This topic describes the pod fields that are supported by Sandboxed-Container. This allows you to fully use the Sandboxed-Container runtime.
Background information
Sandboxed-Container is a new runV container runtime that provides compatibility with runC in terms of pod networking, service networking (ClusterIP and NodePort), and image management. However, Sandboxed-Container does not support all pod fields. To use Sandboxed-Container, you do not need to change your development mode or image packaging method.
Supported pod fields
The following table describes the pod fields that are supported and the pod fields that are not supported by Sandboxed-Container.
Field | Compatible |
activeDeadlineSecons | Yes |
affinity | Yes |
automountServiceAccountToken | Yes |
containers |
dnsConfig | Yes |
dnsPolicy | Yes |
enableServiceLinks | Yes |
hostAliases | Yes |
hostIPC | No |
hostNetwork | No |
hostPID | No |
hostname | Yes |
imagePullSecrets | Yes |
initContainers | Yes |
nodeName | Yes |
nodeSelector | Yes |
priority | Yes |
priorityClassName | Yes |
readinessGates | Yes |
restartPolicy | Yes |
runtimeClassName | Yes |
schedulerName | Yes |
securityContext | Yes The fsGroup, runAsGroup, runAsNonRoot, runAsUser, seLinuxOptions, supplementalGroups, and sysctls fields in this field are also supported. |
serviceAccount | Yes |
serviceAccountName | Yes |
shareProcessNamespace | No |
subdomain | Yes |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds | Yes |
tolerations | Yes |
volumes | Yes |