd reaches 2 GB. This topic describes how to upgrade etcd to v3.4.3. This increases the capacity of etcd for dedicated Kubernetes clusters.
The etcd version is earlier than 3.4.3.
You want to store more than 2 GB of data in etcd. The upgrade is not mandatory if you do not require it.
Background information
The publicly available version of etcd 3.4.3 provides up to 100 GB of storage.
Use SSH to log on to the master nodes where etcd is installed and verify that the current etcd version is 3.3.8.
Run the following shell script to download etcd-v3.4.3 binary and start the new version:
NotePerform the upgrade on each node. Wait until the upgraded node is in the Ready state before you move on to the next one.
etcd is highly available. You can still access etcd during the upgrade.
#! /usr/bin/env bash etcdbin= etcdctlbin= function download(){ wget -O etcd ${etcdbin} wget -O etcdctl ${etcdctlbin} chmod +x {etcd,etcdctl} mv etcd /usr/bin/etcd mv etcdctl /usr/bin/etcdctl etcd --version } function config() { ETCD_FILE=/lib/systemd/system/etcd.service sed -i "/ETCD_EXPERIMENTAL_BACKEND_BBOLT_FREELIST_TYPE/ d" ${ETCD_FILE} sed -i "/ETCD_QUOTA_BACKEND_BYTES/ d" ${ETCD_FILE} sed -i "/^\[Service\]/a\Environment=\"ETCD_EXPERIMENTAL_BACKEND_BBOLT_FREELIST_TYPE=map\"" ${ETCD_FILE} sed -i "/^\[Service\]/a\Environment=\"ETCD_QUOTA_BACKEND_BYTES=100000000000\"" ${ETCD_FILE} sed -i "s/initial-cluster-state new/initial-cluster-state existing/g" ${ETCD_FILE} systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart etcd } download; config ENDPOINTS=`ps -eaf|grep etcd-servers|grep -v grep|awk -F "=" '{print $22}'|awk -F " " '{print $1}'` ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \ --endpoints=${ENDPOINTS} \ --cacert=/var/lib/etcd/cert/ca.pem \ --cert=/var/lib/etcd/cert/etcd-client.pem \ --key=/var/lib/etcd/cert/etcd-client-key.pem \ member list
Run the following command to check whether etcd is running:
ps aux|grep etcd
What to do next
Check the health status of etcd.
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=${ENDPOINTS} \
--cacert=/var/lib/etcd/cert/ca.pem \
--cert=/var/lib/etcd/cert/etcd-client.pem \
--key=/var/lib/etcd/cert/etcd-client-key.pem endpoint health
ENDPOINTS is healthy