If you host your website or app on a server that resides in the Chinese mainland, you must apply for an Internet content provider (ICP) filing based on the regulations of the local authority. If you host your website or app on an Alibaba Cloud instance that resides in the Chinese mainland, you can apply for an ICP filing in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system on a PC or on the Alibaba Cloud app. Your website or app is allowed to provide services only after your ICP filing application is approved. This topic provides an overview of how to apply for an ICP filing in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system.
Usage notes
You can apply for an ICP filing in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system on a PC or on the Alibaba Cloud app. Before you apply for an ICP filing, take note of the following items:
- The Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system and the Alibaba Cloud app support only the Chinese language. Make sure that you can read, write, and understand Chinese when you apply for an ICP filing.
- You can use your Alibaba Cloud account that is created on the Alibaba Cloud international site (alibabacloud.com) to log on to the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system and apply for an ICP filing. However, you must use the Alibaba Cloud app to upload documents. After you download and install the Alibaba Cloud app, use it to scan the QR code on the page for uploading documents. You do not need to log on to the Alibaba Cloud app to perform this operation. We recommend that you create an Alibaba Cloud account on the Alibaba Cloud China site (aliyun.com) to apply for an ICP filing and manage ICP filing information.
- If the entity leader of the ICP filing application is not a resident from the Chinese mainland, the website administrator must perform facial recognition for identity verification. Under special circumstances, the system notifies the entity leader and the website administrator to perform facial recognition for identity verification. Note In specific cases, the system notifies the legal representative to perform facial recognition. Complete the steps as prompted.
- You must use an Alibaba Cloud account that is created on the Alibaba Cloud China site (aliyun.com) to log on to the Alibaba Cloud app. Alibaba Cloud accounts that are created on the Alibaba Cloud international site (alibabacloud.com) are not supported by the Alibaba Cloud app. We recommend that you create an Alibaba Cloud account on the Alibaba Cloud China site (aliyun.com) to apply for an ICP filing in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system.
Initial ICP filing
The website or app is hosted on an Alibaba Cloud instance in the Chinese mainland and no ICP filings have been obtained for the entity and domain name of the website or app. In this case, the entity must apply for an ICP filing for the website or app by using the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system before the website or app can provide services.
Noninitial ICP filings (The entity has obtained an ICP filing before through another service provider.)
The entity has never applied for an ICP filing through Alibaba Cloud and has obtained an ICP filing through another service provider. The entity purchases an Alibaba Cloud instance in the Chinese mainland and wants to host a new website or app on the Alibaba Cloud instance. In this case, the entity must apply for an ICP filing for the website or app through Alibaba Cloud.
Noninitial ICP filings (The entity has obtained an ICP filing before through Alibaba Cloud.)
The entity has obtained an ICP filing through Alibaba Cloud and wants to host a new website or app on an Alibaba Cloud instance in the Chinese mainland. In this case, the entity must apply for an ICP filing for the website or app through Alibaba Cloud.
In this scenario, you do not need to enter the basic information about the entity and website or app for verification or the detailed information about the entity. You can start from entering the detailed information about the website or app.
Change or addition of a service provider
The entity and domain name of the website or app have been filed through another service provider and the entity wants to change the service provider to Alibaba Cloud or add Alibaba Cloud as a new service provider for the website or app. In this case, the entity must add Alibaba Cloud to the ICP filing information as a service provider.
ICP filing process
You can submit an ICP filing application in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system on a PC or on the Alibaba Cloud app.
Most operations related to an ICP filing application can be performed both on a PC and on the Alibaba Cloud app. However, if you need to claim or import ICP filing information, you must use a PC. The Alibaba Cloud app supports certificate recognition and facial recognition. These intelligent features can make your ICP filing application more efficient. Therefore, we recommend that you use the Alibaba Cloud app to apply for an ICP filing.
To meet the authenticity requirements of the ICP filing authority, you must use the Alibaba Cloud app to upload identity documents and complete authenticity verification when you apply for an ICP filing on a PC.
If you have completed an ICP filing application in the HiChina ICP Filing system, you can import the ICP filing information to the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system and claim the ICP filing information.
You cannot apply for an ICP filing for an app on the Alibaba Cloud app.
The procedure for applying for an ICP filing on a PC is similar to that on the Alibaba Cloud app. The following example demonstrates how you can apply for an ICP filing in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system on a PC. The differences between using a PC and using the Alibaba Cloud app are described in each step.
ICP filing procedure
Create an Alibaba Cloud account: Before you apply for an ICP filing, you must create an Alibaba Cloud account that is used to submit the ICP filing application and maintain the ICP filing information. For more information, see Create an Alibaba Cloud account to apply for an ICP filing.
Prepare a domain name: You must register a domain name and complete real-name verification before you apply for an ICP filing. Make sure that the domain name complies with ICP filing requirements. For more information, see Prepare and check a domain name.
ImportantAfter you complete real-name verification and modify the domain name or transfer the ownership of the domain name, the real-name verification information is synchronized to the database of the local communications administration in approximately three days. We recommend that you submit an ICP filing application at least three days after the real-name verification of the domain name is complete. Otherwise, the ICP filing application may fail due to the lack of real-name verification information in the database of the local communications administration.
Prepare an Alibaba Cloud instance.
Purchase an Alibaba Cloud instance that resides in the Chinese mainland or obtain the service identification number of an Alibaba Cloud instance. Make sure that the instance meets the ICP filing requirements. For more information, see Check the instance for ICP filing and access information.
