When logging in to the Webmail of Alibaba Mail, the error message "The number of password errors is too many. The current account has been forbidden to log in. Please contact the email administrator for processing." appears.
In this case, the email account has failed to logon with the wrong password for many times. Therefore, the system security policy is triggered to lock the account for logon. The lock period is one hour.
Please stop the logon attempt immediately and follow these steps to handle it:
1. Check all the email clients that set the current account in the same network environment, such as Outlook, Foxmail client installed in the laptop, and email clients of mobile devices such as mobile phones, need to be closed first to prevent them from still logging in to the mailbox with the wrong password.
2. Please refer to Solution of Forgetting Password to change the password. After user can successfully login the Webmail, restart the email client.
3. Contact the postmaster to unlock the account. For more information, please check What to Do If Employee Account is Blocked or Frozen?
4. In the email client used to send and receive emails, it is necessary to update the modified correct password synchronously in time, and then continue to use the email client to send and receive emails after the saving is successful in order to prevent the client from continuing to login with the wrong password too many times.