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[알리바바 클라우드] 2024 강원 청소년 동계올림픽 YOG 프로젝트 Part 2 : E-Ticket (온라인 티켓 예매)Community

Alibaba Cloud supported the 2024 Gangwon Youth Winter Olympics by providing cloud resources for the E-Ticket project, an online ticket reservation system. The system, accessible in Korean and English, allowed ticket purchases for all 15 events, including the opening and closing ceremonies. Alibaba Cloud services such as ECS, Server Load Balancer, and CloudMonitor were utilized to ensure high availability, security, and continuous monitoring. The system successfully managed over 450,000 ticket sales with an average of 1,000 daily active users, demonstrating the reliability and robustness of Alibaba Cloud's offerings.
ACKF19: 알리바바 클라우드로 아시아 시장 진출Webinar

알리바바 클라우드는 광군제 기적을 통해 하루 44조원 거래 처리 능력을 입증하고, APAC 1위 클라우드 제공 업체로 성장했습니다. 현재 글로벌 인프라를 바탕으로 한국-중국-아세안 경제적 동반 성장을 지원하며, 한국 에코시스템 및 파트너십 모델을 강화하고 있습니다. 또한, 알리바바 클라우드는 한국 고객의 아시아 비즈니스 성공 사례를 통해 클라우드 기술의 가치를 입증하고 있습니다.
May 14, 2020, 14:00 - Jun 14, 2020, 14:15 UTC+09:00
Alibaba Cloud China Gateway - 중국-아시아 시장 진출 세미나Event

The first Alibaba Cloud China Gateway seminar aims to assist Korean businesses and institutions planning to enter and expand in the China-Asia market. It will introduce Alibaba Cloud's one-stop business and IT infrastructure consulting program, China Gateway, covering IT infrastructure and business insights for the Asia market. The agenda includes updates on Alibaba Cloud's latest trends, open avatar platform 'Zepeto', K-Beauty Cloud demonstration, China economic trends, retail and media solutions, financial solutions, and China network safety law. Additionally, Alibaba Cloud and its official partner, Megazone, will present at the eNews CIO Summit 2019.
Feb 21, 2019, 11:30 - 15:10 UTC+09:00Korea, Seoul
[알리바바 클라우드] 2024 강원 청소년 동계올림픽 YOG 프로젝트 Part 3 : VOL Portal (자원봉사자 모집)Community

Alibaba Cloud supported the 2024 Gangwon Youth Winter Olympics by providing cloud resources for various projects, including the VOL Project, a volunteer recruitment portal. The VOL Project successfully recruited over 2,000 volunteers using Alibaba Cloud services such as ECS, ApsaraDB for RDS, WAF, and Anti-DDoS. The architecture included Dev and Prod VPCs, with user traffic routed through Anti-DDoS and WAF to SLB, which balanced the load across instances. Alibaba Cloud products ensured high availability, security, and efficient management of the volunteer portal.
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