Alibaba Cloud CDN

A fast, stable, secure, and custom content delivery service for accelerated content distribution to users worldwide

CDN Pricing


Billing item: Downstream traffic
Traffic tier(USD/GB) Mainland China-CN North America-NA European Union-EU Asia Pacific 1-AP1 Asia Pacific 2-AP2 Asia Pacific 3-AP3 Middle East & Africa-MEAA South America-SA
0GB - 50TB (inclusive) 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.081 0.108 0.096 0.105 0.105
50TB - 100TB (inclusive) 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.062 0.094 0.083 0.085 0.085
100TB-1PB(inclusive) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.053 0.079 0.070 0.07 0.07
>1PB 0.02 0.025 0.025 0.048 0.072 0.064 0.06 0.06
Billing Methods

• Billing Method: Pay by Hourly Traffic

• Payment Rule: Different regions apply to different tier price ( calculated on a calendar month basis )

• Billing Cycle: Pay by traffic will be charged hourly ( 2-3 hours delay ).

Example of how data usage (in mainland China) is billed on an hourly basis
From May 1 to May 15, the total amount of data usage is 51200 GB. The price rate is 0.04 USD per GB ( 0 GB – 50 TB pricing tier ).
From 00:00:00 on May 16 to 01:00:00 on May 16, the total amount of data usage is 1000 GB.
The remaining 1000 GB falls into the 50 TB – 100 TB pricing tier. The price rate is USD 0.03 per GB.
The total fee for the 52200 GB of data usage is: 51200 GB ×USD 0.04 + 1000 GB × USD 0.03 = USD 2078

The bill is issued after the billing cycle ends. Typically, the bill is issued approximately three hours after the billing cycle ends. The system determines when bills are issued. After a bill is issued, relevant fees are automatically deducted from the balance in your account.
The conversion rate between a smaller data storage unit and a larger unit is 1024. For example, 1 GB equals 1024 MB.

Note: To avoid causing a loss to users due to abnormal and malicious traffic, the upper bandwidth limit for Pay-By-Traffic is set to 10 Gbps by default. To change the billing method, submit a ticket or contact your business manager.

Asia-Pacific Regions:

• Asia-Pacific 1: China(Hong Kong), Japan, China (Taiwan), China(Macau), and Southeast Asia Countries (excluding Vietnam and Indonesia)

• Asia-Pacific 2: India, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam

• Asia-Pacific 3: Australia, New Zealand

Value-Added Billing Items

Billing items as follow

Value-added service price
Billing item Price (USD/10 thousand times)
Static HTTPS requests 0.008
Static QUIC requests 0.008
Dynamic QUIC requests 0.024
Billing rules

• Method of payment: Post payment

• Billing cycle:Billed by hour; fee deducted in real time


Billing of requests is charged by all domains which are enabled HTTPS or QUIC service .

Outbound data transfer plan

Description: The data transfer plan uses the subscription billing method, and supports the one-off payment. The plan takes effect immediately after the payment. The excess data transfer is billed by traffic.
CDN Data Transfer Plan Released

Traffic Specification (USD/GB) Mainland China-CN Regions Outside Chinese Mainland North America-NA European Union-EU Asia Pacific 1-AP1 Asia Pacific 2-AP2 Asia Pacific 3-AP3 Middle East & Africa-MEAA South America-SA
100GB 4 10 7 7 8 10 9 20 20
500GB 19 50 33 33 38 49 44 94 94
1TB 37 99 65 65 75 98 88 185 185
5TB 180 472 315 315 365 485 430 900 900
10TB 350 893 620 620 720 960 850 1780 1780
50TB 1740 4155 3040 3040 3520 4700 4170 8700 8700
200TB 5038 16028 5223 5038 9010 13429 11756 25498 23798
1PB 25795 79023 26739 25795 46127 68755 60188 130548 121845
Billing rules

• Billed item: outbound traffic.

• Billing method: subscription.

• Billing cycle: The system calculates billing on a daily basis, and deducts consumed traffic from the data transfer plan.

• Validity period: one year.


• To use the outbound traffic purchased in the data transfer plan, you must use the Pay by Traffic billing method. If the current billing method is Pay by Bandwidth, the unused data in your data transfer plan is unavailable. Therefore, you must switch to the Pay by Traffic billing method.

• You can choose a target region from eight available regions to accelerate the content delivery.

• A data transfer plan can be used only by the Alibaba Cloud account that purchased the plan.

• Multiple data transfer plans are sorted in ascending order of expiration time. The plan with the least remaining validity days has higher payment priority.

• To check the balance of your outbound traffic quota and view the details of your data transfer plan, choose Billing Management > Billing Management > Resource Packages > Overview, and select CDN Data Traffic Plan from the Product drop-down list.

• The outbound traffic quota in the data transfer plan is only available within the validity period. The unused traffic quota is invalid after the plan expires. No alternatives or complementary measures will be provided.

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