DirectMail is a simple and efficient email delivery service. Built on Alibaba Cloud for reliability and stability, it helps you send transaction emails, notification emails, and batch emails quickly and accurately.
Supported delivery types
Triggered emails
Emails triggered by events, such as registration notifications, transaction notifications, password retrieval notifications, and other system notification emails.
Batch emails
Emails sent to members, such as product promotions, customer care emails, and periodical news and updates.
Note: Alibaba Cloud only allows sending commercial emails permitted by the recipients. The source of the recipient addresses must be the member registration information, and the email content must be subscribed to by the recipients explicitly. Sending spam emails is not allowed.
Access modes
DirectMail provides three access modes: Console, API, and SMTP. You can choose the access mode based on your business needs.
Use the console:
Log on to the Alibaba Cloud DirectMail console to activate the DirectMail service. Complete all the necessary settings and create recipient lists and email templates.
You can send only batch emails using the console.
For more details on how to use the console, see User Guide.
Use APIs:
Write a program to call the DirectMail API to transmit emails. After the request succeeds, DirectMail is responsible for processing and delivering emails.
You can send triggered emails and batch emails using the API.
For more details on how to call the APIs, see API Reference or SDK Reference.
Write a program to call the standard SMTP interface to transmit emails.
You can send triggered emails and batch emails using the SMTP interface.
For more details on how to call the SMTP interface, see SMTP Reference.