Apsara Stack  Play Video

Apsara Stack is an enterprise-grade cloud platform designed specifically for public service sectors and enterprise customers based on the Apsara distributed operating system to ensure the isolation of resources and cloud management. Rooted in the same technical architecture as the Alibaba Cloud public cloud, Apsara Stack delivers a consistent user experience. With its capacity for local deployment, Apsara Stack provides dedicated computing, storage, and network resources to meet the needs of public service sectors and enterprise customers for asset self-ownership, security compliance, and autonomous O&M. Thanks to its elastic and agile nature, Apsara Stack enables customers to maximize resource utilization and expedite service deployment with ease.


  • Full-stack

    Full-stack cloud platform as the IT infrastructure for the digital transformation of public service sectors and enterprise customers

    ●  Use of the same Apsara architecture as the Alibaba Cloud public cloud to provide a consistent user experience

    ● More than 40 cloud products covering IaaS, PaaS, big data, and security
  • Stable

    Support for the stable operation of key applications in the cloud

    ● Financial-grade disaster recovery capabilities in all scenarios, with up to six levels of disaster recovery support

    ● Support for full-stack hot upgrade

    ● Integration of monitoring, management, and control to detect problems within 1 minute after they occur and demarcate them within 10 minutes
  • Secure

    Full-stack security protection, pioneer in security compliance

    ● Full-stack security product system for in-depth, proactive, and resilient defense, guarding the security of tenants and the cloud platform

    ● Support for offline, independent deployment to meet security compliance requirements such as data sovereignty and asset self-ownership
  • Open

    Full openness and compatibility for hardware, cloud management, and applications

    ● Cloud products with standard open APIs for integration

    ● Compatibility with mainstream hardware from third-party brands, with no vendor lock-in

    ● Support for Terraform and cloud management page integration


Solutions - All-scenario Disaster Recovery and Backup

Apsara Stack's full-stack cloud disaster recovery solutions are developed based on years of disaster recovery practice of the Alibaba Cloud public cloud and Apsara Stack customers' requirements, ensuring business continuity at required levels to safeguard business stability.

  • Centralized controllable management

    The ASR platform provides centralized monitoring, testing, and failover processes for full-stack products to simplify disaster recovery and support controllable management throughout the entire disaster recovery process.

  • Diverse scenarios

    A range of disaster recovery scenarios are supported, including zone-disaster recovery, geo-disaster recovery, multi-site high availability (MSHA), three or four data centers across two regions, many-to-one, and cross-region deployments. High-level disaster recovery capabilities, such as the Recovery Point Objective (RPO) of 0, are provided to meet varying requirements in different scenarios.

  • Proven reliability

    Apsara Stack is the first in the industry to provide full-stack cloud disaster recovery solutions, which have been tested and trusted by hundreds of large and medium-sized customers.

Solutions - Multi-region Deployment

Apsara Stack provides cross-region centralized management and scheduling solutions for multi-region deployments to achieve consistent experience, comprehensive management, and resource collaboration across all regions.

  • Consistent experience across all regions

    Cloud services are activated with a few clicks across regions. Applications are globally deployed, with consistent service capabilities. Tailored disaster recovery schemes eliminate compatibility concerns across multiple clouds.

  • Centralized organization management and resource allocation

    Resources are seamlessly allocated for organizations and users across regions, providing a comprehensive view and improved efficiency for vertical business departments.

  • Seamless application and data collaboration across all regions

    Big data computing is performed across regions without the need to migrate data. Cross-region data backup and synchronization with a straightforward user interface are implemented for storage and databases.

Solutions - Cloud-native Applications

Apsara Stack provides high-performance IaaS services, the cloud-native database service PolarDB, and cloud-native middleware to enable the smooth migration of cloud-native applications to the cloud.

  • Application migration to the cloud

    CIPU and CDS allow you to migrate high-performance workloads to the cloud and provide ECS VMs and bare metal containers to carry your application workloads.

  • On-cloud database replacement

    PolarDB for MySQL can replace open source MySQL. PolarDB for PostgreSQL can replace Oracle and open source PostgreSQL. Oracle RAC on SHENLONG CDS ensures smooth migration.

  • Cloud-native transformation of core systems

    CIPU and container services allow you to containerize your applications. EDAS provides application hosting services. ARMS offers end-to-end application monitoring.

Solutions - Integrated O&M on Cloud and Applications

Application Operations Platform (AOP) supports full-lifecycle management for cloud and applications.

  • Application O&M processes and specifications

    Integrate the entire process of planning, deploying, publishing, and running applications to help customers establish application O&M processes and specifications to improve the collaboration efficiency of O&M teams.

  • Ensured business continuity

    Create a five-layer panoramic observability and integrated grading system in the cloud, with a panoramic monitoring scope that covers business, applications, cloud service instances, cloud products, and hardware, enabling customers to quickly identify the scope of business impact and demarcate faults for quick recovery.

