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ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB  Play Video

ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB supports multiple storage engines, including MySQL InnoDB to meet different user requirements.

ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB is fully compatible with the open source MariaDB, supports Oracle syntax, and is designed with multiple enterprise database features. It uses multiple storage engines, including MySQL InnoDB, to meet different business requirements.


Compatibility with Oracle
Supports multiple types of syntax and objects, including PL/SQL, Sequence, dynamic SQL, and Package.
Elastic Scaling
Supports cluster architecture for easy and elastic scaling.
Multiple Storage Engines
You can choose InnoDB or MyRocks storage engines based your business needs.
Enterprise Database Features
Supports multiple enterprise database features, including the Window functions, online data tracking and restoration, and online column addition.


High Security Database Protection

ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB uses the architecture of ApsaraDB RDS, which has been certified by a number of national and international standards organizations, including but not limited to the ISO20000 certification and the highest level certification of Chinese national security system for non-banking institutions, and user information security.


You can configure IP whitelists to allow only the specified instances to access resources. You can also use VPCs to implement advanced network access control.

Attack Detection and Prevention

Anti-DDoS is automatically enabled for public addresses to ensure business continuity. Links are encrypted through SSL to prevent man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks. You can enable transparent data encryption (TDE) to automatically encrypt data that has been saved to disks. The advanced security mode can protect your databases against SQL injections and malicious downloading.

Security Event Auditing

Supports SQL audit to record all visitors and their activities. This ensures that all security issues can be tracked.

Same City Disaster Recovery and High Availability to Protect Enterprise Data

Uses the active/standby HA cluster architecture to achieve same city disaster recovery based two zones, and provides SSD disks with up to 6 TB storage space.

Active/Standby Architecture

All instances apply the active/standby architecture. Two instances running on different servers can automatically synchronize data with each other. When the active instance is unavailable, the system automatically switches the database connection to the standby instance.

Same City Disaster Recovery

You can deploy active and standby instances in different zones with independent power supplies and networks. This improves the availability of data.

Remote Disaster Recovery

ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB supports remote disaster recovery instances. Instances in different regions synchronize data with each other in real time. When an exception occurs, you can switch your business from the active instance to the standby instance to ensure high availability.

Flexibility and Scalability

ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB is billed based on the actual usage and needs. This enables you to quickly and flexibly expand your system.

Multiple Editions

Provides the Standalone Edition, Active/Standby Edition, and Three-member Enterprise Edition.

Auto Scaling

Enables you to expand memory and disk space at anytime to meet your business development needs.

Dedicated Server Configuration

Offers purchase plans with dedicated high-performance physical servers at lower costs. Each instance supports a maximum of 56 vCPUs, 480 GB memory, and 6 TB storage.

Multiple Maintenance Features for Cost Effectiveness

Multiple features have been developed by Alibaba Cloud professional database services based on several years of experience in operations and maintenance. This saves you up to 90% of database operations and maintenance costs.

Backup and Restoration

You can customize backup policies and restore a cloned instance to any checkpoint to recover lost or deleted data.


Automatically upgrades ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB from minor version to major version and quickly fix detected bugs.

Alarms and Monitoring

Supports resource and engine monitoring, integrates with cloud monitoring, and allows you to customize alarm policies.


Detects failures within seconds and completes a failover within minutes to ensure that more than 90% of connections are not affected.

Performance Diagnosis

Provides professional performance diagnosis service to resolve more than 60% of performance issues.


An Introduction to ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB

Find out why enterprises large and small are migrating to ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB.

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More Information About ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB

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