TimescaleDB is a time-series database plug-in for PostgreSQL, and its automatic sharding function is very popular.
In fact, PostgreSQL plpgsql can also implement a similar function, provided that schemaless mode is used.
There are several examples of schemaless design ideas and applications:
PostgreSQL Schemaless Design and Stress Testing in China Railway Corporation's Ordering System
PostgreSQL Schemaless Implementation (Similar to Mongodb Collection)
Next, with respect to the automatic sharding function, let's take a look at the example of schemaless implementation.
1. First, you should monitor the amount of writes. You can count data writes by using the track_counts parameter (the track_counts parameter is enabled by default).
PostgreSQL pg_stat_reset Eliminates the Hidden Danger of track_counts
postgres=# select * from pg_stat_all_tables where relname='test1';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-------
relid | 31129
schemaname | public
relname | test1
seq_scan | 0
seq_tup_read | 0
idx_scan |
idx_tup_fetch |
n_tup_ins | 1000
n_tup_upd | 0
n_tup_del | 0
n_tup_hot_upd | 0
n_live_tup | 1000
n_dead_tup | 0
n_mod_since_analyze | 1000
last_vacuum |
last_autovacuum |
last_analyze |
last_autoanalyze |
vacuum_count | 0
autovacuum_count | 0
analyze_count | 0
autoanalyze_count | 0
2. When data is written to a certain amount, the next table is automatically written.
1. Design:
When writing, data is written through UDF, the write speed of each data stream is monitored in real time, and data sharding is dynamically performed.
2. Test table:
create table log(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp default now());
create index idx_log_crt_time on log(crt_time);
create table log_tmp (like log including all) inherits(log);
3. Rules for sharding:
When the number of records exceeds 100,000, the partition is automatically switched.
4. UDF definitions:
create or replace function f(v_id int, v_info text) returns void as $$
suffix int;
v_rows int8;
min_time timestamp;
max_time timestamp;
-- 插入
insert into log_tmp(id,info) values (v_id, v_info);
-- 判断记录数是否达到切换阈值
select n_live_tup into v_rows from pg_stat_all_tables where relname='log_tmp' and schemaname='public';
-- 达到阈值,切换表
if v_rows >=100000 then
select count(*) into suffix from pg_inherits where inhparent='log'::regclass;
select min(crt_time), max(crt_time) into min_time, max_time from log_tmp ;
execute 'alter table log_tmp add constraint ck_log_'||suffix||'_1 check (crt_time>='''||min_time||''' and crt_time<='''||max_time||''')';
execute 'alter table log_tmp rename to log_'||suffix;
create table log_tmp (like log including all) inherits(log);
end if;
exception when others then
$$ language plpgsql strict;
5. Stress testing
vi test.sql
select f(1, 'test');
pgbench -M prepared -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 64 -j 64 -T 120
NOTICE: merging column "id" with inherited definition
NOTICE: merging column "info" with inherited definition
NOTICE: merging column "crt_time" with inherited definition
progress: 1.0 s, 25350.5 tps, lat 2.487 ms stddev 0.986
progress: 2.0 s, 26309.0 tps, lat 2.432 ms stddev 0.688
progress: 3.0 s, 26251.9 tps, lat 2.438 ms stddev 0.741
progress: 4.0 s, 26451.0 tps, lat 2.420 ms stddev 0.737
NOTICE: merging column "id" with inherited definition
NOTICE: merging column "info" with inherited definition
NOTICE: merging column "crt_time" with inherited definition
progress: 5.0 s, 29471.0 tps, lat 2.172 ms stddev 0.844
progress: 6.0 s, 32971.0 tps, lat 1.941 ms stddev 0.670
progress: 7.0 s, 33028.0 tps, lat 1.938 ms stddev 0.661
progress: 8.0 s, 33101.0 tps, lat 1.933 ms stddev 0.656
NOTICE: merging column "id" with inherited definition
NOTICE: merging column "info" with inherited definition
NOTICE: merging column "crt_time" with inherited definition
progress: 9.0 s, 32805.0 tps, lat 1.951 ms stddev 0.752
Automatic sharding succeeded:
postgres=# \d log_1
Table "public.log_1"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | |
info | text | | |
crt_time | timestamp without time zone | | | now()
"log_tmp_crt_time_idx" btree (crt_time)
Check constraints:
"ck_log_1_1" CHECK (crt_time >= '2017-11-02 23:52:34.264264'::timestamp without time zone AND crt_time <= '2017-11-02 23:54:05.939958'::timestamp without time zone)
Inherits: log
postgres=# \d log_2
Table "public.log_2"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | |
info | text | | |
crt_time | timestamp without time zone | | | now()
"log_tmp_crt_time_idx1" btree (crt_time)
Check constraints:
"ck_log_2_1" CHECK (crt_time >= '2017-11-02 23:54:05.948796'::timestamp without time zone AND crt_time <= '2017-11-02 23:54:10.946987'::timestamp without time zone)
Inherits: log
The TimescaleDB plug-in also provides many other functions and is more borderless in usage. We still recommend using TimescaleDB plug-in when it becomes more sophisticated.
For Alibaba Cloud RDS PG, you can also write the RDS PG in real time by using the method mentioned in this article, and write the OSS external table in batches according to the set threshold at the same time (DBLINK asynchronous interface can be used for writing OSS external tables).
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