Community Blog MVP #FridayFive: March 2020 Edition 1

MVP #FridayFive: March 2020 Edition 1

Alibaba Cloud MVP Friday Five is a blog column to share interesting and helpful content brought by global Alibaba Cloud MVPs.

Alibaba Cloud MVPs, the exceptional technical leaders in the community, are known for their regular technology sharing through their various contributions in the community, be it blogs, articles, webinars and more.

In our weekly #Friday Five, we try to showcase some of those unique contributions, which have the potential to make a difference, and guide those who are eager to learn about Alibaba Cloud's platform.

Let's take you through this week's Friday Five to kick off your weekly dose of technology.

1. [Blog] Alibaba Cloud MVP Story - Alberto Roura

By Alberto Roura, Australia MVP
In this blog post, MVP Alberto Roura shares his experience with building Cirrus Audit, a purely serverless cloud resource optimization tool, on Alibaba Cloud.
Link to Blog

2. [Blog] How to Setup a Leanote Server on ECS with CentOS 7

By Hitesh Jethva, India MVP
In this tutorial, we will learn how to install and configure Leanote on an Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance with CentOS 7.
Link to Blog

3. [Webinar] Image Processing on OSS

By Yoshihiro Matsuda, Japan MVP
Introduction to the Image Processing function of the Object Storage Service. Conduct online demonstrations.
Link to Webinar


4. [Blog] How to Create Your Own IP Phone with Asterisk on Alibaba Cloud

By Hervé Arsène Bineli Manga, Cameroon MVP
In this tutorial, we will get you started by providing the steps required to create a cloud-based IP Phone server that you may use for your home or at work.
Link to Blog

5. [Blog] A Brief Guide to Install and Configure Shopware CE on Alibaba Cloud ECS

By Arslan ud Din Shafiq, Pakistan MVP
In this tutorial, we will install and set up Shopware CE on Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) along with Ubuntu 16.04.
Link to Blog

About Alibaba Cloud MVP

Here at Alibaba Cloud, we always strive towards making a digitally connected world and to ease your information technology challenges. Our handpicked industry experts, Alibaba Cloud MVPs, contribute towards this vision in their own way by enabling the world on how Alibaba Cloud technologies are transforming businesses in a day to day basis.
Alibaba Cloud Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is an award given to the technical leaders in the community for their contributions towards helping others understand and adopt Alibaba Cloud technologies.
Learn more about Alibaba Cloud MVP at https://mvp.alibabacloud.com

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