Error message | Cause | Solution |
network error while attempting to run command 'isMaster' on host '' :exception: connect failed Timed out after 3000ms while waiting for a server that matches ReadPreferenceServerSelector{readPreference=primary}. exception=(com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadException: Prematurely reached end of stream) Socket recv() errno:54 Connection reset by peer
| The maximum number of connections to the instance is reached. | For more information about common solutions, see the following topics: |
Failed to connect to 10.*.*.8:3717 after 5000 milliseconds, giving up.Error: couldn't connect to server 10.*.*.8:3717 (, connection attempt failed | The ECS instance fails to connect to the ApsaraDB the MongoDB instance over a private network. | The ECS instance and ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance must meet all of the following requirements: The private IP address of the ECS instance is added to the whitelist of the ApsaraDB MongoDB instance. The instances are in the same region. The instances use the same network types. If the network type is VPC, the instances are in the same VPC.
Error: network error while attempting to run command 'isMaster' on host '' | The IP address whitelist of the instance does not contain the IP address from which you want to connect to the instance. | Check the IP address whitelist and add the IP addresses to the whitelist of the instance. For more information about how to configure a whitelist, see Modify the IP address whitelist of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance. | Timeout while receiving message; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadTimeoutException: Timeout while receiving message | Slow queries occupy instance resources. | For more information about common solutions, see the following topics: |
"errmsg": "not master", "code": 10107, "codeName": "NotMaster" "errmsg": "not master", "code": 10107, "codeName": "NotWritablePrimary" Time out after 30000ms while waiting for a server that matches writableServerSelector.
| Data is not written to the primary node. | Why is the "NotMaster", "NotWritablePrimary", or "Time out after 30000ms while waiting for a server that matches writableServerSelector" error message is returned when data is written to a replica set instance? |
reason: TopologyDescription { type: 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary', | No primary node is available in the currently connected replica set instance. | Common solutions include: Use the connection string URI to connect to the instance. For more information about how to obtain the connection string URI, see Connect to a replica set instance. Manually switch the node role of the instance. For more information about how to switch the node role, see Switch node roles.
[Unauthorized] cloud instance error, disk locked, plz check and upgrade your disk quota, | The instance is locked because the disk is full. | What do I do if the instance is locked or data cannot be written to the instance due to exhausted disk space? |
(AuthenticationFailed) Authentication failed. | | Common causes and solutions include: Incorrect password Solution: Reset the password and try again. For more information about how to reset the password, see Reset the password of an account for an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance. Incorrect authentication database Solution: Check the connection address of the instance and enter the correct authentication database in the connection string. The authentication database is used to store database accounts and passwords. For the authentication to succeed, the specified database account must belong to the specified authentication database.
| The password contains one or more of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = | Escape the special characters. For more information, see Why is the instance not connected if the password in the connection string contains special characters? |
error getting cluster ID: (CommandNotFound) replSetGetConfig is forbidden by cloud provider for security reason | The replSetGetConfig command is not supported on ApsaraDB for MongoDB. | What commands are supported and not supported by ApsaraDB for MongoDB? |