Community Blog PostGIS Long Lat Geometry Distance Search Tuning Using the GiST KNN Function

PostGIS Long Lat Geometry Distance Search Tuning Using the GiST KNN Function

This article discusses accelerating retrieval of coordinate points in PostGIS using GiST indexes and demonstrates it using example code.

By Digoal


It is very common to retrieve nearby points in spatial data on PostgreSQL. For example, you can take latitude and longitude as a coordinate point and retrieve other points within 1 km from this point.

Recently, some readers asked about how to optimize this process.

The current version supports this feature, and you do not need to use subqueries.


This article shows how to use GiST indexes to accelerate retrieval in PostGIS.

Creating a Test Table:

create table cust_jw        
 dz varchar(300),        
 jwd geometry        

The test data is obtained from the internet.

insert into cust_jw values ('杭州', ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163));          
insert into cust_jw values ('北京', ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(116.46 39.92)', 4326), 2163));          
insert into cust_jw values ('南京', ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(118.78 32.04)', 4326), 2163));          
insert into cust_jw values ('南宁', ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(108.33 22.84)', 4326), 2163));          
insert into cust_jw values ('贵阳', ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(106.71 26.57)', 4326), 2163));          
insert into cust_jw values ('南昌', ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(115.89 28.68)', 4326), 2163));          
insert into cust_jw values ('余杭', ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.3 30.43)', 4326), 2163));     

Creating a GiST Index:

create index idx_cust_jw_1 on cust_jw using gist(jwd);          

This indexing method supports distance sorting (<->) and intersection (&&) between two geometries.

For more information, see system tables such as pg_amop, pg_am, pg_operator, and pg_opfamily.

The following SQL statement queries the straight distance (in meters) from Beijing to Hangzhou:

SELECT ST_Distance(          
ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163),          
ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(116.46 39.92)', 4326), 2163)          
(1 row)          

The following SQL statement queries the coordinates in the table that are 20 km away from the point ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163). For more information about how to use the functions, see the PostGIS document.

digoal=# select *,ST_Distance(jwd, ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163)) from cust_jw where jwd && ST_Buffer(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163), 20000, 10);          
  dz  |                        jwd                         |   st_distance              
 杭州 | 0101000020730800004C94087D5D4F54C173AA7759E8FB5D41 |                0          
 余杭 | 0101000020730800000E6E5A20494854C121FC688DA9EF5D41 | 14483.9823187612          
(2 rows)          
Time: 1.335 ms      

As mentioned earlier, this index-based access method supports the && and <-> operators.

digoal=# explain select *,ST_Distance(jwd, ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163)) from cust_jw where jwd && ST_Buffer(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163), 20000, 10);                                                                                                                   
                          QUERY PLAN                                                                                                          
 Index Scan using idx_cust_jw_1 on cust_jw  (cost=0.14..3.41 rows=1 width=548)          
   Index Cond: (jwd && '01030000207308000001000000290000004C94087DD53B54C173AA7759E8FB5D411122F50B133C54C154295A2DDAF85D41D751B134CA          
(2 rows)          
Time: 1.218 ms          

The following SQL statement enables sorting by distance.

digoal=# select *,ST_Distance(jwd, ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163)) from cust_jw order by jwd <-> ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163);          
  dz  |                        jwd                         |   st_distance              
 杭州 | 0101000020730800004C94087D5D4F54C173AA7759E8FB5D41 |                0          
 余杭 | 0101000020730800000E6E5A20494854C121FC688DA9EF5D41 | 14483.9823187612          
 南京 | 0101000020730800000FFE5AD1D62653C16F4F972A10635E41 | 321491.591341196          
 南昌 | 010100002073080000B2744BA1FE5253C10975D1494AA25F41 | 503843.306221247          
 北京 | 0101000020730800006EBBB0F1AB0E4FC17207C71D44525E41 | 1256521.71432098          
 南宁 | 01010000207308000030806B3882F451C18E3F38DCBB686141 |  1409624.7420143          
 贵阳 | 01010000207308000082EA89026EE14FC1D6A3AD6E9E786141 | 1732521.31784296          
(7 rows)          
Time: 0.598 ms    

