Always Free PolarDB Instance
We are introducing the Always Free PolarDB campaign for all variations to support the developer community. After successful participation, one resource of the specified specification can be used for free. Regional resource availability is subject to change. When resources are unavailable in certain regions, you can switch your free tier instance to a different region or to a paid plan in any specific region. Please read the Offer Terms & Conditions for more information.
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PolarDB for PostgreSQL
Each user can participate once a month and is allowed to launch one PolarDB instance for free each time.
Specifications of the free PolarDB instance
Node Specification: 2C8G (Dedicated)
Storage Capacity: 50 GB
Available Regions
China (Hong Kong) | Germany (Frankfurt) | Indonesia (Jakarta) | Japan (Tokyo) | Singapore | Thailand (Bangkok) | UK (London)
High Compatibility with Oracle
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is 100% compatible with PostgreSQL and is highly compatible with the Oracle syntax. PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports the native interfaces of Oracle (such as OCI) and client tools compatible with Oracle. Therefore, you can quickly migrate your business based on Oracle to PolarDB for PostgreSQL with low risks.
High Performance
PolarDB for PostgreSQL optimizes the native PostgreSQL engine and supports various features (such as physical data replication, RDMA protocol, and shared distributed storage) to improve performance. This way, PolarDB for PostgreSQL delivers four times the performance of open-source PostgreSQL databases.
Auto Scaling
A PostgreSQL cluster supports a maximum of 100 TB of storage and up to 16 nodes. You can scale the node specification of a cluster up or down. The change of node specification takes effect within five minutes. If you change the number of nodes in a cluster, the change takes effect within five minutes.
Hybrid Workloads
PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports the cross-node parallel execution feature. After you enable this feature, an SQL query can be run on multiple nodes in parallel. This way, you can take advantage of the hardware resources of all the compute nodes (such as CPUs, memory, and network resources). This improves the performance of analytical queries.
Compatibility with Oracle for ease of use
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is highly compatible with the Oracle syntax and supports the professional migration assessment tools provided by ADAM. This way, you can migrate your data in Oracle databases to PolarDB for PostgreSQL.
Compatibility with the Oracle Syntax
PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports all native interfaces of Oracle and almost all database objects in Oracle. PolarDB for PostgreSQL is highly compatible with the Oracle syntax and some key features (such as DBLINK, partitioned tables, and PL/SQL). PolarDB for PostgreSQL uses similar logical concepts to Oracle, including users, roles, modes, and permissions. In addition, PolarDB for PostgreSQL uses a share-everything storage architecture that uses the same file system structure and ACID concepts as Oracle.
Free Migration Assessment
You can use ADAM to assess the migration of databases and applications, transform databases online, and access applications free of charge. ADAM can assess the compatibility, association, performance, risks, and required modification methods of databases and applications and provide suggestions on how to resolve compatibility issues and how to optimize and convert database engines.
Database Expert Service
PolarDB for PostgreSQL provides the database expert service with tools to help enterprises implement Oracle features with low costs. The service covers operations within the entire migration process, including schema migration, data migration, consistency verification, and the simulation, playback, cutover, and optimization of SQL statements.
Compute-storage decoupled architecture that exploits the advantages of cloud-native databases
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is designed based on a cloud-native architecture in which storage and computing resources are decoupled. You can scale up the read and write capabilities of PolarDB for PostgreSQL within minutes and configure up to 16 compute nodes for a PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster.
Elastic Scaling
PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports the elastic scaling of a cluster within minutes. You can scale the compute capabilities of a cluster up or down by changing the specification of each compute node within the cluster or changing the number of read-only nodes (16 compute nodes maximum) within the cluster. You can also scale up the storage capacity of a cluster by adding storage nodes.
Large Storage Capacity
PolarDB for PostgreSQL uses shared storage whose capacity is automatically adjusted online based on the data volume. A single PolarDB for PostgreSQL cluster provides up to 100 TB of storage. The storage of a cluster is shared by all compute nodes within the cluster. This way, no additional storage costs are incurred when you add compute nodes.
High Availability
PolarDB for PostgreSQL uses distributed shared storage and physically replicates data. This way, the latency caused by logical data replication is avoided and the global consistency of data can be ensured.
Managed PostgreSQL databases that reduce costs
PolarDB for PostgreSQL provides a fully-managed database service to improve productivity and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO).
Ease of Use
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is fully compatible with PostgreSQL.
Version Upgrade
PolarDB for PostgreSQL allows you to manually upgate the minor engine version to improve performance, introduce new features, or fix known issues.
SQL Explorer
SQL Explorer collects all SQL statements executed on databases in real-time and uses powerful analytic and query engines to identify potential performance or security risks.
Efficient storage and computing capabilities for large amounts of spatio-temporal data
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is integrated with GanosBase, the spatio-temporal data engine developed by DAMO Academy. You can use PolarDB for PostgreSQL to store, manage, index, and process spatio-temporal data.
Support for All Spatial Data
PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports various types of data, including vectors, grids, trajectories, point clouds, meshes, paths, 3D surface models, and 3D body models. Therefore, you can use PolarDB for PostgreSQL to store and process all spatial data in a unified manner, including data indoors and outdoors, data above and below ground, dynamic and static data, and digital twin data.
