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Different Models of Cloud Deployment

The "cloud", a term frequently used but not always understood, refers to digital access to various applications residing on remote servers and other devices. It's highly scalable, providing access to more system resources based on the needs of individuals or groups. The cloud is also quick and responsive so getting information and application access is fast and easy. There are also multiple options for controlling access to different aspects of the cloud.

What Are the Various Models Available for Cloud Deployment?

There are several types of cloud deployment models to choose from, each related to a different kind of cloud environment. There are differences in who controls the cloud and access to it and the scale and its primary purpose. Server location is another factor and the things that are fixed and things that can be altered. Some models have more services than others, which may require more work on the user's part.

There are five main types of service and deployment models of cloud computing; private, public, hybrid, multi-cloud and community. Each one is discussed in more detail below.

Private Cloud

In a private cloud deployment, there is only one user involved. They are the sole person with access to the hardware and software and its attendant resources. Another term for the private model is "internal cloud." There is often a powerful firewall providing comprehensive and reliable security to prevent any other unauthorized user from utilizing a private cloud's data and other resources. The single user of a private cloud also enjoys a high level of control and flexibility, allowing them to customize it to their exact needs and preferences.

Private cloud pros:

● Complete control: The user is the only person with the ability to make changes and set policies; they have no one else to consider or answer to.
● Highly private and secure: Since a private cloud is closed off from other systems and protected by a strong firewall, it's a safe place to store important and confidential information
● Backward compatible: A private cloud doesn't require a whole new system to operate; it's compatible with legacy systems, so there's no need for a complete overhaul
● Customizable: It's easy to make changes to a public cloud to suit the user's needs, and there are many options available.

Public Cloud

With a public cloud deployment model, anyone at a company has access to the cloud's services and applications. While this is convenient, it's also less secure. Any infrastructure services available via the internet to the population at large or to large groups are in the public cloud. This infrastructure is owned by the same entity providing the services rather than by those who use the services. The public cloud is intended for easy user access and hosting, where providers offer their services to customers. Service types vary widely; there are data backup services and other types available via subscription or as open-source applications.

Positive Points of the Public Cloud

● With completely subsidized infrastructure, the user does not need to invest in or set up any hardware themselves or manage the infrastructure
● There's no need for an up-front investment. Users only pay for the services they utilize and sometimes only when they use them.
● Maintenance and security are handled by the service provider rather than the users.
● Since public cloud services are available on-demand, they are easy to scale to user needs.

Hybrid cloud

As the name implies, the Hybrid cloud model combines public and private cloud model elements. It uses software to host apps in a cost-effective public platform while also getting the security of the private cloud. This model also lets enterprises transfer their applications and data from one cloud to another.

Reasons to use the hybrid model

● You get the scalability of the public cloud and the pricing structure; you only pay for the services you ask for.
● The hybrid model gives organizations control over their cloud usage and the flexibility to make quick changes with little lead time.
● Different data groups are kept separate, maintaining security and minimizing attack risk.

Community Model

A community cloud is similar to a public cloud but is usually only accessible to specific groups or companies.

It consists of multiple clouds grouped together and is focused on servicing one particular industry or community, such as the military, finance or health care.

The infrastructure is usually managed by an outside party but can also be handled by the organizations.

Advantages of the community cloud:

● Since several communities or organizations share the community model, costs are shared and reduced for each member of the community.
● Community cloud platforms may be focused on servicing industries using confidential data and are highly secure.
● It's easy to collaborate and share resources and information with other community members using the cloud.


The multi-cloud model not only uses multiple clouds but multiple cloud providers. However, it does not use private clouds and instead uses several public clouds. This creates redundancy, so there are still resources available in the event of a data loss or a malware attack. It's unlikely for two separate clouds to fail simultaneously, providing users with consistent reliability.

Advantages of a multi-cloud model:

● If the different cloud providers have different services, users can mix and match and use the services they want across multiple providers.
● Users can select zones and regions in geographical proximity to clients or themselves, cutting down on latency and improving responsiveness.
● Having multiple clouds and their services available makes it likely that you will continue to have services if one cloud goes down.

We've discussed the benefits of cloud deployment models; now, let's go over some disadvantages of each type.

Question 1. Are there any disadvantages to using the public cloud model?


These are the downsides to using the public cloud model:

Since the same users access the servers hosting the cloud, a failure on these servers means a failure for all users and services.

Many cloud services in the public cloud are subject to licensing, limiting the number of instances each service can be distributed to users.

Question 2. Does the hybrid cloud model have any downsides?


Some disadvantages of the hybrid cloud model may be:

The hybrid model requires more maintenance, demanding more effort and expense on the part of the enterprise.

Integrating data and applications can be complex and costly when building a hybrid cloud, as can the combination of multiple infrastructures

Question 3. Describe the disadvantages of using the private cloud model.


The downsides of the private cloud model are as follows:

Scalability is limited in private clouds to not exceed the limits of their hosted resources. If the hardware can't support expansion, expansion cannot occur.

A private cloud model requires greater up-front investment for the needed software and hardware and the staff to implement it.

Question 4. Give a specific example of the following:

A government-supplied cloud platform


(a) Cloud.gov, associated with the US government

Question 5. Define utility computing


Utility computing is a platform where a service provider supplies computing infrastructure and other resources and manages those resources for customers on-demand.

Users are only charged for their services; however, many businesses tend to lean towards using hybrid cloud platforms.

Question 6. How should you secure data during transfers?


A practical method of keeping data secure during transfers between locations is to use an encryption key and to ensure that the key isn't known to any outside parties.

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