Creating a smooth and friendly end-user experience on your website, mobile apps, and application services are now the key to the success of your business. Delays can lead to a dramatic increase in bounce rate. Fast and reliable services are highly valuable in the network-centric era, especially for retail, e-commerce, finance, aviation, hospitality, and media industries.

The Challenges of Network Performance

The latency problem caused by geographic distance cannot be solved using public internet.
Low Availability
The complaints from customers about bad network performance leads to the loss of customers and ultimately the loss of revenue.
Complex Deployment
The complicated network deployment cannot adapt your rapid business growth.
High Security Risks
Connection through public internet is vulnerable to DDoS attacks and crawlers.

Network Acceleration Solution

Build a global network with Cloud Enterprise Network gives you access to multiple VPCS and regions. Alibaba Cloud enables to accelerate your global network by deploying acceleration nodes around the world. You can flexibly switch between Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) network and backbone network as needed.


  • Superior Speed
  • 99.95% Availability
  • Secured Environment
  • Fast Deployment


Superior Speed

Significantly reduce network latency.

High Availability

Multiple redundant links guaranteed network high availability.

Secured Environment

Data is transferred in a secure and compliant environment.

Fast Deployment

Sets up a multi-region networking environment in 4 easy steps within 5 minutes.

Related Products

Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN)

A comprehensive set of virtual networking capabilities that provide customers multi-region networking on the cloud.

- Configure your CEN by completing four simple steps in five minutes.

- Costs are about 10% lower than Express Connect.

- Flexible allocation of bandwidth resources.

Server Load Balancer

Distributes traffic among multiple instances to improve the service capabilities of your applications.

- High availability across zones and failover within 30 seconds.

- Automatic traffic distribution among multiple instances

- Guaranteed-performance instances and supersize instances.

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Elastic Compute Service (ECS)

An online computing service that offers elastic and secure virtual cloud servers to cater all your cloud hosting needs.

- 99.999999999% data reliability, and the latest Intel CPUs.

- Safeguard your data with free Anti-DDoS Basic service.

- 19 international regions with multiple availability zones.

A Free Trial That Lets You Build Big!

Start building with 40+ products and up to 12 months usage for Elastic Compute Service

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