Community Blog Join Us at ICDE 2019 – Alibaba Cloud Workshop in Macau!

Join Us at ICDE 2019 – Alibaba Cloud Workshop in Macau!

You are cordially invited to the ICDE 2019 academic summit Alibaba Cloud Workshop in Macau to meet the leaders of Alibaba DAMO Academy.

The 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2019), one of the top three academic conferences in the global database field, will be held in Macau SAR, China from April 8 to 11, 2019. ICDE is the most reputable database conference sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), popular among scholars in the database and related fields.


Alibaba Cloud has put together a strong lineup to attend ICDE 2019, led by Dr. Feifei Li, Vice President of Alibaba Group, Chief Data Scientist of Alibaba DAMO Academy, and Head of Database Business Group of Alibaba Cloud. The conference will also feature other frontline technology research and development leaders and experts including:

  • Liang Lin, a key player in Google's 1st-generation distributed SQL system Tenzing and leader of the Alibaba Cloud OLAP analytic engine project.
  • Manyi Lu, ApsaraDB MySQL development team leader, who has been involued in database research for nearly 20 years

Alibaba Cloud Workshop: Database in the Cloud Era

To increase academic exchanges between academics and industry experts, Alibaba Cloud will hold a workshop called "Database in the Cloud Era" on April 9, 2019. In this workshop, we will bring audiences brilliant speeches about the latest products and technological innovations, such as the next-generation self-driving cloud-native database POLARDB, the OLAP database AnalyticDB, and the Self-Driving Database Platform. Participants will talk with the top scholars in the database field about actual scenarios and explore breakthroughs in cutting edge technologies at the system level.


As an expert in enterprise digital transformations, Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB is a world leader in cloud-native technology, analytic engines, and intelligent management and control platforms. Our debut on the international academic stage with top database vendors shows the technological strength of Alibaba Cloud.

We would like to invite academic and industry players from all over the world to ICDE 2019 - Alibaba Cloud Workshop. You will talk directly with top database specialists from across the globe about cutting edge technologies and database development trends. We look forward to building a database industry cooperation ecosystem with you.

Visit https://jinshuju.net/f/Gl0bE0 to register today!

Workshop Information

Theme: Database in the Cloud Era

Date: April 9, 2019
Time: 15:50-17:50

Venue: 7003@Parisian Grand Ballroom, The Parisian Macao

Tentative Agenda:

Time Subject Speaker
15:40-16:00 POLARDB: A Cloud Native OLTP Database in Alibaba Manyi Lu
Researcher, Alibaba Cloud
16:00-16:20 POLARDB X: A Globally-Distributed Database in Alibaba Gui Huang
Senior Technical Expert, Alibaba Cloud
16:20-16:40 Alibaba OLAP: Challenge, Evolution and Improvement Liang Lin
Researcher, Alibaba Cloud
16:40-17:00 Journey to SDDP: Building a Self-Driving Database Platform at Alibaba Honglin Qiao
Technical Expert, Alibaba Cloud
17:00-17:40 Panel Discussion
Database in the Cloud Era
Dr. Feifei Li
Vice President, Alibaba Group
Chief Data Scientist, Alibaba DAMO Academy
Head of Database Business Group, Alibaba Cloud
Invited Professors: TBD

Key Topics

POLARDB: A Cloud Native OLTP Database in Alibaba

Manyi Lu, Researcher, Alibaba Cloud

POLARDB is fully compatible with Oracle's cloud-native database and features 100% backward compatibility with MySQL. POLARDB separates the computing layer from a shared storage layer, which allows the storage space to automatically scale according to usage. The computing layer adopts a single master - multiple read only replica architecture, and scaling up a compute node or adding a replica only takes a few minutes. The computing nodes and storage nodes are connected with a high-speed network and use the RDMA protocol for data transmission, which means I/O performance never becomes a bottleneck again.

POLARDB X: A Globally-Distributed Database in Alibaba

Gui Huang, Senior Technical Expert, Alibaba Cloud

This session will explain how POLARDB X delivers excellent performance at a low cost. PolarDB X is one of Alibaba's self-developed distributed relational databases, serving both Alibaba's businesses and clients. It provides an easily scalable, geo-distributed, highly available, consistent, high-performance and low-cost database service for online transaction processing. PolarDB X embodies Alibaba's self-developed storage engine X-Engine, which stores data in a tiered structure according to different data temperatures. X-Engine applies the state-of-the-art software-hardware co-design to exploit modern hardware for improved performance and reduced storage costs.

Alibaba OLAP: Challenges, Evolution, and Improvement

Liang Lin, Researcher, Alibaba Cloud

With data explosion in scale and variety, OLAP databases play an increasingly important role in serving real-time analysis with low latency. This session will focus on Alibaba's experience in building large-scale, real-time online analytical systems and future technology trends. It will introduce AnalyticDB, a real-time analytical database product developed by Alibaba.

Journey to SDDP: Building a Self-Driving Database Platform at Alibaba

Honglin Qiao, Technical Expert, Alibaba Cloud

Managing large-scale databases with high availability, low cost and high security is extremely important at Alibaba. This session will introduce the development history of Alibaba database operation and maintenance, as well as the company's experiences and challenges in building the Self-Driving Database Platform (SDDP).

Panel Discussion: Database in the Cloud Era

The panel will feature Dr. Feifei Li, Vice President of Alibaba Group, Chief Data Scientist of Alibaba DAMO Academy, and Head of Database Business Group of Alibaba Cloud.

How to Sign Up?

Visit https://jinshuju.net/f/Gl0bE0 to register.

Or scan the QR code:


Note: We will send a personalized invitation if you meet all the requirements for participating in the workshop. If you do not receive an invitation, we look forward to meeting you next time.

About Alibaba Cloud Database Business Group

The Database Business Group of Alibaba Cloud supports all data processing applications of Alibaba Cloud and Alibaba Group, including both online data storing services and data processing services. We also provide full stack products & services to our customer from OLTP to OLAP, which can be flexibly deployed over public cloud as well as private clouds. Our customers are comprised of personal users, small & medium-sized enterprises, and transnational magnates. Database Business Group of Alibaba Cloud's products have become the de-facto standard and choice for uses, based on our on-line industrial experiences and technical capabilities over the years.

With the advent of the data era, Alibaba Cloud re-constructed and re-designed its intelligent database products based on cloud computing and data center architectures. Alibaba Cloud is a leader in database storage engines, cloud-native technology, analytic engines, distributed processing, FPGA/GPU hardware acceleration, intelligent databases, intelligent management and control platforms, and secure databases. Our comprehensive portfolio of cloud database products and services provide a wide range of database product solutions and industry experience to Alibaba Cloud customers and the diversified businesses in Alibaba Group.

Our core products include:

  • Self-developed next-generation cloud-native database POLARDB and distributed POLARDB-X
  • Next-generation OLAP database AnalyticDB
  • Time series database TSDB
  • Relational database services RDS
  • Non-relational database services NoSQL
  • Data transfer product DTS
  • Database brain CloudDBA


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