  • Enhanced O&M efficiency

    Build an integrated O&M platform for cloud and applications to support diverse capabilities, such as application-specific resource application, multi-policy release, flexible and visualized orchestration, O&M security risk control, panoramic monitoring, and configuration management databases (CMDBs), to optimize O&M efficiency and improve service quality

Solutions - Operational Industry Cloud

Based on the diverse cloud products, comprehensive sales capabilities, and platform service capabilities provided by Apsara Stack, digital and intelligent cloud management helps customers build a group, industry, or regional cloud platform for sustainable operation and provide various cloud services to tenants in the cloud.

  • Full-stack cloud services

    More than 80 cloud products and services are provided, including basic IaaS, PaaS, DaaS, security, and AI computing services, to meet cloud tenants' various requirements such as cloud migration of applications and digital transformation.

  • Fine-grained operations

    Digital and Intelligent Cloud Management provides cloud service management, cloud service sales, and operations analysis capabilities for complex, either internal or external, operations scenarios. It also supports comprehensive metering, standard open APIs, and page integration capabilities for efficient operations system customization

  • Diverse operational services

    Digital and Intelligent Cloud Management derives from the rich experience of the Alibaba Cloud public cloud in operations systems and provides various services, such as operations and management system consulting, technical operations, and security operations, for large enterprises and industry cloud customers.

Customer Stories

China Southern Power Grid

Cloud-based scheduling to ensure safer, more environmentally friendly, and more economical use of electricity

China's first power system capable of scheduling within seconds, with power generation safety guaranteed by cloud and AI technology; quick deployment within 70 seconds, rapid scaling within 10 seconds, decision-making within seconds on dangerous sections and threshold-crossing, and faster 50% spot clearing

A Provincial Public Service Cloud

The provincial public service cloud is the base for the implementation of digital transformation across the province

Provide strong support for the provincial big data bureau in promoting the construction of an integrated and intelligent public data platform, aggregate more than 25 billion data entries, migrate more than 1,000 applications and systems to the cloud, and serve nearly 100 provincial units

A Provincial Healthcare Security Administration

Support the cloud migration of the core business system of medical insurance

With the cloud and dual mid-end architecture, achieve horizontal data flow, vertical business collaboration, and stability and compliance assurance; 10 times faster response of the outpatient settlement system, 5 times faster response of the admission system, and 5 times faster response of the hospitalization settlement system

A State Media Outlet

Cloud-based intelligent propagation with high accuracy and efficiency

AI-powered, industry-leading intelligent operations system for convergence media connecting users, content, and products; mainstream media large model processing tens of billions of data entries, 10 million daily active users, and seamless, elastic, and rapid scaling on the Alibaba Cloud public cloud and Apsara Stack

Recognition in the Industry

Recognition by Research and Consulting Firms

China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) and Frost & Sullivan:Alibaba Cloud was the only all-round leader in the 2023 Hybrid Cloud Value Impact Matrix.

Gartner: Alibaba Cloud was the one with the best user reviews among Chinese cloud vendors in the field of global distributed hybrid infrastructure.

IDC: Alibaba Cloud was named a leader and positioned ahead of all other vendors in terms of strategy in the IDC MarketScape: China Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure 2023 Vendor Assessment report.

Frost & Sullivan: In the 2022 China Private Clouds Market Report, Alibaba Cloud was named a leader, ranking first in both Growth Index and Innovation Index.

Qualifications and Awards

Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE): "Large-scale Online Service Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Core Technology and Industrialisation" Project wins first prize for Scientific and Technological Progress

Capability assessment: Alibaba Cloud was one of the first cloud vendors to obtain the Comprehensive Assessment Certificate for Financial Private Cloud Capabilities and also one of the first cloud vendors to pass the trusted government cloud security capability assessment by CAICT.

Special-class award for science and technology improvement: Alibaba Cloud's Apsara Operating System won the special-class award for science and technology improvement provided by the Chinese Institute of Electronics.

Best practices in trusted cloud technology: The "one cloud with multiple chips" and "all-scenario disaster recovery" capabilities of Apsara Stack were awarded by CAICT as the best practices in trusted cloud technology in 2023.

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Alibaba Cloud Apsara Stack

Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By Apsara Stack
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Announcement on the lifecycle of Alibaba Cloud Apsara Stack ECS International Edition

End of support for Apsara Stack Enterprise V3.16.x servers that use specific CPUs

Lifecycle Policy Announcement for Apsara Stack

Lifecycle Announcement for Apsara Stack Enterprise Edition V3.12.0, V3.12.1, V3.13.0, V3.14.0, and V3.15.0

Lifecycle Announcement for Apsara Stack Enterprise V3.8.X, V3.9.X, V3.10.X, and V3.11.X

Lifecycle Announcement for Apsara Stack Enterprise V3.5.X, V3.6.X, and V3.7.X

Lifecycle Announcement for Apsara Stack Enterprise V3.0.X, V3.1.X, and V3.3.0 to V3.3.4

Lifecycle Announcement for Alibaba Cloud ZStack V3

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