High Performance
PolarDB for PostgreSQL allows you to create multi-level parallel spatio-temporal operators to push down computing operations for higher computing efficiency.
Compatibility with Spatial Data and Services
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is compatible with various types of commercial or open-source spatial data and services. You can use the spatial data system based on GIS to build a city-level spatial data warehouse that applies to multiple platforms.
Transformation and Migration of Traditional Commercial Databases
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is highly compatible with the Oracle syntax. Therefore, you can migrate traditional commercial databases to PolarDB for PostgreSQL to implement the features of Oracle databases in a cost-effective manner without interrupting your business. You can implement the features of Oracle by migrating heterogeneous databases to PolarDB for PostgreSQL in a cost-effective manner without paying license fees. This way, you can optimize the structure of your IT costs and use the highly available service provided by PolarDB for PostgreSQL to improve cost-effectiveness.
Solution Effects
Heterogeneous Database Transformation with Low Costs
You can create a migration plan based on the professional databases or application compatibility assessment reports provided by ADAM and improve transformation efficiency using the compatibility of PolarDB for PostgreSQL with Oracle.
High Scalability
The auto scaling feature ensures the stability of your business during peak hours and frees you from complex database capacity assessment and long equipment procurement cycles.
Service Cutover with Low Risks
The real-time migration and reverse transmission features provided by DTS are used with Database Expert Service to significantly shorten the time required for service cutover and reduce risks.
Related Services
Efficient Queries for Large Amounts of Data
PolarDB for PostgreSQL uses an architecture in which computing and storage resources are decoupled and supports various features (such as parallel queries and read/write splitting) to significantly reduce the response time of queries. Therefore, you can use PolarDB for PostgreSQL to process queries that require lightweight analysis operations (such as queries that require large amounts of compute resources, join queries across multiple tables, and daily report queries).
Solution Effects
Parallel Queries
PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports parallel queries by distributing data shards to different threads at the storage layer. These threads run in parallel and return the results to the leader thread. This way, the time required to respond to complex SQL queries and report queries can be significantly reduced.
Read/Write Splitting
You can add up to 15 read-only nodes to a PolarDB cluster. You can enable the transaction splitting feature in the PolarDB console to distribute the read requests in the transactions to read-only nodes for load balancing. This way, the response time of queries can be reduced.
Related Services
Digital Twin
PolarDB for PostgreSQL is integrated with Ganos, the spatio-temporal data engine developed by DAMO Academy. You can use PolarDB for PostgreSQL to store and process large amounts of high-dimensional spatio-temporal data from multiple sources in digital twin scenarios. This way, PolarDB for PostgreSQL can provide computing capabilities for applications required to build data baseboards or perform simulation analysis in digital twin scenarios.
Solution Effects
Unified Management of All Types of Spatial Data
PolarDB for PostgreSQL supports various types of data, including vectors, grids, trajectories, point clouds, meshes, paths, 3D surface models, and 3D body models. Therefore, you can use PolarDB for PostgreSQL to store and process all spatial data in a unified manner, including data indoors and outdoors, data above and below ground, dynamic and static data, and digital twin data.
Full Spatial Data Viewing and Computing
PolarDB for PostgreSQL allows you to create multi-level parallel spatio-temporal operators to push down computing operations for higher computing efficiency. You can create sparse indexes for 2D and 3D data in the database. This way, the rendering engine can quickly obtain the 2D and 3D data and display computing results.
Related Services
Offer Terms & Conditions
The offers detailed on this page are valid for as long as the page is displayed. The offers only apply to purchases of the specific Alibaba Cloud products listed on this page. Everything shown below does not apply to purchases made via third-party resellers.
Instance Specifications and Terms:
a. When the usage does not exceed one PolarDB instance of 2C8G (2-core and 8GB of memory) and the storage usage of that instance does not exceed 50GB, there is no fee.
b. Regional resource availability is subject to change. When resources are unavailable in certain regions, you can switch your free tier instance to a different region or to a paid plan in any specific region.
c. Each user can participate at most once a month maximum. After each successful participation, the free benefits will be valid for the month. The benefits will expire if they are not used in the same month. If the benefits expire, you can reapply.
d. Applications can only be made through Alibaba Cloud accounts but not through sub-accounts. After the application is submitted, the application result will be sent by email and message to your account within three business days. If the application is approved, you can use the free benefits immediately. The benefits only apply to launching new resources. Free renewal of existing resources is not allowed.
These are the terms and conditions that apply to promotions on, including ones where you must select products as part of the offer. No alternative terms and conditions apply.
• Alibaba Cloud reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time.
• These offers apply only to products and digital content.
• These offers are limited to one per customer and account. If you have multiple accounts, only one account is eligible to participate.
• Only users that have passed our Real Name Registration verification process are eligible to participate.
• Each of these offers may not be combined with other offers.
• Each of these offers are non-transferrable and may not be resold.
• Discounts and promotions will apply automatically when you check out if all terms and conditions have been met.
• If you violate any of the offer terms, the offer will be made invalid.
• PayPal is not supported for Alibaba Cloud Free Tier. If PayPal is the only payment method in your account, you'll be prompted to add a payment method when attempting to start a free trial. To proceed, add a credit card, debit card, or PayTM account supported by Alibaba Cloud.