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Data Lake Analytics

Data Lake Analytics does not require any ETL tools. This service allows you to use standard SQL syntax and business intelligence (BI) tools to efficiently analyze your data stored in the cloud with extremely low costs.

Alibaba Cloud Data Lake Analytics (DLA) is an interactive analytics service that utilizes serverless architecture. As a ready-to-use service, DLA does not require any prior setup of infrastructure or upfront management costs. You do not need to maintain instances in DLA, and service is billed based on actual use and needs. DLA uses SQL interfaces to interact with user service clients, which means it complies with standard SQL syntax and provides a variety of similar functions. DLA allows you to retrieve and analyze data from multiple data sources or locations such as OSS and Table Store for optimal data processing, analytics, and visualization to give better insights and ultimately guide better decision making.


Designed as a ready-to-use service, DLA does not require any prior setup of infrastructure facilities, or incur massive upfront management costs. Upgrades to DLA can be performed with zero service downtime. DLA also supports elastic scaling to ensure the quality of services.
Database-like User Experience
Complies with standard SQLs and supports a variety of functions, including JDBC and ODBC protocols and BI tools.
Data Federation
Cloud native federation analytics across multiple data sources: OSS, PostgreSQL, MySQL (RDS), NoSQL (Table Store), etc.
High-performance Analysis Engine
Leverages the new generation analysis engine XIHE and applies MPP and DAG technology to achieve high compression ratio, high scalability, and high availability.


Server-less Big Data Analytics

Data Lake Analytics (DLA) utilizes a serverless architecture. This service is easy to manage and upgrade. You do not need to maintain instances when using DLA, which means maintenance costs are greatly reduced.

Cost Efficiency

DLA is billed based on actual usage, and you do not need to maintain instances. This means the service does not require long-term investment on data analysis.

Upgrade with Zero Service Downtime

Based on serverless architecture, you can upgrade DLA with zero service downtime for more agile and rapid product iteration.

Security and Reliability

Dedicated account management system, isolated virtual network, etc.

Secured Network

Fully secured and logically isolated service based on Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) technology

Fine-grained Access Control

Comprehensive authorization mechanism based on RAM/STS systems, scalable cryptographic key management based on Key Management Service (KMS)

Multisource Analytics

Data federation capabilities with built-in ETL

Built-in ETL

Transparent access to multiple data sources, including but not limited to object storage, NoSQL, RDBMS, with a unified user interface and ANSI SQL syntax.

Multisource Data Federation

Cloud native analytics across multiple data sources: OSS, PostgreSQL, MySQL, NoSQL(Table Store), etc.

Cloud Native Ecosystem

Database-like user experience with native support for a wide variety of SQL client tools and BI products

Support for MySQL Clients

Support MySQL client tools such as MySQL Workbench, DBeaver, etc.

Support for BI Products

Tightly integrated with QuickBI, Tableau, DataV, etc.

ANSI SQL Compatibility

Fully compatible with ANSI SQL:2003 syntax, comprehensive function support

Typical scenarios

  • Data Analysis with OSS
  • Table Store Data Analysis
  • Support for Heterogeneous Data Sources
Data Analysis with OSS

Data Analysis with OSS

Enables you to analyze data stored in OSS

DLA allows you to create tables, query raw data stored in OSS, and then display the query results through Quick BI.


  • Quick Analysis

    You can quickly obtain analysis results without building any analysis platform.

  • OSS Data Analysis

    You can analyze infrequently used data (cold data) without the need to use ETL tools.

Table Store Data Analysis
Support for Heterogeneous Data Sources

Upgraded Support For You

1 on 1 Presale Consultation, 24/7 Technical Support, Faster Response, and More Free Tickets.

1 on 1 Presale Consultation

Consulting by experienced cloud experts.Learn More

24/7 Technical Support

Extended service time from 10 hours 5 days a week to 24/7. Learn More

6 Free Tickets per Quarter

The number of free tickets doubled from 3 to 6 per quarter. Learn More

Faster Response

Shorten after-sale response time from 36 hours to 18 hours. Learn More
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