The following method forcibly enables index-based sorting.

digoal=# set enable_seqscan=off;          
Time: 0.109 ms          
digoal=# explain select *,ST_Distance(jwd, ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163)) from cust_jw order by jwd <-> ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163);          
                                      QUERY PLAN                                                
 Index Scan using idx_cust_jw_1 on cust_jw  (cost=0.14..54.44 rows=140 width=548)          
   Order By: (jwd <-> '0101000020730800004C94087D5D4F54C173AA7759E8FB5D41'::geometry)          
(2 rows)          

The following method is used for further optimization, especially when points are dense.

digoal=# select * from (select *,ST_Distance(jwd, ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163)) AS dist from cust_jw order by jwd <-> ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163) limit 1000) t where dist<15000;          
  dz  |                        jwd                         |       dist                 
 杭州 | 0101000020730800004C94087D5D4F54C173AA7759E8FB5D41 |                0          
 余杭 | 0101000020730800000E6E5A20494854C121FC688DA9EF5D41 | 14483.9823187612          
(2 rows)          
Time: 0.634 ms          

Ultimate Optimization

Use a cursor for further optimization to reduce data scanning to a specified limit (provided that an index is used in SQL Order By in the FOR loop).

digoal=# do language plpgsql $$          
  v_rec record;          
  v_limit int := 1000;          
  set local enable_seqscan=off;  -- 强制索引, 因为扫描行数够就退出.          
  for v_rec in select *,ST_Distance(jwd, ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163)) AS dist from cust_jw order by jwd <-> ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(120.19 30.26)', 4326), 2163) loop          
    if v_limit <=0 then           
      raise notice '已经取足数据';          
    end if;          
    if v_rec.dist > 20000 then           
      raise notice '满足条件的点已输出完毕';          
      raise notice 'do someting, v_rec:%', v_rec;          
    end if;          
    v_limit := v_limit -1;          
  end loop;          
NOTICE:  do someting, v_rec:(杭州,0101000020730800004C94087D5D4F54C173AA7759E8FB5D41,0)          
NOTICE:  do someting, v_rec:(余杭,0101000020730800000E6E5A20494854C121FC688DA9EF5D41,14483.9823187612)          
NOTICE:  满足条件的点已输出完毕          

This method scans at most one more line than the required result.

Code sample for optimizing the performance by using functions:

select * from 
select *,
  ST_Distance (ST_Transform ($1, 26986), ST_Transform (jwd, 26986) ) as dist 
  from cust_jw 
  where dz='杭州'
  order by ST_Transform (pos, 26986) <-> ST_Transform ($1, 26986) limit 200
) t
distance2Center <= 2000.0;

create or replace function ff(geometry, float8, int) returns setof record as $$                                                        
  v_rec record;
  v_limit int := $3;
  set local enable_seqscan=off;   -- 强制索引, 扫描行数够就退出.
  for v_rec in 
    select *,
    ST_Distance ( ST_Transform ($1, 26986), ST_Transform (jwd, 26986) ) as dist 
    from cust_jw 
    order by ST_Transform (jwd, 26986) <-> ST_Transform ($1, 26986)
    if v_limit <=0 then
      raise notice '已经取足数据';
    end if;
    if v_rec.dz='杭州' and v_rec.dist > $2 then
      raise notice '满足条件的点已输出完毕';
    elsif v_rec.dz='杭州' then
      raise notice 'do someting, v_rec:%', v_rec;
      return next v_rec;
    end if;
    v_limit := v_limit -1;
  end loop;
$$ language plpgsql strict volatile;
select * from ff(ST_GeomFromText ('POINT(114.111618652344 28.332331814237)', 4326),2000.0,1) as t(dz varchar,jwd geometry,dist float8);


To convert the SRID, use an expression index, for example, ST_Transform (pos, 26986).


1) http://www.ximizi.com/jingweidu.php
2) http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/ST_Distance_Sphere.html
3) http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/ST_Buffer.html
4) http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/ST_Transform.html
5) http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/ST_GeomFromText.html
6) http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/geometry_distance_centroid.html

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