Community Blog Cirrus Audit: Multicloud Resource Optimization Tool

Cirrus Audit: Multicloud Resource Optimization Tool

This is a featured project from the Project Hub by Alibaba Cloud.

Project Introduction

Cirrus Audit is an enterprise-grade multi-cloud resource optimization tool. We help you achieve high cloud efficiency by abstracting away all the cloud APIs, so that you can just focus on the actual usage.

Target Problems

Traditionally, this type of cloud tool supports only one provider and usually becomes very slow if several users are using it at the same time. The reason for this slowdown is because the same back-end needs to deal with multiple API calls simultaneously. The solution usually comes by throwing a load balancer with multiple ECS instances in it to deal with the growing demand. Expensive, but an easy fix. Of course, this path makes the final subscription price quite high due to the resource footprint. This was never an issue as, at the end of the day, only big companies were dealing with cloud computing extensively.

So right there is where Cirrus Audit was sitting, they needed to develop a platform capable of dealing with thousands of requests but at the same time affordable for small and medium companies.


With the problem in mind, and the fact that the cloud market is growing so fast in the APAC region, we needed to decide where to locate all our application's pieces in order to perform excellently where most of our customers would be, which is in countries like Australia, Singapore, India or China.

The ability to deploy a whole copy of the platform with a few commands in China, or the opportunity to setup an outstanding CDN service to accelerate requests, made Alibaba Cloud the clear winner in this case.

The other winning point was the support received. Alberto first started to develop the application on AWS and but felt in need to rely too much on online forums, not always finding the proper help due to the nature of his business needs, where the approach wasn't a traditional one. The support he got from Alibaba Cloud was out of this world, they fully jumped in when Alberto first approached them with the idea.

Cirrus Audit

Alibaba Cloud Products used

Cirrus Audit is leveraging a range of products from this cloud provider such as OSS, API Gateway, Function Compute, Logstore by Log Service, and Tablestore. It makes a really nice serverless ecosystem altogether. You learn more about these products by visiting their product pages:

Technology Highlights


About the Team

Roopu Cloud is a European-based company specialized on Chinese Cloud, mostly focused on offering consulting services on Alibaba Cloud. Roopu Cloud was founded by Alberto Roura and Pablo Puig, both Alibaba Cloud MVPs and ACP certified professionals. Roopu Cloud is an official partner of Alibaba Cloud and the Alibaba Cloud Academy, offering a wide range of services on this provider.

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