Cyber Trust Mark (CTM)
The Cyber Trust Mark is a cybersecurity certification for organisations developed by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA). They serve as visible indicators to demonstrate that organisations have put in place good cybersecurity practices to protect their operations and customers against cyber attacks. It also serves to indicate that this organisation has invested significant expertise and resources to manage and protect its Information Technology (IT) infrastructure.
The key objective of the Cyber Trust mark is to serve as a mark of distinction to recognise organisations that are actively addressing cybersecurity risks and maintaining an adequate level of cybersecurity in their environment.
As the risk level of organisations vary, instead of prescribing specific cybersecurity measures, the Cyber Trust mark takes on a risk-based approach to guide organisations in identifying gaps in their implementation of the cybersecurity preparedness measures so that their implementation commensurate with their cybersecurity risk profiles.
There are five (5) cybersecurity preparedness tiers in the Cyber Trust mark certification, namely Advocate, Performer, Promoter, Practitioner and Supporter.
Alibaba Cloud has been certified with the highest tier (Advocate) which is provided to organisations with leading digital maturity level, large organisations or those operating in/providers to regulated sectors.
For more information, please visit CSA official website.