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Object Storage Service:bucket-policy

Last Updated:Aug 15, 2024

Bucket policies are resource-based authorization policies. Bucket owners can use bucket policies to authorize other users to access specific resources in Object Storage Service (OSS). This topic describes how to run the bucket-policy command to add, modify, query, or delete bucket policies.

Usage notes

  • To add or modify bucket policies, you must have the oss:PutBucketPolicy permission. To query bucket policies, you must have the oss:GetBucketPolicy permission. To delete bucket policies, you must have the oss:DeleteBucketPolicy permission. For more information, see Attach a custom policy to a RAM user.

  • For ossutil 1.6.16 and later, you can directly use ossutil as the binary name in the command line. You do not need to update the binary name based on the operating system. For ossutil earlier than 1.6.16, you need to update the binary name based on the operating system. For more information, see ossutil command reference.

Add or modify bucket policies

Before you add or modify bucket policies, you must create a JSON file on your local computer and configure bucket policies in the JSON file. You can configure multiple bucket policies in a single JSON file. However, the total size of the bucket policies cannot exceed 16 KB.

When you add or modify bucket policies, ossutil reads bucket policies from the JSON file and adds the policies to the specified bucket. When you add bucket policies, existing bucket policies are overwritten.

  • Command syntax

    ossutil bucket-policy --method put oss://bucketname local_json_file

    The following table describes the preceding parameters.




    The name of the bucket for which you want to add or modify bucket policies.


    The name of the local JSON file in which you configure bucket policies.

  • Examples

    1. Create a file named local_json_file on your local computer and configure different bucket policies based on different scenarios.

      The following examples show how to configure common bucket policies.


      The following examples show how a bucket owner whose UID is 174649585760xxxx in the Resource parameter configures bucket policies to grant different permissions to RAM users, such as a RAM user whose UID is 20214760404935xxxx in the Principal parameter and an anonymous user *.

      • Specify that only anonymous requests from the specified IP address are allowed to access all resources in a bucket named examplebucket:

            "Statement": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Condition": {
                        "IpAddress": {
                            "acs:SourceIp": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": [
                    "Resource": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Condition": {
                        "StringLike": {
                            "oss:Prefix": [
                        "IpAddress": {
                            "acs:SourceIp": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": [
                    "Resource": [
            "Version": "1"
      • Grant a RAM user read-only permissions on the hangzhou/2020 and hangzhou/2015 directories of a bucket named examplebucket:

            "Statement": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": [
                    "Resource": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Condition": {
                        "StringLike": {
                            "oss:Prefix": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Principal": [
                    "Resource": [
            "Version": "1"
      • Reject anonymous requests to all objects in the hangzhou/2021/ directory of a bucket named examplebucket:

            "Statement": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Effect": "Deny",
                    "Principal": [
                    "Resource": [
                    "Action": [
                    "Condition": {
                        "StringLike": {
                            "oss:Prefix": [
                    "Effect": "Deny",
                    "Principal": [
                    "Resource": [
            "Version": "1"
    2. Add a bucket policy to the examplebucket bucket.

      ossutil bucket-policy --method put oss://examplebucket local_json_file

      If the following output is displayed, the bucket policy is added to the examplebucket bucket:

      1.125101(s) elapsed

Query bucket policies

  • Command syntax

    ossutil bucket-policy --method get oss://bucketname local_json_file




    The name of the bucket whose bucket policies you want to query.


    The local JSON file that is used to store the queried bucket policies. If this parameter is not specified, queried bucket policies are displayed without being stored in the JSON file.

  • Examples

    Run the following command to query the bucket policies of a bucket named examplebucket:

    ossutil bucket-policy --method get oss://examplebucket local_json_file

    If the following output is displayed, the bucket policies of examplebucket are queried and written to the local JSON file:

    0.212407(s) elapsed

Delete bucket policies

If you no longer need to use bucket policies to authorize other users to access your OSS resources, delete the configured bucket policies.

  • Command syntax

    ossutil bucket-policy --method delete oss://bucketname
  • Examples

    Run the following command to delete all bucket policies of a bucket named examplebucket:

    ossutil bucket-policy --method delete oss://examplebucket

    If the following output is displayed, all bucket policies of examplebucket are deleted:

    0.530750(s) elapsed

Common options

If you use ossutil to switch to a bucket that is located in another region, add the -e option to the command to specify the endpoint of the region in which the specified bucket is located. If you use ossutil to switch to a bucket that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account, add the -i option to the command to specify the AccessKey ID of the specified account, and add the -k option to the command to specify the AccessKey secret of the specified account.

For example, you can run the following command to configure a bucket policy for a bucket named examplebucket, which is located in the China (Hangzhou) region and is owned by another Alibaba Cloud account:

ossutil bucket-policy --method put oss://examplebucket local_json_file -e -i LTAI4Fw2NbDUCV8zYUzAxxxx  -k 67DLVBkH7EamOjy2W5RVAHUY9Hxxxx

For more information about common options, see Common options.