Community Blog How to Set up an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for ClickHouse for Cloud Analytical Workloads

How to Set up an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for ClickHouse for Cloud Analytical Workloads

This article explains how to set up an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for ClickHouse for Cloud Analytical Workloads.

By Kelvin Galabuzi

What Is ApsaraDB for ClickHouse?

ApsaraDB for ClickHouse is a distributed column-oriented database service that performs real-time analysis on petabytes of data. ApsaraDB for ClickHouse is highly performant and largely used in marketing, behavior, and traffic analysis.

ApsaraDB for ClickHouse is low cost, easy to use, and provides enterprise-level management through database management, task orchestration, and data integration.

Core ApsaraDB for ClickHouse Features

  • Integration with Object Storage Service (OSS) and MaxCompute: ClickHouse supports data imports from OSS and MaxCompute external tables and analyzes this data at a low cost.
  • Tiered Hot and Cold Data Storage: ClickHouse supports data lifecycle management through hot and cold storage and provides lifecycle management using policies. This key feature helps reduce ApsaraDB for ClickHouse costs.
  • Real-Time Computing: ApsaraDB for ClickHouse supports Spark and Kafka analytical engines real-time data computation for large-scale data processing.
  • Database Services Integration: ApsaraDB for ClickHouse supports synchronizing database data using MySQL external tables and DataWorks.
  • Auto Scaling: ClickHouse supports cluster autoscaling for balanced data workload distribution.
  • Online Database Management: ApsaraDB for ClickHouse supports online database management activities, such as network, query optimization, and data dictionary management.
  • Realtime Resource Queuing: ClickHouse supports managing multiple resource queues and binding users to the queues. This also allows isolating resources based on users and defined query priorities. In addition, ClickHouse supports dynamic resource optimization of resource queues.
  • Monitoring Alerts: ApsaraDB ClickHouse supports real-time monitoring and diagnosis for system resources, such as disks, CPU, memory, IOPS, database connections, and slow SQL queries.
  • Alibaba Cloud Big Data Services Integration: ApsaraDB for ClickHouse supports integration and synchronization of data from big data services, such as DataWorks, Data Management, and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

Setting up an Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for ClickHouse

  • Step 1: On the Alibaba Cloud Console, access the ApsaraDB for ClickHouse service under the Data Warehouses section:


  • Step 2: Click Create Cluster:


  • Step 3: Select the Billing Method, Region and Zone, Network Type, VPC, vSwitch, Kernel Version, and Edition:

Note: Alibaba Cloud provides two editions: the single-replica edition and the high-availability edition. High-availability edition supports vertical and horizontal scaling of nodes.


  • Step 4: Select ApsaraDB for CickHouse specifications in terms of the CPU, Nodes, Storage type, encryption type, storage capacity, and click Buy Now:


  • Step 5: Review all your configurations, accept the service agreement, and click Activate Now:


  • Step 6: After some minutes, the new ApsaraDB for the ClickHouse cluster will show up as created in the ClickHouse console:


  • Step 7: If you want to access your ClickHouse cluster, access the Account Management section and click Create Account. Insert the required account details and click OK:


  • Step 8: Once you have set up the database account, you can log into your ClickHouse cluster using the Data Management service console. Click Log on to Database:


  • Step 9: Insert your database details, such as the database type, Instance region, Instance ID, Database account, and database password, and then click login:



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