Obtain a pre-approval.
If your website or app provides Internet information services related to specific industries, such as news, publishing, medicine, medical devices, culture, broadcasting, films, TV programs, education, healthcare, online taxi hailing, and electronic bulletin boards, you must obtain a pre-approval from the local authority before you apply for an ICP filing. For more information, see Pre-approvals.
Read and understand ICP filing regulations: You must read the ICP filing regulations of the local authority and prepare ICP filing information as required. For more information, see the regulations of each province by clicking the corresponding link in ICP filing regulations of the MIIT for different regions.
ICP filing operations
The following information is verified in the ICP filing application process: the instance information, access information, entity information, and website or app information. Therefore, you must provide such information and related documents in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system when you apply for an ICP filing. For more information, see What is an ICP filing?
Enter the basic information about the entity and website or app for verification.
In the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system, enter the required information by following the instructions, such as entity information and website information. The system verifies the information and determines whether you can apply for an ICP filing.
NoteIf you use the Alibaba Cloud app to apply for an ICP filing for your website for the first time or for a new website that has an ICP filing that is not provided by Alibaba Cloud, you must upload the certificates of the entity in this step. If the entity is an individual, you must also complete authenticity verification.
Enter the detailed information about the entity.
Enter the authentic information about the entity that applies for an ICP filing.
Enter the detailed information about the website or app.
Enter the authentic information about the website or app and the website or app administrator.
NoteIf you have never applied for an ICP filing and use the Alibaba Cloud app to file a website or app for the first time or if you have obtained an ICP filing through another service provider and use the Alibaba Cloud app to file a new website or app, you must upload the certificates of the entity leader and the website or app administrator in this step. In addition, you must verify the authenticity of the website or app administrator in this step.
Upload certificates and complete authenticity verification.
Use the latest version of the Alibaba Cloud app to take photos of the authentic certificates and the original ICP filing documents, and then upload them. Facial recognition is required for authenticity verification when you upload specific real-person data.
NoteIf you use the Alibaba Cloud app to apply for an ICP filing for your website for the first time or for a new website that has an ICP filing that is not provided by Alibaba Cloud, you need to upload only required documents in this step. Authenticity verification is not required.
From July 29, 2019, liveness detection is required when you use the Alibaba Cloud app to apply for an ICP filing based on the authenticity requirements of the ICP filing authority. The original verification method of taking a photo in front of a backdrop is no longer used.
Confirm the information.
Before you submit the ICP filing application, carefully check the ICP filing information, such as the entity information, website or app information, and access information. Make sure that the information is correct.
NoteIf you use a PC to apply for an ICP filing, after you upload certificates and complete authenticity verification on the Alibaba Cloud app, you can continue to confirm the information on the Alibaba Cloud app. If you cannot log on to the Alibaba Cloud app by using your Alibaba Cloud account, confirm the information on the PC. If you want to apply for a noninitial ICP filing or add Alibaba Cloud to the ICP filing information of a website or app as a new service provider, make sure that the content of your filed website or app is visible and consistent with the information in the completed ICP filing. Otherwise, your ICP filing application is rejected.
Alibaba Cloud reviews your ICP filing application.
After you submit the ICP filing application, Alibaba Cloud performs a preliminary review on your ICP filing application.
Mail required documents.
After you enter the required information and upload the required documents, Alibaba Cloud performs a preliminary review on your ICP filing application. During the preliminary review, you may be asked to mail specific documents to a specific address based on the information that you provided and the regulations of the local authority.
NoteAlibaba Cloud will notify you if you are required to mail specific documents. If you do not receive such a notice, you do not need to mail documents and the ICP filing process moves on to the next step.
Complete SMS verification.
Based on the latest requirements of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), from August 17, 2020, when you apply for an ICP filing, you must pass the SMS verification in the MIIT ICP Filing Management System.
The local authority reviews your ICP filing application.
After your ICP filing application passes the preliminary review, Alibaba Cloud submits the application to the corresponding authority for a final review. If your ICP filing application passes the final review, your ICP filing application is approved. Alibaba Cloud sends you a text message and an email to notify you of the review result.
What to do next
Launch your website or app.
After your ICP filing application is approved, you can launch your website or app to provide services.
Add the ICP number and a copyright notice to your website or app.
After your ICP filing application is approved, you must add the ICP number and a link to the MIIT website in the lower part of your website or app. Visitors to your website or app can use the link to query your ICP filing information. Authorities in some provinces such as Jiangsu require you to add a copyright notice in the lower part of your website or app that has obtained an ICP filing.
Apply for a Public Security Bureau (PSB) filing.
Based on the relevant provisions of Computer Information Network and the Internet Security Protection and Management, after you obtain an ICP filing for your website or app, you must log on to the National Internet Security Management Service Platform and submit a PSB filing application within 30 days after the launch of your website or app. For more information, see Apply for or cancel a PSB filing.
Optional. Apply for a commercial ICP license.
If your website or app is a business-related website or app that provides information or web design services for Internet users for commercial purposes, you must apply for a commercial ICP license after you complete ICP filing application.
Considerations after a successful ICP filing
After you obtain an ICP filing, Alibaba Cloud verifies the ICP filing information that is recorded in the Alibaba Cloud ICP Filing system. If the ICP filing information is inconsistent with the actual information, you must modify the ICP filing information at the earliest opportunity. If inconsistency is found when Alibaba Cloud checks your ICP filing information, Alibaba Cloud sends you a rectification notice that requires you to correct the information within a specific period of time.